《Descendants 2: Ride with the tide》Queen Lessons



I wandered through the halls of the castle thinking of ways to help my little Briar in her teachings to become the best Queen for Auradon when my dear husband Adam came into view.

"Still thinking?" He asked with a smile as I took his arm. "You know you don't have to rush things, Briar will make a good Queen. Sure she is not properly trained but you're doing an amazing job in advising her." He grinned as though he had an idea. "Maybe you could have lessons with her? To teach her all you know." He suggested.

I smiled. "Oh thank you, Adam!" I pecked his lips excitedly. "I must start right away!" I waved to him as I walked away, thinking excitedly about where I should start.



As we walked towards the room where the meeting was going to be held our mother stood at the door, her golden dress brushing the floor, her sleek brown hair in a delicate bun, she looked like a goddess as she walked towards us with that warm smile she always seemed to have.

"Hello children, you know you are late, right?" I looked at my watch and groaned as she chuckled. "But that's not the point, Briar you need queen training. Ben did him when you were on the Isle with Maleficent, so I am going to train to you be a proper queen, you don't need to go to the meeting." Mom explained.

"Ben, are you okay with this?" Briar asked me.

"I will be fine Briar, now go and train. Mother is right about this, you did miss training." I watched as they strolled away before hurrying to the meeting. Why can't I just be on time?



BELLE'S POV: OUTFIT- pinterest.co.uk/phoebenock2/lessons-b/

I had made Briar change into more formal attire and had her wear her coronation crown on her head. "Briar, you need to learn all the rules about being a queen. It is just like being a princess except for more responsibilities my dear." I assured her I began to sing a song my mother sang to me about how to be a queen to train her as she listened to me.

As I finished Briar looked at me, I could tell she understood a lot more now. "Mother, may I go back to Auradon Prep now, please? I will come back tomorrow, and mom what a wonderful voice you have." Briar complimented.

"Why thank you, darling, why don't you say goodbye to your father? He is in his study." I suggested.



I was running through some papers on my desk as I heard a knock on the door. I thought it was my wife Belle, but then I remembered Briar was here today so it must be either of them. "Come in!" I called.

The door swung open to reveal Briar stood in her queen-like attire. "Mother told me that I should say goodbye and goodnight father," Briar explained with a smile.

"Briar, you looked wonderful." She beamed and did a little spin in her dress, thanking me. "Why don't you stay for the night? I mean it's only 5:00. If you want, you can go. I will see you tomorrow right?" I checked the clock behind me on the wall.

"Yes, I will tell Ben and the others you said hi." Briar agreed.

"Now let's talk about your training, how was it?" I asked as she sat opposite me.


"I learned a lot today and I promise to be the best Queen Auradon has ever known, I will be just like you mother!" She promised as I heard another knock on the door.

"Come in!" I called, It was my wife Belle and she looked stunning.

"Briar, the limo is waiting dear, it's time for you to say goodbye." Belle smiled. The three of us walked together to the courtyard and hugged as we said our final goodbye. We waved as the limo pulled away.

"Briar was excellent today, she will do great as Queen. I'm glad I got to spend some time with her, I missed her." Belle sighed staring at the sky.

"She is just like you honey, everything like you. And if that Chad Charming hurts her or the people she loves I will go all beast on him!" I fumed at the thought as my wife laughed at my protectiveness.



I sat in my office devising my plan. Briar had said that we should spend some time together so I decided it would be fun if we went on a double date, Chad and Briar and me and Mal, it should be fun.

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