《Flowers From A Killer》Chapter 6


It’s been 3 days since Conner was thrown in jail and even though I know all the clues point to him I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. Conner wasn’t stupid. If he really attacked me why than did he leave so much evidence behind to convict himself. Not to mention he had a key to my room, so if it really was him he would have just unlocked the door instead of breaking down my door that night. Ever since Conner was thrown in jail I have been bugging Aaron to show me the video he said proved Conner’s guilt. Yet each time he only got mad at me for asking and forbid me as his fiancé to look at it. Honestly, I was getting suspicious.

Sighing I got up from my seat on the garden bench and headed inside. I was so lost in thought that I didn’t notice Aaron Coming around the corner across from me until I had slammed into him. Falling backwards I landed hard on my back. Sitting up I glance up to see him glaring down at me. A look of disdain clear on his face. Stepping around me without so much as a backwards glance he continued on his way. I frowned in confusion as I watched him go. Ever since the night of the circus Aaron has seriously been acting strange. He refuses to even acknowledge my presence when we are together. Even going so far as to start up a conversation with someone else whenever I attempt to speak to him. I just couldn’t understand it. It just doesn’t add up. Why would my best friend from childhood attack me? Why is Aaron acting like I don’t exist? Why does he get so mad when ever I bring up the topic of the video surveillance or Conner? What is going on here? I decided enough was enough. Normally I wouldn’t go against Aaron’s wishes when he feels so strongly about something, but something was not right, and I intended to find out what. He won’t even tell me why he doesn’t want me to view the footage. So, if he won’t tell me than I will just have to go behind his back and find out for myself.

Getting up I brushed myself off and headed for the security room where the surveillance videos were located. I could at least start my investigation into Conner’s guilt by viewing the supposedly incriminating video Aaron spoke of. Turning the corner, I notice a security guard outside of the video room watching my approach with curiosity as he stood on alert.

“Well hello princess what can I do for you?”

“I would like to see the surveillance video of the night someone broke into my room please.”

“Sure. Come on in, I will just pull it up.” Entering the dark little room covered in tv Screens of hallways, gardens, and the kitchen I sat down on the little swivel chair by the guard who was typing on the keyboard. Pulling up the video he quickly pressed play. A masked figure dressed all in black appeared outside my door where he knocked once before attempting to turn the door knob. When It wouldn’t open he began slamming his body against it trying to get it to break. I felt my insides turn upside down as I watched the door crack under the pressure. Finally, he managed to punch a hole in the weakened wood and reach his hand through to unlock it. He quickly entered as the door swung open. I could faintly hear his voice coming from inside the room. A moment later he exited empty handed as the sounds of the guards echoed down the hallway. I waited for the moment Aaron talked about when he removes his mask revealing Conner underneath, but it never comer. The moment he steps back into the hallway the picture disappears as the monitor was covered in the fuzzy little dots of death. I frowned as I watched the guard trying to pull it back up. Yet each time he fast forwarded to the moment the attacker steps into the hallway the screen zoinks out.


“That’s weird I have video of everything but that chunk of time. It’s almost as if it were deleted.” He told me scratching his head in confusion as he looked at the screen covered in fuzzy dots. Suddenly the picture returned but it was of the guards racing past my door, and Aaron entering. My eyes widened as I saw something I didn’t notice before.

“Hey, go back a moment.” Confused the guard obediently rewinds to when the guards appear.

“I was right.” I watched as the guards rushed past chasing down the attacker. About 5 minutes later Aaron appeared. I was so freaked out that day that I didn’t notice that Aaron showed up 5 minutes after the guards past my room. Maybe I am over thinking it but why did it take so long for him to get to me if he was with the guards from the start? It just didn’t add up.

“Princess?” I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my name.

“Oh, sorry about that. Thank you for showing me the video. I should be going now see you later.” Standing up I left the guard staring after me confused. Heading down the hallway leading to the dungeon I stopped in front of the steel door. Knocking I waited as the metal slat on the door slid open revealing the bright purple eyes of a guard staring back at me.

“What can I do for you princess?”

“I would like to speak to Conner please.” I replied tapping my foot impatiently.

“Aaron has given us strict orders not to let you near him.” He replied hesitantly.

“Aaron and I aren’t yet married. He does not have the authority to order you to ignore my commands.” I snapped placing my hands on my hips.

“Um yes of course one moment please.” He responded stumbling over his words as he undid the locks and swung the door open.

“This way princess.” Stepping inside I followed him down rows upon rows of cells. I shivered slightly as a few of the inmates began catcalling and whistling at me. Wrapping my arms tightly around myself I move closer to the guard who in turn glared at them. Which only made the catcalling worse. I could see bruises and scars on the faces of the inmates I could see. A few even had black eyes as though someone had been beating them. Continuing forward we stop in front of another steel door with bars surrounding it.

“Most dangerous criminal.” Was plastered across the top. Pulling out his keys he unlocks it and holding it open waits for me to enter. I gasp in horror at the scene in front of me. I was standing in a little dark room with only one small window as wide as your thumb, and as big as your arm on the wall. If it weren’t for that small window the room would be in total darkness. I could hear rats scurrying across the floors below Conner who was chained to the wall in an orange jump suit. His hazel eyes moved from the ground to look up at me. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes As I saw his bruised and battered face with giant bags beneath his swollen eyes. His lips were dryer than the Sahara Desert and was even beginning to crack. I could tell Aaron had obviously been in here quite a bit beating him as I could see his coat lying on the ground below Aaron where he obviously left it.


“Sasha is that you?” I winced as I heard his raspy voice whisper my name.

“Guards what is this? Why does Conner look like he is inches from death?” I whispered struggling to keep the venom out of my voice as I shook with rage.

“Your highness. Aaron ordered that we put him in here with no food or water.” I stared at him furious.

“Well I your princess am ordering you to unchain him and get him some food and water. Than he will be transferred to a nicer cell. Also, you are forbidden from taking any more orders from anyone but the actual royal family you serve under. That does not include Aaron. Do I make myself clear?” I glared daggers at him daring him to disobey.

“Yes, your highness.” He answered bowing before unlocking Conner’s chains, causing Conner to crumble to the ground, and leaving to get the food and water. As soon as he had left I rushed to Conner’s side. Laying his head gently on my lap I gazed down at his broken nose, swollen puffy purple eyes, dry crack lips, and feverish cheeks.

“I am so sorry Conner. This is all my fault. I should have known Aaron would do this.” I tearfully whispered a tear falling onto his cheek.

“No, it’s my fault. I should have told you from the beginning about my suspicions. The truth is I didn’t trust Aaron from the beginning. Something about him just did not sit right with me. I wanted to tell you right than but when I saw how in love you were I would need to find proof first. I nearly had it too but than you were nearly kidnapped and everything pointing to me. I knew someone was trying to get rid of me, but I didn’t know who.” I lightly brushed his hair out of his face as another tear fell from my eyes onto his cheek as he closed his eyes and fell into a restless sleep. I honestly doubted Aaron was behind all the attacks. He may have beaten and starved Conner, but that’s only because he believes Conner was trying to harm me. Aaron wouldn’t go so far as to try to kidnap me. Though I would be having a serious word with my fiancé about how he treats the prisoners. I could hear footsteps from the hallway as the guard returned with the food and water, but before he could give it to Conner Aaron appeared steaming mad in the doorway.

“Sasha what are you doing in here!” Aaron demanded. Gently moving Conner so as not to wake him I carefully got to my feet brushing off my blue jeans before looking up to glare at my fiancé.

“I cam to talk to Conner because I found a few discrepancies in his conviction, but I never expected to see him inches from death. Starving and badly dehydrated in a dark damp little room. Not to mention the black eyes. Aaron how could you treat someone like this?” I scolded irritated.

“He attacked and tried to kidnap you. He deserves this kind of punishment.” He snapped his eyes flashing. The guard awkwardly glanced between us before quickly making himself scarce taking the food and water with him. Though he left the door open so more light could pour into the dark room. Crossing my arms, I continued to glare at him as he glared at me.

“Aaron first off I have my doubts whether Conner was truly behind all this. Second it doesn’t matter what they did nobody deserves to be treated this way. I understand this is your way of protecting me, but It’s not ok to beat anyone within an inch of death. Not to mention starving them of basic human rights.” Aaron exasperated threw up his arms as he yelled at me.

“Sasha all the clues point to him. I am sorry if you don’t like the punishment, but I am not changing it.” I scoffed at his ignorance.

“Aaron you still don’t get it. We aren’t married yet. Meaning you are not yet able to give punishments or orders. So yes, the punishment will be changing and no you do not have any say in it, and after seeing how you treated Conner I fear for your subjects in your land if they make so much as 1 mistake. I saw bruises and cuts on the faces of the other inmates as well. I wasn’t sure how they got those bruises especially the ones who only just arrived today, but now what I want to know is having you been beating the other inmates as well as Conner?”

“Yeah so what. They are criminals they deserve it.” I couldn’t believe how cruel my fiancé had become. I don’t know how I could have missed this side of him.

“They are human beings Aaron not dolls you can tare apart and throw away. You can’t treat people like this. I wanted to talk to you first. I hoped that it was just because you were trying to protect me, and I hoped after I talked to you. You would change but I can see in your eyes the hatred brewing there. After seeing how you treat my people whether or not they be criminals or not I have decided that this is not going to work out. I am sorry Aaron but if this is how you treat your prisoners I can’t marry you.” I pulled off the emerald ring and placed in gently in his hand. Walking over to Conner I wrap one of his arms around my shoulders before pulling him to his feet and beginning to drag his unconscious body out of there. The moment I reached the door Aaron grabbed my arm in a death grip so tight I could feel his nails digging into my skin.

“Ow that hurts Aaron. Let go.”

“If you cancel our wedding Sasha you will regret it.” He hissed his eyes flashing before dropping my arm and pushing past me into the hallway. I watched silently as he stomped over to the prison door and left me standing there with Conner. I was so confused. What happened to my sweet lovable Aaron. The one I fell in love with. It was like I didn’t even know him anymore.

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