《Anti-Hero: Journey of Fear》Chapter 37: The Storm


There was a noise from above, like wood breaking. They stopped on the dance floor along with a number of other couples. Lady Breckley made the mistake of looking up.

Time seemed to freeze in that moment as she took in the petrifying terror of what she was seeing. Looking down at her was the demon with a grin on his face. He was standing on a wooden platform that was set up in the rafters of the great hall.

As her fear began to overwhelm her she took in the scene around the source of her terror. Six barrels had shattered against the rafters around the platform. As the contents plummeted down towards her, her heart began to beat faster and faster.

The most obvious portion was the blood. The bright red color was eye catching. What was truly terrifying were the body parts that were mixed in with the mixture. She saw an entire head for a brief moment in the rain of blood and entrails that reminded her of Allissa, one of the younger serving maids.

Flames erupted on either side of the monster. That was the last sight Lady Breckley saw before becoming engulfed in a pillar of flames. "Fath-"


Sir Willos’ mind was frozen on what to do. He was mentally and physically exhausted attempting to manage the chaos that was this wedding and it was taking a moment to process what he was seeing. He was old, so old that his grand children were learning to use the sword.

He knew there had been no other person to run the kingdom. Lady Breckley was too young and inexperienced and anyone else would destabilize the kingdom or take advantage of the situation.

So it had been with a heavy heart he had accepted all the duties heaped upon him. He had planned to retire after the wedding, since Therdossa would help stabilize things in the kingdom. The very idea that Kenji Shadowen had penetrated the keep a second time and under his very watch was inexcusable. The fact that he had managed to create a waterfall of blood and body parts was raining down upon Lady Breckley infuriated him.

She was like the daughter he had never had. He had seen her grow up and had even had her out to his estate a couple of times. He had failed her parents and had vowed before the Eight he would not fail her again.

After being frozen for a second he began to move, already drawing the Fey Blade. That was when the criminal used two flaming blades to stab into two barrels and push them off the platform he was standing on. A trail of flames lingered behind the barrels as they fell.

A moment before they hit the floor near Lady Breckley he realized that there was no possible way that much blood had been gathered. It was blood, body parts, and lantern oil all mixed together. The missing supplies, servants, and the number of small events he had over looked because he was overworked clicked together.

The barrels hit the floor and a wave of fire exploded outwards, engulfing Lady Breckley, her husband, and a number of other guests. The explosion rippled outwards throwing people off their feet and setting them ablaze. The body parts that had been cast down in the barrels along with possible parts from the guests went flying outwards throughout the great hall.

Sir Willos was forced backwards with tremendous force and slammed into a table. He was left dazed as events continued to unfold before him, while he was helpless the moment Lady Breckley needed him the most.



It had taken a lot of luck and grit but I was in position. With spare planks, rope, and an empty great hall two nights ago I was able to rig up a platform above where the feast would be held. It had taken much more money than it should have to get information on the exact schedule of the wedding and the layout of the keep.

I would be glad when this was over. My nerves were just about shot. After burning the pirate ship and forcing the sole survivor on the transport to sail to Breckley I managed to get into the city. The candle was ruined but I managed to keep the bulb using a satchel.

I found a merchant, and then threatened him with the bulb and some well-placed eggs slash seeds. I left the supposed cure back in his warehouse with a set expiration date. It was purple fluid from the bulb and would melt his insides hopefully, or at the very least kill him. With a bit of work I was placed into a barrel with a false top with rice covering me. He got me into the keep.

It was late at night so I was unloaded and left in my barrel. I then left the barrel. During the night the keep was surprisingly quiet with only a couple of guards patrolling. Most of their defenses were on the walls and gate. I slept on the roof during the day and at night I began gathering supplies.

The first was a number of wood planks, nails, hammer, barrels, and oil. Two days before the wedding I set up a platform inside the great hall where the feast would be. The rafters were two stories up. With the pendants and banners acting as visual distractions it was easy enough to hide a platform that blended in with the ceiling.

There had been a couple of close calls, but I was able to use my stealth skills and speed to avoid detection. Another key part was that people rarely looked up. I was often hiding above doorways to avoid patrols that came my way during the night.

I was tempted to go after Lady Breckley but held off for two reasons. First she always had guards about her room at night. Not the regular schmucks but professionals just below the knights in terms of equipment and level from what I had seen. Secondly I needed to make an epic video.

It took effort, but thankfully my strength was up to the task. I had hauled up eight barrels up to my platform. It was a tight fit, but I had enough room. I waited there patiently for a day and a half until the feast was held.

Keeping a careful eye on the events below, I waited until Lady Breckley was on the dance floor surrounded by other people. I then began pushing six of the barrels as hard as I could off the platform and into the rafters, shattering them.

Inside the barrels I had mixed in oil and I had stolen and the cut up pieces of various servants I had ambushed during the night. I chosen the young ones, figuring that they would be overlooked more easily in the festivities since they would have less responsibilities and prone to absences.

Entrails, blood, and oil rained down on the great hall. I stood up on my platform and looked over the edge directly at Lady Breckley. Fear was etched into her face as the entrails railed down upon her. I made sure to scan the whole crowd to get as much as I could for the video I was going to make. I would have to watch the replay in slow motion to really see all the reactions in their fear etched glory.


“Flame on. Fear Aura ten seconds.” I then jabbed my flame swords into the last two barrels and pushed them off the platform. The barrels fell as a trail of fire rippled behind them. The barrels impacted, creating a massive fireball. I moved back to grab my rope as the screams of the wedding guests echoed throughout the great hall.

I sheathed my blades and quickly descended on a rope to the center of the inferno. I went over the platform in time to see Lady Breckley become a pillar of flames as her wedding gown had gone up. A well dressed priest rushed through the flames and grabbed her. The glow that was covering him enveloped her as well. If it wasn’t for my high reaction time I would have missed him running out of the room with the charred woman over his shoulder.

All the other wedding guests caught in the attack were not as lucky. A large number of them were running around screaming in the sea of flames and melting bones. The ones that tried to stop, drop, and roll didn’t put out the oil fueled flames since the floor was on fire from the first barrage.

It was time to make my escape. I had already decided that I wasn’t going to try and chase anyone down. I made my attempt and pursuing after Lady Breckley would be a good way to die. It still pissed me off, I hoped her wounds festered and she died of shock.

I landed in the middle of the inferno. I flipped open the satchel containing my bulb, fired up my swords, and ran out of the great hall. I slashed out with my blade while moving around the fleeing guests, cutting them down. I ran through the halls of the keep aiming to reach the boats docked at the river entrance to the keep.


General Ralph raced down the road leading his cavalry. The two barges holding all of his foot soldiers were rapidly headed down stream alongside the road. They easily cut through the farmland and saw the walls of Breckley in the distance.

A glance over his shoulder confirmed that the airship was moving into position. With air power, nothing could stand in his way. It was the investment of thousands of man hours and the cumulative effort of the entire order. Painted bright red, it was named the Eternal for the enduring nature of the phoenix.

The lift was provided by eight metal plates resting in the middle level of the hull. Each plate held a gravity enchantment. The etched runes had been edited in a very complex process he still didn’t understand to create the opposite effect. Supposedly the idea was similar to a debuff magical attack. To lower or raise the airship, plates would be unlocked and rotated around on a steel bar holding them.

Thrust was provided by four plates anchored at each corner of the airship on a rotating pillar. By rotating the plates, one would force the air ship into a different direction.

It was incredibly crude since each plate needed to be manually adjusted, but it was an incredible tactical and strategic advantage to have an airship in a world with almost no air power. The airship only had one weapon unfortunately, a large cylindrical bar. It would be charged to activate and then dropped. It would then send an explosion outwards from its location. The men had affectionately named it the bomb bar.

During the testing and trial runs of the airship, it was incredibly effective. Unfortunately the airship only held a single one, due to their difficulty to manufacture. The manufactory responsible for their construction had been overrun by a horde of bugs. The primary enchanter had been killed in the chaos and the building destroyed. The constant attacks on the complex building the airship had been a source of constant frustration and experience.

The airship coasted ahead and began maneuvering directly above the main gate into Breckley. The walls would be impossible to take. By blowing up the main gate and then shooting down onto the walls, the way would be opened for the cavalry and infantry to rush inside the city.

That is when everything went FUBAR, otherwise known as Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. General Ralph had come up with this plan for how simple it was. While many of the players had come from the military, this type of medieval urban combat would not allow for complex orders to easily be carried out.

A barrage of scorpion bolts shot up from the wall. There had been no report on that capability being present. He could only watch as over thirty bolts hit the airship, which was a sitting target in the sky. A couple of the bolts were on fire and set the airship ablaze as well. It began to list and twist around out of control as the people manning the flight plates were engineers and not used to combat. They were panicking and the airship was losing control and nothing could be done from down here.

More scorpion bolts impacted the airship. A couple of the lift plates were probably damaged as it quickly began to descend right on top of the main gate. As he rode towards the city he was helpless watching as the airship split in half on top of the main gate.

That was when the bomb detonated right behind the main gate. The shockwave shattered the main gate and completely engulfed the entire airship and surrounding fortifications. He weathered the sonic boom and kept moving forward.

“Don’t stop men! For the Order! Charge!” He charged through the rubble that used to be the gate and into the city. A wall of spears and shields were arrayed before him on the street. He saw a knight standing behind the soldier’s right as his horse crashed into their line and went down.

The cavalry was cut down but the force of the charge had pushed them back. That was when the arrows came raining down. General Ralph smashed an enemy soldier into a wall and used his corpse as a shield from the arrows that pelted his location. The infantry finally arrived.

The river into the city was completely sealed with multiple chains. So they had landed up river and had run over to the main gate that had been broken open. General Ralph began to fall back while rallying his men to move up and support him.

He felt his blood race as he let out a War Cry. The sound boosted his troops’ confidence and he moved forward smashing another man though his shield. By investing everything into strength, he battered his way through the enemy. Two spearman rushed him. He batted one spear to the side and let the other one hit off his breast plate. Thrusting his hammer forward he smashed one of their faces and punched out with his free hand, breaking the other soldiers nose.


“Hold, by the Eight you hold!” Sir Yaxley shouted. He had gathered up his men to hold the docks as Galmore began landing ships filled with soldiers. “You are men of Breckley. I swear to the Eight you will drive these piss covered Galmores from this city or I will-“ He was cut off as an arrow pierced his head right as the fighting broke out.

There were no tactics or complicated plans. Each side fought to kill the other off. Arrows rained down on Breckley from the Galmore ships while the citizens took up arms to defend their homes.

The west side of the city was no better. Sir Davos was fighting neck and neck with the cursed travelers. “Damn the Order.” He cursed as he cleaved another idiot in twain. Most of the cavalry and been brought down but they had someone used twisted magic to bring down the main gate.

The blood from all the people he had killed made his armor stick, but he was not a knight to be brought low by discomfort. He spotted the enemy commander fighting off to the side. His massive war hammer easily smashing the groups that attempted to stop him.

Sir Davos cut down another twice cursed traveler. I slashed out at the commanders back. He managed to cut into the man’s shoulder armor and into some flesh. Sub-par equipment was no use against the armor that had been passed down by his father and his grandfather.

The enemy commander moved forward and spun around. Sir Davos brought up his shield and blocked the blow. He cut out with his sword, managing to clip his opponents head and slice out his right eye. The traveler collapsed to the ground. Sir Davos moved in for the kill. The traveler swung out with his war hammer with only one hand and struck Sir Davos on the leg.

He went sprawling on the ground. He was up in under a second but the man had already fallen back to his own men to recover. “Piece of monster crap.” He cursed and fell back to rally his own men and have someone look at his throbbing leg.


I worked to try and save Lady Breckley. Just getting her out of the inferno had consumed most of my energy. Now I was working with the other priests to try and save her. I would have to use everything I had. “Heed me now! Save this woman. I call upon Onciontituts to heal this woman. Onciontituts bind her flesh and spirit from passing beyond!”

The other priests continued to chant as well. She then took a breath from between her charred lips. She was alive. “Keep her stable, you and you will carry this table. We are leaving.”

“High priest, fighting has-“

“We. Are. Leaving. Now. Paladins, clear us a path.” The two large men gave me a silent nod. Their robes concealed their true strength as warriors of the Church of Eight. The strongest and unbreakable fighters. “We must make our way to the docks next to the keep.”

“I will go ahead.” I looked at that man to make a comment about sticking together but he had already left. This was not the time for his games.

The Paladins took the lead, hands raised and ready for anyone attempting to obstruct us. We were slowed by having to keep a slow pace to bring along the table with Lady Breckley laid out upon it while keeping her alive.

One of the lesser knights of Breckley suddenly appeared in the hallway with five soldiers. “Where are you taking-“ I made a hand gesture. The two Paladins glowed as they invoked the powers granted by Xyiterted and darted forward. It was over in seconds.

I stepped around the decapitated soldiers and knight. A pity, but I did not plan on becoming a corpse in this twice cursed city. After this latest calamity, there was no way Breckley would recover. It would soon be under the authority of the Church of Eight. That man wasn’t a complete idiot when planning strategy or plotting.


The docks next to the keep were right through the door in front of me. I began moving the large wood beam out of the way to get through. I heard movement behind me and spun around. Standing there was Sir Willos if I remembered correctly and he looked pissed. “Observe.”

Sir Willos Stormblade of BreckleyLvL: 107Strongest Stat: StrengthHP: 29209MP: 821SP: 4842Strongest Skill: Full Strike

His armor was singed. I also noted that he held the Fey Blade, I had been wondering what had happened to that. I put aside these useless tidbits and focused on how I was in a hallway with one exit blocked and the other exit with enraged super knight. Those stats were insane. He had to have an astounding number of achievements to be that powerful at his level.

It could also be items. I had never found out what the Fey Blade did. I pulled out both my swords. “Flame on. Burst Speed, four seconds.” I mentally also ordered for Concealed Movement for four seconds as well.

“DIE!” He roared. I was stunned for an entire second as he sped down the hall. I barely brought up both my blades in time. I managed to block his strike. I tried to deflect to the side, but the blow was incredibly heavy, like the weight of the heavens themselves. It was also incredibly fast, not allowing me any time to redirect the force of the blow.

I was unable to stop that initial blow and it cut through the satchel at my side and killed the bulb that was resting inside. So much for that advantage, I thought miserably. I moved to the right at maximum speed, slashing out. Sir Willos easily batted the one blade headed for his head and ignored the other, which only pinged off his armor. He jabbed out with his blade and I moved to the side just in time as his blade left a shallow cut across my chest.

I couldn’t win this fight. I ran for the door Sir Willos had come through hoping to escape him. He moved up beside me and I was forced to stop my escape or else I would have been decapitated. He came at me like a mad man pounding away with the one blade.

The problem with dual wielding is that you can only leverage so much against an opponent. It is all about attacking and not blocking. Despite using only one blade and one hand, Sir Willos had forced me onto the defensive as I kept moving from side to side and pushing away his attacks with my blades.

He was an immovable object and an unstoppable force. My SP was rapidly plummeting as I attempted to keep up with him. “Observe.”

Sir Willos Stormblade of BreckleyLvL: 107Strongest Stat: StrengthHP: 29201MP: 623SP: 6248Strongest Skill: Full Strike

There was no way I would be able to outlast him. I had to pin everything on a single attack and aim for a killing blow. I reactivated my Burst Speed and fell back against the barred doorway. Sir Willos rushed in with an overhead blow like he had been doing the whole time. I brought up Nus’ Awakening to block and jabbed forward towards his head with Erif’s Soul.

The Fey Blade cut through the wood door at my back. As my blade was about to pierce his skull the Fey Blade hit Nus’ Awakening. My blade shattered from the blow. It did manage to deflect just enough so instead of cutting into my shoulder it cut into my left arm just above the elbow. My blade jabbed into his face and cut into his brain. There was a moment of stillness that lasted a single heartbeat after both attacks.

My severed arm hit the ground and the sound of sizzling flesh stood out in the silence. Sir Willos stumbled back and fell on the ground. He twisted as he fell making sure the Fey Blade laying underneath his corpse in a last act of defiance. I held up my stump and watched a spurt of blood shoot out of it.

“Hahahahahahahaha.” I just started laughing. This was insanity, sheer insanity. I brought up my flame sword to the stump and nothing happened. For a moment I was puzzled and then it hit me. “Killed by my own immunity in a rain of blood. Hahahahahahahaha.” I collapsed to my knees, my sword dropping from my hand.

The pain finally hit me as I made a tourniquet. It was a simple matter of using the cut off sleeve on my severed arm along with a dagger. I wrapped the cloth an inch above the stump around my arm. I then put the dagger between my stump and the cloth. I began twisting the dagger around with my free hand.

Once the cloth was impossibly tight, I arranged the dagger so it was trapped in the cloth. The force trying to untwist it would hold it in place. It wouldn’t hold up to much, but it should do its job of preventing me from bleeding out this second. I managed to lift up the wood beam using my body as leverage. I then turned and retrieved my unbroken blade. I attempted to move Sir Willos’ corpse to get the Fey Blade but it refused to budge. Firing up my blade I tried to burn through him.

I heard someone approaching and cursed. I had to give it up. I reached the door and opened it out to the dock and the river. Looking behind me I saw another familiar face, Just Han. He looked at the corpse and then me giving a wide grin. I wasn’t going to play his games and was in no shape for a fight. I quickly exited the hall and shut the door.

I used Burst Speed to kill two guards in my way and cut the mooring for a boat. I jumped in and pushed off the dock. Just Han came through the door out onto the dock and he stared at me for a bit as I drifted off before going back inside.

A large explosion occurred at the west end of the city. If I had to guess, near the main gate. That definitely wasn’t my fault.


6996: #BurningBreckley

UltimataSecret: Did anyone else see that airship go up in flames, I shed a couple of tears


Tafe: All is as it should be

DreadPirateRogers: Rawr! There be booty to be had

LordBreckley: Save my city

PowerOfFaith: Um, don’t think that is going to happen

Bouncer: I saw the airship go down as well, LOL, all up in flame

Guts: Sack the city

UltimataSecret: I honestly thought people would try to save the civilians for a second

Worm: You being going loco

UltimataSecret: I did say just a second


Author’s Note: I hope this chapter lived up to expectations.

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