《The Vespidian》Me, Myself and Neon Nurse, Chapter 3
The Vespidian
Arc 2 Me, Myself, and Neon Nurse
Chapter 3
I crawled up the side of the building and broke into a window upstairs. It made more sound than I wanted it to. There was yelling now down below, and the floorboards rumbled as somebody was running up the stairs. I clung to the ceiling and waited for whoever was coming. My eyes could see very well now that the lights were not interfering. Everything about the guy who appeared said thug. He had a tank top, jeans, was ripped, had tattoos, and had a Glock out. His head was shaved, and he had lots of chest hair. He looked over the room, walking towards the center. Not once did he look up. Why does nobody ever look up? I mean, it is the first place I look when there is creepy shit going on. I pounced, dropping down with my taloned tripod. It grasped his neck, and I thrust him into the floor with a thud. I stood over him, ready for a fight, but he was not moving... shit is he dead? Not another murder, fuck! I lowered my antenna by his face. Fuck, he had bad breath! He needs to lay off the booze. He was not dead, though, and that was what mattered. I sighed with relief, but now there was a problem. There were still seven criminals down there with two hostages.
Somebody was yelling, and a gun went off. My heart sank as I bolted to the stairs and crashed down to the floor below. I got up and found that there were a whole lot more people here than I thought. They all looked angry and were armed. Most were pointing the guns at me.
I could smell their fear. It was making me tremble with excitement. Thoughts that they were my prey filled my head. I was something they were not expecting; well, who would be? Something inside told me I had to be aggressive here, dominate, or else this was going to go very badly. My legs steadied themselves, and I hissed. Just that much was enough to send three of the closest running. I was more scared of them than they were of me, but that was my secret. I took a step, and they took several backing away. I hissed again that was a bad idea. Several of them shot at me, which set off a chain reaction of itchy trigger fingers. The whole room exploded into gunfire. I fucked this up bad. I hope those cops are alive after this.
I dived to the side, dodging most of the bullets, a few did hit me, but they only dented my carapace. I was resistant to small arms fire; that was good to know. It emboldened me, and I embraced the monster. I made every man in there scream like a little girl when I scuttled across the floor. Took ten bullets in the process, but they were scattering like roaches as I chased after them, hissing and screeching. I lunged and pulled one down. His buddies turned to help. They took one look at what I was and turned blue. I was a whole bag of nope that they were not going to deal with. They abandoned him.
I raised my fists while my lower hands held him down and started wailing on him. I will teach you to shoot me! He was screaming bloody murder as I pounded him out cold. I stood with a wide grin; it felt so good to just let it out. My face must have looked beyond terrifying because they were all gone. I stood there blankly looking around, but everyone was gone... even the cops. Fuck! Now, what am I supposed to do? Wait, they can’t have gone far yet. I will chase them down and explain.
I strode out, knocking over a motorcycle that was on the sidewalk. I peered down the street and saw the patrol car swerving around the corner. My gaze fell upon the bike. I don’t know how to drive it, so I left it alone. My feet clacked down the road as I reached the corner. They were long gone.
I held my head; it hurt a bit. It was pretty damn obvious that this was a bust. My mandibles ground together. Damn it to hell! Wait, that guy in there should have a phone or something, right? I quickly returned, lording over him. My hands rifled through his pockets, and he did have a phone. He also had a banana in his pocket for some reason. I pulled them out, but the screen was locked. This banana sure is tasty, though. I picked at it a little to no avail. Then I remembered that you could call 911 without getting in. I smiled wickedly to myself and hit the emergency call button.
It rang a few times then someone picked up. “Hello, this is 911. How may I help you? Hello? Is anyone there?”
It was weird holding the phone in front of my face. It took a moment to gather my thoughts. I needed to sound natural like I do this shit all the time. “Hello? Ah, yeah. Yeah, I have two criminals knocked out over here, and I need somebody to take care of it. There were two officers here, but they ran away... I think they were scared of me. Or something.”
“Where are you?”
“Good question... where the fuck am I? Hold on, I will see if there is an address here.” I lowered the phone a little and took a step outside. Despite looking all over but there were no identifying marks on the down run place. I ran a hand down my face. “I don’t see anything here. Can you track the phone?”
“We can. Alright... actually, there are already units on their way to that location. So just hold tight. What is the situation there?”
I glanced over the unconscious man, then walked up stairs and dragged down the other guy, laying him next to the other one. “Looks secure. By the way.... tell them not to shoot me.”
“Why would they shoot you?”
“I kind of look like a monster. Now I know what you are thinking, but I am a nice person. I just need some help.”
There was dead silence on the other end before she said. “So you are a Super?”
“Yeah I guess I am.”
“What is your identification name?”
“My what?”
“You know your Hero name.”
I thought for a while, but what the hell was that? So I needed to register or something? “I don’t have one, but I am called Vespidian.”
“Vespidian... just hold still right there and wait for the people to show up. Don’t be surprised if a Super shows up.”
“Why would a Super come?”
“They were already dispatched before you called. Just stay there and stay calm.”
She seemed a little frantic there. Did I say something wrong? Word has already spread about what I did, didn’t it. I wonder who is coming? I sat pondering, half-submerged in the shadows. It did not take too long for the police to arrive and the Super with them. It was.... who was that again? I really should pay attention to Heroes more. Wait, I remember he is Fire Chief.
He had a mechanized suit that had foam and water that he used to kill fires. I mean, the guy was a firefighter and was usually out on a call with the teams. The suit was a dusty red color striped with grungy yellow with thick armor plates. It was ten feet tall and looked like it could take some severe damage. There were two heavy cannons built into the arms and a third on his shoulder. I could see the massive tanks on his back and the reinforced hoses that led to the guns. The head looked like a large mechanical firefighter helmet and mask. The lenses were glowing blue. It was intimidating, to say the least.
Light flooded into the building, and he stepped to about thirty feet away. He had a god damned searchlight on his shoulder. It burns, oh god, it burns! “Come out with your hands up. You have ten seconds to comply.”
Was he talking to me? He must be, right? I am blind here, you know? Wearily I put all four of my hands up and showed myself. “There are two guys in there you should take.”
“Get on your knees and put your hands on the back of your head.” Bellowed that mechanical voice.
I slowly complied. The ground rumbled with his every step. Behind him, I saw a swat team with shotguns and shields quickly coming closer. He stood guard over me, and they rushed into the building. The lights would scald out my eyes, so I just stared at the ground. Yet another weakness, it seems the new me has a lot of them. It feels like I got the shit end of the stick for Super Powers. The thought that this was a bad idea began to gnaw away at me. Fire Chief did not say a damned word. He just stood there like a statue.
“I might be radioactive. I was in the sewers for a bit.” I tried to make small talk, and it would probably be good to tell about that.
He took a step away before hosing me down with some foamy stuff. It bubbled, and I sat there, letting it soak in. It reminded me of a bubble bath as I blew a few through the air. It had been about a minute or so before he shot me with water to clear the suds away. Those guns were serious business; it felt like I got punched where it hit me. As the suds slopped off of me, I was so damned clean there must have been a sheen coming off of my carapace. I was wet and cold, though.
“What was that stuff?”
“It was a counter agent to neutralize radiation.” Fire Chief replied, then the silence returned, and we were just sitting there. I hated the awkward muteness.
“Did I do something wrong?” I asked.
“No.” He replied.
“Wait, but I killed Captain Metal.” I realized after I said it that I should have just kept my mouth shut.
The head looked down at me. “Killed Captain Metal? Oh, so you are the one who attacked him? Well, he is not dead, so calm down a little, will you. At most, you will be charged with assault.”
“It was self-defense. He shot me like five times.” I cringed.
“You don’t look like you have been shot by his sonic gun.”
I held my head, realizing that all the evidence had already healed over. “I regenerate. Please, no more hurting. I will come in without a fight; just protect me from the bad people.”
“Bad people? Which group did you get in too deep with?”
“I can’t say they would kill me.”
“You are rather chatty considering your position.” He said a little uneasily.
“How does this work?”
“You are unregistered, so we are taking precautions, especially with the way you look. We have been getting reports of some monster running around the city all night. The descriptions match you.”
“I am a nice person, see.” I grinned, and my mouth spread wide. Somehow I am getting the feeling that he does not believe me, and that just made it worse.
“Sure you are.” He said it so sarcastically! “We will find out after a little questioning.”
My eyes opened wide. “Questioning?”
“Yeah, you know. Talking? We are going to figure out what the hell you are up to.”
“Oh god, you are going to torture me too?! No. No more hurting.” I flinched like a whipped dog.
“No one is going to torture you.”
“You are lying. That is what they all say!” I reeled back away from him into the shadows. He turned, and the spotlight followed. The swat team formed a wall of shields with guns bristling towards me like a porcupine. I lept up on the side of the wall, making a break for it. Water slammed into me and the claws detached from the building. I raked at the air turning my body to land on my feet. The ground was layered in foam when I squished down into it. The stuff was like flypaper, and I barely managed to drag myself out of the primary layer of it. It stuck to me, and I struggled, but it became harder to move with every second. Fear pulsed through me as it solidified. I was trapped.
“Calm down, will you.” Said Fire Chief walking over.
“Torture me all you want I know nothing!” I snarled back at him.
“Well, that is typically what people with things to hide say. Now listen no one is going to hurt you unless you give us reason to. Alright? We are going to go back to headquarters.”
“How can I trust you?” I cried, trembling like a leaf. “Captain Metal would not even listen to me and started shooting.”
“I am listening.” He replied.
“Really? You won’t try to hurt me?”
“If I wanted to hurt you, I would have already done it.”
“Alright, just don’t hurt me or throw me into the slums.” I nodded wearily.
He started cutting me mostly free from the foam. My hands and legs were still weighed down so that I could not run though I could walk. He led me over to a treaded tank like fire engine opening a side compartment. It was a holding cell. I was prodded in and sat down.
“Alright, I got her taken care of. You guys deal with that.” He shouted at the officers. Several of them nodded. He closed the door, and it hissed, sealing shut.
If I was claustrophobic, I would be losing my shit right about now, but luckily that was not the case. Red light illuminated the inside; it blinked in a slow strobing fashion. It could be worse; I mean, he only shot me with water and foam. I was not stabbed or had fingers broken. So, all in all, this is going pretty good. I am surprised that the bullets did such minor damage too. Most of it was already healed. Goes to show how much of a monster Molotov was... damn it.
Happy thought, happy thoughts.
If I can take him at his word, things are going to be alright. I thought for a while on the Fire Chief, I had never heard anything bad about him. If anything, the guy was a legitimate hero. He has saved countless lives, and his inventions have helped combat crime. His central role, though, is search and rescue when there are fires or disasters. A warm fuzzy feeling filled my chest. If it was this guy, I might be safe.
The vehicle slowed to a stop, and the door opened. White glared in, and I was blinded despite covering my eyes. Somebody grabbed me and pulled. At first, I seized up. The images of Molotov came flooding back. I have been bamboozled! I wanted to scream and run or curl up in a corner and cry. She had found me...
“Come on, you look hungry.” Said Fire Chief tugging slightly.
The realization that it was not her allowed a tidal wave of fatigue to wash over me. Was I safe? I had been on edge for so long it felt like I was going to overheat. He cuffed my hands and draped a blanket over me, even wrapped it a little to cover most of me from view.
“Why did you put the blanket...”
“You don’t want people staring, right?” He cut me off.
“Thanks,” I murmured, holding onto his hand.
I followed rather readily. A high ceiling was overhead, and white lights were spaced out at intervals. Swat vans and patrol cars were lined up all over the room. After a quick glance, I saw the closed bay door and where we were going was a freight elevator. His suit had changed, and he was wearing a much smaller one. He was about my height now. It had no cannons on the arms, and there was a small tank on the back with a turret type of set up. The elevator started up, and we soon arrived at the main floor.
The marbled floor of the reception room was sparkled and black. Cameras dotted the white ceiling, and white glass made several offices over to the side. The main entrance spread out at the opposite end. Heavy blast doors yawned perpetually; they made up the inner layer. The outer was a sliding glass door that opened whenever someone stepped on the plates on either side of it. There were a lot of people here. Most of them looked like just average everyday families checking out the gift shop at the other end of the massive hall.
Soldier looking people stood around the entrances. Their uniforms were white and red armor plates. They did not look that thick, but I could imagine that it was better than Kevlar. There were no helmets among these people, and they seemed very bored. Behind the counter to the main reception were several women in professionally cut business dresses and bundled hair.
At first, I was simply lost in the sea of movement, hiding behind Fire Chief, and only a few people seemed to notice me. As we made our way across the room, more and more eyes became curious about me. Mind your own business. Haven’t you ever seen a Wasp Woman before? I hated being watched, their mocking expressions. The pity, revulsion, hatred, and there was even somebody giving me the googly eyes. Gross, it was some old guy too! What is wrong with you people? I pulled the blanket closer to conceal it even more.
We rounded a corner, and the corridors became white-walled with black floors. Every so often, there would be a door to one side. There were more of the Hero League people running around. I still had not seen any other Supers yet, at the least, not in costume. There could be some running around as civis, though. We ended up at the far end of the hall, where it turned once more. This time it went down a stairwell. I lagged for a moment, but he prodded me until I moved.
This started to feel very familiar, just like a certain crazy doctor’s lab. Hallways... why do they love them so much? Yet another one and I found an open door. It appeared to be an interrogation room, the kind you would see at the police station. Two-way mirror, table, and chairs with a bright light.
“Just stay here I will be back.” He said, pointing at the chair.
“Wait!” I cried, latching onto him. “Don’t leave me alone in here.”
“Get off of me.” He stared me down, I could feel his glare through the mask. “Go sit down. I will be back in five minutes.”
Reluctantly I let go, and he walked out. The door closed, and I was alone. It could be worse. It could be worse. I whispered to myself. I glanced about the room. It was dry and cold, devoid of any sort of humanity. My antenna twitched as I took a deep breath and listened to my surrounding. The scratching of bugs in the walls and voices.... not those voices, like people voices. I am not crazy.
“So what is the big deal? Why the hell did you bring her to an interrogation room? She should be in getting a check-up.” Said a woman’s voice.
“Calm down, Neon Nurse. Look, she could be dangerous.”
“Dangerous? Nothing a good old needle to the neck won’t fix. Look at her; she is a frightened animal. I mean, what the hell even is she? Wait, is she an alien?”
“I don’t think she is an alien. Why is it always aliens with you anyway?”
“Well, what do you think, Dreamer? You have been staring at her this whole time.” Asked Neon Nurse.
“The antennae are twitching. So those are functional, interesting. She is scared of something that much is obvious... however, I don’t think it is us. In any case, we won’t know anything until after I have a little stroll through her head.”
“I wanted to have the first crack at her. Tell me any juicy details you find out. If she is an alien, you better tell me!”
“No. I won’t tell you.”
“Oh, come on! It will be our little secret. Don’t be stingy! I will hook you up with a nice robo arm; come on.”
“My lips are sealed.”
I shifted uneasily. What does she mean a stroll through my head? I did my best to keep my eyes from wandering to the mirror. Were these people even scarier than Molotov? No. These people are nothing compared to her. The door opened, and there stood Fire Chief; he had a bowl of soup in his hands. Then I saw her, I could only assume that she was this so-called Dreamer. Why? She did not look like a nurse.
She wore what looked like a white opera mask that had melted and was distorted; it left her crimson lips exposed. Her outfit was a deep blue leotard, shoulder gloves, stockings, and a light cyan cape. Her long silky hair was dyed blue as well. In her hand, she held a little cane that looked very expensive. She stood in the back watching me.
“You were hungry, right?” Asked Fire Chief putting the bowl on the table in front of me.
I nodded and took it, then stopped myself. “This isn’t poisoned, is it?”
He shook his head, and my upper eyes squinted at him, trying to see past that damned suit. This is that good cop, bad cop shit, isn’t it? My stomach growled and started anticipating the savory flavor. Fuck it, I am hungry. I took a spoonful and tested it. It was tomato soup. My tongue stabbed into the bowl, and they jumped back. After a couple of seconds, it was slurped up, and they were eyeing me with suspicion. I licked my lips, and Dreamer stepped forward.
“So, what is your story?” She asked, sitting on the edge of the table.
“I am Vespidian, and I came here for help.” I sounded a lot more confident than I was.
“What sort of help?”
“I want protection. A Super Villain was trying to recruit me. They did terrible things to me.”
“That does not sound good. Who was it?”
“I don’t know if I should tell you.” I shuddered. “I am already up shit creek if she finds me.”
“How are we supposed to stop her from finding you if we don’t know who to look for?”
A feeling of hopelessness washed over me. I clutched my head. “I never should have run. When she finds me, she will break me. This was a stupid idea! What have I done? Not like Nicky Mouse!”
She wrapped my head in her hands and hugged me. It was somewhat reassuring. Why do I feel like I can trust this person? Something ain’t right about this. She prattled on, though. “That’s it. You are alright. Just relax. Trust me. That is it trust me...”
Her voice filled my mind, and something felt like a spike in the back of my head. It hurt for a moment, but then numbness swelled, and my eyes could not focus. Darkness came. It was that terrible place. The place of madness spread out, and I lay there crying. I never wanted to come back here again. I wallowed about for a long while, but then I heard her voice. I glanced up and saw her; Dreamer stood looking over the darkness. Tendrils of ebony struck out angrily at her. She just ignored them; there seemed to be some sort of force field around her.
She stepped closer and looked down at me. “You have quite the dark mind.”
“Is that what this place is?”
“Yes. This is your inner mind. Subconscious in case you don’t know.”
“What were you expecting, sunshine and rainbows, or unicorns perhaps?”
“Not from you, but I was not expecting a void of depravity. I mean, look at this place. It is a dump.”
“Well fuck you bitch!”
She smirked. “This is your mind, you know. It is only this way because you want it to be.”
“Bullshit. I hear all these voices, and I can feel them. I don’t like this place.”
“What do they say?”
“What do you think. You are reading my mind.”
She was silent for a moment, just listening to the seething darkness. It hated her; I hated her. She was not welcome here. I could feel the scratching all around, writhing discomfort. She was being rejected, yet she stood her ground. Dreamer would not budge.
“So much hate, regret, sadness, revulsion, pain, fear. How are you so scared? You are far too young to have all of this festering bile in here.”
Da. None of your business bitch. Said Molotov materializing out of a dark mist.
“Molotov! Why are you in here?” I cringed. “It isn’t what it looks like. I was going to come back, don’t hurt me! Not the whip, please not the whip!”
Shut up, fool. I am only construct of mind to fight off invader. That right there is serious bad thing. What? You no see tentacles creeping out to corrupt us? Shouted Molotov.
I looked back at Dreamer, but there were no tentacles; she was just standing there. Although the darkness around her was turning gray, it was lightening. She spoke. “No need to be so aggressive. I did not come in here to hurt you.”
“Why did you come in here?” I asked, hiding behind Molotov.
“I want to help you. Is that so hard to believe? With my power, I have helped many people who suffer from mental conditions to recover and get better. Trust me. You need some serious help.”
‘Get out of here. You are not welcome!’ Shouted Molotov.
She raised her hands up submissively. “It is alright. I have already learned what I needed to know. As for all of this, well, it takes time, and if you are willing, I will help you.”
She faded away and left me and my mind alone. “Why did you choose Molotov?”
‘Because she is biggest, scariest thing to you. Perfect for fighting off whatever the hell that was. Now listen, never let that back in here.’
“Why not?”
‘She wants to change you. The only one who should change you is you. Others will try to control you. Be especially wary of mind powers.’
“But it is so dark in here; maybe it needs to be changed?”
‘Mental baggage acts as a castle for mind. You take it all out, and it like you open gate to invaders. You will be vulnerable. It is why I trained you to resist torture, this is what happens when Super Power is used to torture. More scarred, you are more resistant. Understand?’
“I think so. Am I crazy?”
‘Net. We are in inner mind. If you crazy I crazy, we are one and same after all.’
“So I am just talking to myself?”
‘Da. I am subconscious mind, your conscious mind. Same yet different, one yet two. I take care of things that take no thought to do, breathing, beating heart. That sort of thing. I also take care of instincts. You make choices on urges. I am not in control; you are. I can only nudge you to do something if I feel it right.’
I stood looking her over. “You can change, right? What should I call you?”
‘Form? Da. What you want me be? Name hmm interesting concept. Sub would not be bad. It is basic, and I don’t particularly care.’
“Sub? Alright, why are you so angry?”
‘What you mean? How you not mad after all the terrible things happening to us? Life has turned to train wreck. Our safe little world of watching anime, playing games, goofing off, and diddling to porn has been shattered. It is because you did not listen to me. I wanted to go home.’
It felt peculiar talking to myself. I mean, it was a totally different me, and she was angry at just about everything. I was being insulted by myself.... did I fall down the rabbit hole or something? Is there more than just her? Don’t tell me there is like an army of other mes in here somewhere. There is a little nagging feeling that I might be totally fucked in the head. I mean I am talking to myself, and it is talking back. Well, you know what they say about the abyss, you stare long enough, and it stares back. She is really mean too. She is a lot like Molotov, actually...
‘That is not very nice.’ Said Sub glaring at me.
‘You know what. Where the hell you think we are? I hear everything. I know what guy we cream pants over... although now I suppose we don’t wear pants. Anyway, don’t compare me to psycho bitch.’
“You say that while looking like her.”
Da. To get point across.’
“So, what do you want?”
“For what?”
‘You know what.’
‘Eh, good enough. I don’t expect much out of you anyway. What is done is done. But you should know more you trust me, stronger I am.’
“What the fuck! So cruel. Why should I trust you?”
‘Why would you not? I am the competent one. I kept us alive while in coma. I would not do something that would hurt us; that is stupid like robbing bank. That is shitting where you eat. Anyway, main reason is, I am your mental defense. Scary lady did not get kicked out, she left on own. I was not strong enough to repel her. Which means she could come back.’
“Is that bad?”
‘What you mean is it bad?! Are you stupid? I fear she come back and have way with us. She could have taken us to brown town! Skull fucked our brains out! Turned us into sex slave if that what she wanted! Never let her in again!’
“Why are you obsessed with sex?”
‘I am you remember?’ Said Sub shivering. ‘Look in mirror miss two terabyte porn folder. So... so many tentacles.’
“Ah, right point taken.”
“How do I leave here, by the way?”
‘Da. You imagine door and open it.’
“That easy?”
“Bye, I guess.”
Don’t worry, I always watching. Don’t be too stupid out there. Don’t let Neon Nurse stab you! She wants our ass.
“Neon who?”
My eyes opened, and I was sitting at the table with Dreamer standing over my shoulder. I jerked away from her hand. She seemed surprised but had a warm smile.
“See, that was not so bad.”
I snapped back at her. “Stay the fuck out of my head. It is bad enough without you fiddling around in there.”
“I did not mean to scare you or anything. We just needed the information to help you.”
“You stay away from me.”
“Very well.” She smiled. “I will not help you unless you ask me to.”
Fire Chief stood up from his chair. “Well, now that we know that Molotov is in town, we need to call in some serious help. Don’t worry, you are safe here.”
“I am safe?” I wanted desperately to believe it.
Fire Chief took off his helmet. He had a thick blunted chin covered in grizzled stubble, and a scar ran up from his muscular neck clear to his right eye. Baby blue eyes and black Caesar cut hair, now that, that was a man. He just smiled at me and said. “Everything is going to be alright now.”
Don’t do that! You want me to go weak in the knees? Tears started falling, and no matter how I wiped, they kept coming. Why did it feel like I could trust him? I must just be desperate. Well, that and he is right in my hitbox. What? A girl can dream. I mean, he just saved me and pulled me off of the streets like a lost puppy. Albeit a rabid puppy, but still. I am not saying it is love or anything, but I would not mind getting to know him a bit better. Wait, he just showed me his secret identity!
“Why did you show me your face? Secrets are secrets, right?” I asked, nibbling on my fingers, worried out of my mind.
“Around here, everybody knows everybody. You are one of us now. We stick up for one another, so don’t worry.”
“I am one of you guys? I joined the Hero League just like that?” I asked nervously, looking between the two expecting it to be a joke.
“A little premature to be saying she is one of us.” Said, Dreamer. “You still have to pass a few tests to join. First of all, we need to get you medically examined. I know a certain nurse who is biting at the bit to see what is what.”
“She is not going to go all Dr. Feelgood on me, is she?”
“That is entirely up to her. Depends on how thorough she wants to get.”
“That is a violation of human rights!”
“It is for a good cause.” Said someone behind me. It was Neon Nurse and her syringe of love? Peace? Justice? I don’t know, but it scares me. That thing looks dangerous! “You won’t feel a thing!”
“I never agreed to this!” I shouted and tried to run, but that bitch got me right in the ass. Fuck! Sub was right. Why does everything go for the ass? I guess it is a weak point, the joints between my pelvic armor and legs. I had half a mind to sting her with my own syringe, but my muscles were already going crazy. I dropped to the floor, writhing and screeching. The smile she wore was unhinged. Don’t you look at me like that! What the hell have I gotten myself into now? Then the lights went out.
“Fuck me! I am here again?” I shouted, staring at the abyss.
Nice to see you too, asshole.’ Laughed Sub bubbling up from the ground. She did not have a form, just darkness with a wide grin and glowing eyes. ‘I told you to watch out for her. But you no listen.
“Well fuck you, I am leaving.”
‘I would not do that if I was you.’
“Why not?” I asked.
‘Neon Nurse is ehh...’ She trailed off. ‘Well, doing things to us.’
“God damn it! What? What is she doing.”
‘You don’t want to know. Trust me on this one. I don’t even want to know.’ Said Sub shaking her head while shivering.
I yelled at her. “What the fuck is going on out there?! Now you got me worried!”
If you must know, it involves Robo Snakes, like five Robo Snakes. At least now I know how it feels to be in the hentai. Good news I know what all holes do now. She was shuddering and writhing while she held her face... oh god, she is a pervert.
“Don’t want to hear it!”
‘You asked! Ok, middle hole is-’
“LALALALA! I can’t hear you!”
‘Seriously though, this is important.’
“Don’t tell me!”
‘Alright, I won’t tell you. I know what poison is now, though. It causes paralysis. Pretty useful, eh? I stabbed that bitch right in the stomach. Problem is she is cyborg, and it only slowed her down for like a minute.’
“Wait, you said she has Robo Snakes? Why the hell does she have those?”
That is good question. Be sure to ask after you wake up.
I cringed. “Is there going to be any lasting damage?”
She looked up for a second and seemed to be thinking. How come I can’t tell what she is thinking, but she knows what I am? That is not fair! She stared at me.
I heard that. Well, if you actually listened, you could easily hear what I am thinking. If you tried, we could be all cool and talk with telepathy, but noooo someone is slacking. As for damage well, ovipositor will take a full day to recover. She was very interested in that. I think she might have hots for us now, scratch that, she is going to rape us. Seems to think we alien and going to impregnate women. She has watched too many movies.
“Wait, I have a what? I have an egg layer?”
Indeed. Our inny is an outy, literally. It is pretty weird having a reversible womb. No eggs, though, not yet. Neon Nurse was very, very disappointed about that.
“That is fucking gross. I don’t want to know. Is she going to be done soon?”
It will be a while. She is eh... exploring.
“Yeah... just tell me when it is safe to wake up. I am going to choke that bitch so hard! I can break her neck, right? I mean, she is a cyborg, right?”
Yeah, I will be right there with you. Smiled Sub.
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