《Forever Beyond Forever》8 Years Later
Olivia’s PoV
May 17, 2033
Biking around our town after just finishing my tutor session with Mrs. Courtley is just the best feeling in the world. I feel like I’ve circled this town more than 1000 times now, I don’t know, well I probably lost count but that’s just life, I guess.
“Congratulations Olivia!”
“Way to go Olivia!”
“We knew you could do it Olivia!”
“Olivia! Olivia! Olivia!”
Now, as to why they’re shouting all this, it’s because I passed the scholarship for Serenus University which is a well-known prestigious university in the country. It was all thanks to Mrs. Courtley’s amazing tutorship, now I won’t have to pay for tuition, I just have to study and study, what a relief. I smiled at everyone who greets me while passing by, of course, I’m thankful to everyone who has supported me with all they can.
After arriving just outside our house, I saw a familiar person with a bouquet of flowers and I knew just what to do.
“How many times do I have to turn you down Gabby? I already told you to give up on me, jeez,” I said with blatant annoyance.
“Now now, no need to be harsh Olivia, well Gabby, we’re sorry we can’t do anything if it’s our daughter’s decision,” said my mom in sweet voice as usual.
“I understand, but would you accept my flowers?” asked Gabby, man this dude is persistent.
“Sure, whatever, I just don’t want you getting all attached to me because it hurts when strings are broken when time comes, okay? I’m just being honest, I think you’re a great guy but I don’t like you,” I said with sincerity.
He nodded, gave me the flowers and left.
“Are you sure, it’s alright to turn down a guy such as Gabby?” asked my mom with a smirk(?), I’m not really sure what to call that.
“You know, who I like mom, quit pretending you don’t know,” I said with determination.
“Oh, it’s already been 8 years, huh, but you’re still not giving up, how lucky is she with that patience and determination,” said my mom in a somewhat teasing voice.
“Quit teasing me, like hell I’d forget about her, but I don’t know about her though…” I said looking down.
“Aww, I’m sure she still remembers you, she went out of her way to make a letter despite being pinned down by her family after all,” said my mom in an attempt to cheer me up.
“But she said she’ll keep sending letters but I never received one after that…” I said with tears building up.
“That’s so unlike her, I’m certain that she’s just being forced not to send letters to you, we know how strict Rachel’s family is after all,” said my mom hugging me tightly as ever.
“You’re right,” I smiled and embraced her tightly.
Rachel’s PoV
June 4, 2033
Me and my boyfriend for 4 years now, Ian, has been shopping lately to complete our needs for university as classes are going to start again at Monday.
“What a pain, can’t we just asked granny to send us a bunch of stuff?” complained Ian, who I smacked in the head.
“Quit being a baby, I thought you’ve decided to change throughout the years? Was that all talk?” I cornered him with questions.
“I understand, I understand, I’m sorry,” he replied but still reluctant to the amount of load we have to carry.
“Jeez, why do you have to be so lazy, come on, let’s get going, my load is heavier than yours, okay? Now get moving, lazy bastard,” I said cold-heartedly but I adore my boyfriend, of course.
“Aye aye Ma’am,” he said and got moving.
We just got back in our apartment and set everything up. Now I’m sure a lot of you are confused as to why me and Ian are living together now, well the story goes as:
February 16, 2028
I had just turned 13 and everyone in my family convinced Ian to finally court me even though we were that young, yeah I know, I have no idea what’s in the head of my relatives. Anyways, time for time to move forward again.
April 17, 2029
I was 14 years old at the time and decided to say yes to him, since I could really saw the efforts he had put in just to get me, but I was mostly annoyed.
June 4, 2033
And yeah, our relationship developed and took a really a good path, I was also surprised how subtle we eventually got attached to each other. As for Olivia, well, let’s just say it didn’t go too well, I was forbidden to send letters to her, she doesn’t know my address, I can’t go anywhere unless I’m with Ian and some random bodyguard.
But I wish nothing but happiness for her, and I realized it’s too farfetched for us to be together anyways, we were only able to say all those things back then because we were children unaware of reality. I wonder what she’s doing now.
“Rachel, where should I put your art materials?” asked Ian struggling where to put our things.
“Put it anywhere that it’s properly protected and easy to memorize where,” I said to him, I don’t know if he understood that, but ehh.
Oh yeah, I’m also an artist now, I used to really adore drawing which eventually turned into a hobby, which eventually turned into my passion. And my adorable boyfriend is taking an electrical engineering course, good luck to him with that.
But anyways, class is about to start on Monday and I’m both excited and lifeless about it.
Olivia’s PoV
June 6, 2033
Serenus University provides their scholars a free room in a dormitory so I’m there as we speak, it feels really weird being alone after living with my parents for my entire life until now. Anyways, it’s the first day of class and I’m gonna be late to class if I don’t get moving.
And so, even after going at full speed, I was 10 minutes late to our class and there stood our professor, who was kind enough to still let me in. I was gasping for air as I sat down in my assigned seat.
“That’s everyone, shall we start our lecture now?” asked out professor with a radiant smile.
What? So they were just waiting for me?...
I’m embarrassed beyond comprehension, am I already a burden at the first day of class? I was sweating heavily and people started to notice.
“Uhmm, are you okay, Ms. hmm, Ms. Olivia?” asked out Professor, who I was surprised knew my name.
Well, I’m late at the first day of class, that would at least make me stand out for a bit, I guess.
“Nothing, Sir, yes, we can start the lecture now,” I said nervously.
“Thank you,” replied our professor and started the lecture.
During our break time, I was, let’s just say, alone, lurking around the school as I try to find a good club to enter, the course I picked was Psychology so I really don’t know what suited me. I was kind of curious if there was a literature club since I think writing is my second passion, writing, huh?
And luckily I found one, I knocked on the door to see who’s inside and there’s… people, specifically 4 people inside who was smiling at my presence, I think.
“Welcome to the Literature Club! Do you want to join?” asked one of the members ever so enthusiastically, reminded me of my kid self.
“I’m the President of this club, Monika, nice to meet you,” said the President with a bright smile.
“Uhmm, what does this club offer?” I asked unreluctantly.
“Well, we have books for you to read, we write, and of course, talk about our lives, just because there’s only a few of us here at the moment,” said Monika sweetly smiling.
“Oh, I see, well… I’m in!” I said unexpectedly enthusiastic, “I mean, where do I register?” leaving an embarrassed chuckle.
I’m officially part of the Literature Club and I don’t know what to do from here on out, eat, sleep, study, I guess.
Class had just finished and I decided to go to a pet shop near the dorm I’m staying in, but suddenly saw street children torturing a cat on my way there.
“Hey you! Stop that!” I shouted at them with anger, and all of them ran away.
The cat was severely bruised and was limping almost desperately, poor thing. I decided to carry it to a near pet clinic.
“Is this pet yours or did you find it in the streets?” they asked me.
I really don’t want to lie, but I want to adopt a pet so…
“It’s mine, she left my room on her own and I saw her getting beat up by children, I’m such a horrible owner,” I said to myself sounding pitiful.
“Well, uhh… Your cat is a male, Ma’am, perhaps you just recently adopted this cat?”
Oh crap, I really don’t know how to distinguish them at first sight, dang.
“Well yeah, I recently adopted him, which explains why he was a bit stubborn,” I said with a chuckle.
“Alright, here is how much you will pay.”
And my world stopped as soon as I saw the bill, good lord have mercy, but hey, at least I got myself a cat, now I have to find a part-time job to sustain myself.
Upon arriving in my home, I fed my cat, whom I named Airashi because he’s adorable. While he was eating, I also prepared my dinner and do my assignments while eating, since I don’t really have any choice but to do it, I suck at time management after all.
While eating, I suddenly had a memory outburst and didn’t know why my chest feels heavy, oh yeah, Rachel, where may you be now?
After eating I head to my room, where I had kept my “boxes,” there were 4 of them there, and they were all full of letters… for someone… I’ve waited… for 8 years…
I sat down, took a pen and paper, and started writing. As I was writing, tears keep flowing from my eyes across my cheeks.
“Everyday, since that day you left the town, I’ve been writing letters to you, but I only kept all of them because I don’t know where you might be, I don’t want anyone to read this other than you,” I whispered in the wind
Before I know it, I finished yet another letter I’m uncertain she’s gonna be able to read but oh well, that’s just life, I guess.
Rachel’s PoV
August 13, 2033
Two months have passed ever since the first day of school and let me just say, I’ve been having a blast lately, I’ve met new people with the same interest as me. Furthermore, my boyfriend is at the top of his class, which just makes me really proud as his cute girlfriend.
It was Saturday and we decided to go on a date at a mall near our school, named Ceres Mall.
We didn't really know where to go but we just walked around while we held hands like most couples do. Upon hours of wandering aimlessly, I finally decided to check out the movie theatre with Ian.
"So, are you into this stuff?" I asked Ian, but his face was visibly terrified.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked as if reluctant to watch the movie.
Well, who could blame him, a male would immediately freak out at movie that involves removal of testicles.
"Oh well, let's just find a tamer one, I suppose," I said and took his hand and we got to the next movie.
"This is much better," said Ian with a sigh of relief since the poster has cute animals in it.
"Let's go then," I said and we walked in after buying popcorn, fries and other movie snacks.
"Well, that was one hell of a twist, what'd you think, Ian?" I asked him while he trembles in fear. "Why are you into that stuff? That just messed up my head big time," said my adorable boyfriend, being a usual scaredy cat.
"You're just weak-minded, I guess. Well, let's go somewhere we can eat now, to at least lessen the trauma you experienced," I said and we went to a nearby fast food chain inside the mall.
We ate and talked as we usually do, and man I tell you, the food here is delicious.
"So, anything interesting happening in your class lately?" I initiated the first question.
"Nothing much, I'm still the top student, and nothing particularly interesting or new to me is being discussed," replied Ian as he continues to eat.
"Well, aren't you an arrogant little turd? Well, you're only ever able to be true with yourself when you're with me, so I'll give you a pass, I suppose," I said while taking a sip from my beverage.
"That is true, but I think I'm improving in being able to express myself, you know? Well, not like it matters tho, it's only a few years until we get married," said Ian without putting much thought into his words.
"I'm surprised at how granny and my parents didn't decide to marry us as soon as we turn 18 though, but I guess that's understandable," I said looking at Ian, "As much as they want us to be together, we have to think about our personal future as well, after all."
"That is certainly true," he said taking a sip from his beverage, "Say, Rachel, have you ever thought about what will happen if you ever met Olivia again?"
"Oh... That..." I said taken aback by his sudden question, "I would most likely introduce you to her, or somethin like that."
"I see," he smiled and put down his beverage.
"Why did you bring her up? Are you actually scared that I might pick her over you?" I asked with a serious stare.
"No, it's nothing, in any case, I'm relieved by your answer, I know just what to do," he said with a happy tone and stared at me.
What's up with him?
"Don't read into it too much, just finish your food so we can go back already," he said trying to wipe my frown.
"How about we go to the sky fountain first? And if you're gonna ask for what reason, don't ask, just agree to me, you have no choice anyways," I said with a devilish smirk.
"Fine," he said after giving a sigh.
After we have finished eating, we rested for a bit and went up to the sky fountain.
Upon arriving, I had him stand in a place where only the two of us can see.
"So, uhh, what exactly is the reason that you had to drag me to this isolated place," he said confused in his head like the idiot he is.
"Just close your eyes and hold you breath for 5 seconds, you'll get the signal as soon as I hint it anyways," I said with a smile and a sunny chuckle.
"Whatever you say madam," he replied and did as I say.
As soon as he closed his eyes, I walked up to him and grabbed the back of his head.
I leaned in for a kiss and our lips touched for the first time in our 4 years relationship. The kiss lasted for only 2 seconds but felt like eternity.
"Happy Birthday Ian," I said as we both open our eyes staring deeply at each other's eyes.
"Thank you, Rachel," he replied with a beaming smile.
And we returned home after that, as if we're the only people in the world, we held hands from the sky fountain to our apartment room. I've never been this happy my entire life.
Olivia's PoV
I guess my bad feeling was right after all.
I stood there, at the scenery where Rachel and Ian, who I hardly recognize, kissed with such passion.
Even if it's for a moment, I could feel the sincerity of their feelings towards each other.
I'm smiling, but why is my chest so heavy?
No, I should be happy for them, Rachel finally found the person she loves.
How dare I say that was a bad feeling, I should be jumping up and down, celebrating for joy to know that Rachel is not shackled by our words...
Why, why, why, why, why does it hurt so much? Why am I crying?
Ahahaha, I'm in public, but I'm crying, what a pitiful sight I am right now, huh?
What should mom and dad think of me if they see me like this, I told myself that in the scenario they'd end up together, I'd support them.
This, this, why was I so foolish to believe that words of two 5 years old children are true.
Why did I even cling to a belief that she's the same as me, that even after 8 years, our promise is still unbreakable.
What if I was really the only one who liked Rachel back then and not both of us?
Was I just making a fool of myself?
Inseparable? What absurdity, her granny was right all along, that two females being attracted to each other is nothing short of delusional.
But why, after so long, I never gave up on writing letters.
Believing that one day she'll be able to read them all?
Why did we even say we'll be together forever and ever and ever and forever beyond forever when none of those exist.
Was I just being selfish, believing that if it's us, we'll overcome all sorts of barriers because we're special?
Ha! What a bunch of crap, only a male and female can conceive a child, there's no way we'll have a happy family.
No way we can be together.
Why am I only realizing it now?
How much of a delusional person are you, Olivia?
I guess, that's just life...
I walked back to my dorm looking like I don't know what, but I couldn't care less about what's happening around me.
I just feel like... Not existing, I guess. What am I saying, haha, have I gone truly mad? That shouldn't even hurt in a bit, haha, yeah, it shouldn't, I'm tough as a steel.
"Oh, hey Airashi, aren't you a cute little cat? You're all I have in this world, right now, it's gonna be a shame if you're not healthy," I said while petting him and prepared his food, "Here you go."
I looked at Airashi eating while tears flow from my eyes again.
Damn it, I thought my eyes have dried out, I guess not.
He looks at me as if with pity.
"I know, right? I'm such a pitiful living being, broke down so easily even after saying she's tough as steel," I said talking to my cat.
Airashi meowed in a worried tone, I assume.
"Thank you Airashi," I said as I hugged him tight and keeps meowing with her paws spreading out as if trying to hug me back.
I went back to my room and grabbed a pen and paper.
Haha, I never learn, don't I? Even after witnessing something like that, I still manage to pull through and write another letter.
I don't know anymore, why do I even exist? Why am I here? Why am I not dead yet? Oh, right, there's still people who care for me.
But why does it hurt so badly, is it because I'm an adult now?
Is that seriously the reason? Then I don't wanna be an adult if it hurts this bad.
What's Monika and the club members gonna think of me if they see me in this state?
Probably pity me, because I pity myself HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
I'm tired...
I just wanna end it all...
Tears... Hasn't stopped flowing...
God, if you're out there, take me, I don't bear any purpose anymore...
All because of a promise...
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