《A Bored Immortal's Adventure with Reincarnation》Chapter 11: The Welcoming Ceremony


Returning to the carriage and leaped onto the roof with a small thump, moments later I heard Mister R tell the coachman to go, the carriage lurched into motion. I laid back on the carriage and let the sun warm my face, sighing happily.

"That's going to be fun."



I ignored Void and addressed the wooden bracelet on my wrist.

"You agree? Thanks for helping me infuse that quartz, its usually harder to infuse anything into such low grade crystals, but you managed to pack quite a few in there."

The bracelet hummed with pride.

"Mmmmmmnnnn, I suppose I should give you a name, how about Woody, or Hummer?

It replied with a disapproving tone.

"Haaa, I suppose I should be a bit serious...."

"Ah! I know, what about Arvid, it means wood in some other language."


"You like it, that's good......."

My nose suddenly caught the heavy scent of lighting and rain, I frowned, storm must be coming....I'll have to go back inside the carriage....I addressed the sky.

"If I get sick, I Will find a away to get revenge."

There was a nervous sounding roll of thunder in the distance.

I slid through the carriage and settled on the only open spot on the seats. Mister R turned towards me, his motion disturbing to air in the carriage.

"What's wrong this time?"



The carriage fell into silence for the rest of the trip to school, for a moment I felt sorry for the driver when the rain began to pound down on the roof, but then Mister R explained that there was a special protection spell on the drivers seat so he wouldn't get wet.

Darn, that meant I could've just sat up with the driver......

Luckily the rain let up just as we arrived at school. I hopped happily out of the carriage, feeling mud squish between my toes, hmmmmmm, the water conducted vibrations even better. I The school was large, I could feel numerous columns through thee earth, and the winds whistled through many carvings and statues. Obviously nobles wouldn't attend a plain school.....

Mister R guided inside to a large room where the principal of the school would greet all the new students. There were already several groups of children inside the room. I heard them begin to whisper as we entered the room.

"Hey, do you see those two kids....."

"I heard commoners made it into the school this year, but I didn't believe it....."

"That blond haired and blued eyed kid isn't too bad, but do you see what that long white haired kid is wearing......."

"His clothes are all ripped, he looks like a beggar....."

Fufufufuuuu, phase one of the clothing plan is complete......

Ignoring them, I walked to the back of the room and settled into one of the chairs, settling my bag next to it. Aaron and Adrian took my lead and settled into chairs next to me. They had offered to take my bag, and all the others had excepted, but I had worried that some nosy porter would rummage through my bag and find the magical beast materials, so I chose to keep it with me.


I felt the warmth of Arvid reach out to the surrounding, then pull back slightly.


Hmmmmm, so this building has a living conscience too? I guess it makes sense since there would be a lot of people meditating here, there must be a lot of gathered energy.

I whispered quietly to Arvid.

"Better wait until we're alone to take control, just gather your strength for now."

We waited for a couple of hours, during that time I focused on feeding energy to Arvid, there really was more elemental energy gathered around here. Finally after several more groups arrived, the welcoming ceremony began.

"Hello everyone, I am the head principal of Dagda, my name is Barack Halifax, I am a High rank Meteor, I could've gone on to a learn in a high rank school, but I found my life to feel more fulfilled when I mentor young bright sparks like you. I will do my best to make sure you have a nourishing environment to grow in. Right now, packets are being passed around, they contain all the classes we have and their descriptions, you have the next hour and a half to choose seven of them, choose wisely. We will interfere if we feel you are taking a class beyond your scopes, but other than that you will have full control over your schedule. As you realize, there are people here from all four kingdoms of our vast

Cerulean continent, I encourage you to interact and make long lasting connections. I hope you all have a good time training."

The principal then left, he had a mellow, young sounding voice, hmmmmmm.....reaching High rank must rejuvenate the body, but all that junk about 'nourishing bright young sparks' was probably a huge pile of lies, he probably just couldn't make it into any high rank schools.

Still, the speech was short and sweet, that sure is rare. I liked him just for that.

I could feel dozens of packets floating through the air, each landing in front a student. What a flashy use of mana, I approve.

Once my packet floated down to me, I carefully ran my fingers over the pages, perusing each and every class. My first six classes were fairly easy pick.

Basic Spells

I hadn't learned anything about the way mana was manipulated in this world, any magic I had discretely done was based off my unmatched amount of experience, but I needed to make sure I didn't openly do anything beyond the scopes of this worlds known capabilities. That would have to wait until I was strong enough to deal with any pests.

Martial Arts

Same as spells, I hadn't learned any of this world's fighting styles, but I plan to use the personal fighting style I had developed throughout many reincarnations, I just wanted to see competition I would have.

Magical Theory

The perfect stage for me to show off*cough**cough**Ahem* I mean improve the world's magical standard.


A reincarnation basic, I always like to know the past so I know how to stir up the most trouble......*Ahem* History is always Very interesting.


Politics and Etiquette

Perfect place to constantly irritate the bratty nobles just by being present.


Everyone in the school did it, so I would be able to evaluate everyone and pick new targets..*cough* I mean make new 'friends'.

As for the last class, it should be something I could use to train my senses even more or play with a lot of people......hmmmmmmm,,,,,I ran my fingers along the classes, trying to decide.

Ah! Puhahahahahaha, that would be perfect!

With an evil grin on my face, I wrote down my seventh class. It had only taken thirty minutes to decide which classes to take, so I spent the next hour funneling more energy into Arvid.

When the time was up, everyone was told file into a single line to turn our forms in for inspection, I ended somewhere in the middle of the line, a wide space created around me by the nobles in front and behind me, I could feel Aaron was a few people back and had the same problem, though not as bad. Adrian was a few people in front of me and he was a bit squashed, ha, the advantages of being a lowly commoner was that nobles avoided us like being low born was a disease they could catch, so we always had plenty of space.

When my turn finally came, I handed over my paper of selections with an expectant grin on my face.

"Ah, Basic spell, Martial Arts, History, and Meditation are all fine, ummm Politics and Etiquette, and Magical Theory will have to be a determine later, when we've seen how you do in the class, but ermmmm..... I don't think you can do the last class kid."

Hmmm, so they have a wait and see policy, that cuts down some of the headaches *cough* arguments I had planned to make sure I got into Magical Theory and Politics and Etiquette..........Well, at least the best one was still left. I smiled innocently and tilted my head to the left in a cute, puzzled manner.

"Eh~ But this class specifically said any one could take it~~"

"Kid, you do realize you're BLIND"


"This is an ART class."

Fufufuuuu, I could feel the class adviser's headache building.

"What does that have to do with me being blind mister?"

"Umm, for one iart generally requires VISUAL observation."

"Ehhhhh, but I think I'll still be fine......"

"No, you won't..."



Mwahahaha, the battle of atrition has come!



"Mr. Jasper, I think you should just let this kid do what he wants...."

Curses, Mister R cut off my fun...*cough* ended our heated conversation. Grrrrr.... I'll get you back for this!

Mister R's body suddenly slumped.

"J....just put it in the see later pile, if he really doesn't do well you can take him out of it, until then, you still have about half of the students to go through and if you get into an argument with him, who knows what will happen..............."

Mr...........what was it?..................... ah whatever...... unhappily handed me an approved schedule and a key to my dorm room.

I grumpily walked away, heading to the group of checked children and slumping against a wall.

I wanted to see how long the Will and Won't war would have lasted......................

Adrain walked over to me.

"Man, all that stuff about choosing classes is a load of junk, as first year students, they only let us start with basic classes, hey, Felix, what classes are you taking?"

I showed him my paper.

"Ah, same classes as me except for Magical Theory and......ummm....Art........they actually let you take that? Oh, that must be why Mr. Roland interfered up there just now......"

I felt Aaron walk over.

"What classes did you chooses Big Bro?"

I tossed my schedule towards him.

"Ah, same as me! This means we'll have all the same classes, what a coincidence, we must really be twins!"

I heard Adrian mutter something under his breath.



Once everyone's classes were checked and confirmed, we were finally allowed to leave the hall and head to our dorms.

Time to hack the school*cough* check out my new home~

Following the flow of people, I entered the dorms and felt engravings on my dorm key.

Number 555, hmmmm.... The number five often stood for adventure, unpredictability, and chaos.....and grouped in the auspicious number of three..........It suits me Perfectly.

Seems Fate decided to play one of her little jokes, I grinned to myself.

I began walking down the hall, stretching my arm out so my fingers could brush the right side of room numbers, I passed the hundreds, two hundreds, three hundreds, and four hundreds in only about ten minutes. Hmmmmmm, the door were all set right next together.....too close for normal rooms, so they must be enchanted with dimensional spells, but when I stretched out my mana sense to check, it was blocked by a privacy ward......hmph, as expected of a rich kids school, they try to suck the fun out of everything........but...Arvid and I would being changing that soon enough....*chuckle*

Lets see.....513.....527.......539.....551......Ah! 555, here it is!

Before using the key to open the door, I laid my hand on the sturdy oak and focused my senses.


Hmmmm, so this building did have more power than Arvid, but...........What's with this bland personality?

This school has definitely been absorbing energy for a much longer time than Arvid, and in a greater quantity, yet it's consciousness had failed to develop even a spark of personality.

Pondering, I absentmindedly unlocked the door and stepped into the room, space distortion as I had expected.............Hrmmmmmmm, maybe it was because so many different people had gathered energy here? Did it not get a chance to fully assimilate with one personality.

I tapped Arvid.

"You think you can handle this?"

True partners in crime *cough**cough* friends are hard for me to come by.....


"So you can do it? Is it because you've already developed a personality, unlike the school?"


"I see, then shall we begin?"


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