《A Bored Immortal's Adventure with Reincarnation》Chapter 3: My New Parents are a bit Strange? PR


After my father handed me over to Seph, we immediately left the large mansion. I could feel the wind on my face as Seph moved quickly forward and there was a little lurch whenever he inexplicably shifted directions at a rapid speed. I later decided that he was probably avoiding any people we came across, as anyone seeing Seph leaving the castle with me in his arms so soon after my birth and supposed death would easily be able to guess my true identity.

Suddenly the ringing footsteps of boots on stone changed to the dull thud of dirt and my new father's gait had become a little more uneven. Shortly after, Seph paused; there was a metallic click and then the creak of a door being opened.

A new voice met my ears.

"Seph! What are you doing home so early? Your shift doesn't end yet. Oh! is the queen alright? Her labor started early this morning..."

It was a woman's voice, sweet and melodic, but toward the end of her flurry of words, her voice had suddenly died off.

Then a demonic shriek pierced my ears, actually sending a shiver of fear down my back.

"Seph Bardon, you lying cheat of a husband, you dare bring the babe you fathered with some other woman the day after I gave birth to your son! GET OUT!!!!"

It seems my new mother is the type to make outrageous conclusions in a split second.

"Wha! No! Adrianne that's not it at all!"

He suddenly lurched to one side, seconds later there was the distinctive sound of shattering pottery. Hey! I'm here too you know, crazy woman, if you're going to throw dishes at your husband, at least leave me out of it!

"Whoa! Sweetie, j-just let me explain!"


"Like I'd just stand here and listen to you explain how you slept with another woman!!"

Well, I do approve of the sentiment, but Seph's innocent, well, at least this time. Man, what did you do for your wife to so easily think you're cheating on her, whatever it is, I suggest you stop. Cheating husbands never end their live well.

Ignoring my silent pleas, four more dishes were shattered before Seph finally managed to get a word in.

"He's not mine!"

Silence filled the room.

"Are you sure?"


She sighed.

"And I was sure I got you this time, really Seph, why are we such boring people. If this keeps up we'll have no interesting stories to tell our children and they'll label us as 'boring' parents. I don't want that!"

Wait, what!!!!

You did all of that just because you wanted a good story??!! Shouldn't you be more worried about the unknown child in your husband's arms? I mean, the illegitimate child is at least plausible.

Seph suddenly relaxed.

"Fufufufu, sorry sweetheart, but I can't even dream of being with anyone but you, you are my world. Anyways, at least we have a legitimate dish throwing story now so it’s alright, right?"

What, Seph, not you too! Uuuuuuu, I landed a really strange pair of parents this time... Oi, and put away that pink atmosphere, there's a child present, even if I'm blind, I can still feel it!

"Ah! Why do you have this child anyway Seph?."

Yes! That's the main point you should be discussing.

"He's the Lord and Ladies child."

"Wha! but, then why do you have him?"

"Look at his eyes"

A small gasp met my ears.

"H-his eyes, they have no pupil, it's just a pure icy blue disk, Seph, this means he's......"



"So he was regarded as useless and was thrown away"

Hmmmm, it seems my birth parents attitudes were well known.

"Yes, they were going to kill him, but I managed to convince his Lordship to let me take him, that he might regain his sight and serve his Lordship in some way."

"Ah, yes, that old healers song,

A newborn babe born with no sight

No healing magic can save him from his plight

But chance endures in him regaining it through his own might!"

Ah, well, interesting rhyme there mom, but I have no intention to give up my new toy *cough* I mean one of my defining traits.

I was gently pulled away from Seph's arms and into a new embrace.

"Did they give him a name?"

Her voice now came from right above my head.


There was a long stretch of silence.

"Then let his name be Felix, the elvish word for luck, and let us hope that luck will guide his every step and keep him safe in his struggle."

Hm, nice naming sense Mom, luck, I like it. I happily gurgled my approval at her.

Her arms hugged me close and she giggled.

"It seems Felix likes his new name, lets go introduce him to his new big brother Aaron."

I felt her walk up a flight of stairs and then pause to open a door. Gently laying me down on a soft and cushy surface, Mom took one of my chubby little hands and pulled it to the side.

"Felix, this is your big bro Aaron, who's sleeping right now."

I felt a small hand no less chubby as mine, this was the child Seph and Adrianna had just had.

As for the big bro thing, that idea is vetoed Mom, I refuse to take the little brother role when he's only physically one day older than me, you have no choice in the matter.

"Awww, aren't they so cute together, oooh, look, Felix's closed his eyes, maybe he's falling asleep?"

I heard the floorboards creak as my parents tried to sneak away.

Wait, No! You can't leave yet, I haven't been fed yet, and closing the eyes is only natural to avoid them getting dry and irritated.

I waved my arms frantically, trying to get their attention without waking Aaron, but as they hadn't returned even though I was sure they hadn't left the room yet, I was forced to take the only other option left to me.

I let out an ear piercing wail, announcing my hunger to the whole house. Aaron's wails soon joined mine, unhappy to be so abruptly woken.

They immediately rushed back over and frantically tried to figure out what was wrong, smelling diapers, rocking, offering toys, even singing.

After five minutes of this, Seph FINALLY remembered that I haven't been fed once since I was born (still, isn't that one of the first things you should check?) and the matter of my empty stomach was soon resolved.

After that, Aaron and I were both settled back down and our parents left. Aaron soon drifted back to sleep, but I remained awake, recalling the events of my first day.

Fresh anger rolled through me as I recalled the harsh words of my birth parents. No one should be deemed useless simply because of a disability. I’ll make them regret throwing their son away because he was blind.

Yosh! I've decided, in this world I will become a bright star of strength and magic that will cause them to tremble with despair at the fact that they abandoned their own son.

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