《Anti-Hero: Journey of Fear》Chapter 36: Before


Sir Willos, what is the status of the city?” Lady Breckley asked from her seat in the great hall in the center of the keep.

“I have recalled the majority of our forces. We currently have ten thousand soldiers deployed under the command of various knights. Sir Davos has personally taken command for securing the city gates. Sir Yaxel is in command over at the docks. I am confident that we will be able to intercept any trouble before it arrives.”

Lady Breckley looked off to the side. “What of Kenji Shadowen?”

“He is still out there. It was last reported he was south of the desert, west of Galmore, in no man’s land.”

“What about an air attack?”

“I have personally seen that half our scorpions have been modified to shoot into the air. That should prevent an aerial assault.”

“Excellent, Sir Willos. I have full confidence in the security of this city and nation with you managing things.”

“Yes, Lady Breckley.”

“Castellan, what of our guests?”

“Rooms have been made for the groom and the high priest inside the keep. We have also reserved inns for primaries of each nation.”

“Who is Galmore sending?”

“Only the ambassador.”

“Sir Willos, Galmore will be attempting something. They are bold and stupid at the same time. The fact that they are only having their ambassador and no one else of higher rank attend means they plan to take action against us.”

“It is possible, but unlikely. To deploy their fleet would risky. While they have the greater army, we have the greater navy. They have been tasked to patrol the waters off our coast.”

“I will accept your word on this matter, but ask you to remain vigilant.”

“Of course.” Sir Willos turned to leave but was stopped when Lady Breckley continued.

“There is one more matter. The Fey Blade has come back into our possession.”

Sir Willos gasped. “How?”

“It was brought in by a player. He claimed to have retrieved it from Balkor.”

“I heard that it might be there, but to actually have it….” Lady Breckley clapped her hands twice. A servant brought out the blade on a cushion to Sir Willos.

“Sir Willos. I am declaring you heir.”

“But the other nobles-“

“Will follow my lead. In this time of chaos, we need you strength and stability more than ever. The wise ones understand that. Since it is beyond me to wield I entrust the blade to you.”

“You honor me, my Lady.” Sir Willos reverently picked up the blade.


Sir Yaxel cursed. He had been woken up in the middle of the night by a commotion. There was a fire, ships, and trouble at the docks from what he gathered while putting on his armor.

With the wedding upcoming, the docks were a complete mad house, and keeping them in order was a slope he was slowly sliding down and into the jaws of some monster. After strapping his sword to his side he exited the building he had set up as his command post near the docks and saw what the commotion was about.

An entire ship was on fire and had crashed into the docks at full sail in the middle of the night. “Stop staring, get water on the surrounding buildings.” He shouted at the by standers. The sailors were keeping their ships and the docks from going up but the entire port was in danger.

He quickly moved down the street calling out to all the useless people just standing around. “It is out-“ a commoner tried to say. Sir Yaxel drew his blade and slammed the flat of it on the side of the man’s head. He fell to the ground dazed.


“Move your lazy asses before I cut you down or the city goes up. All you, work on that building. You and you, get more buckets. The rest of you go help the sailors. Move!”

It took the rest of the night to contain the fire, leaving a burnt out hulk blocking a portion of the docks.

He had asked around and found one man who had witnessed the whole event. “Well you see sir, I was watching my ship liked my captain asked. Can’t be too careful now. No disrespect to your city.” Sir Yaxley nodded, any interruption would only prolong this painful experience.

“Well it was just like this. I was just sitting out on the deck looking out at the ocean and saw a ship coming in at full sail. At night too. Anyways, the ship went up in flames when it was short of the docks. Only saw one person on the ship, but they jumped into the water.”

“I then had to keep my ship safe while things were going tits up. By the Eight, that was a fierce blaze. Good ship too, probably out of Galmore by the make of it. Can’t be too sure, being it all dark and all. Your knight sir.”

Sir Yaxley forced back the urge that wanted him to repeatedly stab this simpering fool. “Thank you for your help. Lady Breckley appreciates it in these dark times.”

“Of course-“ Sir Yaxley had already turned away from the man. A Galmore plot to weaken the docks. If the docks went up, there would be no easy way to support their fleet to hold back an invasion from Galmore. Sir Willlos would need to be informed and a night watch posted.


“You smell that?” Terth had been a guard in Breckley for over fifteen years. He had seen it all and then some. The one thing he had learned was that each smell meant something different. Soot, meant fire or a large order for a bakery. Sweet smells meant rotten fruit or nobles with too much perfume. This smell he was picking up was the smell of death.

“Not really.” Terth just gave a look at the young boy next to him. Standards were low lately with the need for every able bodied man to help maintain order. Things were really going to the scrap pile.

“Come on.” It was easy enough to track down the smell to a warehouse. Opening up a door he was almost caught in a purple cloud. Everyone had heard of that abomination Kenji and the disaster at Mendal. Thank the Eight Sir Davos had saved the town.

“Monsters.” The teen was almost pissing himself in fear. Going to the scrap pile indeed. “Get your shit together. Go round up another patrol. Just go up that street to the main road and grab the first two patrols you find.” The teen nodded quickly and ran off, stumbling on the smooth cobblestones.

Half an hour later, the five bulbs were killed off and a desiccated corpse discovered. The body was quickly burned. The captain of the guard was notified. A quick search of the warehouse didn’t show anything out of place. It housed bulk general supplies that were brought in by ship.

With no more leads the case was closed that afternoon as a shipping accident by the merchant. While anything to do with transporting monsters was viewed as a crime there was a black market building up. Troublesome, hopefully nothing more serious got into the city.



General Ralph of the Second Legion of the Order of the Phoenix looked out at his troops. He had managed to train up fifty horsemen, five hundred footmen, and a hundred archers. This was the single largest concentration of players inside FEAR to date and he was in charge of them all.

They had set up camp about a mile from the Fey River to the west of Breckley. So far they had gone unnoticed, which was perfect. A scout rode up. “News.”


“Galmore launched a flaming ship at Breckley. Minor damage to the docks. No change to their defense lay out. Additional groups of soldiers are continuing to move to the city. The last of the outlying outposts sending their reserves. No other enemy action known of inside the city.”

“Hmmm, good job. What is the word on the street?”

“A mix between hopeful and worried. Everyone is wondering if Kenji will make an appearance.”

“Blood Rain, he is an interesting one. Anything else?”

“No sir.”

“Excellent. Return to Breckley. Work on maps of the city so we know where to go. Meet up with Commander Tallin and plan out your meet-up in the city when the op happens.”

“Yes sir.”


General Ralph walked around camp. He noted everyone was training to bring up their active skills and conditioning. Everything was in order. That was what he had liked about the being in the military. With Omnitrek, that had all gone out the window for the most part. Combat drones were good, too good.

This was a chance to do what he always dreamed of. Leading men to test their skill against an opponent. The Supreme Leader Albus was surprisingly adept at rounding people up. A victory here would cement is place and make him a must have no matter what happened. If Albus got too difficult he could write his own ticket or just take over.

He would become a general of legend. Like Alexander or Hannibal. He looked to the center of the camp. With what he had there was nothing that would stand in his way, least of all Breckley.


Fifty ships of Galmore cut through the waters due north. Ahead of them lay twenty ships from Breckley that had moved to intercept them. More would be on their way, but it would be too late.

Ten ships from Galmore packed with archers, who were also travelers, broke off to intercept the enemy ships. The rain of fire arrows between the ships quickly escalated the conflict. Ship after ship was sunk while the remainder of the Galmore fleet sailed forward. In the end thirty seven Galmore ships loaded down with soldiers made it through compared to the three surviving Breckley ships.

Despite surviving the battle, they were out of position and would not be in a position to intercept the Galmore fleet. Every soldier in the fleet knew, Breckley was weak. They only had a weak young girl as a leader. Now was the time for glory and riches. To take the city of Breckley would solidify their hold on the continent in a way that would make them the greatest nation.

The fact that mostly travelers had died to break through Breckley’s fleet was an added bonus. They were but the hounds of war that would be used to break their enemies.


“High Priest, are you prepared?”

“Yes, yes. This farce of a wedding will happen. I have deployed a quarter of the faith to assist.”

“A wise move. Galmore is running the blockade.”

“After the flaming ship they have increased their defenses. Their losses will be high.”

“Indeed, but the travelers group called the Order of the Phoenix is moving in from the west.”

“I was wondering, what is a Phoenix?”

“A magical bird of fire that can come back to life.”

“Bah, a monster then.”

“Indeed, but they have their uses.”

“I was skeptical, but I am pleasantly surprised you managed to succeed in harness the travelers.”

“It is all a matter of applying the right solution to the problem. It would not have been possible without your help and the other priests.”

“Indeed. There is something of note.”

“Hmmm, you actually found out something before me.”

“Indeed, a dark being has entered the city.”


“They are a void of darkness that has turned away from the Eight and call upon monsters.”

“A demon?”

“Perhaps, I have never sensed a demon, but it wouldn’t surprise me.”

“Kenji is rumored to be part demon. Could it be him?”

“Possibly. I can only sense the presence within a range. I suspect it is in the keep.”

“Troublesome, any chance you can track it down unnoticed?”

“A risk. A demon would easily sense the attempt.”

“Hmm, then hold off from acting for now. We shall let things play out.”

“You plot too much, it will be the end of you.”

“Most likely, but that is my…destiny.”

The High Priest just shook his head. This man played on a deep level that even made his own head ache from all the twists and turns. It was also this insane genius that had propelled Angal from the weakest of the kingdoms around the Sea of Salmir to the strongest.

It was on the backbone of the faith but that was a good thing. The Council of Eight had stripped the monarchy of most of its power and solidified itself as true theocracy. No longer would the monsters and abominations threaten the land. With the traveler’s coming from the nether regions of Tafe the faith was even more important.

Their ability to form from nothing like monsters had solidified them as enemies of the church. They had also stolen the powers of the Eight for themselves. They were corrupting the holy power. Thankfully they had been put into their place, beneath the heel of the church and shackled to its bidding.

While cultivating monsters to harness the favor of the Eight by slaying had been a long past time of the nobility, it was not an encouraged practice. Without careful watch it was all too easy to have a disaster. Unfortunately these travelers were a more troublesome bunch.

“I should prepare for the wedding. So much to remember.”

“Try not to put us all to sleep.”

“All the better to reflect on your actions and the Eight.”

“Of course.”


“Where is Hilda?”

“No clue.” Yalma let out a long sigh. With all the guests the servants were running ragged and now Yalma ran off. Four other servants had upped and left. She thought about bringing it up, but if they disappeared in the keep it was the doing of nobility.

Yalma had learned at an early age to not question those above her station. The problem was she was short staffed. “Alright, we just need to get through tonight. I will round up a bunch of local girls from the inns. If people can’t be bothered to work, I will get some that do want a job.”

While she was the head cook she rarely got down in the trenches any more. Tonight she tossed on an apron and got to helping. That would rally the other women to finish up for the dinner tonight.

The toughest part was making the food stretch on her budget. Prices had shot up through the roof for vegetables and grains. While fish was good, it was viewed as lower class. Nothing some sauces couldn’t fix. At least those had stayed about the same price.

By the Eight, Yalma vowed to take a day off after this wedding. Everyone had special requests as well. Thankfully the Castellan handled that side of things. With the increase in prices it was understood, that people would just have to suck it up or go elsewhere.

“Get the bread out of there. Careful now.” She told one of the girls. Forty years in the kitchen, since she had been a little girl learning from her mother, Eight bless her. She remembered the feast when Lady Breckley had been born. Now that was the first major event she had handled as head cook.

It had been a major success and people still talked about it. She was going to make the best feast ever, for the Ladies wedding. It would be tough but Yalma swore by all the gods that she would make it happen.


Lady Breckley was nervous. Not about her soon to be husband. He was sweet if a bit naïve from what she had gathered from talking to him. The problem was the wedding itself. She had been in the room when her parents were killed. She had seen that monster in human worm kill her father and mother.

The fire was the worst part. It had consumed the room and their bodies, leaving only scorched bones. Her father had told her to hide behind a tapestry when he heard the commotion.

She brushed away the tear that ran down her face. She had to be strong for her people. Galmore was looking to crush Breckley and had the power to do so after their losses. The city, Mendal, and the mine out west were all crippling attacks. The travelers had sewn even more chaos.

Her father’s policy of not heavily garrisoning the surrounding towns in order to reduce expenses after decades of peace had led to disaster. They were still trying to catch up in terms of man power, but the estates could only promote so many people at a time.

This alliance with Therdossa was needed more than ever. They had already deployed a large number of troops into Breckley. They had been placed on the walls to free up her own men to police the city and prevent it from descending into chaos.

She picked up a comb and hesitated. Her mother always liked to comb her hair to help her calm down. She brushed it not to remove tangles but to sooth her nerves. Despite everyone telling her otherwise she knew the monster would be back.

The gleeful look on his face was one that desired blood. He would return to finish what he started. The fact that an individual was worthy enough to be recognized as a faction of the land, just showed how dangerous he truly was.

She stood up and walked to the door. A servant opened them and she entered the ante-room where the wedding party was prepared to escort into the chapel. It had been cleared personally by Sir Willos at her request.

Taking a deep breath she entered. Everyone turned to face her. She went down the aisle between all the gathered nobles to the High Priest of Eight and her betrothed. “We are gathered here today under the sight of the Eight to wed these two.”

The High Priest began going on about the Eight and how marriage was central to each one. Lady Breckley took small looks around to confirm that no one was sneaking up on her. Her betrothed gave her hand a squeeze. She looked over and he gave her a smile. That helped calm her.

She was safe, there were no monsters, no fire, and it was her day. “…we look at these two and understand that the blessing bestowed upon them will carry on through this life and the next. To shield them…”

Her father always had told her to confront her fears. When she had been young a rat had chased her. Her father had made her kill it with a knife. She had visited their personal estate and the Shrine of Eight, but she wasn’t a front line fighter. She had invested herself to follow the path of Machisar to understand her subjects and to be a better ruler.

Now she wished she had followed Trentghs and taken up her family blade. Wielded by Fey Breckley, the first of his line, it was a weapon worthy of a Lord. Trusting Sir Willos with it had been a risky but a necessary political move. Thankfully his naming as heir was less risky than she originally thought.

He was old, and was viewed as a place holder until she gave birth. His own children were well known as knights and not as politicians. His second son had even become a priest removing him as a political opponent. His eldest ran their family holdings while his father helped manage the kingdom.

“Now we shall have the couple confirm their commitment before gods and men. I invoke the right of marriage, may they be forever bound.”

The couple raised their hands and moved them through the air. They confirmed their marriage to the gods and pushed their hands together. A cheer went up from the crowd. It was done, nothing had happened. They left the chapel and made their way to the great hall for the feast.

“That went well.” Her husband said. Husband, how weird.

“Yes.” She turned and gave him a smile. He gave her a peck on the cheek. A bit forward but they were married now. “Save that for latter.”

“Of course my Lady.” They walked into the great hall. It was decked out with banners showing both Breckley and Therdossa colors and coat of arms. The bright colors made her think of how the future would be brighter. With Therdossa’s help they could secure the kingdom and rebuild from all the recent losses.

As they took their seats, Sir Willos and two knights made a patrol around the room scanning for anything that could be hiding. She gave a nod and a smile when he looked at her. He returned the nod and got back to work.

Sir Willos was the bedrock that supported her and in turn the kingdom. Light soup was brought out as the first course. It looked a bit plain but the taste was excellent. “This is very good. I recognize the spice from Therdossa.” Her husband said.

“Yalma our head cook is the best. She probably asked around to learn about some dishes from your homeland.”

“I am honored. It is a pity you are not able to have seen Therdossa. The Pillar Forest is quite amazing.”

“Isn’t that where giant stones stick out of the ground like fingers?”

“Indeed. The palace is built on top of the tallest one. There are cities on each one. We leave the monsters on the ground where they should be while we live in the sky.”

“It sounds marvelous. We will have to show our children.” Her husband gave her a warm smile that actually went up to his eyes.

“Yes, that would be nice. There is quite a bit of work to do. As Lord Consort I suspect I will be quite busy.”

“You know I can’t give up the Breckley name.”

“Of course, but to be a lowly consort.” She smacked him on the shoulder gently.

“Not that lowly.” The minstrels began putting up a livelier tune.

“Shall we dance, I don’t think I shall be able to do so if there are more courses.” Lady Breckley nodded and they both rose from their chairs and went out onto the dance floor. They went to the center of the hall and began dancing together as the music washed over them.

This moment was magical. Her only regret was that her parents were not here to see her. The dress shimmered in the torch light and glow orbs that illuminated the great hall. The song ended. While her feet were a bit tired she didn’t want the moment to end.

“Again?” She nodded at the request and her husband gestured at the minstrels. They struck up another tune. It was unfamiliar, probably from Therdossa. Other nobles began to move onto the dance floor as well, but left the center to the two of them.

“I wish it could always be like this.” She said as they danced about.

“Indeed. But that is why we have to try so hard. If one does not fight-“

“Then one does not deserve peace. My father liked to say that.”

“It is a quote from the Fall. A harsh time, but all the more important now.”

There was a noise from above, like wood breaking. They stopped on the dance floor along with a number of other couples. Lady Breckley made the mistake of looking up.


Author’s Note: A shorter chapter and setting things up for what is to come. Telling it from the MC’s point of view would miss out on all the reactions. Also if you thought Balkor was a mad house of plots, well I am going try and top the craziness. I actually had to map out the next couple of chapters ahead of time to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

Also Tor will eventually be back. Maybe a bonus chapter to see what she is up to. Feel free to motivate me by following, favoriting, reviewing, advanced reviewing, and giving a thumbs up to reviews. If you have read this far, you have no excuse not to. If you don't the MC is going to your wedding!

I also have been listening to White Wedding to get me in the mood for this part of the story. It is catchy in a seventies way.

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