《A Bored Immortal's Adventure with Reincarnation》Chapter 14: The First Day of Class; Part Two


Well, Instructor Raina and I hit it off right away~ But for some reason, my class seemed rather distant......Oh whatever~

After spending the rest of the class period plotting *cough* offering ideas, I headed to my next class, Magical Theory.

"Hello everyone, my name is Eamon Callahan, I will be your teacher for Magical Theory for as long as you want to take it.

I will tell all you arrogant brats right now that this is not a easy class, to the many of you first years that I know took this class because you think the class will be just like Basic Spells and be an easy filler for your schedule, I strongly suggest you drop out now."

Hmmmm, calling the nobles arrogant brats right to their faces, nice~ And now I think of it, Raina didn't seem that friendly either..... So far it seems all the good teachers hate nobles, it would probably make sense if they were all commoners, but this is a top noble school, would they hire commoners to teach nobles? This requires further investigation...

A light killing intent filled the room.

"I'm not going to bother with a introduction to this class, as like every year, most of you will be gone tomorrow, you have the rest of the class time to visit the administrators office to submit an application to leave my class, they're quite used to it by now, so it'll barely even take up a bit of your precious time."

The stern voiced man then walked out of the classroom with light steps, slamming the door behind him.

So he's the grouchy scholar type? Eh, it'll make class interesting~

Moments after the door slammed shut, more than half of the class stood up and rushed to the door, causing the ground to tremble with their combined footsteps.

".........That guy is insane!"

"Did you feel that huge killing intent, I almost passed out......"

"........There is no way I'm going to stay in the class of that crackpot......."

What gutless worms.....

Still, now I have nothing to do......

"Tch, Arvid, now I'm bored.........Where did that teacher guy go? I think I'll go bug him~"

"Ah, I think he's going to his personal workshop, at least he's heading in that direction, so you want to annoy him Boss?"

"Of course, poking a beehive is always a fun adventure, you know~"

"Ahaha, as expected of Boss, well then, I'll lead you there now then, give me a good show, K?"

I slid back my chair and stood up, heading to the door.

"Ah, Big Bro are you-"


"Ahahaha, of course I mean strong blind kid that I've definitely never met before, are you changing out of this class?"

That's right Aaron, don't forget your place.



I walked out of the class, slamming the door behind me. Arvid guided me through the halls to my destination.

The smell of old books and fresh ink drifted from the door in front of me, yep, the smell of a true scholars den...

I placed my hand on the cold metal door knob and twisted.




"Ah, sorry Boss, I'll unlock that right now, don't get mad...."


The door swung open and I walked in.

I could feel the space cluttered with piles of books, topped with old plates of half-finished food. The room of a dedicated researcher....

"Hey, what are you doing in here!.......I'm sure I locked the door this time..........."

The teacher's annoyed voice came from the center of the room, where the chaos of the room was concentrated, I'm not completely sure, but I think there was the buzz of a desk under the flutter of all those book pages......

Wow~ This guy just made my list of the top 100 messiest people I've ever met, and I've met A LOT of people......

Ah! Focus Felix, playtime now, walk down memory lane later...

"Ne~ The door swung open so I walked in, Mister teacher~"

"Wha, but.... Whatever, that still doesn't mean you should walk into someone else's room!"

"Ehhhh, but how would I tell that Mister, it's not like I can see it you know~"

"Not see it... Ah, you're that blind commoner kid that got in this year, did you get lost then?"

"Na, I followed you after you stormed out of class. you were very dramatic you know~"

"I-I was not! But wait.... I you followed me, that means you knew this was my room, and how did you follow me in the first place, I've been here for over ten minutes, you would have come in a lot earlier if you had followed me."

"Ehehe, you got me about the room~ But as for following you, blind people have their ways you know~"

"Wait what way...Whatever, just get out, why did you even follow me?"

"Na~ I just didn't want want to have to wait until tomorrow to bug *cough* learn about Magical Theory from you~"

"Wait until tomorrow like everyone else."

"I refuse"




"I'm not going to until you tell me~"

"Haaaaaa, if I tell you, will you really leave me alone?"


"Guh........If you really want to know, you should just read this."

I heard him shuffling things around, then there was a whooshing in the air. I barely caught the thin book before it hit my face.

"Ehhhhh, are you bullying a blind person, this is a book you know~"

"You said blind people have their ways, right? Besides, if you really didn't have some way to read and write, they would have never let you in this school, no matter how impressive your power levels turned out to be."

Pretty sharp~

Arvid's voice suddenly echoed quietly in my ear.

"Boss, your history class is pretty far away from here, if you want to get there on time, you should probably leave soon.

"Tch, no fun at all........"

"Teachers are not here to amuse you"

Heh, that's what you think.

"Fine....I'll leave if you answer just one simple question."

"*Groan* Just get it over with fast...."

"I've only been to three classes so far, but it seems to me that all the interesting teachers tend to not have a very friendly attitude towards the nobles and the ranking system, why is that?"

A cold silence filled the room.


"Umm, I'm waiting~"

"......What classes have you had, Boy"

"Basic Spells, Martial Arts, and your class, my Basic Spells teacher kept fauning over the all the noble kids during self-introductions, it made me want to puke, but Raina was pretty awesome, and she didn't seem to care much for the rankings."

"I see.......To spot that so quickly is quite impressive."

"Ehe, I like to pay attention to discordant things, for various reasons~~"

Yes, my observation is all for the sake of making mischief at the most opportune times.

"I see, well, since you've basically figured it out, I guess I can tell you before you go sticking your nose in everything to try and find out and get into Real trouble. The only thing is that you must swear never to tell anyone about this, Ever"

Wow, he's already got a pretty good evaluation of me down~

"I swear never to tell anyone about this secret, if I should ever break this oath of promise, lighting shall strike me dead and shatter my soul."

Well, it couldn't actually shatter my soul, I had tried once out of curiosity, but it still was one of the coolest oaths I knew~

A soft roll of thunder ran through the room, nature had witnessed and accepted my oath.

"Y-you, that was a true oath, not one I've heard before, how did you-"

""Ye~ blind people have their ways, now spill it~"

"Urgh, fine. These......interesting teachers, as you call them, including myself, are....the original teachers of the true Dagda school."

My ears perked up, a possible messy past to play in has been located~

"What do you mean, True Dagda school?"

"I mean until seven years ago, the top Dagda middle rank school was nothing like the farce it is today."

Oh man, I wish I had some popcorn right now....

"True, we still chose from the best, but there was none of this sickening favoritism towards high tier nobles, nor was the level of ranking our main focus. We held our own tests, and selected from true ability, not power level, a skilled Wind, or even Breeze, could get in while a unskilled Gale ranker was rejected. Our school motto was the belief that low ranks could beat middle ranks, and middle ranks beat high ranks, if they could accurately use their own power, Skill over Power, the ideal that high rank schools are supposed to follow."

"That high rank schools are supposed to follow?"

"Yes, you know how it's always said that high rank schools recruit from middle rank schools because they care more about skill level than power rank?"

"Yeah, are you saying that's a load of lies?"

"Yep, they don't care about skill level, they just want to collect as many of the best as they can show them off to other schools like pretty little trophies, our high rank division of the school was the only one that truly held to those ideals."

"Wait, Dagda had a high rank school?"

"Yes, The Great Dagda high rank school,it was actually set up first, by like-minded high rankers that wanted to truly follow the ideals of Skill over Power, then they set up a middle rank division to gather more students, of course, you weren't requires to join if you didn't want to, but most of the students we taught chose remain with our schools. By the time the other high rank schools, we were far too formidable to combat recklessly. We passed eight hundred years in piece, happily teaching students and always seeking to improve ourselves, but it all ended seven years ago, on that horrible day....."

He paused, his voice trembling, I let him sit there silently, knowing that bad memories are difficult to recall, much less remember. I could fill an ocean with my own accumulation of unpleasant memories.... oh course it's mostly memories of boring stuff, like peaceful picnics, that time I tried an office job, and those times when I run out of things to do......it's all serious stuff!

"T-the other high rank schools all came together....something unheard of.......and demolished our Great Dagda school, killing most of its members, causing the remaining survivors to scatter, then they sent two dozen high rank Stars to this school,, we managed to take down a few, but in the end, we were outnumbered and they killed all of the students.....but they left us alive, and bound us to that idiotic principal with some kind of seal so we couldn't disobey any of his orders, or attack him. You see, while they don't like our power, or ideals, they did recognize our teaching skills, so they decided to have us make them more top quality trophies, based on their rules of course. "

Wow, I do not like that principal anymore, pity, he gave such a nice short speech....and that must also mean that my guess was mostly wrong, I was right that he didn't really chose to teach students, but it seems that he didn't stay around because he couldn't get into a high rank school, but instead because he was ordered too.....

"Wait, then shouldn't there some kind of order for you not to tell anyone about this? And Raina is still all about how ranking means nothing, they shouldn't want that right?"

"they did give us the order not to tell anyone who didn't know about this, but I managed to get past it by constituting the fact that since you guessed about the animosity, you technically 'knew something about it.', bindings do tend to have loop holes like that, and as for Raina.....Well, lets just say she's not the easiest person to control, and..well, that gutless worm Barack Halifax also seems to be a bit afraid of her, despite the fact that the binding should protect him, so he usually just lets her do what she wants, unless pressured to do otherwise by the Safety Committee."

Ehe, as expected of someone I befriended so easily~

But that Halifax guy, is that the principal? I can't remember.....but it fits the context so probably.......

"Boss, I know this is very interesting, but you really should start heading to class...."

Haaaa, fine, it sounds like he's done with the story anyway....

"That was pretty interesting, but I probably need to go now if I want to make it to my history class, Oh, and I think I'm interested in messing *cough* helping you out with your little problem, so we'll talk later, K~~"

I darted out of the room without letting him get another word in.

Puhahahaha, what a wonderful thing I've found to play with~~

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