《A Bored Immortal's Adventure with Reincarnation》Chapter 21: A Completely New Look


I was floating on a soft feathery cloud......

Ah, so comfortable...........

......Hrmm? Something's wrong......


Urrggg.....something tastes terrible.....

........My mouth has that dry cotton taste you get when you haven't had water for a long time, ugh and my tongue feels like a swollen piece of sandpaper.....

W-why am I in this terrible yet comfortable state?

Ah, yes, before I fell asleep, no.... became unconscious, there was.....

I blearily opened my eyes in a useless attempt to see as my memories of the burning pain that had hit my body right before I had passed out began to return.

Man, how long had I been out?

I groaned and sat up, my wings dragging like dead weight behind me, completely numb from being laid on for so long.

So the heavenly place I had been sleeping on was my wings......how interesting, I had never realized fluffy wings could be so comfortable to sleep on.....

"B-Boss, You're Awake!"

Arvid's excited voice clashed against my ears, causing my dehydrated brain to spin.


"Ah Yeah! You've been out for three days, so I suppose you would be thirsty..."

......Sometimes I forget that Arvid isn't a living, breathing person....

I felt a glass of water appear in the air in front of me, the displaced air from it's sudden appearance brushing gently against my face.

Snatching it out of the air, I desperately gulped down the refreshingly cold water, then held out the glass.


A moment later, the glass was once again heavy with water. I drained it dry.


Ten glasses of water later, I leaned back with a satisfied sigh. Dehydration is a very uncomfortable state to be in, and ever since that horrible death in the Fiery Desert of Hel, where I had plenty of dry food to sustain me, but not a single drop of liquid, I have held an extreme importance in keeping hydrated.

Now that I was feeling considerably better, I sent my awareness out to investigate what the painful wave of energy had done to my body.

Hmmm, nothing that could be called a visible change, I was still the same height and all, but my muscles and bones were now extremely dense, and full of energy.

"Ne, Arvid, has there been any visual changes that I can't sense?"


"Hmmmm, well the tips of your hair have turned gold, oh and so have your eyes...."

"Hrmmm, so a bit like how Void's claws also turned color.......but wouldn't they have changed color after my wings grew, and not because of my breakthrough?"

"Yes, that does seem strange Boss.....Then maybe the hair and eyes are a separate matter from your wings?"

"You may be right, my breakthrough seemed a bit strange as well.....But now is not the time to ponder about that!"

I hopped out of bed and began to stretch, time to see the capabilities of my new body~

My newly forged muscles responded eagerly to my command and I reveled in the feeling of strength they sent me. Ah, yes, gaining power slowly on your own is truly my favorite method......

Then my wings began to tingle painfully, the blood beginning to flow back into them properly.

"Ita! It hurts! This problem with blood flow and limbs falling asleep is one of the only things I slightly dislike about having a mortal body...."

I flapped my wings frantically to speed up the painful experience, lifting a few feet into the air.

'It sure is a good thing Arvid made the ceiling so high...'

When the pins and needles finally stopped, I settled back down and finished my stretches.

Clenching my right hand into a fist, I fired a light punch into the air. There was a loud crunch as the air waves sent off by my fist completely shattered the wall 16 meters in front of me.

"Ow! Boss that hurt!"

"Ah, sorry Arvid, that was an accident, I'll do the rest of my testing outside."

"Just be glad I completely separated this room from the outside, otherwise you would have opened a new door to the hallway, one that I wouldn't be able to block off it time to stop that Aaron kid from getting in."

"Ah, yes, I wasn't thinking of that possibility when I decided to face that wall...."

Still, from that one punch I could tell that my strength and speed had increased by three or four times...Heh, not bad~

"Right, but before you do that Boss, you might want to set things in order first, those teachers are still locked up in the dungeon...."


"I want to test my abilities right now, but that dull work is also important...... I guess you're right.......but I really don't wanna do that right now*sigh*"

I could feel a dark aura pulling me to a corner of the room, I went over and crouched down to investigate it.

"Aw, don't be like that Boss."

H-he's talking like I'm acting depressed, t-there really is a dark aura in this corner!......or am I creating it?

"I hate having to act responsible, or having to do dull things......"

I could feel the darkness thicken, ah, so comfortable..........

"Nonsense Boss! This isn't being responsible, it's simply prep work to maximize the fun of your next plan!"


I felt the darkness begin to lift a little. No, don't go!

"And you still need to scold those teachers for their overly honest actions!"

That's right....I still have many fun things to do, putting things in order can be a fun thing!

I immediately rose from my crouch and the darkness vanished.

"Ahaha! I'm Back! Thanks Arvid!"

"Eh, what do you mean Boss?"

"Ara? I suppose I forgot to tell you, when I am approached by things that seem to be dull or like work, I tend to sink into a deep depression in which I can spend years of sitting comfortably in my own dark aura if I'm not brought out of it soon enough."

"This.........seems a bit extreme, even for the Boss......"

"Ahahaha, it's a soul curse someone put on me in one of my reincarnations."

"B-but Boss could easily remove that......"

"Ah, it was interesting so I decided to keep it and by now it's been so deeply ingrained into my own psyche that it'd be a pain to remove it~"

"That does sound like Boss......"

"It suits my lifestyle quite well so I usually don't have any real problem with it, but there are incidences like these...."

"Mmmm, well, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for these incidences in the future, Boss."

"Eh, it probably won't happen anytime soon, so don't worry too much."

"Ah right, because Boss has a lot of amusing things to play with right now."

"Yep, I was just caught a bit off guard this time but that's alright because it keeps me on my toes~"

I began to head for the door, then stopped.

"Ne~ Arvid those clothes should be ready for me, right?"

"Yes, I managed to die them black as well, they're hanging in your closet."


I walked over and opened the closet, then began feeling through my clothes.

Hmmmm, which one would make the best impact....

Finally, I decided on a leather vest with a fur collar, leather pants, and finger-less leather gloves.

My new clothes were all leather because they were made from the tanned skins of the magical beasts I had killed.

"Ah, so Boss, you're going to go for the completely deadly look to intimidate the teachers?"

I shook my head and shifted my wing color back to gold.

"Nope, that's only if things get too boring, first of all, I'm going to try controlling them with my sweet and innocent look. How do I look?"

".......Perfect for the roll Boss intends to play."


"And the complete opposite of your true nature.....those poor people....."

"Eh? Did you just say something else?"

"Ah, ummmmmm, j-just wondering why you want your clothes to be black if you're going for the innocent look... "

"Ha, obviously because the contrast only heightens my mind wiping aura of child cuteness!"

"I suppose that's true....."

I walked to the door, and was just about to leave, when.

-W-wait for me Papa!-

Void flew rapidly over from the bed where he had been sleeping and settled on my shoulder.

........Why wasn't he saying anything about how he was so happy I woke up?

"Ah, Boss, I almost forgot to tell you, Void has been asleep the entire time you were unconscious."

Could it be.......

I ran a mental probe over Void's body.


The idiot chicken-lizard body was also had much denser muscles and bones than before. His body also hummed with a strong energy he hadn't possessed before.


I got wings and he was raised from the strength of about a medium strength middle rank monster to the level of a weak high rank beast without even training or having to work for a breakthrough......

N-not fair....

"You truly are a parasite in every sense of the word....."


"......Nevermind, Arvid, show me the way to the dungeon. Also, I might be changing my innocent plan a bit."

I suddenly have a lot of anger I need to work off.

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