《Descendants 2: Ride with the tide》Preparing for the Royal Cotillion


BRIAR'S POV: OUTFIT- pinterest.co.uk/phoebenock2/cotillion-prep-b/

I wandered into my brother's office to see how he was doing after being kidnapped. "Hey, Briar." He greeted me as I waved to him and looked him over. He hadn't changed his clothes yet. "Well you are looking nice, what are you going to wear for the Cotillion?" He asked as I gave him a shrug.

"Are you really going to make Mal the new lady of the court? Are you sure she's ready?" He smiled and nodded at me, not bothering to respond as he began shuffling through a load of papers on his desk. "And why are you still in your Isle of The Lost outfit? You should really change." I said as I pointed to his messy hair and beanie.

He hummed at me, barely listening as he suddenly froze and cursed under his breath. "I have to go and check on something. You could go and well check on Chad or the others if you want." He suggested before running out of the door.

I sighed and walked out after him, seeing him jog around a corner as I walked to Mal and Evie's dorm room, looking for something to do. I knocked on their door and was greeted by a beaming Evie and a much happier-looking Mal. "Come on in!" She gestured inside, pulling me into the room before slamming the door behind me. "What are you doing here?" She asked as she walked back over to Mal and began to pull and pin the dress.

I walked over to the vanity table near them and sat in the chair, taking some gum out of my pocket and chewing on it absentmindedly. "Bored." I simply answered as Mal nodded in agreement and Evie giggled. I watched her alter the dress with a frown. "I thought you were going with yellow?" I asked as Evie sighed.


"I think Mal needed to feel more herself for tonight so I've made some alterations."

I nodded and smiled, walking over to them and patting my future sister-in-law on the shoulder in a supportive gesture. "I think purple always looked a lot better on you than yellow anyway," I whispered as she chuckled and Evie threw some scraps of fabric at me, leading us all into a fit of giggles. As I managed to calm down I put on my serious face. "I wanted to ask, what made you leave Mal? If everything here was too much for you, you know you could have spoken to us?"

Mal huffed and shook her head. "It wasn't that."

"Then what was it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, I was under a lot of pressure but I think seeing how you effortlessly did your duties as Queen made me worry that I could never do that. I could never be like you. When I look at you and Chad I see how perfect you are for each other and it makes me nervous that I and Ben will never be like that, we're too different." A tear rolled down her cheek as I frowned.

"Don't think like that." I gave her a hug as Evie joined in. "You and Ben are opposites but you're both exactly what the other needs, he needs someone to teach him to have a bit of fun and you need someone to help you become the best you can be." I smiled and pulled away from her. "I and Chad got lucky, we've known each other since we were kids and were always drawn to each other but that doesn't make us perfect. If it wasn't for you guys I never would have seen him again or remember who I am. You and Ben found each other and make each other whole, like yin and yang, opposites but you fit so well together."


"Thank you." She whispered as she pulled us into a hug again.



I secretly took the limo and now I'm back on the Isle of the Lost. I can't believe I lied to my sister, I do feel really bad, but I have no choice. I have to go back for Uma. I mean, we have so much in common, I love her. I ran into a familiar figure and smiled. "Hi Harry, where is Uma?" I asked looking around for a glance of my beloved.

"Hi Ben, what are you doing here?" She asked, I felt my heart swell when I saw her blue hair and it took everything in me to not kiss her right there and then.

"I came back for you because I finally realized something. You and me, we're one and the same. Uma, I'm in love with you." I explained as I pulled her into a tight hug.

She didn't look surprised as she hugged me back. "I feel the same way," she muttered as she pulled away.

The brightest smile took over my face as I took her hand. "Come with me, back to Auradon, and you can be my Queen alongside Briar."

She nodded and we set off. She insisted that she swim and I drove so no one would see us and get suspicious.

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