《Descendants 2: Ride with the tide》Its Going Down



I walked with all my "glory" into Uma's restaurant with a smirk. "I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack!" I repeated what my mother had said at the coronation as everyone turned to face me.

"Loser, party for one," Uma smirked, gesturing to a table. "Right this way, please."

I walked forward and caught the chair she slid towards me, pulling it up to the table and turning it so I sat with my arms hung lazily over the back of the chair in front of me. I glanced around before turning to her. "Place still stinks." I scowled.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She sarcastically returned. "We're down a butler today, Princess."

"Where are they?" I asked, ignoring her comment and cutting to the chase.

She pulled off her apron and threw it down on the table in front of me. "You know, I've dreamed of this." She chuckled to herself. "You wanting something from me and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook." She walked over to the table opposite me and leaned against it.

"I'm so flattered that you dream of me," I smirked as she glare at me. "I haven't given you a thought since I left."

She rolled her eyes and stormed over, slamming her hands down on the table. "Obviously!" She snapped. "You have your perfect little life, don't you?" She looked me up and down in disgust. She smirked when she noticed my glare falter slightly and stood straight to address the room. "Doesn't she have the perfect little life?" She looked at everyone as they murmured in agreement. "Whilst we're twenty years into a garbage strike."

I couldn't listen to her bad-mouthing my life anymore. "Listen, if you have some kind of score to settle with me, game on! I see no need to bring Ben or Briar into this though." I snapped.

She laughed at me. "It may be a little unnecessary, but ugh!" She leaned on the table to be at my level. "It's so much fun." She watched me for a few seconds before speaking again. "Here's the deal-"

"Just like your mother, always a catch." I interrupted.

She smirked and sat down opposite me at the table, pulling her arm up. "If you win, Ben and Briar are free to go!" I looked at her hand, this would be easy. I attached mine to her's. "Don't you wanna know what I get if I win?" She asked in a mocking voice.


"Still dreaming," I said as she gripped my hand tighter.

"Last time I checked your mother thought she had things all sewn up too, huh?" I watched out of the corner of my eye as people started to surround us. "How'd that work out for her again?"

I chose to ignore her comment. "On three. One... two..."

"Three!" We said together, beginning to arm wrestle.

We were fighting even as she decided to taunt me, probably in an attempt to weaken my grip. "You know, that whole princess act. Ugh, never bought it for a second." She rolled her eyes as I ignored her. "You can stick a tiara on a villain but you're still a villain."

"And you can slap a pirate hat on but you're still shrimpy!" I mock-gasped as she faltered, I could tell my words had an effect on her as she struggled under my grip. I was clearly beginning to win this arm wrestle.

I lit up my green eyes as she struggled. My hand was slowly pushing her's down, but just before it touched the table she grinned. "If I win, you bring me the wand." My eyes widened and changed back to normal as I lost my grip. She slammed my hand down as everyone cheered and laughed. She stood from her chair and smashed her hands on the table. "Now, if you want beasty boy back and his little runt of a sister, bring me Fairy Godmother's wand to my ship tomorrow at noon. Sharp." She flicked her hair before walking away.


I stood in my hideout with Carlos, Jay, Chad, and Evie. "If you guys never brought them here this wouldn't have happened!" I scolded as they looked down guiltily. Chad sat in the corner of the room looking upset but I ignored him. "What were you thinking!?" I yelled as they jumped slightly.

"He was going to come with or without us, we just wanted to protect him!" Evie defended.

"Yeah, and we completely blew it guys." Carlos butted in as she sighed.

"Okay, so what are we going to do?" Jay intervened.

"We need a plan, there is no way I'm giving her that wand." I plopped down on the couch we had placed in the room and ran a hand through my newly purple hair.


"I have a 3D printer." Carlos suddenly spoke up. "I can make a replica of the wand."

I nodded at his ingenious idea. "Yes, you and Jay take the limo back to Auradon and do that. Me, Chad, and Evie will go to the salon and make some distractions. We're going to get in and get out, no problem." I grinned as we all ran out of the hideout, Chad following nervously behind.


"Finally, you're here!" Uma laughed, noticing us walk out of the tunnels. Jay and Carlos had brought back Lonnie who held a sword like the rest of us, a precaution just in case it all goes south.

(Just use a little imagination and pretend Briar's there too)

I took a deep breath and walked over to Uma with the wand in my hand, nodding to the others to tell them to get ready. "Hold up." She stopped me, noticing my gesture to my group. "It's too easy." I gaped at her. "Why don't you give it a test drive? We wanna see it work."

I laughed nervously but kept my cool. "You always were quite the drama queen."

"And nothing too big or else they are fish bait." She pointed to Ben and Briar.

I glanced at them, noticing they were being held by the scruff of their shirts over the edge. I turned around to Carlos who nodded in the direction of his dog and mouthed 'talk'. Grinning, I cleared my throat and faced Dude. "Okay. Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word!" I waved the fake wand and glanced at Uma who waited. "Speak, dog!" I demanded.

"Does this vest make me look fat?" He asked, startling us all. I sighed in relief as Uma's henchmen laughed.

"Give me the wand!" She demanded, holding her hand out.

"Give me Ben and Briar!" I exclaimed.

She grinned. "Harry!" She gestured to beside her.

Gil approached them as they got the twins and walked. "And before you go, tell your mum that Gaston says "hi", and also tell your dad that my dad wishes he had finished him off when he had the chance."

They were pushed in front of me and I held out my hand. "Cut them loose," Uma demanded. Harry sighed in disappointment but did as he was told. As soon as they were cut loose I gave her the wand and Briar ran to Chad who held her tightly in his arms, pressing relieved kisses to her face. Uma glared at them. "How sweet." She snapped before turning away and trying to use the wand only for it not to work. "GET THEM!" She screamed angrily as we tried to escape only to be ambushed, the only ones managing to make it out being Briar and Chad.



I paced in front of the limo nervously as we waited for them to meet us. Chad had stopped me from going back and made me stay put and just wait. "It's been a while," I said as I glanced up at him, he sat in the driver's seat of the car watching me.

"They will get here soon, I promise." He reassured. Standing and walking over to me, pulling me to his chest and wrapping his arms securely around my waist, taking a shaky breath as though he was about to cry. "Don't ever disappear on me like that again!" He said, lifting my chin so I would look at him with his thumb and pointer finger.

I smiled and shook my head. "I won't, I promise." He smiled and pressed his lips gently to mine.

It was short and sweet as we were interrupted by the others appearing through the tunnel. "We have to go!" They yelled as they climbed into the limo. We followed and soon enough I found myself back on the road to home, relief set in and releasing my tense shoulders as we passed through the magical barrier.

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