《Anti-Hero: Journey of Fear》Interlude - 4


Tor began her trek to the west. It had been a fun run with Blood Rain, but he was like the sun and she was like the moon. She rubbed her stomach, at least she had gotten one thing she really wanted.

The month of quietly walking across the mountains and then the plains to the city of Yaxel had been a good time to work on her skills. Magic was the way to go, especially defensive magic. She couldn’t afford to die, not when she was so close.

She had given up a long time ago, but now in this world. There was hope once again. Once she reached the city she set up a clinic. She could heal a couple of people a day and the money would help support her.

Her appearance was generic enough to blend in. She couldn’t understand why Blood Rain had taken such an outlandish appearance. He stuck out like a sore thumb and she wondered if he really would be able to crash the wedding every so often.

He had sent her a copy of the video for free. It was an impressive accomplishment. Then the worldwide announcement came she just shook her head. She cut off all contact. While he had a target on his back from before this had become a glowing neon side that said, ‘Kill me.’

She had heard the news about how he was missing an arm and started a massive fire burning a large portion of a kingdom down and killing over twenty thousand players at last count. It had been the single biggest disaster in the game so far. Everyone had come to Breckley for the wedding and then with the quest, it was the perfect trap for all those players.

Yaxley was a quite city for the most part and out of the way, which is what she needed at the moment.


“Blood Rain is a terror Albus. You should let me go after him, hehe.”

“No, you are needed in Breckley. It is the start of our Empire. We shall rise from the ashes-“


“There is a lot of ash.”

“As I was saying, we shall rise from the ashes to build a glorious future.”

“Hmm, alright. Only if you keep things interesting.”

“You don’t need to doubt me. You know my strength.”

“You mean wisdom silly.”

“Yes, yes. So, going to try and kick Galmore out again?”

“Of course. General Ralph is such a fuddy duddy. I can’t believe he lost the airship.”

“That was…unexpected. It has left us exposed. Angal is also preparing something.”

“Well if they give us trouble I will just give them a pow in the face. So you want me to discipline General Ralph?”

“No, he brings a large portion of the player base with him despite how useless he is as a general. As long as he obeys orders then there isn’t a problem.”

“Meanie, I wanted to play with him.”

“I am curious, how much of this is the real you?”

“All of it, just like you are Albus the leader of the Order of the Phoenix.”

“Well don’t change. Your whimsical outlook is quite refreshing from all the military types.”

“They just need to embrace their loli power, like me.” Albus just shook his head.


“We had him in our sights. Dammit.”

“Don’t fret, he didn’t become the most wanted player for nothing.”

“We three are Team Epsilon, the greatest trackers and hunters in FEAR. Never forget that. He may have escaped for now, but we will get him.”



“Now, any luck at determining where he is heading.”

“After sweeping south and not picking up any tracks, we have to assume he went east.”

“The ocean…why not west?”

“Too many of the noob swarms out that way. His tank was completely empty when I Observed him. He wouldn’t have been able to hide.”

“Also he would follow the forest fire in that direction. The big problem is most of the people burned or are displaced so we have no leads if he went that way.”


“Scanning is still blocked?”

“Yes, for a while now. He must have a counter skill for sure.”

“He started in this area so he is familiar with it. He was headed south and possibly west at the time. What about Balkor?”

“Good place to hide. Both the Order and Solid Steel have set up there and the city is a complete maze.”

“I don’t think so. Based on his videos, he had a bad time in Balkor. He ran into that demon and lost that kid who was with him. Also he is goal oriented, he would only go there if there is something.”

“What about Str? We know he has dealt with Solid Steel in the past.”

“Possibly, but hiding is not his style or depending on others.”

“Very true. He will go for more power. Possibly harnessing a monster. What about that teeth slash reaper thing?”

“Where Loli-chan’s scythe came from?”

“Really, a loli fan?”

“What can I say, she is exciting.”

“In all the wrong way. Yes her scythe came from that thing. There was a dungeon there he never fully explored.”

“Solid Steel controls that area from what I heard. What, I have a friend in the guild.”

“The other options are Zalth, or further south west towards the desert.”

“He could be going across the Sea of Salmir to escape completely.”

“The one thing I know for sure is that Blood Rain likes to keep pushing. Otherwise, why crash that wedding. He has a goal and is going for it.”

“Well we could reach the mine dungeon and intercept him if he is headed that way. Any choice we make is a gamble.”

“We will sweep south towards the Deep Wood. If nothing comes up we will head towards this dungeon and see what we can get there. Breckley is toast.”

“I feel like toast after trying to out run that fire.”


“Lady Breckley, wake up.”

“Yes.” She sat up.

“How do you feel?”

“I am at peak efficiency. I am currently unclothed and lack a weapon. I have no assignments to carry out.”

“Excellent. It went perfectly.”

“Indeed. So what do you plan to use her for?”

“A weapon.”

“Not a symbol?”

“Therdossa won’t stand for it. Breckley is completely gone. Also with the sword, she will be unstoppable.”

“I shudder to think what she will do.”

“You mean, what I command her to do.”

“Of course. I still can’t believe this actually worked. Have you tested the sword?”

“Yes, she can use it.”

“Well then, where will you send her?”

“Straight into the heart of the Order. I have learned their leader has traveled to Breckley.”

“Really, in that chaos?”

“They are probably hoping to cement their control over the region. I will lead Lady Breckley back along with our army. How many Paladins can you spare?”

“Eight, but that is pushing things. As you mentioned Therdossa is not happy about losing a prince, even if it was a second one.”

“I shall trust you then to keep things in check. I go to kill a phoenix.”


“Is the portal ready?”

“Yes, Encasement.”

“Excellent. The recall is prepared as well?”

“Of course.”

“Good. Have you located Blood Rain?”

“He is blocking our attempts to locate him.”

There was a moment of silence. “Very well. You will transport me to Breckley.”

“Why there?” The caster pissed himself in fear as the Encasement stopped and stared at him through the slits in his helmet. Overwhelming fear crashed down upon the caster as he tried to maintain his focus. “I mean, it is in chaos. What value is it to go there?” The fear lifted and he let out a breath.

“Do you have a better suggestion?”

“You could go to the desert and try and find that tower.” The Encasement paused and contemplated the suggestion.

“You will live another day. Prepare the portal to the desert tower.”


Author’s Note: The scope expands as people converge. Will Tor ever return? Will Team Epsilon catch Blood Rain and kill him? Will there be a showdown between Lady Breckley* and Loli-chan? Now that another top combat oriented player is moving, will Blood Rain triumph over them? What of the Endolgon?

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