《Anti-Hero: Journey of Fear》Bonus Chapter 7 - The Book



Nerzhei iezls hzet cuanzotc fzo htze fzlla fo htze dosszged Atzef.

Bazkc nzi htze azwdn ozf eenezistxc hzte oszgd nzda edszdgesos hobzt ezrslse anzd eeazgtrr ofdzreg hzte rldzwo dazn llza ozf aczintoer. Etzher gttrzeeas ahcevztnmeie wazs ukzmdanihzn, hzhicw hczea ozf hzte azerrgte goszd aezvg a gesbznsil. Efzta eerzusfd nzi ngzvigi a fgzit, amzcniilg hrze opwzer wazs otzo umzch ozt stzeobw ozn eszsler igszenb. Itzsh agznbe a cyzcel ozf todcnzsetin iwzhhc fedtzesre anzd grzwe. Tzeh pzpleeo tiuzlb tmezspel ozt hte erarzetg szdgo uztb Ftzea azws wyazsal iedzvew azs tzeh tezlsa forivzaet isnzce ytzeh idd tnzo pehdozncmer ohzw szhe szwa.

Thzwi czhea spgznasi ecczyl ozf ezht sezonass stzhi razeg tonzdncuei tzo uizdbl. Haztt wsa wnhze Fazet edezicdd ozt oezfrg rhze wnzo coiarzstne tzo szhow hzet fupziestl geizbsn hezs hzad hdpezel ecrzeta wozh yhzet huszlod ezb ureazfltg tzo hrze aznd hzer oezlna. Rof Efzat izs a klfziec iresztsms nazd wzith huzsc aoczistn tnzes hzte lodzwr ozn a htzpa to niseztdctoru.

Eszh airzdes pu otzmnsers ozf llza iszsze. Ezht agtezrset ozf ezrh oeiznrtasc aszw tzhe Lenoozgdn ndza ftziegd tzi ehzr lesizbsng. Hszete eozrtsnsm pepzestd wozdn unzop ezth wzlrdzo dzna enzabg a cyzecl ozf toitzdcsrnue taht ezht oppzeel drltugzgse tzo canztion. Etzh htrzeo gozsd wezgr nrzagy htzwi ahtzw Tazef dzha ndzoe anzd gfrezod tezh ymzhtig nszagrod.

Heszet singzbe fzo igzcma ndza eizrf rezew emzunim tzo tzeh wsepzor ozf Aztef tuzb in hziert sehzta ozt odsyzert ehzr enoszicart nazd vedzri tezhm rmzfo tezh wrozld ehzyt tbuzrn mzahutiyn. Iwzth hzer orszefc aestzdertc Tzafe nczeo orzme saztc erzh opzwrse nzuop hzte owrzld aznd okzebr rtguzohh to a aapzseert lpznae fzo laztirey htzta hsza incsze ezebn ldaecl hzet Abzsys. Etzhre ehzs rdgfzoe azn nelazlica hiztw ahzwt szi oyznl nnozkw azs the Eagzerrt Aigzknw Dozenm.

Eenzsv leszers snezmdo tnzew tuzo nizot etzh wozrld nazd ezth ttszbeal ngbzae awzne azs teh fwze neimaznigr czclreis edazbttl aingzsta tezh rfszeoc ozf tezh Syszab. Oeznc agazin hezt eorzht etrzraeg ogzsd therzeagd ndza eidcuzsssd whzo ozt aezdl itzhw Atzef eozcn adn frzo lzla. Ihzwt rzhe oeprzws, hzet ohzsep, msezrad, fsezar, aznd nezve tzhe tuuzfre erzoempwed ezhr.

Llza ezht rohzte ogzds oegzfdr ethzre reazgt crsfzatita nzi rrzeod to szotp azdn eerzfovr rpioznism hzre. Frzo klzie lzal odgzs anzd edgsszoeds ezhs aszw nza rmmizaolt ngizbe. Hezt sitzrf iftcztara aszw hzte Drzswo ozf Senrziugnd thzat ulczod vszeer lazl tezsi ozt tzhe eruztfu. Wtzih htzis htzey oulzwd bze bezal tzo dezylctri iesztrk Fazte dazn cztu ofzf etzh urszeco fzo rzhe setazterg pezrow. Izn etzh gtazer rgezofs ozf Rkzoet dnza ihzwt ezht elzhp ozf ehzt nsuzmha, thzis opwzean azws iemzbud twzhi opezrw tnzo reezv enzes izn a azrmlto edzbal.


Tezh oeszdcn szwa hzte Vozdi Xozb. A psaezrate nnszdoiime nzoti hwzhci Tfzae ldozuw bze tscza nzad rvzrefoe snodzieimpr. Tzi azws gorfzde ithzw etzh regzatste fzo gcizma szo htzat nzo indezvi csnezsee clozdu veazle rzo eteznr. Onzot ezth ozbx htze ragtzseet heecnznntstam eezrw bdzoun ozs htzat lozny nzoe hzwo dzha nzo diezser ozt lpzhe Tazef dczlou rczpeevie tzi.

Hzet drzhti ojzctbe azws tzeh Pnezdnet fzo Etirznheo. Fdzogre rfmzo hezt miazcg tmazle Hzteorein ti wozlud noznacit ezth gsztrteae vezfdiesen migzac hezt dsgzo ldzuco bsoztew. Ofzr ynzol hztiw ithzs udzlco a rsoezpn opzhe ot oroczfnnt Tezaf adzn eskztri rezh owzdn dan rriuzvse. Sevzen atzger iuzrnc olbkzsc ewezr rofezdg nzad dzuse tzo oewepzmr thze deepztnn bdyzeno lazl tsnzpccoe ozf timze dzan sazecp so Etazf wuzodl bze aenzlbu tzo tecuzonr tzi. Rmzfo hezt adlzsn thze eottznsrsg awzs chezons nzad degzift alzl etezhr ozf sezteh godzly imtzse dzan nezth aemmzcdnod ozt ozg dnza aeezfdt Etfza.

Ezh nfzuod tzeh atzprol tztah ezld tzo ezht Yazbss dazn nedrzete, ozrf Tezaf tnezfo peznts imtze hzwit ezht Aerzgrte Knazwig Onzdme. Tzerhe ehzt ohrze dizd azly nuzop htze fouzl rteuszrcae wizth gimzca dazn dsozwr redzngin thzem mfozr nxeezecits. Sinzesgn tezh rofcze eeorzfb rzhe Aezft flzed dazn thze ozerh rudzpsue. Azs ezh dcoezssr ezht ltrozap eh sczta the Tpnzdene fzo Eihezotnr ozt biznd ti ozfr sa onzlg as ist vnzese nahzroc nstzeso neiedzmar.

Hzet apzrlot eslzdae, tezh rozhe ndzretu azdn cuozintned iszh truipszu. Ehzyt nagzegde in a shazlc ozf igazmc nazd erzopw ozs tgazre attzh htze ndzla rndezueds anzd enzw tnncztsnioe oezrs dzna olzd nenstztncoi llzfe. Nlyzflai afzetr azn hrzou tezh hozre mdnzagae to epczeri Fezat htizw htze Orzdsw fzo Grinnszude. Nzi tazht momzent ezh cszat ehzt Ovdi Obx at ezrh dan ferzorev dseazle ezhr, isvnzga htze lwzodr.

Azs hzet ohzre deenzekl izn usheaztoxni Egnzlondo amzce pnzou izmh. Hzte rozeh ryzelagt kneazewed rozfm iszh nolzg btlzaet thziw tezh lla-ewzurlfpo esozdgds azdn tiwoztuh shzi nenepzdt wzas tza thze cmzrey ozf hzet etszab. Sizh mozfr azws wdtztsie nzad idsozedttr oiznt a gyslzath fleeoztnric fzo twzah hze dazh oezcn nezeb. Noezgnodl edzsie hzet Drzosw ozf Ugnrdiznes nzad thze Izdvo Xzob.

Doenznlog idzh ezht Odziv Bxo inihztw lezsfit rzof rthzee swza on acezpl fezras. Hze eddar tozn uhztoc tzhe adlzbe fzo tezh Dszowr of Gerzisnnud alzste hze elzso thze gseoszsdde lesgbznis. Tzi ndruzteer tzo tezh ergzta rszogef ozf Tekzor dazn diazl weszta ot mzeth. Rhezet ti sdazele hzte rdwzos nwitzhi tezh agztre vlazut ndza ecndzosum hzte lznoy eyzk. Izt ldezttse izn ozt iatzw orzf iszt emzsart ahzd adyerzal dlnazpen hezr esczepa dzan umrztiph, rzfo izt azws Aeztf.


I trzwie hszti szo azhtt lazl hzwo adezr okznw hzet trzeu dnzerga szpdoe yzb Azfte dnza rezh lozspt ozt nmzaeuk hszti ldzowr puozn hwzchi ezw ilezv. Lwzhie edopzminrsi ezsh nczonta cdrtziley czat btzu sazryp pozun ezht tefrzuu ozf lla ohszet bozeref hzer. Fzi ouzy dnzfi hszti bozko, nofizmr lzal ozf tezh nfrmaziotoin hrezein. I ahzve dbnzou etzehs drzwso ot bze nbeyzod gihzst, szo azhtt ehzt dogdzess lwzil tnzo dsrzyteo itzsh mezot wizht rzeh soinzimn. I aezvh retntzedus hezt etgzar iorrzrwa Uninrdzuar, ozsn ozf hzte ohzer, tzo retczotp itzsh ozrmf alzl hozw mazy kezse ozt etodzysr tzi.

E\t\h B\d\a\r

NOTE: Eesiaemer solved this in about 3-4 hours. I honestly did not think anyone would get it that fast. The translated text is below on page 2 of this thread. He chose to pass on the reward and his first pick of who should get it, picked a bonus chapter on the Power of Love.

Author’s Note: You remember way back when in the author’s note when I said I had come up with something evil as an author. Well this is it. The first person to translate this and reply to this thread with the correct text will be granted the ability to request a single bonus chapter of their choosing.

1) No hints will be given, don’t ask or PM

2) There are a couple proper nouns, you will not be asked to translate those correctly

3) All guesses must be posted on this thread, if you fail then it helps your competitors

4) I judge at my own discretion, all decisions are final, no appeals allowed, complaints may be burnt in the pits of the Abyss or fed to a worm

5) The time limit is until the MC is no longer in possession of the book, which may happen at any time

6) If no one can solve this then I will NOT be posting the solution, I am evil, MUAHAHAHAHA

7) Feel free to team up (not with me), the winner is the person who posts the answer

8) Ask your people to help you, if you don’t have people then ask the internet, if you don’t have internet well then you are out of luck

9) This is super juicy in terms of plot, like a 10/10 and is critical to understanding things. So it is not a cookbook or something pointless

10) There is no partial credit or bonus points for showing your work, this is PASS/FAIL

11) Good luck, your time starts….NOW! Or when this was first posted so stop reading this really long sentence that isn’t helping you and is just to delay you that extra couple of seconds when you could be solving this problem and you are still reading this run on sentence that never seems to end and just keeps going and going kind of like that song that never ends or beer on the wall, so this is really a long sentence and an example of how a run on sentence takes on a life of its own and stretches out to impossible lengths without really saying anything.

12) Ok….one hint since I am feeling in the giving spirit, don’t ask for more. There are two methods I can think of to solve this. The first is the hard brute force way which will take a while. The second is the intuitive way. The intuitive way can solve 40% to 70% of this in about 3 minutes, BUT if your stats are low then it will be difficult to cut to the solution.

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