《Golem core》Rewrite


So I know this will likely annoy a lot of people but I'm not entirely happy with how I wrote some parts of this story so far so I'm going to go back over and change them before I get too far into this story. It's very unlikely that the main events will change in any meaningful way whilst I'm writing but I feel like some of the events would benefit from some changes and I don't want to write more chapters until I know exactly how those events play out (sometimes things go differently to how you originally plan them to go whilst you're writing).

With my story being pretty short already I doubt it will take me long to rewrite them all (maybe a couple of weeks), I'm gonna release them as new chapters for now and leave the old ones up so people can compare and let me know if you think I've made anything worse instead of better. I have no doubts that I'll lose some followers due to this but I don't want to throw just effort at something I'm not happy with, this is a hobby at the end of the day, I don't make anything from writing this and I want to enjoy it too

With that said, thank you to all of you who are supporting the story and to those of you that have left constructive criticism if you didn't, hope you're all doing well and that you enjoy the story!

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