《Omnicrafter (A Crafting Adventure LitRPG)》Chapter 42: Brewing Time


Well, the plan was to get started on alchemy right away.

But when it came to alchemy, what Tabitha really wanted to do was make a slime mixture to turn into hardslime and then make that into a spearhead for her dream, giant-spider-slaying spear.

Sure, she had a cauldron now thanks to the slime she gathered… but she needed more, and finding slimes wasn’t exactly easy even if Tabitha did find two by pure chance already. She was actually half tempted to go back out into the forest to hunt for some, but she figured that it would be best to stay in the town because of exposure to that powder.

Of course, that didn’t stop her from complaining about it.

“Ah… if only I had more slime,” Tabitha said. “Why do they have to be so rare? They’re too useful to be this rare! Then again, them bein’ useful is exactly why they are rare. Ya know, if this was Earth, people would know what supply and demand means, and you’d be able to buy yourself a breedin’ pair of slimes for a few dollars. Hasn’t anybody taught the basics of supply and demand to this world yet?”

Runa tilted her head. “I think the problem is that the ones who have captured all the slimes know about the demand… which is why they keep the slimes for themselves.”

“Tch. Capitalism strikes again. Just you wait, Runa. One day, I’m gonna make so much money that I’ll be able to buy them out and absorb them into my own company! Then I’ll never have to worry about needin’ slimes again! I’ll also sell breedin’ slimes to others, just because why not? I love me some capitalism, but I also like fair capitalism, ya know? I want competition! The more competition, the more inspired we’ll all be! And it’s gonna get borin’ once I’m the best of the best if there ain’t anybody tryin’ to catch up to me.”


“I—I think I understand. But right now, all you need is some slime, right?”


“I have two more jars of it from that slime.”

“Wait, ya do?”

“I do. I got three jars from it.”

“How come ya only gave me one?”

“I—I thought you might go through it too quickly, so I was going to keep them until you needed them.”

“On one hand, I almost feel offended that ya kept craftin’ materials away from me. On the other hand… ya know me so well already. That’s a good idea. Keep it up.”

“You’re not mad?”

“Nah. But I might be if ya don’t fetch me those other jars.”

“I’ll—I’ll go right away!” And so, she left with a wagging tail behind her.

It only took Runa a few minutes to come back with a large bag that she set down on the floor in front of Tabitha. “Here’s everything!”

“That’s a lot more than a couple of jars,” Tabitha said before opening up the bag to look through it. It was full of all the different things they gathered during their little adventure into the forest, the jars of slime, the giant spider parts, and some other things that Tabitha didn’t recognize. One of which was what looked like an aqua crystal. Next to it was a white powder that made Tabitha think of cocaine from all the mafia movies she watched, but she doubted Runa would ever bring her cocaine.

If she did, then it would only add to the comparison of her being like a drug sniffing hound.

Tabitha picked up the bag with white powder and stuck a finger into it to use Analyze.

Item Information


Yellowhusk Flour

Yellowhusk kernels that have been grounded into flour.












Bonus Tag


“Oi, that tag! I remember that uh—that Hanne told me I’d need it! I completely forgot about makin’ a base for the cauldron!” Tabitha said before reaching down to grab the crystal that was next to it.

Item Information


River Gem

A gem commonly found in the beds of rivers.











Bonus Tags


[Dominant Water]

“Menu, thing.”

System Menu


Stabilizes unstable combinations.


This item may be used to create a base liquid for performing Alchemy.

Dominant Water

Forces the Water element onto any item crafted with this.

“Well, if that ain’t just everythin’ I needed that I completely forgot about. You’re the best, Runa. Ya really are.”

Runa’s smile couldn’t have been any wider than it was. “When you didn’t want me around yesterday, I thought I would try to make myself useful by getting everything you needed! Because… I thought you might forget about it until you were in the mood to do alchemy.”

“It’s almost scary how well ya know me already.”

“Ehe. Anyways, I had Hanne help me! She told me common things that might have the tags you need, so I went and gathered some and then brought them back to her for her to check. It took seven river gems before I found one that had the Alchemical tag. And the flour is from Hanne. She wanted some mushrooms in exchange for it, so I had to go and do that, but it was easy!”

“Thanks, Runa. Really. Now, I think all I need is some more water to put in the cauldron, and I’ve got to crush up the gem to mix it into the water.”

“I’ll go get you some water!”

“Hang on, ya don’t have t—”

Runa was already out the door to fetch a bucket of water before Tabitha could stop her.

“Geez, that girl. Ya know, I might not have gotten any special ability or whatever like the other Summoned got, but I’ll take Runa over one of those any day.”

Who needed overpowered, unique abilities when they could have Runa as an assistant?

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