《Descendants 2: Ride with the tide》Ben's Announcement


BRIAR'S POV: OUTFIT- pinterest.co.uk/phoebenock2/cotillion-b/

I stood at the top of the stairs waiting to be introduced to the boat after Mal and Chad. I noticed my brother shift at the mention of Mal's name and for a fearful look to cross his face but I passed it off as him being nervous. "Prince Chad, the boyfriend of our beloved queen." I heard Lumier announce my boyfriend and smiled to myself. I bet he looks amazing in his suit. I spent so much time thinking about Chad that I didn't hear our names being announced until Ben pulled me forward. I smiled as we revealed ourselves to the public, our arms linked, I was careful as I walked down the steps as to not trip on my dress.

As we reached the bottom of the steps Ben let go of me and Chad walked over and took my hand delicately in his own much larger one, bending to kiss it as I blushed. "My Queen, you look radiant." He grinned up at me.

"Shut up." I covered my face in an attempt to hide my blush as he laughed, as I controlled it I looked up at him for the first proper time only to blush again. "You look good."

He smiled and adjusted his suit. "Thanks, babe, my mum was fussing over my hair." He laughed as I touched his tamed curls.

I shook my head. "I like it better messy." I ran a hand through his hair to loosen it up a bit and nodded to myself. "Much better."

I noticed a faint blush on his cheeks as I removed my hand, he went to say something only to be interrupted by everyone gasping. My head snapped round to see Uma walking towards my brother and I felt my blood boil as I watched him move away from Mal and wrap his arm around Uma's waist. "You went back for her?" Mal asked, her eyes wide.

Uma shook her head and looked at my brother lovingly. "No, he didn't. I had a chance when you all drove off. The barrier was still slightly open so I dove off and swam here. Isn't it great, Mal?" She held out her hand for Mal to shake, but Mal denied it angrily.

"I am so sorry Mal but Uma is the one I love." I angrily stomped over to them and a smile lit up his face. "Briar, I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say."

I held back the urge to slap him as Chad stepped beside me, entwining his fingers with mine as though to calm me, which worked. "Ben, are you really going to do this? Are you going through with this?" I asked, my voice angrier than I expected it to be.

"Yes I am, and I hope you can both understand." He replied before facing her. "Uma, do you want to dance?" He asked holding his hand out.


"Of course, Ben." She smiled as he led her to the middle of the ship, "Kiss the Girl" started to play as I and Evie pulled Mal away from the scene.

"I'm not so thrilled I risked my life for him." Carlos snapped as he hugged Mal and glared at my brother.

Lottie walked over to us as I did my best to hold back from kicking my brother off the boat, literally. "We're with you, Mal." She muttered.

"I can't watch this anymore," I growled as I took Mal by the hand and led her away, not missing the smug glance Uma gave her.

As we walked by my parents I stopped with Mal. "Honey, we're so sorry, we didn't know." Mom looked at me sadly.

"I'm going to talk to him," Dad assured.

"Lumier! I want you to reveal Mal's present now! They need to see it!" Jane exclaimed as she ran over to the stairs.

"Attention everyone! And now to unveil Ben's masterpiece designed especially for his lady Mal!" He announced as he pulled the cover off of a beautiful tapestry.

Everyone gasped at its beauty as Ben seemed entranced by it, some kind of recognition flashing over his face briefly before Uma noticed and pulled him to face her. "Ben did that?" Mal asked, looking at me.

"Yeah, he did, with some help." I smiled.

She took my arm as we walked back down the steps. "Ben's known who I was all along."

"He loves the real you, Mal," Evie said as she took her other arm.

"True love." I gave them a knowing beam.

"COVER THAT BACKUP!" Uma shouted, running at Lumier only to be stopped by my arm on her shoulder.

"He will do no such thing." I snapped as everyone gasped at her behaviour.

She looked around nervously. "Why don't you tell them about the surprise you got me, Ben." She walked over and took his hands as he shook his head as though to clear his head.

He nodded and faced the crowd. "I am bringing down the barrier around the Isle as a gift to Uma. Fairy Godmother!" He beckoned to her as she shook her head rapidly in denial.

"That is not your decision to make!" I snapped, walking towards him as Uma glared at me.

"He is the King." She snapped back.

"And last time I remembered I am the Queen." I reminded her angrily. "Not you."

"Ben, you can't do this!" Dad exclaimed, backing me up.

"Not now, guys!" Ben yelled, holding his head in frustration.

"Ben's been spelled." Mal gasped as she watched him wide-eyed.

"I guess now we know who found Mal's spellbook." Evie sighed.

"You little witch!" I glared at Uma, holding back from going beast on her and ripping her into shreds.


"Ben, Ben look at me!" Mal exclaimed as she quickly got in front of him.

"No look at me, you love me, remember?" Uma cooed, trying to keep his eyes on her.

"No, you don't," Mal said softly, his eyes glued to her.

"Bring down the barrier!" Uma exclaimed, glaring at Fairy Godmother.

"Bring down the shrimps so she can shut it!" I yelled back.

"Ben, I never told you that I loved you because I never thought that I was good enough, and I thought that it was only a matter of time before you realized that yourself. Ben, that's me!" She pointed at the tapestry and he glanced over at it. "I'm part Isle and part Auradon, you've always known who we are and who we can be." Uma desperately tried to get him to listen to her but he stayed transfixed on Mal, clinging on to her every word. "I know what love is now." Mal smiled up at him, tears building in her eyes. "Of course I love you, I've always loved you." She pulled him into a kiss as everyone awed at them.

When she pulled away I saw his usual smile and let out a sigh of relief. "Guards, get her!" I ordered as Uma tried to run away, knowing she had no chance now.

Before anyone could grab her she ran to the corner of the boat and tried to jump off but Mal stopped her. "Uma, I know you." She cautiously advanced as Uma glanced between us all like a trapped animal, looking for a way out. "You are so much more than just a villain and you have to believe me because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want."

Uma's necklace began to glow and she smirked, walking towards me and grabbing my waist she pulled me over the edge of the boat and dragged me down into the water with her. I crashed into the water and felt my dress begin to weigh me down further, thrashing my arms around I noticed my necklace start to emit a bright yellow glow and I slowly felt my body tingle. The weight of my dress disappeared as I looked down and noticed where my legs used to be there was a sleek, multicoloured mermaid tail. Struggling to breathe I swam up to the surface, gasping for air as soon as my head broke through. I looked up at the boat to see everyone staring at me wide-eyed.

"Watch out!" Ben called out as the water began to swirl and glow, turning into a giant wave that swept over the boat and revealed Uma as a giant squid. Just like her mother. "True love's kiss won't defeat this!" She smirked. "Everyone will know my name!" She waved one of her tentacles and almost hit everyone but I managed to use my magic to protect them, creating a shimmering barrier between her and them. She hadn't noticed me yet, fortunately.

I heard everyone scream out Mal's name as a brilliant purple dragon flew off of the boat and swirled around Uma. I continued to protect everyone as they fought, fire and tentacles flying in every direction. "We have to do something!" I exclaimed as I felt my powers get weaker, having not used them before. This limited the amount of time I could hold and create the barriers.

"Like what?" Jay yelled back as everyone screamed, Mal's fire missing them by inches as I created a barrier almost a second too late.

I noticed my brother take off his coat, Chad reaching out to stop him jumping into the water only to narrowly miss his arm, the fabric of his shirt brushing against his fingertips. "BEN!" I screamed as he crashed into the water. I willed a wave to support him as he swam between Uma and Mal. We couldn't hear what he said but it made them both calm down and Uma nodded before she swam away. I felt my tail melt away as Ben swam over to me and caught me as I almost began to sink, he swam me to the boat and assisted in pulling me up as Mal flew around in her dragon form to the stairs. I stood in my soaked dress, feeling my body begin to regain its strength as a warm feeling surrounded me, everyone gasped as I felt it pass. I looked down to see I was now wearing a gorgeous blue dress that almost matched the clearness of the seawater, my hair dry and freshly styled in a more relaxed style. As Mal landed she transformed back to her, the smoke cleared to reveal her in a new dress, completely dry and looking fabulous. I sighed and gestured to her. "Don't mess it up this time," I warned him with a glare as he laughed.

"Are you alright?" Chad asked as he walked over to me.

I sighed and nodded, absentmindedly reaching up to hold my locket only to find it wasn't there. "What the heck?" I looked around on the floor as everyone began to murmur and look for it, only to not see it anywhere.

"What is it?" He asked, watching me with a confused expression on his face.

"My locket, it's gone!" I panicked.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled. "We'll find it."

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