《A Bored Immortal's Adventure with Reincarnation》Chapter 24: Two More Toys *Cough* Royals~


I observed the seniors with interest as they trained, my senses noting several promising prospective toys.

The idiot who had called me 'little brother' was especially promising as a high rank, with a little education in proper behavioral conduct (AKA, Don't Call Me Little Brother), he would turn out to be an interesting opponent in the matters of manipulation and battle.....

Reaching that level of strength at his age, he was likely a member of one of the royal families, which meant if I could manage to awaken his Berserker body, he could even become a durable and interesting toy, one of my favorite kinds~

The very target of my thoughts came trotting over, barely able to breath from exertion.

"S-so........*Hah*.....what do you.....think of your seniors strength?"

I tilted my head, smiled sweetly, and even opened my eyes wide for effect.

"Wellllllll, most of the people here are pretty weak, but senior and some others have real potential as toys~"

"Yeah, we're pretty stron- EH!?"

Whoops! My true thoughts slipped out........and I had even prepared my appearance so carefully.....

Prince Darius's Point of View:

I jerked out of the happy haze that had clouded my mind because of my adorable junior,s smile. Hadn't he just said something strange?

"Ummmm, what did you just say?"

Felix clapped his hands and smiled even brighter than before, his blind eyes seeming to sparkle.

"Senior is really strong! Everyone else has impressive strength as well, but Senior is truly the best, if I may ask, since Senior is so strong, he is definetly from one of the royal families, right? It's a good thing he wasn't paying attention, now to change the subject!"

Hrmmmm, was that really what he said? I could have sworn I heard something about toys.......Naw.....I must have imagined it, there is no way such a cute junior would refer to his seniors as toys......I wasn't paying attention either, so it's only natural that I mishear somethings.......

"Ah, how rude of me, I haven't introduced myself, I am the Crown Prince of Lothyde Kingdom, Darius Starbright."

Felix's wings began flashing dozens of color and he began to jump up and down in excitement, his wings flapping slightly to give even greater heights to joyful actions.

"That means you have the potential of awakening the Berserker body, right!"

Such excitement.....how adorable....*blush*

"Y-yes, I do, it is my great hope to be found worthy of the blood in my body and awaken the Berserker body, as my father has done."

......Now that I think of it, little Felix's eyes are a surprisingly similar color to Father's, I thought that color only belonged to Berserkers, but I guess I was wrong.........


"Awesome! Bro Darius, can I help you with your dream? I'm aspiring to become a great trainer like Professor Raina, and I would love to help Senior reach even greater heights!"

To be called Bro warms my heart, though I would have preferred to be called Big Bro...........

Wait, had he just said he wanted to become like Professor Raina! I can't let this happen!

I laid a hand on Felix's shoulder and addressed him in a serious tone.

"Felix, you don't know what you're saying, ummmm, how many of Professor Raina's classes have you been too?"

He's been at school for several week, so there shouldn't be any way for him to have a good impression of her.....

"Ah, I've only attended the first few days of school because I reached a breakthrough and had to go into seclusion....."

......So it only took him a few weeks to break through? Impressive, usually people take longer than that to surpass levels in a rank, and three time as long to break through ranks........I wonder what level of middle rank he reached?

I sent out a thread of my my own power to test his level.

"I see, congratulations on your breakthrough..........Y-you reached high rank!?"

Felix's wings turned pale pink once again, slightly darker than the first time I had seen them do so the first time, and he smiled shyly at me.

"Ahahaha, training is my favorite thing to do, so somehow I reach this level quickly........."

T-this kid is a monster, to reach high rank at the age of seven, and to only take a few weeks to do so! A-and if he's such a monster, that means that his eyes likely mean.........

"K-kid, you couldn't possibly have the Berserker body as well......"

"Tehee~ Sorry~~"

A monster......... he said he wanted to become like Professor Raina too......I took a subconscious step back.

"Eh? What's wrong Senpai, your heart-rate has suddenly gone up?"

"Ah, no um, I just want to say that i-if I've done anything to offend you, I truly am sorry........"

The monster pouted and his wings changed to a sleek black form.

"Tch, so the innocent act won't work on you any more......Well, whatever, stand still so I can see if I can wake your Berserker body."

Like I'd really just stand here! I turned to run........

M-my legs won't move!

Felix grinned evilly at me.

"Oh, those words about not moving were only a courtesy, you don't have any choice in the matter~"

I-if I can't flee, then I must fight!

I began to murmur a spell under my breath.

"Nice guts, but that's not going to work~"


My lips were suddenly sealed shut.

What! But I hadn't heard him say any incantations.....that means.....voiceless incantations!?

T-this kid is already way past Professor Raina's league of scary!

"Don't worry, you won't remember any of this when I'm done, it would be boring to have such a wonderful toy be scared of me~"

Uuuuuuu, I'm sorry my future self............

Felix's Point of View:

Heh, time for some experimentation~

I placed my hand against Prince Darius's chest and sent a surge of power through him, searching for the hint of my blood that would be running through his system.

Hrmmmmm, how did this awakening work in the first place......when I reached high rank, my cores naturally released a wave of power that changed my body......but this guy was already in high rank......

Did I simply need to activate a surge of energy that would travel through his body and awaken the blood?.....No......that sounded too simple, especially for my blood............let's see what would cause My blood to recognize someone as worthy........Ahaha, of course! I broke through because of my mischievous plans and joyful feelings of evil! That was probably what set off my blood as well!

But how to replicate that feeling in someone else's body........I could tamper with his brain, but those things are so delicate that they're a pain to deal with.....

Well.....since it was originally my blood, it might simply obey my command to awaken?

Eh, it's worth a try......

-Awaken And Turn This Kid Into A Suitable Toy For Me!-

I felt my blood surge towards the Prince guys cores and surround them. The cores began to clash against each other, the same way mine had when I awakened.

Heh, it actually worked!

The prince's body fell away from me as he slumped into unconsciousness.

Eh, what a wussy, he couldn't even stand the first clash.......I would have to work on his pain tolerance......

A sharp female voice suddenly cut into my thoughts.

"Hey! What did you do to Darius!"

Oho, one of the other potentials had noticed us~

I shifted my wings to a pale blue color and adopted a worried expression.

"I don't know Miss senior, we were talking and he suddenly fainted......"

"Well that sure is strange......Ah! The ends of his hair are starting to turn gold! Argh, I'm so jealous, he's awakened his Berserker body!"

Her surprised voice would have been loud enough to catch the attention of everyone in the field if not for the fact that

I had place a silence ward around us as soon as she noticed us, for just such an instance.

Oho, the way she's speaking....could she have a Berserker body too?

"Sis, you sound very familiar with senior Darius, could it be that you're a member of the royal families as well?"

"Ah, yes, I'm the first princess of Aleridon, Sophia Heartstone, "

Hehe, sweet~

"Ne~ Sis, your voice is quite pretty, I bet your looks are even more impressive, will you let me touch your face a bit so I can get a picture of what a beautiful princess you are?"

"*Blush*, you're quite the smooth talker......Alright!"

Moments later, she was slumped on the ground next to Darius.

Reaching out, I place a finger on each of their forehead, settling a simple mind spell into their minds.

Now they would have no memories connecting me to their awakening their Berserker body, instead believing they managed it with their own power. I also mixed a little extra in, heh, neither of them would ever think of calling me 'little brother'

Two perfect toys~

I dispersed the silence ward and turned my attention back to the training field.

Hrmmm, the seniors seemed to almost be at the end of their rope......and I don't want to have to carry all the bodies back to their rooms......It would probably be best to stop them now so they can do the heavy lifting.....

I walked over to Raina.

"That's enough for today, I want them to take all the first years back to their rooms so nothing seems strange when they wake up."


"Don't worry, you'll still be able to do as much serious training as you want, but it would be best if normal classes were to resume, a mind can only take so many mind spells you know~"

"Haaaa, alright.........STOP! Training is over, take the first years and teachers back to their rooms, then return to your own rooms to retire for the day!"

Grateful cheers filled the field.

Hrmm? Now that I think of it, that little girl pretending to be the Crown Prince had enough natural strength to be a royal as well....Should I awaken her as well?.......No, three royals awakening at the same time might catch too much attention.....Two was already stretching it......Pity....Well, I can always do it later~

One of the piles of unconscious bodies suddenly seemed to shiver slightly.

I began walking to the exit of the training field.

"Well, I'm going to go back to my room and train some more, if they slack off at all, feel free to deal out punishment training."


Raina suddenly sounded extremely cheerful.

Heh, she really is an easy person to please~

As I walked out of the field, I suddenly heard a startled shout.

"Ah! Why are Prince Darius and Princess Sophia over here unconscious!"

Ah, for some reason, I feel as though tomorrow is going to be a Very good day~

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