《A Bored Immortal's Adventure with Reincarnation》Chapter 4: The Basics of Stardom PR


Throughout my many reincarnations, I have come to realize that the basics play the largest role in the pathway to strength.

Without a proper foundation, further efforts will crumble. When learning the sword, harder techniques are impossible without a strong body, when learning magic, the higher level spells cannot be accomplished without a large mana pool.,

Every step along the way is addicting to me as I can feel myself truly earning power.

Usually on magic worlds like this, I would focus on developing the mana pool or whatever system of magic they had and strengthening my body in order to learn fighting styles. With my blindness however, I would have to alter my plan a bit.

The blind generally have their other senses develop to a higher level than the average in order to compensate for the lack of sight, but it wouldn't be enough for my path.

I would need to able to hear the whisper of a blade or fist approaching me, to smell where the enemy is, to feel the vibrations in the earth and air so I could always tell where everything was, in short, I would have to train my senses.

Unfortunately, a baby’s senses aren't completely developed when they're first born, so I wouldn't be able to start right away, but in the mean time I could still expand my mana.

This also meant that the majority of my strengthening would have to wait till I mastered my senses, I would be able to do things like pushups and situps, but not anything like running or agility, where I would be likely to hit a tree or trip over a rock.

I was unsure of how long it would take, a young body was the most adaptable to training, and having to wait too long would make it harder to develop.


Well, no need to worry about it for now, I'll just focus on what I can do, mana training. I settled myself and slowly relaxed, slipping into a meditation. In my minds eyes, a single drop of pure white shone in the darkness, miniscule trickles moving throughout my body in set paths, meridians.

I sighed happily, mortals always start with such wonderfully small amounts of mana, it made the thrill of seeing it grow all the greater.

I took hold of the little drop, and gently encouraged more mana to circulate and consequently causing the cycle to quicken. This would help smooth and strengthen my meridians, also pushing them to grow in size so they would be prepared for larger amounts of mana.

The cycle also helps mana purity, but as a newborn I hadn't yet gathered any impurities, so I would simply be able to retain the level of purity I have.

Once I got everything running smoothly, I turned my focus back to the mana core. Depending on what magic system this world was set on, the mana would either increase naturally on its own with the meditation cycling, have to be absorbed from the world around me, or it would be a mixture of both.

Watching carefully, after few hours, I notice a very small increase in size, natural increase was a check.

Now to check for outer absorption.

While still keeping a focus on my mana core, I sent a portion of my mind outward, searching for energies to see if I could absorb them.

I slowly began to feel the energies swirling all around me, showing up as vibrant colors in my mind, blue for water, brown for earth, green wood and plants, red for fire, and a light yellow for air.

I gently pulled a strand of earth towards me, this stable element was the best for first absorptions, the other elements were more fluid in nature, and so more likely to cause damage to the meridians, which will slow my process considerably.


I guided the earth energy to my mana core, and waited to see if it would be absorbed. After a few minutes, the energy finally moved, but instead of joining my mana pool, it moved beyond it.

Curious, I followed the earth energy all the way to another core that I hadn't noticed as it glowed an almost black purple that would easily blend into the surrounding darkness if you weren't looking for it specifically.

The energy easily sank into the unknown core and a very small part of the center of the core lit up a bright purple. At the same time, I felt a very small swell of strength surge through my body.


This world has a ki center!!??

I had never been reincarnated into a world with a mana and ki core, it was always one or the other.

Cool!!!!!!!! This world is even more interesting than I realized, Fate really out did herself in picking a world this time. I'll have to figure out some way to thank her~~

Hmmm, when I die again maybe I'll use my full power to make her a new kind of flower or animal, since she love to collect them, ooooh, or maybe I should send her a assortment of candy from every world or even both! Giving flowers and candy (especially to a girl) was always a good move. Hmmm, I wonder if she's ever had fire crystal chocolate caramels, those things are delicious.......

Eh, no wait, I'm getting sidetracked, focus Fenix, remember, revenge, power, forcing them to grovel, playing with the awesome new toys...*cough* I mean figuring out how to use my blindness and ki core to my advantage.

Ahem, well having the ki core would help out the strengthening problem, as I absorb more energies, the ki would gradually strengthen my body, so while I still plan to do the normal strengthening exercising, I don't have to worry as much about the when.

Mwahahahaha, let the rise to Power BEGINNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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