《Descendants 2: Ride with the tide》Chillin' Like A Villian



I sat at my desk shuffling through papers. I found the confirmation form for Mal's cotillion that Briar never signed and sighed. "Margaret. I need to talk to Lumier about the cotillion, thank you." I faced my sister who sat by the bookshelf doing the same as I did. "You haven't signed the form for the buffet yet," I called to her.

She groaned and stood, walking over to me with a glare and snatching it out of my hand as I chuckled. I heard a knock on the door as she took my pen to sign it. "Come in!" I called.

The door revealed Evie she looked sad, she was holding something that I couldn't see. "What is it, Evie?" I asked as Briar looked up at her with a smile.

"I am sorry Ben, but Mal left Auradon and she is back going to the Isle of the Lost," Evie explained.

Briar gasped and dropped the pen. "What!?" She exclaimed. "Why?" She suddenly turned to me with a glare. "This is you, you did this Ben! Because of what you said to her." She smacked my arm angrily. "You idiot!"

Evie looked confused as she watched us. "Mal was stressed out about the cotillion, we got into an argument and I just went all beast on her!" I threw my head into my hands in shame. "I blew my chance with her and now she is gone, we have to go to the Isle to stop her and convince her to come back!" I exclaimed, standing and walking to the door only to be stopped by Evie who grabbed my arm.

"Ben, you don't know what the Isle is like or how it works." She said as Briar nodded. "And we are not too popular on the island either." She looked at my sister who cringed.


"Then we will go in secret, it'll be an in and out job, get Mal and go." I planned out.

"Promise me something, don't let me get stuck there or even Briar. Don't lose her, she is all we have so don't let go." Evie sighed, realizing she wasn't going to win this one and agreed.

"Fine, but you can't go looking like that, you will be captured immediately," Evie said with a facepalm. "You can borrow something of mine, Briar, and I'm sure Jay has something for you, Ben." She gestured for us to follow her.


BRIAR'S POV: OUTFIT- pinterest.co.uk/phoebenock2/isle2-b/

We walked hurriedly in the dark to the limo Ben had arranged to be stationed outside the castle. I jumped when a familiar figure dressed in black appeared from beside it. "Going somewhere?" I recognized Chad's voice and sighed in relief.

"It's just you." I gave him a hug as Ben climbed into the limo and started it. He turned on the lights and illuminated the area, giving me the chance to see everyone properly. I looked Chad over with a smirk. "You look good, like a bad boy."

He laughed, doing the same to me. "So do you, except the bad boy part."

I pulled him in for a kiss as Ben beeped the horn to get our attention. "Enough of that, we have to go!" He yelled.

I rolled my eyes and grinned at my boyfriend. "Coming?" I asked. He nodded and held open the door for me to climb in, getting in behind me and shutting the door. As Ben drove away, I watched through the window as we went the reverse journey of when I had travelled with my Isle friends a few years ago.



I grinned into the mirror at my makeover, standing and digging my hand into my pocket I handed Dizzy five dollars. "For me?" She asked with a gasp. I nodded and she giggled, skipping over to the register.


"Cough it up." I heard a familiar voice call as I turned and crossed my arms, Harry Hook. Dizzy handed the money to him as he held out his hand, he tapped his hook on the desk. "And the rest of it." He smirked as she walked round to the register and emptied it into his hand. "Thank you." He grinned, turning to leave.

"Still running errands for Uma? Or do you actually get to keep what you steal?" I called, getting his attention.

He froze at the sound of my voice and spun around on his heels to face me. "Well, well, well." He smirked at me. "What a nice surprise."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Hi, Harry."

"Just WAIT until Uma hears you're back." He looked me over. "She's never going to give you back your territory."

I pretended to be surprised. "Oh," I smirked back. "Well, that's okay, because I will be... taking it."

He scoffed and touched my hair with his hook. "I could hurt you-"

I grabbed his arm. "Not without her permission, I bet." I mocked him, he scoffed one last time and walked away.



I led the others to my old hangout with the other VK's. I picked up a rock and threw it at the stop sign to open the gate before turning to the others. "Ben you can go, she is most likely up there. Go and apologize to Mal." I said, gesturing to the steps.

He walked up and we all sat down to wait, it took a while for him to return but when he did he told us Mal wouldn't be coming back, I suggested I go talk to her instead. I left Briar with Ben, Chad, and Jay as well as Carlos. But when I got back I was shocked to find neither Ben nor Briar was there anymore. "Ben!? Briar!? Chad!?" All of us called as we searched the streets, I walked down an alley with Chad when a figure came out of the shadows.

"Ben! don't scare us like that!" I exclaimed with a sigh. "Where's Briar?"

"I have your little friends, somewhere safe." The shadow revealed itself to actually be Harry Hook. Chad glared at him, ready to start a fight but I held him back.

"What have you done with them!?" I exclaimed.

"We captured them." He giggled like the Mad Hatter. "Tell Mal to come to Uma's shop. ALONE." He ordered before backing into the shadows and disappearing again.

"So now what? My best friend and my girlfriend are captured by Mal's enemy and some weird guy with a hook." Chad sighed angrily, pacing the alley.

So the five told Mal and got scolded. Mal left and came back with news and it wasn't good. Uma wants FG's wand so they came up with a plan. The boys will go back to Auradon Prep and create a fake wand while the girls visit Dizzy to make smoke bombs. Dizzy was overjoyed to see them. When they left they sang www.youtube.com/embed/jS774h3rTMQ. Meanwhile, in Auradon, the boys were sleeping until they heard a "beep". Lonnie followed them and convinced them to let her come too.

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