《Anti-Hero: Journey of Fear》Chapter 38: Deal or No Deal


I drifted down the center of the river. At first I had wanted to stand up to get a good view of what was going on but the large ships that had been beached along the docks and the edge of the river quickly changed my mind. It appeared Galmore was successful in in their efforts to attack the city of Breckley.

I still didn’t know what had happened at the west side of the city to cause that large an explosion. Someone had probably used a couple barrels of ent sap. Looking back I could even see smoke rising up from the keep I had just escaped.

While the soldiers on the large ships appeared focused on the city itself, I didn’t want to take chances in my weakened state. I looked at my stump again and shook my head. Only losing my arm had been incredibly lucky, but it was disastrous for my future.

I tried to think of any people who kicked ass with only one arm. Unfortunately that list had zero names on it I could think of. I also didn’t want word to get out about my disability. A majority of the deterrent was based on fear. Losing an arm, meant a loss of fear, which in turn meant the noob swarm would be coming.

I lay down in the bottom of the boat and tried to stay alert as exhaustion threatened to overwhelm me. I didn’t dare check my status screens despite it being relatively calm at the moment. While everyone seemed willing to ignore the boat drifting, I wasn’t going to take chances. Unfortunately I was proven correct.

The sound of rowing was heard from behind me. I spared a glance up from my boat. Just Han was standing in the front of the boat he was on. I noted at least ten other men on the boat along with a charred body on a table.

The two men rowing were moving their boat much faster, despite being far lower in the water than mine due to the increased weight. Just Han saw me, and I knew that he knew. I sat up on a bench and pulled out my sword. I kept it in hand as his boat moved alongside mine, but far enough away not to be overly threatening.

“We need to stop meeting like this. I hope you aren’t too disarmed by my stunning appearance.” He said casually. I couldn’t tell if he was making a pun or a point. Either way it was a pointed jab at my current condition.

“One does not need army to be an army of one.” I replied.

“Hah! Well, this is truly a calamity. Don’t you agree High Priest?”

It was the priest with the ornate robes who had grabbed Lady Breckley. He had been behind a couple of the others on the boat and Just Han had grabbed my attention. That meant the charred body was Lady Breckley.

“He is an abomination. A monster taken human form.” I could see his hands slowly coming up. I raised up my sword.

“Now, now. No need to create more chaos.” Just Han gestured at the burning city as the cries of people and the sound of steel came from all around us.

“Truce?” I asked. It was concession to ask first. Just Han grinned at me, apparently knowing what I was thinking or being amused by my predicament.

“Truce.” The High Priest said and lowered his hands while still glaring at me. Just Han was clearly in charge. That was interesting. I wondered how powerful he actually was to command another high level character. I was tempted to use Observe, but after last time I was not willing to risk the fight that would most likely occur.


“So who are you really?” I asked.

“Just man, traveling the land. Doing what he can. You are not as cunning as you suspect, so you know.”

“How so?”

“Ah, I do not tell.” He probably knew about my plans somehow, or wanted me to think that. The headache I was getting trying to sort out his words were almost hurting as much as my stump.

“What about Lady Breckley?” I gestured at the charred body. The priests tensed but thankfully a fight didn’t break out. While they could easily defeat me, I could destroy their boat and ruin their escape.

“She is under our protection now. Don’t concern yourself with her.” Just Han said with a smile.

She really wasn’t that important anymore. Plus I had burnt her up. No need to be concerned about what happened to her. I blinked and it was like a haze lifted from my mind. A charisma based attack. I honestly didn’t think they were that powerful despite getting hit with them before. It seemed much less threatening until I was confronted by one, once more. I thought about calling him out, but that would just give the game away.

I also really didn’t want to get into a fight at the moment. “Very well. I am sure you can handle things.”

“Excellent. Oh, thank you for this by the way.” He held up the Fey Blade. “One of the great weapons from an age long past.” He was a dirty cheater stealing all my hard work. His boat began to pull ahead and he gave me another grin.

“No chance you will give it to me?”

“Sorry, but the Blade of Fey is an heirloom of Breckley. Forged by Fey Breckley and enchanted by his son Ralkor. Together they created a dynasty that has perished after just a thousand years. Besides you don’t have the blood to call upon its true power.”

“That would be?” I asked.

“Goodbye Rain of Blood, it has been a pleasure. I was wrong about us meeting again. It seems fate has other things in mind.” I heard the slight emphasis on fate. The priests did not seem to notice. I hated being this powerless, like a new born baby confronting a lion.

As his boat transitioned from the river to the ocean it swung to the north towards a large ship waiting outside the city. From the flag I noted it was from Angal and it appeared to be their rescue party. I swung my rowboat to the south, doing my best to row with one arm.

Just Han was the definition of trouble. This was twice he had managed to take advantage of me and left me holding the bag of angry cats. I sent a death glare at him. He turned and gave me a wave. I couldn’t see it, but I was sure he had the same shit eating grin on his face that he had during our entire conversation.

As the last rays of sunlight passed over the horizon I landed my boat at the base of the large cliffs south of Breckley. I tugged the boat up onto the small stretch of land to the base of the cliffs. The salt spray washed over me.

I made my way behind a rock and lit up my flame blade to warm up and dry off. I dosed on and off. I almost set my clothing on fire once during the night and the flame blade went out twice when I lost my grip on it.


The morning came and I was a complete mess. My clothes were bloody and I felt miserable. While I could resist pain, this was a bone crushing misery. I was salty, wet, and missing my left arm. I couldn’t even get comfortable on this patch of rock.

I opened up my menu and began going through all my status screens.

Fear Aura-5 MAXMisdirection-4Silent Skill-2Burst Speed-2Conceal Movement-3 Quest-LegendaryEnd the WarEnd the war between you and House Breckley+10000 EXP

+3 Stat Points

I looked it over. Apparently Breckley was finished regardless if Lady Breckley lived or not. It was one piece of good news at least.

Quest-LegendaryA Shadow in the DarkKill from Angal+10000 EXP

+3 Stat PointsAccept (Yes/No)

I looked at the screen for an entire moment. I then frowned at the how the name was removed, or there was no name. It was Just Han most likely. That would not be fun. I rejected the quest and the same one popped back. I accepted it and moved on, too tired to fight the system at the moment.

ExperienceA maximum of 100,000 EXP has been applied for a calamity you have caused

End of a Nation-1 MAXDestruction of the city and nation of Breckley+100 Fate

+10% Strength

+10% Wisdom

+5% Luck

+5% Magic Resistance

A Legend-1Your actions have made you famous+10 Fate

+25% Charisma

+10% HP/SP/MP

Crippled 1You have lost much-25% HP

-25% MP

Even with all the experience I only went up to level ninety three. The experience gradient was brutal. At least I had twelve more points to distribute. I held off for now. I needed sixteen to reach one hundred fifty in dexterity and thirty to reach fifty in wisdom. With my lost arm, I might want to invest into constitution. I needed time to see if there was anything I could do about my injury before committing my points.

I dragged my boat out of sight behind some rocks and carved out a ledge with my flame blade. I would rest another day while I edited the video of yesterday and then try to find some place to recover and learn what was going on.

It took an hour to melt out a hole in the rock cliff face. I used the boat to hold off the worst of the salt spray and lay there. At least the rock was smooth after having been melted.

I had already done all the work leading up to the main event, with snippets highlighting the more interesting portions of my escapades in Breckley. An hour of editing later and it was done. I was tempted to stay in my atrium and rest, but that would just make things worse in the long run. I needed to keep pushing myself.

There was video up about the airship that was incredibly popular. I watched as the Order’s prize weapon crashed and exploded. That was hilarious and sad at the same time. So much power and time, destroyed in seconds. There was still fighting in Breckley and the entire kingdom.

With the loss of Lady Breckley and no heir, the entire kingdom had descended into chaos. Players were pillaging everything. The Order and Galmore will in a stalemate inside the city of Breckley along with the remaining knights and soldiers of the kingdom.

In short, there was no one who was set up to assist me and no safe place nearby to retreat to. Searching up online services for limb regeneration I found someone in the Ulrin Empire. The empress herself was the greatest healer and used the massively inflated rates she charged to support her Empire.

It would take around 5,000 gold pieces. That was definitely out of my price range. I couldn’t go there and steal the money either. I had to have it delivered or else she would have me executed. It appeared I was going to be Kenji the One Armed for a bit.

Heading back I was hit with a wave of nausea as I took over from the auto pilot. I barely kept what little was in my stomach down. I got back in my boat and set off. Thankfully the Sea of Salmir was calm and I made my way south. It was tempting to go back to Breckley due to how close it was, but that was asking for trouble.

As the sun was going down I came up on the fishing village I had wounded Sir Davos in. The entire place was burnt to the ground. I landed and began to explore the place. Thankfully the well still worked and I was able to get fresh water.

There was nothing to eat and I spent an uneasy night in the ruins. The next morning I woke up to the sounds of people.

“I think we should set up here.”

“We should push on to Breckley.”

“Why? We have slaves and we can build this place up. Breckley is a war zone.”

“Think of all the loot.”

“Loot does shit if you die. It is not like there will be enchanted weapons about.”

I continued to listen while drawing my blade. From the sounds of their voices, there were at least ten probably fifteen. They probably had supplies since I heard the sound of a cart, but killing them all would be a challenge. I waited just to the side of the burnt out doorway. The walls and floors of these buildings had been stone and had been spared the worst of the fire.

“Alright, listen up. This looks like a great place to set up. Get those slaves clearing out the buildings. The rest of you go out and search the area. Don’t want any surprises. Greg you take your group and scout out Breckley. Don’t want any surprises from that way.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“Shut up and get going. Get to work the rest of you.”

I heard five people approaching the house I was hiding in. I had taken one near the center of the town in case of an attack or a sweep through the place. Now it was my downfall as they started in the center and began working their way outward.

“Get to work.” A gruff voice said.

I whispered, “Conceal Presence, fifteen seconds.” The group of slaves entered and began picking up debris. They looked like civilian NPCs from their clothes. The player came in after them and stood just past the doorway watching them. I stabbed out and my blade pierced the base of his skull and exited his mouth.

One of the slaves screamed like an idiot. I let the corpse slide off my blade and looked at the four slaves. “If you want a chance, you will need to fight.” I then left through the doorway to see five angry looking players staring at me.

“We have a catch here boys. The master of disaster himself.” The man speaking was bulky, like a tank. He also kept a hand on a large axe strapped to his hip while keeping his eyes pinned on me.

“I want food, water, and a clean set of clothes. If you give those to me, I won’t kill you.”

“Hah, you got large ones for sure. Stuff around here is at a premium. Also your head is worth quite a bit.”

“You won’t be able to collect that easily.”

“Yeah, but the fact you are even talking means you are in trouble. If my math is right, I only count one arm.” I held back a wince. “I always wanted a flame blade.”

“Five thousand dollars to any man who helps me.”

“If you help him and we win, you won’t get a cut of his bounty. It was a nice try, but you are quite expensive, eighty thousand now. Some people really must hate you.”

“So just surrender and let myself be killed?”

“Nope, twice your bounty and you get to walk away.”

“Food, water, and clothing, and you have deal.”

“Triple.” It was all a trap. They knew it and I was just realizing it.

I looked up at the overcast sky and listened to the sounds of the waves. This was it. I had finally reached the end of the line and was about to punch my ticket. I had thirty MP left and almost all of my SP. “Flame on.” At the same time I mentally said Burst Speed two times and moved.

I went to my right and decapitated the closet player. My bug foot was slowing me down on the sand. It worked well on rock and other hard surfaces, but in the sand it tended to sink in a bit too much.

I moved in on the second player. He was bringing up a sword and shield. I cut low and drew a long gash across his hip. The next in line was the leader who already had his axe ready. “Whirlwind Strike.” He called out just after I finished with the second player.

He slashed down his axe and three gashes opened up on my chest. My health dropped down to a 1,000 and I was slowed down. I pushed myself to move in the last half second Burst Speed was active. I darted forward and jabbed for his chest. He moved to the side and brought his axe up. My attack was deflected but was close enough to set his sleeve on fire.

I kept moving forward. The remaining two players both moved in. I twisted around the first strike but the second player slammed his shield into my side. My stump hurt quite a lot from the blow and I went rolling on the ground. “Ahhh.” I let out a cry of pain. When I closed my mouth I took in a bunch of sand.

I scrambled to my feet. I deflected a wide slash, sending it over my head. I scrambled backwards as both of them kept moving forward and slashing. After a couple of steps back I sprayed out the dirt in my mouth. It tasted terrible, but I needed every extra surprised I could get.

Unfortunately the player I targeted raised his shield to block the attack. The leader was also moving in on my left side with a wicked glint in his eyes. There was nothing to lose now as I could only keep up dodging and deflecting. “I call upon you Tafe! Aid me now.”

There was a moment of stillness as everyone held their breath. Nothing happened and I mentally cursed. “Hah, your fate has run out! Great Cleave!” The leader called out. He swung his ax. Both of his teammates stopped charging at me. I twisted around and took the blow with the flat of my sword. Even though I blocked it the force of the blow definitely cracked a rib or two as the impact transferred to me.

I managed to retrain my footing as I skidded across a foot of sand. My HP was down to 500 and slowly dropping from my wounds. My MP was completely out. My SP was at 900. I charged forward before the two minions could get to their leader. Their group worked with a bunch of defensive players with the leader being an all-out brawler to break up the enemy.

He slashed out this his ax. I blocked the blow, but my sword was out of position for a follow up strike. I then bit down on his neck as hard as I could. I tasted the salt of his blood and ripped out his jugular. He stumbled and fell backwards attempting to stop the flow of his blood with his hands. “Help me you idiots.” He croaked out.

I spun and rushed the remaining two players. Their resolve broke and they ran. I spat out the flesh on the ground. I walked over to the leader. “No we can-“ I stabbed in the face. Twice. Also once in the groin for good measure.

“Assholes get extra assholes.” I muttered. I walked over to where their cart was sitting. They had spare clothes and a barrel of water. I used them to wash off and bandage my wounds. I noted a number of the slaves that had been NPC civilians were looking at me from the surrounding houses.

“Stay or run. I don’t care.” I said as loudly as I could, fighting with my exhaustion. I went back to searching the cart and found bread, fruit, and mystery meat. While I was eating a former slave come up.

“Will you share?”

“No.” There was silence.

“We will starve.”

“Does it look like I give two shits?”

“Ummm, yes?” I gave him a glare and they left me alone.

I packed up all the remaining stuff and finished my meal. I hopped onto the cart and snapped the reins for the horses. I set off out this this hell hole. I looked back and saw the slaves looting the corpses for everything they had. I couldn’t be bothered to care.

I passed two hills and then waited off to the side by a small grove of trees. No one was following me. I then got to work moving as much from the cart to the packs for the horses that had been in the cart.

I had to leave the barrels of water and beer, but that was minor to the food and other useful gear. I then set off across the abandoned fields and plains towards the west. If I could reach the forest, I was reasonably confident I could survive.

I needed to rest up and heal. After that, I had no clue what I was going to do. I could try the Ulrin Empire to get my arm healed, somehow. I could travel to Angal to complete my next Legendary quest. I had heard from Tor that she was doing alright working as healer in one of the smaller cities. She didn’t have the skill or ability to heal my arm unfortunately.

I trudged through the sodden fields, a fine mist hung in the air despite it being the afternoon. I let out a sigh at the how this entire place was wearing down on my nerves. My stump ached. No sharp spikes of pain, just a dull throb. It was weird trying to move my arm when it didn’t exist in this virtual world.

This meant I would have to limit my time in my atrium so as to become used to missing an arm. The same was true for my tri-pronged foot to a lesser extent. That last fight showed how I needed a lot more practice. My entire balance was off and my left side was completely exposed. My chances for winning this stupid game had plummeted.

Suddenly the world went black and white and everything appeared to freeze. I knew what this meant. I looked to my side and saw the lady in white, Tafe.

“You called.” I bit back my rant on how she was a useless in game troll.

“Yes, but I was able to resolve the situation on my own.”

“Indeed. Your fighting skill is impressive.” She gave me a look that said otherwise.

“Is this where you offer me ultimate power for a price?”

“No. You call upon forces you don’t realize.”

“You mean the worms under your command?”

“Everything is under my command. I will make a single trade. The Cube of Etherion in exchange for an arm.” My heart skipped a beat and I looked at my stump.

“You want the cube. It holds great value to you.” I slapped myself mentally for stating the obvious. I was too tired for this.

“Yes, but it is only worth the price of one arm.”

“I am curious, why don’t you have any priests like the Eight?” That question had popped into my head. I needed to focus.

“Information is never free. I can answer any one question for the cube.”

“Any question?”


“No lies, or half-baked answers. Explained in a way I would understand?”

“Hmmm, understandable. Your puny mind cannot comprehend the vastness of some things.” I doubted that, but I wasn’t going to get better. Dealing with Tafe felt like I was holding a massive python by the tail. It just pissed it off, let it know where I was, and put me on the menu.

There was one question I wanted the answer to was how to win this game. The problem was the cube was most likely involved in that. A catch twenty two. Also the last time I refused to hand the cube over she had sent a worm after me. If I refused this time, who knew what the vindictive bitch would do.

If I asked for my arm back, she was likely to fill it with monster magic. It felt like that a trap. An obvious trap I would walk into to get an arm, but a trap nonetheless. None of the options were good and by her smile, she knew it as well. For all I knew she could read my mind. Since the game system could do it, it would be a simple matter to make a program that could tap into that.

That was how a lot of the mental powers worked.

What I really wanted to know was why she wanted the cube so badly and what her objective was. She plotted at a much higher level. I was a piece on her board. A knight or bishop rather than a pawn, but a piece nonetheless.


Author’s Note: Shanks from One Piece came to mind, for one armed people who can kick ass. But even he lost some of his skill after losing his arm. Unfortunately there are limited stories out there with people actually disabled inside of a VR. Now that flips the genre on its head.

Feel free to write in what you think the MC should do. The decision has already been made on the choice he will make, but this is your chance to show off how good your prediction skills are. To take a new arm, to get the answer to one question, or to keep the cube. Feel free to write in as well.

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