《A Bored Immortal's Adventure with Reincarnation》Chapter 12: Breakfast, My First Royal Encounter


I settled onto the smooth wood floor with my legs crossed and pulled Arvid off, holding him in my hands. Carefully, I reached out with my mind and merged my power with Arvid's consciousness, he would need the extra boost to take over all of the power the school had accumulated. Done, I leaned back and let Arvid do his thing.

He stretched out his warm conscious, much strong now with the aid of my own energy, and pushed gently against the schools power, drew back, then pushed again, then hovered near the wall, imitating the gathering of elemental energy. The difference of power meant Arvid couldn't make a straight forward attack, but rather act craftily. Unfortunately for the school, it was something we both excelled at.

Thinking Arvid was just a mass of energy, the school reached out and swallowed him, then tried to absorb the energy it had absorbed...but Arvid resisted, and began absorbing the school's energy instead. In this instance, the lack of personality was the school's downfall, it was unable to defend itself from Arvid's attack. The more energy Arvid asorbed, the faster he spread, and soon the whole school was under his control.

Once I felt that he had finished, I gently pulled my own power back, and grinned.

"So, how does it feel Arvid?"


"Oh, you can use words now?"


"Ah, so it's because the school is larger and has more energy?"


"Nice! Well, start scoping things out, I'm going to go to sleep now, I want to be fully awake for the first day of school.....*chuckle*...I can't wait!"

I tossed my bag in a corner and flopped onto the large bed in my room, Void squawked at my sudden movement, then moved off my shoulders and curled up next to me . Haaaaa, as expected, its very cushy. I quickly fell asleep.

I was wakened a new but strangely familiar voice.

"Hey Boss~~ Time to get up, breakfast starts in 20 minutes, and then classes start, I found out a lot of things about this school last night too~ There no time now, but I'll tell you all about it tonight. Eh! Boss! Don't roll back over! Get up!"

"............................Is that.....Arvid?"

"Yep! Turns out I hadn't fully integrated when you went to sleep last night, but I finished being changed by that awesome amount of energy I figured that instead of just using vibrations to communicate, I was able to project a voice out~~"


I lurched sleepily out of the bed, letting my feet thump on the plush carpet..........wait.............carpet? Didn't I have wooden floors last night? Curious, I clicked my tongue and listened to the resulting soft reverberations. My room was several times larger than I remembered last time, there was more furniture too, now that I think of it, the bed was bigger too.......and was that a chandelier!?

"......Arvid......What did you do?"

"Ah, you're talking about the room right? I overheard that headmaster and teachers talking last night, they say these rooms configure in degree to your potential, but in reality the teachers are designing the rooms to favor more politically powerful nobles, they had a really nasty design planned out for you, but I've completely changed it, you now have the best room of all the students. I'm working on changing the other students rooms as well so they...properly suit their level."

I grinned maliciously.

"Oh man, this is going to be awesome."

I moved over to my bag and rummaged through my clothes, looking for the worst set, then pulled them on. I re-wrapped the bandage covering my mark from Void and flexed my hand, making sure it didn't interfere with my movement, I didn't want to show it off until I figured how I could use it for pranks *cough* until I knew what it meant.

"Boss, I can't wait for when you finish your clothing prank~ Is there any way I can help out?"

"Na, I got this one handled, and I have other things planned for you to do."

"Oooohhh, what is it Boss, what can I do!!"

"Patience Arvid, we're starting slow so they can build up resistance so they survive *cough* can handle the bigger stuff, you can't do too much right now, I also need that info you have to fully complete my plans, so you'll have to wait until tonight just like me."


"If I have to wait, you have to wait too, deal with it."

I grabbed my room key and left the room, Void scurried onto my shoulder and draped himself around my neck, completely cover by my long hair. Following my nose, I soon tracked down the eating hall.

"Hey Big Bro!"

"Hey Felix!"

Aaron and Adrian greeted me as soon as I pushed open the doors, they were sitting at a small table near the entrance, one of the many I could feel in the large cafeteria. I ignored them both, brushing past their table just long enough to drop a small folded note I had prepared earlier onto in front of Aaron. I heard the crackle of paper. I heard Aaron whisper to Adrian.


"Looks like Big Bro is plotting something, so he doesn't want us to associate with him for this week."


I then spread my senses, focusing on the room while grabbing a tray and some food from a buffet table, free of charge, just the way I like it.

Ah, there they are, the table of elites, all the tables surrounding them were empty because no one dared to sit near them. I immediately walked over and settled into one of those empty tables, then hunched over and began sloppily shoveling food into my mouth in a very uncivilized manner. The elited, of course, immediately noticed me.

"What is this beggar doing?"

'What's with his clothes and hair......he's not even wearing shoes......and the way he's eating food.......so disgusting......."

"How did such a lowly commoner even manage to get into this school..."

"Your highness, I'll get rid of this pest for you"

Hmmmm, so a boot-licker was coming over....just as I expected.

"Hey, you piece of trash, are you blind? Only the best nobles can sit here, so move, preferably to a garbage can, that's where you commoners spend most of your time anyway right? It should feel just like home to you see, its better for everyone one that way."

Giggles erupted from the surrounding tables.

I sighed sadly, such an uncreative joke, I would have to work on improving that.....But first, the fun stuff.

I leaned back in my chair and tilted my head back so they could see the evil grin *cough* friendly smile on my face, then opened my eyes wide so they would be able to see their icy pale color.

"As a matter of fact, I am blind you idiotic kiddo, so I reaaalllllyy can't See any reason for me to move."

The guy sputtered, unable to come up with a response. A new wave of nervous laughter filled the room.

A new guy's voice cut in, cultured and refined.

"This area has always been reserved for the strongest and top tier nobles, though a blind commoner like you may have somehow miraculously managed to claw your way into this school, you're still a pathetic weakling compared to us, don't get cocky you little sewer rat."


"Y-your highness, there is no need to address this trash personally....."

Hmmmm, so the top dog had gotten involved personally.....fun!

I let my grin spread even further across my face.

"Ehhhhhhh, but I don't think I'm all that weak, Princey boy~~ What's your rank?"

Out raged sputters erupted from the boot-licker. He was ignored. I felt his 'royal highness' stand up and walk over, his breath brushing my face as he leaned over me in an attempt of intimidation.

Mmmmmm, nice and minty, do nobles in this world get to use form of tooth cleanser? I myself had perfect teeth because of a quick brush of purified mana each morning, but that was a method of my own personal creation. Sore teeth can distract from plotting *cough* important things.

"I am a Middle rank Gale in mana and ki."

"Ara? Pretty impressive, I'm a Middle rank Gale in mana as well......but I'm just............. Storm rank in ki......*sigh* so I guess you should leave me alone you know~~"

Disbelieving mutters ran through the room.

"Y-you're lying"

"Ehhh, no I'm not, but I guess you'll feel more comfortable when you ask a teacher, so I suggest you wait to label someone a liar until you're sure of all the facts~~"

Finished with my food, I stood up suddenly, causing the prince boy to take several stumbling steps back. I turned my back on him and walked away arrogantly, leaving my dirty plate at the table.

"W-wait, how can we ask a teacher if you aren't even brave enough to tell us your name coward."

I waved my hand idly in the air, not bothering to turn around.

"Ah, thanks, almost forgot that bit.The name's Felix Bardon, first year student, arrived yesterday, that should be enough right? See ya around Princey~~

Haaaaa, that was relaxing.......

Letting the doors close easily behind me, I tapped on the wall.

"Ne~ Arvid, where's my first class."

"Kakakaaa, Boss that was awesome, you're first class is Basic Spells right? Go straight down this hall and turn left then keep going, it's the second door to right.


Time to see what other havoc I could create~~

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