《A Bored Immortal's Adventure with Reincarnation》Chapter 17: The Takeover


Indeed, I could recognize the sharp musk that accompanied a dragon of any world, and there was an unmistakable tint of the scent of curry to the dragon scent that signaled that the dragon was female, yet below that, there was also a base scent of human. Thus the term, Dragon Lady.

Heh, how interesting~

A sharp voice interrupted my thoughts.

"You boy, are you the first year wasting my time by applying to test into class?"

"Um, yes he is, Miss Drake."

"I'm sure this Felix can answer for himself, he's blind, not mute!"

Yes! so she IS my new toy*cough* teacher!

"I am Felix Bardon, and I have to say, Miss Drake, your name suits you Perfectly"

I tilted my face up and smiled innocently.

"Whatever, let's just get this over with."

Hmmm, no sign that my innocent act effected her.....even better.

The Dragon Lady led me to a room in the back of the office, I could feel spells fortifying the walls.

"In order to enter my class, you are required to display that you have already gained an adequate understanding of Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced spells."

"Eh, so simple?"

"Just display the range of your abilities..........stupid principal stopped me from requiring full mastery......"

She muttered the last bit under her breath, but my enhanced hearing easily picked up on her quiet words.

Hmmm, how to make the biggest impact, yet keep it somewhat realistic.........

Ooooh, I know, I'll use voiceless incantations!

I reached into my center and pulled away four small strands of mana then formed each one into a small ball and let them float in front of me, Then I mentally ordered each sphere to morph into a different element.

I heard a small gasp from the female attendant behind me, but the Dragon Lady remained resolute at my display.

Eh, well, I was only just getting started~

I focused my attention back on the four spheres of element and forced them to shrink, packing the energy even tighter.


By compacting the basic level fireball, waterball, windball, and earthball, I would cause their energy to become explosive, thus transitioning them to the intermediate level fire bomb, water bomb, etc.

Then I began to form a centimeter thick thread from each ball, pulling until all of the magic had been shaped into thread. Once I accomplished that, I connected each respective elemental strands together so they each formed a circle, then spread the strand out so it formed a paper thin blade. These bladed halos were the advanced level spell that involved using an element to form a blade that could cut through most things.

Predictably, the name of the spells was along the lines of fire blade, water blade, man they really need a better naming system...

"*Ahem* Use of basic, intermediate, and advanced spells with voiceless incantation....well, I suppose you can join my class...."

The Dragon Lady was playing it cool, but I could hear her rapidly beating heartbeat, Heh. she was quite surprised~

"Eh, alright Dragon Lady, I hope your class is as interesting as it sounds~"

"W-what did you call me?"

"Dragon Lady, I think it really suits you for some strange reason~"

I heard the Dragon Lady's already rapid heartbeat pick up, and I picked up a hint of worry mingling with her spicy scent.

"Wh-wha, how?"

"Ah, you smell really interesting, it reminds me of fire and curry, as a blind person I have a reaaalllllllyyy good nose~"

"Y-you, curry is just one of my favorite foods, that's no r-reason to refer to me as a dragon."

The female attendent suddenly cut into our conversation, hrm, I had forgotten she was there.

"Really? I never heard your favorite food was curry?"

"Ahaha, t-that's because the cooks don't make it all that often...."

Heh, the Dragon Lady was really getting flustered now, I guess I've played with her enough for now~

"Ah, yes, it can be said that a person smells like their favorite food, don't worry Miss, spicy things often remind me of dragons~"


I dispersed all of my spells, except my fire blade, which I formed into a miniature version of a dragon, which I had fly in the direction of the Dragon Lady, then circle her twice, a generic greeting among dragons, but also something that only dragons should know~

The Dragon Lady inhaled sharply, clearly recognizing the greeting.

Kekeke, it wasn't like I was going to let her completely off the hook~

I dispersed the dragon and walked out of the office, time to go to torture *cough* go to Martial Arts class~~

The rest of the school day went by fairly quickly, I was actually late to Magical Theory because I had to help Raina carry the corpses *cough* unconscious bodies of my classmates to the infirmary.

The Magical Beast class was fairly interesting, though the teacher wasn't able to identitfy what type of creature Void was, she actually spent half of the class measuring and examining Void, to no avail....

Finally, I was once again in my rooms.

"Ne~ Arvid, what's the status on the tunnel?"

"Ah, it's being going fairly well Boss, I should be done by tomorrow~"


I spent the rest of the night embedding a spell into the crystal Arvid had procured for me.

The next evening, it was time to enact my takeover *cough* plan.

"Void is securely contained?"


"Alright, is the target in the predicted location?"

"Yes Boss!"

Good, well then, here I go!"

I moved confidently through the small passage had formed for me, sometimes walking long stretches, other times climbing tall heights on stone hewed ladders.

Apparently, the headmaster's rooms were at the very top of the school, no wonder it took Arvid so long to create the single tunnel.

Finally, I reached my destination, and quietly tapped on the wall. the stone melted away at my touch, no visible doorways are permitted for My secret passages, one of the major flaws found in most of such creations, whats the point of it being hidden if a entrance can be easily located by a keen eye?

I stepped quietly into a large bedroom, I could hear the principal snoring from a large bed.

I slowly crept closer to the sound, pulling the crystal from my pocket. I clicked my tongue quietly to determine where exactly the principal was on the bed.

Tch, huddled up on one side, it would have been more interesting if he was in the center of the bed where I couldn't reach him easily....

Once I reached the principal's sleeping form, I began to slowly pull the blanket off his shoulders, his back was facing me. I could've had Arvid do all of this much more easily, but I enjoy the thrill of sneaking around~

Concentrating a tiny bit of ki at the tip of my finger, I used it to slice easily through the back of the principal's night shirt, then pressed the stone against the bare skin of his back, right along the spine.

There was a small flash of power, and I felt the stone sink into the man's flesh.

Perfect, the mind magic I had embedded into the stone was now taking full control of the principal, he wouldn't even realize anything was different, but he was now under my full control and would feel and react any way I wanted~

I slipped back into the secret passage and was soon back in my room.

"Mwahahahaha, I did it! This school is now fully under my control~"

"Heh, Boss is truly amazing~"

I changed into sleeping attire and flopped onto the bed happily.

I suddenly frowned, something felt wrong......I wiggled slightly on the bed.

Yes, I hadn't noticed before, but now that I was lying flat on my back, I noticed that my back felt.....strange....

.....Sort of itchy too....

For a moment, my mind turned to Void's sudden growth of wings, and the bond he had created between us, I absentmindedly stroked the wrist where the marking was.



Naw, I'm probably just overthinking things.....

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