《A Bored Immortal's Adventure with Reincarnation》Chapter 18: A Pleasant Chat with Fate.....Or Not~


I opened my eyes to see a brilliant blue sky...

Nooooo, why can I see!!!!!

I shot up into a sitting position and saw Fate standing in front of me, the landscape around us fading into a swirling technicolor dreamscape.

Phew~ It's just a dream....

"Ne~ Fate, how is it going?"

"Aaaa, it's Felix now right? You've made things very entertaining for me~ I see you've really been enjoying the new world I picked for you~~"

"Yep, it's been quite interesting~"

"I thought you'd like, it's one of my favorite world's you know~"

That comment pulled my thoughts to something that that messy Eamon guy had said.

......She didn't......Eh, who am I kidding, she's fate, the meddlers of meddlers....

Still, I don't like being manipulated......

I smiled at Fate.

"Yes, there's quite an interesting situation going on at the school I'm attending, as I'm sure you've seen...You know fate, now that I think of it, that situation began about seven years ago, around the Same time I was reborn into this world...Funny coincidence, isn't it?"

A flash of nervousness ran across Fate's face.

"Ehehe..... Yeah, I suppose it was quite the coincidence....But hey, it should be counted as a good thing since it brought you to a more interesting situation, right?"


"I also recall that in my previous reincarnation, I was just about to defeat that world's widely recognized top swordsman, when several large bees miraculously flew down my throat at the same time and I choked to death..."

"Ahaha, i-it was quite a strange death, F-Felix always ends up surprising me. I-I totally didn't see that coming......"

Beads of sweat were dripping down Fate's forehead.

I patiently waited for her to break.


"......I-I'm sorryyyyyyy!!! I really like to watch this world and that school Dagda was one of my favorite things about it. When I saw it was going to be destroyed by those dull schools, I tried to do everything I could to prevent it, but every single path I could see led to the same Fate, so I decided to send you this world, knowing that you would like their style and probably help them......."


"And my choice of reincarnation as a human?"

"I made a gamble, and placed you near that fading spark...."

.....Wow, I hadn't realized she knew me so well....but still...

"You couldn't even wait until AFTER I beat that swordsman guy!? Do you realize how ridiculous I must have looked!!!"

"......P-please forgive me, I acted without thinking....."

Heh, there was no way I was just going to let her go.

"As punishment, you will go to that world and tell every single person what really happened.......while dressed in a maid outfit with bunny ears and tail!"

"Uuuuu......I-I understand..........b-but can it at least be cat ears and tail....."

"Cat is no good since you like it."


"Be glad I didn't decide to block your view of this world."

"Yes.....T-thank you for your mercy...."

"Eh, we're companions in the fight against mercy after all, I can't be too harsh on you~"


We stood there silently for a moment...

"Well, was there a reason you decided to speak to me?"

"Ah, yes! This matter you're playing with is bigger than what you can tell so far, so Death requested that I ask you to be lenient whenever possible, as there is still a large back up in soul placement from the last surge you sent them....."

"Hmmm, she's still not done? Eh, well I'll keep that in mind then...."

"Well, it's about time for you to wake up, I can't wait to see what you'll do~"

".....There's something you're not telling me....."

"Ehehe, yep! But this is a matter that will be more interesting if you don't know about it~ I've also added a couple of things to make in even more fun~~"


She was starting to regain her cheerful attitude from the beginning of our conversation.

"I see....Then you better keep it to yourself if it'll be more entertaining that way....Don't forget about your punishment"

Her shoulders slumped down.


"Well then, I suppose I'll see you sometime later~"

"Ye~ Bye Felix..."

I woke easily, opening my eyes to a familiar blackness.

Yep, I'm still blind~

I sat up easily, then froze.

My back felt even stranger than last night....

I stretched an arm back and felt around as much of my back as I could reach.


Yep, there were two slightly raised lumps running vertically along my back.


I snatched Void from the spot where he was curled up on the bed, my hand closing firmly around his throat.

"If the wings I'm growing end up fluffy and gold, I Will be having lizard-chicken barbeque some time in the near future."

-T-the color will m-match Papa's personality, s-so it most definitely won't be gold!-

......I think I'll take that comment as a compliment.

"And the fluffy problem?"


I tightened my grip.

-V-Void is not too sure...Ack! Papa! I can't breath!-

I reluctantly loosened my grip, the little parasite could still have his uses....

Leaning back on the sturdy headboard of my bed, I pondered my new situation.

I, of course, have had various types of wings in previous reincarnations, so they wouldn't inhibit my fighting capabilities....

Hmmm, and with wings, I could open up a whole new avenue of pranks...the fluffy problem might even be useful....

Oooooh, the wings would go awesome with That prank.....

...Puhahahahahaha, this is going to be fun~

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