《A Bored Immortal's Adventure with Reincarnation》Chapter 13: The First Day of Classes; Part One


Basic spells.........................

.....B.......boring............All the teacher did was have us do self-introductions....I had Arvid break some chair legs and trip people just to break up the dullness....some girls skirts were flipped too...

I raced out of the class as soon as the bell rang, tears *cough* sweat in my eyes, they had better do something interesting tomorrow, or I'll make sure there won't be basic spells class anymore, I hate boring things the most........

"Aaa, Boss that was painful, but next is Martial Arts.....it should be a lot more pleasant, indeed, from what I saw of the first class, this instructor has real style~ Just turn right here and go straight, the doors at the end of the hall lead to the outside field where the class is being held."

"Hmmm, if he's a martial artist with the kind of style we like, he's probably a training idiot with a crafty side right? "

"Ah-ha, yep, you've mostly guessed it~"

"Great! Those guys are the best kind of pawns *cough* teachers."

Hmmmmmm, how best to proceed......Best to check things out first, there are several different brands of those kind of idiots after all......... I slowed my pace, allowing most of the other students heading to the field flow past by me, then tagged along with the end of the pack. As the morning sun warmed my face, a stern voice rang out.

"All right kiddos, I am Raina Sunder, your instructor, today is your first day so I'm just going to have you go through this little obstacle course to test the level of your actual abilities, not that pitiful system of power rankings. "

Hmmmmm, a woman? Ah that kid Arivd really is a being after my own heart, I 'mostly guessed it' was what he said, just what I would have done, I approve~~

And from what I could tell, the 'obstacle course' was a most definetly not 'small' mass behind where the teacher's voice had originated, hmmmmmm, the sound of whooshing blades, crackling fire, lots of creaking from moving objects, ooooh, there are pits of sloshing mysterious substances as well. Nice, it really is my kind of style~

"Ms, Raina, there's no way we could get through that, you've got to be kidding right? And don't we need to change clothes?"

One of the few girls in the class quickly complained.

"Nonsense! We live in a world where strength is everything! Your opponent won't wait while you change clothes, and you never know what kind of obstacles you might come to face, before you can learn a fighting style, you must learn how to survive!

This is a test to see how far this years cream puffs *Ahem* class is from being able to actually get into some of the real stuff, don't worry, you're not required to get all the way through today, just as far as you can, in fact, no one has made it through in the fifty years I've started doing this, don;t worry, it's set to a nonlethal level, so you can try your hardest without fear of injury, unlike a few years ago when the blades were sharpened and that kid lost his arm.............stupid school safety committee........without the danger it's not as interesting.........."


Ah, truly my kind of person, let's add some spice to the situation~

I shifted to the front of the crowd, darting through gaps in the crown of students, then raised my hand and lifted onto the tip of my toes, adding a little bounce to create the picture of an over-eager student wanting to ask an urgent question.


"Ne~~ Miss Teacher, if someone makes through today, shouldn't they get some sort of prize? After all, you said that no one had mad it through, so it would be pretty amazing right~ Everyone would probably try harder to if there was a prize~"

"Aahhh! That's a good idea! Ok, if any one makes it through, they can make one request of me, anything goes, they can even get an automatic 100 for the year or............... even have this pretty teacher of yours get you a high grade weapon, I'm a pretty good friend of the famous Roseblade black smith you know~~Hey kid, nice thinking there, what's your na- ehhh, where did he go?"

I had slipped back into the crowd once she had taken the bait.

The nobles were now extremely excited, high grade weapons took several years to forge were hard to obtain even for most top tier nobles, most of them monopolized by those in the high rank of power, yet here was someone offering to make a personalized weapon just as a prize for getting through an obstacle course, not only that, the Roseblade smith was a fairly well known female weapons smith that specialized in creating extremely sharp blades.

I, of course, don't care about any weapons, I have plenty of top-gear forging methods I've picked up over the years that can easily create unmatched blades with the right materials, I had a different goal in mind.

The students rushed to get in line, desperate to get the best position possible, so they could make it through the course before someone else won the prize. I didn't bother, moving directly to the back of the line, from what I could tell, none of these cream puff nobles would have a chance making it, and even Aaron who I had trained personally, without some serious luck, would never make it fully through.

Complying with my earlier order *cough* request Aaron and Adrian both avoided joining me at the back of the line, ending up somewhere in the middle.

As I had predicted, none of the babied nobles made it past the beginning of the course, all failing to get past the area where I could hear the crackling of flames coming from, Adrain just barely managed to get through the passed the flames, but ended up falling into some kind of sludge that smelled REALLY bad. Aaron, of course easily made it past the flame area, hah, it was nothing compared to that monst-*cough* our mother...... And after my training, he could easily make it past the sludge area that had defeated Adrian, but failed when he encountered the area where I heard the whistling of a lot blades.

Hmmmmm, if Adrian kept hanging around, I would have to add him to my personal torture *cough**cough**Ahem* training list, I don't allow weaklings to remain by my side........


Finally, I was the last one to go, all of the failures gathered together on one side of the field watching me. Yes, the perfect audience is one that has already face the challenge and determined it impossible to surpass in their hearts. Time to crush their beliefs into hundreds of little pieces~~

Our instructor, of course, recognized me as soon as I hopped onto the wooden starting platform.

"Ah, kid, there you are, I was starting to think I had imagined you~ Thanks to your advice, the kids this year have gotten farther than any of the previous years, so, what's your name?"

"Felix Bardon. and I'll be taking that request miss Teacher~"

Without a further word, I focused my senses and hopped into the course, time to have some fun~

First, the fire area, low heat flame ran along dozens objects swinging randomly over a deep pit that I could feel was filled with mud, the only way across was a narrow log that began turn as soon as I placed my foot on it. Hmmm, so you have to keep your balance while dodging flaming pieces of junk heading towards your head? Heh, child-play.

I ran steadily across the smooth log, easily dodging the flaming obstacles as I sensed them approaching.

The next section, small pathway led to all 50 meter tall wall that generated a turbulent wind from various random section shooting in and out of the wall. Below was a pit of the terrible smelling substance I had smelled on Adrian, hmmm, as expected, the second challenge is a bit more interesting~

The sections popping in and out were the only handholds to climb the wall. Ehh, it's just like the forest, easily defeated.

The next section was where the sound of whistling blades, the sounds echoed around a small enclosed corridor. The space was filled with blades, the was no place big enough for a person to slip through...

Heeeeee, this teacher really does have style~

Hmmmmmm, I could just climb over and skip it completely, but that wouldn't be any fun~

I started walking though the hallway, using my arms to block the blades at top speed, they thumped pretty hard on my forearms, but the dull blades couldn't cause me any damage. Haaaa, if they were sharp it would be a lot more interesting........

Adding some spiked traps and flying knives would be fun too........

Gahhhhhh, all that fun taken away because some kid lost a limb........

I'll have to see how to work around that.... maybe there's some blackmailing in my future....*chuckle*

I passed through the hall of blades with an evil grin on my face.

Finally, the last obstacle was a combination of all the previous obstacles.

It was a 65 meter tall cylinder that was spinning around quickly, dully blades shooting out from various sections, other parts were burning, and other parts would suddenly sink deep into the surface. Below the cylinder was a bubbling pit of a substance that smelled the worse of anything had smelled yet, urgh, there are downsides to a more advanced sense of smell.

Still, aside from the smell.......awesome!!! This was a Real challenge.

I dashed forward and grabbed onto one of the lower handholds and held on, letting my body whip around with the spinning motion, ahhh, the wind feels so nice~

The block of wood I was holding onto begn to sink back into the surface of the cylinder, ehhh, better get going then....

I moved rapidly upwards, dodging random blades and block that would suddenly pop out, and changing my course whenever I met an area covered in fire, must be magic if it hasn't spread or gone out by now.

I flipped happily to the top and stood steadily, despite the force whirling me around and around. I felt a rope hanging in the air above me, I grabbed it and tugged hard. Hmmm, the vibration feel like it angled down to the field, I was quite high up in the air by now. I jumped easily up onto the rope, balancing on it with my bare feet, and began easily sliding down the rope.

Over the years, while my feet's sense of touch had remained extremely sensitive, they had also toughened from all the running on rough bark and sharp stones I had encountered during my training, to the point that they were comparable to metal, so the friction from the rope didn't even bother them.

Disbeliveing whispers met my ears as I leapt easily to the courtyard, I welcomed their disbelief happily, hahaha, foolish mortals, down down before my glory *Cough* it was only natural.

The instructor burst out laughing.

"Ahahahah, no wonder you asked for a prize, you must have been pretty confident, looks like I finally got a good one this year, well, what request do you want to make of this pretty Auntie, probably a weapon right~~"

Whats with all this pretty stuff? From what I could tell, she definitely had a nice body, and her long hair made nice sounds in the wind, but it's really weird to keep saying saying it about yourself. Eh, whatever, I'll just roll with it~

"Ne~ Pretty lady, I have a different plan in mind, can I help out with the training schedule?"

"Hmmmm, you made it through the course, so you've had some good training, this is my schedule for the year...."

"Aa~ This is pretty good, but if you add this......and change that......."

"Oohh, that would really push them to their limits......."

"Ehe, that's the way people become strong you know~"

"Ah! what if we did this......."

"That;s even better, you're smart and pretty too teacher, but if we do that then we should do this too......."

"And this............"

"Puhahaha, and......."



Felix's class slowly moved away from their pretty female instructor and the weird blind kid who had made it through that impossible monstrosity, they were now huddled together, with a evil dark aurora gathering around them, even blocking out the sun.

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