《A Bored Immortal's Adventure with Reincarnation》Chapter 15: Plotting to My Heart's Content


I slid into History class with seconds to spare, and moved quickly to the back of the room where I could feel an empty seat through the vibrations of my steps, and settled down into it, letting the chair tilt back so it balanced on it's two back legs. I could feel peoples' eyes on me, but no one said anything. Pity.........

The teacher soon began to speak, in a high, raspy voice that made it impossible for me to determine whether the teacher was a he or a she based on sound alone, and the annoying voice also strongly reminded me of a sewer rat, which didn't help gender identification one bit.

"The four magnificent kingdoms of the Cerulean continent have been at peace for several hundred years, this of course, is all do to the exceptional rule of the grand noble houses and the godlike leadership skills of the royal families. This year, we will be learning about blah, blah, blah."

Tch, looks like I've got another gutless worm.........still, was the worm a he, or a she......

I sniffed quietly, parsing through the scents of the room, hmmmm, the fresher scents were that of the students, deeper down was the smell of new textbooks and old ink, even deeper.... The smell of sweat and rancid cologne filled my nose, I sneezed violently and the class dropped into a momentary silence. A man.......if he could be classified as such.

The rat man's voice broke through the silence.

"Is something wrong.....rag boy?"

Laughter filled the room.

I see, no need to curry my favor, since I'm just a poor commoner, eh?

There was no way I was staying in this trash class any longer.

"Ah, sorry, it's just...... do you take showers? Because you smell even worse than something this lowly rag boy is used to ~"

More laughter filled the room.

Heh, how is it like to taste your own medicine?

"Wha-Wha-wha, h-ow d-dare you speak to me like that, I am your teacher!"

"Ehhhh, but you're just a sniveling rat, a boot-licker like you isn't worthy of my respect."

"Th-th-that's it, get out of my class!"

"Gladly, I think I would puke if I had to listen to any more of your pathetically obvious groveling."

Heh, just what I wanted to happen, there was no way I was letting a pathetic rat like him look down on me when there was no gain for me, rat people aren't interesting at all, they just snivel all the time no matter what tricks you play on them.....


I let the chair thump back down and stood up, then walked happily out of the room with a grin on my face.

The door slammed shut behind me and I turned my mind to more pressing matters of mischief, taking back the school.

This original Dagda sounded quite interesting, a much better playground *cough* learning environment than the current system. Once that messy guy had told me that all the 'interesting teachers' were from the old Dagda school, I had immediately decided that it was time for the old Dagda to make a comeback, with my help, of course.

Hmmmmm, how to do it in the most interesting way..........

I spent the rest of the class period plotting and absent mindlessly wandering around the halls. I did the same in Meditation while the female teacher explained simple mediation techniques that were far inferior to my own, luckily, she didn't seem to be one of the grovelers.

I didn't bother to go to lunch.

I was so caught up in my plans, that I almost forgot to enjoy the annoyed murmurs that surrounded me during Politics and Etiquette, Almost.

Ahh.....annoying people brings light to my life........

It was Art class that finally snapped me fully out of my tangled web of plotting. Seriously, this was the class I was most looking forward to!

"Well, normally at this time I would just have everyone do self-introductions, but I have ermm....received orders to verify whether, um, everyone in this class has the abilities to take art."

Heh, I could smell that grouchy class checker guy all over this, how wonderful~

"So today, each of you will create one painting, it can be whatever you want as long as it displays your skill level.

Around the art room was scatter canvases and stools, all already set up for use, I chose one at random and sat down. I ran my fingers along a row of paint filled tubes.

"Arvid, tell me which one is white and which one is black."

One of the paint tubes shivered slightly and my right hand and I picked it up with my other hand.

"That one is the black, and this one is the white."

Another tube shuddered under my hand, and I picked it up while shoving all the other tubes a short distance away.

Opening each tube, I took a good whiff, memorizing the different smells of black and white paint. I had become a master painter in a few reincarnations as a hobby, but this would be the first time I would be painting blind, so I would start off a little easy.


I searched idly through my memories until something caught my interest, then held the image in my mind as I began to paint. I felt peace wash over me as I focused all my senses on the canvas. I mixed and brushed the paint onto the rough canvas with my fingertips, using experience ans smell to judge the tones of gray I was creating.

Time flowed by as I felt the picture slowly take life on the canvas. It burned in my mind, a glowing forest clearing with towering, ancient trees. In the midst of the clearing was a unicorn gently helping its weak legged colt to stand.

In any world, unicorns are creatures of legend, rarely seen, but there wasn't even legends about baby unicorns, only yearning whispers. I, of course, had immediately taken that as a challenge, and spent an entire reincarnation searching for a unicorn's child, finally, when time had aged me into an old man of ninety years, I was searching through an old forest, and wandered into this clearing at the very heart of the forest.

What met my eyes was the scene I was now painting. My old heart couldn't handle my exuberant excitement at finally accomplishing my goal and I died of a heart attack moments later. Haaa, I wanted to raise it as a pet.....

I felt people begin to gather behind me as more and more students finished their own works, their amazed whispers gradually growing in volume. I felt Void pop his head slightly out from under my hair, also mesmerized by my painting.

-Papa, p-p-pretty!-

I paused in surprise, since when had he learned a new word?

......Eh, whatever.

I added the finishing touches to my painting, and leaned back, wiping the paint on my hands off on my clothes.

I felt the art teacher lean in closer to me.

"A-a m-masterpiece......"

Hmm, did my first blind painting attempt really turn out that well? Curious, I tapped the canvas on the side, then left my hand there to read the resulting vibrations to get a full image of the painting.

Haaaa, I've done better.....Eh, well, at least it achieved my goal~

Kekekeke, who would expect a blind person to even be able create something like this~

The bell rang, signaling the end of class, and I hopped off the stool, time for dinner~

I navigated my way dining room quite quickly, skipping lunch made me hungrier than usual.

I settled into the same place as breakfast this morning with a heaping tray of food, but noble brat table didn't bother me this time.......How sad....I would need to give them a lesson in guts later, but for now, I had more interesting things to do~

When I finished off my pile of food, I darted off to my room, Void squawking as my rapid pace jolted his perch on my shoulders.

"So, Arvid, what did you find out last night?"

"Ah, Boss, it was a lot of interesting stuff that didn't seem to fit in to me at the time, but after what that really messy guy told you I realized that was all connected to that interesting matter."

"I see.....that new information has also changed my plans, this matter is far too interesting to ignore~"

"What can I do to help you Boss?"

"Let's see....first of all, I need you to form some secret passages for me, it doesn't matter whether this school has some or not, I'll need one that no one knows about......and I need you to find a high quality crystal, I can't take over *cough* free this school without it."

"Ah, got it, I'll get you that crystal by morning, the secret tunnels will take a bit longer though....maybe a week?"

"That should be good enough."

"Oh! bring me some books about history and basic spells while you're at it, I'll be changing out of those classes in the morning."

"Got it Boss, I've found some books like that should fit your needs in that Magical Theory guy's room~"

An evil grin grin flashed onto my face as a fun idea suddenly popped into my mind.

"Clean and organize his room while you're at it.

"......Boss.....This is for the locked door earlier, isn't it....."

"Naaa, not at all Arvid, I just enjoy messing with that guy~"

Its just a happy coincidence that it aligns with my revenge~

I shucked off my clothes and slipped on a comfortable pair of soft shorts, then plopped into bed.

Haaaaa, what a fun first day of school......

I soon drifted off to sleep.

I woke to a face full of feathers attempting to smother me, and began violently shoving them away.

-Ita~ Ouch, P-papa, it hurts!-

I paused at Void's words, then began to feel around carefully.


Void had grown........bird wings?


But he's a lizard!!

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