《Divided/ Party to Escape》Epilogue


While they were chatting around, a person named Stig who didn’t knew his friend was death all along, he still didn’t know till now. He approached to ask Felix some question because he was the last responsible person to babysit someone.

“Pssh! Hey, Felix.” Stig whispered next to Felix.

“Huh? What’s up, Stig?”

“Do you know where Justin Bailey is?”

“Justin who?”

“Justin Cyber, the narcissist guy we were supposed to protect despite being a victim of this mess?”

“Oh yeah, uhm… now you mentioned it. We just let him off the hook because he won’t cause us any trouble for now.”

“What? Just like that? I thought we… Urgh, fine. I bet his fans must be worried by now, yeah?”

“Uhm, yeah. Here’s the thing, uhm... Stig, the one we were told about him was all made-up by the mastermind. There was no such thing about him being a star.”

“What!? So everything we were told was all lies!? Then what about his family? Nothing goes wrong with his family reunion, right!?”

“No, I'm afraid not. They’re just happy to get rid of him because they were sick and tired of him.”

“Huh… What kind of world are we in?”

“We’re living a fucked-up society, Stig. And you going to get used to it.”

Regarding how Felix described, Stig was left in shock, couldn’t believe it how the people treated him that way.

So what happened to Justin Bailey or cyber in the end? He later found out his whole career was all made up and not welcomed to his family again. He was taken to the orphanage afterword due to legal age.

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