《The Girl in the Abyss》Chapter 13
The Girl in the Abyss
Chapter 13
“This is the part, shh, everyone quiet!” An explosion occurred in the show Kenneth, Old Man Snaps, and Aurora were watching.
“Humans had technology of this level with no magic!?” The old gnome exclaimed.
“Hmph, nothing a large-scale spell couldn’t accomplish.”
“Wait until you see the bomb in the third episode. My buddies and I consider it the best one!”
Kenneth and Old Man Snaps were completely absorbed in the newest perk. It had every form of old-world entertainment you could imagine, Magitek power systems, random human devices, and a lot of junk food. The others were off doing various things, Hysa and Zurik spent most of their time outdoors, Elsie followed me around with Icy, and Valora spent every second training. Seeing everyone settling in and enjoying themselves was a wonderful sight.
“Ellie Noir, do you have a few minutes?” Valora caught up with me while I was walking to the kitchen where I personally spent most of my time.
“What can I help with?”
“After thinking about it, I have decided on the Radiant class. It allows me to heal and protect everyone while also complimenting my Guardian class.”
“This can never be changed and you will be bound to me. Are you completely sure?”
“I’m positive. I’ll take my brother's place and fulfill the role in his name.”
She kneeled in front of me and I placed my hand above her head. A white light surrounded her body and flowed into it.
“I thought it was only one class?!”
“It should be. Did you get another?”
“It’s called Radiant Paladin. My resolve has already been rewarded! I will not fail you!”
“Once Old Man Snaps finishes your armor we will be heading out. Please make sure to review the new class before then since I won’t be able to tell you what any of the skills do.”
“I will, thank you Ellie Noir!”
Once in the kitchen, I reviewed the money we earned from the opening the restaurant which wasn’t a lot, but I didn’t care. The only reason I opened it was for myself, cooking allowed my mind to go blank and made me feel calm. The door upgrade could send a door to a random location in the world where there were people in search of food. The first night sent a door to a festival somewhere in the Beast-kin continent.
“Mom, Dad, it's over here!”
It was the night of our village’s Spirit Festival, a time of year where everyone comes together to celebrate the Rabbit-kin Clan and the spirit who protects it. I was feeling sick and almost stayed home, but this year there was a strange rumor going around, and I didn’t want to miss it! Everyone was saying if you go to the back of the festival grounds there was a magic foreigner who came to celebrate with us.
“My friend said that the food was super good! We need to get there before it runs out!”
My Dad was a worry wart with long pointed dark brown ears that matched his eyes and fluffy hair. He assisted the clan elder in political affairs which there was a lot of lately. Because of this, he was worried that the foreigner was someone important or that it was a scheme. Mom thought it was just a nice traveler, but Mom was kind to everyone. She had floppy ears that were a mix of very light brown and white which matched her soft hair and light brown eyes. I looked a lot like my Mom even though I was a boy, so people were always mistaking me for a girl or did it on purposes to pick on me.
“Look I can see it!”
On an old shed, the door turned into a magical looking one. It was covered in snowflakes and a sign at the top read “Snowy Nights Restaurant and Bar.” When I opened the door, it felt like I crossed into another world! Inside was just like the rumors said, it was like a Lord’s manor, no, even greater than that! The floor was shiny and sparkled, big dazzling lights hung from the ceiling, and the chairs looked like thrones!
“Welcome to Snowy Nights young Rabbit-Kin, will you be dining alone?” A small person wearing a black outfit floated in front of me.
“Wow, a tiny foreigner! My parents are just outside so it will be three. Could we sit by the window?!”
There were a lot of people from town here. They were all looking around in amazement or eating foods I had never seen before.
“Of course, it looks like your parents are here now.”
My dad was looking around nervously but Mom was amazed and began pointing at the lights. We were led to a table next to a big glass window that was so clear it looked like there was nothing between us and the snow falling outside.
“The glass work… Not even the Lord’s castle has glass like this and the metal work on these utensils!? Our clan couldn’t afford a single set!”
“I have never sat on such a comfortable chair before!”
‘I knew Mom and Dad would love it!’
“I am glad it is to your liking. Allow me to start you off with drinks.”
“What’s the colorful drinks they have over there?” They looked so yummy!”
“We offer a variety of juice, ancient human fizzle drinks, Human alcohol, specialty drinks, and water. The specific drinks at the other table are fizzle drinks.”
“Let's all get fizzle drinks! Can be we get the orange one Dad?!”
“Sir, I must ask, what will the cost of these luxuries be?”
“Drinks are one Bronze, meals are three Bronze, and Dessert is two Bronze.”
“So little?! How does the owner make any profit?! These utensils alone would go for multiple gold coins!”
“You needn’t worry about the low costs. The owner opens this place to calm her mind, not for profit.”
“This woman handles an entire kitchen alone and it calms her mind?”
“The Empress I serve is quite powerful. Managing a kitchen is of little stress to her.”
“E… Empress?!” Dad looked like he was about to have a panic attack.
“Honey lets just enjoy it. I doubt there will be another opportunity to eat like this.”
Dad was pale like a Spirit just ate his soul so Mom took over. “We’ll all have the orange fizzle drinks, please. We would also like a meal and dessert.”
“The menus in front of you include the meal options and desserts. When you are ready, tap “Server” on the menu and myself or another Pixie will be here to assist.”
Three menus appeared in front of us just like a status screen would. It was in a language I didn’t recognize yet I somehow understood it.
“Every item has a picture if you click it! They all look like real life!”
“They must have been painted by a powerful spirit...” Dad, who had returned to normal, was lost in the menu as well.
“I couldn’t imagine knowing how to make all of these. Is it really one woman?”
There were lots of things on the menu and to my surprise there was even an entire section just for food with no meats! Rabbit-kin didn’t eat meat, so I only expected a few options to pick from, but there were so many here!
“We should have the Vegetable Curry. I had some with the Elder when we visited the Lord to pay respects. I want to compare the taste.”
‘Curry, what’s that?’ I clicked on the picture, and it showed rice with a sauce and stuff on to the right of it.
“Are you sure you don’t want to try something new?”
“Things can taste completely different depending on how they’re prepared. The curry I ate held flavors and spices I could never begin to guess.”
“Here are your drinks, please enjoy.”
“We’re ready to order! Dad said we’re having Vegetable Curry.”
“Very Good choice, they will be out shortly.”
The Pixie went off to other tables while we all stared at the orange drink with ice cubes floating around in it.
“The glass work on these cups… I’m scared to even touch it.”
“I’ll go first!” I immediately understood why they were called fizzle drinks! It felt like lots of bubbles were popping in my mouth and it tasted so good!
“Dear, what kind of drinks are these?” Mom asked.
“He said it was an ancient human drink… Maybe it’s a fruit from the Human Continent?”
Humans were from one of the other continents. Supposedly they had powerful magic but none it worked anymore.
“Your order is ready; please enjoy. When you would like dessert, you can select it directly or call me using the menu.”
“It hasn’t been 2 minutes. How could she prepare three so quickly!?”
“He already said she’s an Empress Dad, why is it strange if she makes food super quick?”
Mom chuckled at my comment.
“Your son is correct. Many things are possible for the Empress I serve.” He left to help others again.
The plate in front of me was larger then what our entire family shared on a regular day! Each of our plates had rice and a large amount sauce both on it and next to it, and inside the sauce, I could see a variety of vegetables. Dad was the first to take a spoonful causing his eyes to open wide as he chewed it slowly.
“These… These must be ingredients from the rarest vegetables in the world…”
I took a spoonful of mine. The rice was soft and fluffy while the sauce was spicy and delicious!
“It so good!”
My dad stopped eating to look at his status. “It increased strength by three for eight hours! Attribute enhancing food like this should be multiple gold coins for a single bite!”
“Mine as well, I feel so strong!” My strength went from one to four! “The monsters who attack our village would not stand a chance if we had this food all the time…”
After that, we ate the food in silence savoring the magical flavor.
“I’m so full! I want dessert but I don’t think it would fit…” I didn’t know it was possible to eat so much food!
“The amount was very generous for the already low price.”
“We’re getting dessert! We’ll share one if we have too!” To both of our surprise, Dad was the one demanding dessert.
“To think you would be the one asking.” Mom said with a chuckle.
Dad started scrolling through the menu.
“Family Sized Ice Cream Sundae!”
“An ice food?”
“Wait until you see it!”
Not long after a bowl that looked like a long boat came out. It had a crescent moon shaped fruit on the bottom, three big white humps covered in a brown syrup, a red berry on top, and then the whole thing had colorful specs everywhere. My second wind came, I knew I had to eat this or I would regret it for the rest of my life!
“So cold yet so yummy!” Mom had her hand on her cheek as she enjoyed the flavor.
As quickly as it appeared it was gone, we all devoured it.
“Dad convince the food Empress to stay! Tell her we will build a shrine!”
“You can’t convince an Empress to do anything. I do however want to give proper thanks on behalf of the clan. This will surely be a festival no one forgets.”
“I want to give thanks too!”
“Remember this person is higher than a Lord. If you do not show proper respect, bad things can happen.”
“I will behave!” Dad was training me to take over his position, so I knew how to be polite.
The Pixie returned to collect the payment.
“Sir on behalf of the clan I would like an audience with the Empress to personally thank her for joining our festival.”
“I will ask if she wants to see anyone.” He flew off and returned not long after.
“She said it was okay. Please follow me to the kitchen.”
“Of course!”
I followed next to father through a hall ending in a bright room. It had lots of metal and magic items running at the same time. ‘These are for cooking?’ In the middle leaning over a large book was a short girl with wings and horns. ‘She doesn't look very old for an Empress?’ She wore a strange hooded outfit that glowed in six different places and from inside of the hood long messy white hair hung to just above her chest.
“Empress, on behalf of the Rabbit-kin Clan I thank you for attending our festival. We will record this and celebrate it at every future Spirit Festival!” We both bowed.
“I do this for myself since cooking calms my mind. There is no need to thank me for it.” She didn’t look at us while we spoke.
“We are still grateful, should you ever return to our clan we will honor you. Please accept this pendant. It is powerless compared to the magical items in this room alone, but it will prove to any member of the Rabbit-kin clan that you are welcome among us.”
She looked up from the book and stared emotionlessly. After a couple of seconds, she had the small person accept it.
“I will keep this then, thank you.”
She looked down at me. “Is it normal amongst your people to have black blobs sucking the life out of your back?”
“A black blob?” I tried turning around but I didn’t see anything on my back.
An invisible force grabbed something and I felt a huge weight lifted off me. ‘I thought I was just feeling sick this whole time!’
“Empress you can see the spirits!? To think an evil one was on my son. Thank you!” Dad bowed again.
“It's not an issue, I’ve already killed it. The stolen life has been returned.”
After that, she leaned back over her book and the Pixie returned to lead us out.
“Thank you, food Empress!” I waved but she didn’t respond.
‘I’ll make sure we build you the best shrine ever!’
“There you are, were you playing with Icy again?”
“I’m happy to see you’ve become good friends with her. Let’s get started on cooking. I’m sure you’ll be making yummy food in no time.”
She grabbed my pant leg and stood quietly looking at the ground. I was surprised by the sudden change in attitude.
“You said lying’s bad.”
I’ve started viewing myself as her parent but I have no idea how to be one. I just said what came to mind about being kind and not lying.
“I did.”
“You lied! You’re not happy!”
‘Ah, to think that would be picked up by her Truth Detection skill…’
I knelt in front of her. “Elsie my happiness is making sure you and everyone else is happy.”
“Not a lie…” She was puffing her cheeks out, clearly displeased with the answer.
“Now, how about we start cooking?”
Her face changed to a sad expression.
“I want to go too.”
“I’ll be going somewhere scary and dangerous, but I will be visiting every day. When I’m here, I’ll be all yours.”
“Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise.”
I wiped away a few tears from her eyes before standing back up.
“Let’s get started.”
“This here is an ore from my homeland. You would never see more than a chunk every hundred years, but Radiant Night has made this genius idea possible!”
After a couple of days, Crafter’s Cathedral finished generating the last of the ore needed for Valora’s new armor allowing Old Man Snaps to finish it. The armor was made from a magic metal called Shine Ore that could absorb and release light. He explained that in Dwarven and Gnomish history only the dwarven High King’s strongest paladin would have a weapon made of this ore but thanks to Crafter’s Cathedral it wasn’t much of an issue to get what we needed. The armor was a dazzling white with gold outlines, very fitting, and covered her entire body. In the center of the chest piece and shield was the symbol of a setting sun and to add to the sight, Old Man Snap’s made a sword out of the same material.
“Now, the final piece.”
Old Man Snaps took out a white Circlet with a twilight colored gem on the front.
“Not a helmet?”
“This is stronger than any helmet. If I am correct, this will draw upon Radiant Night’s Twilight mana allowing your armor and weapon to make use of it for a short time.”
“Ms. Valora looks like a princess.” Elsie’s eyes were shining just as bright as the armor while she hid behind my leg.
“I’m not anything like that…” She was blushing and looking away like Arty used to do.
“Kenneth and I will head out then. You should have a couple of hours to get used to it before we reach the West Coast.”
“Please forgive me for being a flightless burden.”
“Its okay, I intended to save one of my passage slots for moving around anyway.”
I gave Elsie a big hug. “Be good for Aurora and listen to everything they teach you. I’ll see you tonight.”
Once in the Dawn Wastes Kenneth turned into his bat form and sat on my hood while I flew us to our destination.
“Thank you Ellie. I truly appreciate this.”
“It's not an issue. I promised to help.”
He was quiet before asking his next question. “Are you alright? Hysa and Zurik told everyone you might be a little different, but you were still you. If it was the loss of Artel, I know that pa—”
“I’m grateful for your concern Kenneth but what I am now can never be changed.”
“So, you’re just going to be emotionless forever?”
“As long as everyone else is happy that’s all that matters.”
“How is that fair?”
“Its how it has to be.”
“…I shouldn’t have left you alone.”
The flight continued in silence for some time after that.
“I’d like to ask you about Elsie since you’re a father. What do you think she sees me as?”
“I would say she already sees you as her mother.”
“My Mother sold me for drug money… I have no idea how to be a Mother to her.”
“She’s already very well behaved. In the world today just being there for her is more than enough.”
Kenneth told me a lot about raising kids in the old world. After that, we switched subjects to schools, then old-world countries, and that turned into how big Human civilization was.
“What happened to the Humans who lived on other continents?”
“According to someone I met on the way to DC they all ended up in random locations on this continent. A few groups we encountered were made up of citizens from different nations sticking together. Unfortunately, like most of the Human population, they were killed off by monsters. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a few countries made in the images of their homes though.”
“That’s the city up ahead? Was the giant floating castle always there?”
“No, not at all.”
-You Have Entered the Country: ‘Demise,’ City: ‘San Francisco’-
-Congratulations! Pathfinding has increased to 10/10!-
-Congratulations! Skill completion has granted 5 skill points!-
-Congratulations! Pathfinding has evolved into Mapping!-
-Congratulations! Mapping has increased to 5/10!-
In my status screen, there was now a mini-map and a world map however only locations I visited were visible.
The coast was dark and cloudy, I couldn’t see any green on the land below, and the water was dark red. The castle city looked like it was ripped right out of the ground and remnants of land were still attached to the bottom. It was floating above water and had four large chains attached to the surrounding coasts holding it in place, and according to Kenneth, the chains went to Golden Gate National Park, Richmond, Oakland, and the San Francisco.
“It’s blocking the view of the Golden Gate Bridge but at least we know where to start looking.”
“Should we stealth again?”
“No, if it’s a city of undeath then I should be able to enter.”
We followed a flow of bats to a landing area where they turned into vampires and entered the city. Upon landing, I was given a lot of hungry looks, but when Kenneth appeared from his bat form they continued about their business. We moved off to the side and I opened a small passage for Valora.
“Reporting for duty Empress! Due to the environment, I have released the light from my armor so I don’t stand out as much.” She did a Demon salute which was placing your right hand on your right horn while standing straight.
“You do not need to be so formal Valora.” Empress was a lie I used so people wouldn’t bug me while I cooked, but Valora took a liking to it.
“I am representing house Noir, my brother, and the Empress I serve. It would dishonor all of you if I acted casually in public.”
We made our way to the entrance which was a stone arch with a burly human vampire sitting in a booth next to it. His skin was a dark grey, his eyes were red, and he looked malnourished.
“Returning with two blood slaves? Registrations for both please, if you are selling them to the blood farms papers are still required.”
I ignored the comments and glares. None of these people or their words mattered.
“Blood slaves? They’re my traveling companions.”
The vampire looked Kenneth up and down.
“No vampire is keeping a body like that without Blood Slaves. Look, I get that your probably some high blood with those outfits but I got a job to do buddy. Carrying around guns like they even work… As per the laws papers or get lost.”
“I’m not from around here, is there any way we can all register?”
The guard sighed. “Last name?”
The attitude of the guard and the surrounding vampires changed drastically.
“The porter bloodline does not have any descendants so you can not be a High Vampire. Impersonation of the Pure Bloodlines is punishable by death!”
“Then my kids are here!? I’m Sophia Porter and Liam Porter’s father! I’m a Pure Vampire, my Kids and friends should be the other Pure Vampires!”
He frantically started searching through the desk until a picture was pulled out. His hand started shaking as he looked at Kenneth and then the picture multiple times.
“F-Forgive me, p-please, I beg you not to report this to the Lady Sophia!” He started crying as he begged.
“Just take me to my family and we can forget everything.”
“Thank you! I’ll never forget this mercy!”
He called over another guard who took over the booth.
“I am grateful for this kindness sir. The job supports my family, and since we’re not hunters, this is how we get all our blood.”
The city was like an Angel city, the same even. Any statues that would have been angels had their wings smashed off and the windows were all red stained glass. We continued down streets filled with vampires, amongst them, you would even see different races. As we grew closer to the city center the streets became cleaner, the vampires had more natural skin tones, and everyone was much better dressed. Eventually, we made it to the center where a massive cathedral made of black and red stone stood.
“This is where the Pure Bloodlines meet alongside King Abaddon’s overseer. The surrounding manors each belong to a Pure or High Bloodline, and the one to the back right of the Cathedral is Porter Manor.”
“Thank you, that will be everything.”
“An honor to serve a Pure Vampire sir and allow me to return this.”
He handed Kenneth the picture before bowing and speed walking off.
“They must have given photos of me to all of the gates… They’ve been waiting for me all this time...”
He clenched the picture of himself and took a deep breath. “Let’s go see them.”
This area was empty so we continued down the concrete road on the right side of the Cathedral. At the end was a large blood red manor with “Porter” in metal above the front gate. The building itself looked like a modern mansion compared to the Angel architecture everywhere else. At the large wooden front door, Kenneth took another deep breath before finally knocking.
“Can I help you?” A 13-year-old girl with curly black hair, red eyes, dark skin, and a green Victorian style dress opened the door.
“Jackie? It's me Kenneth, Sophia’s Dad.”
“Mr. Porter!? Please come in!”
She led us to a nicely decorated living room and left to find Kenneth’s kids. On the wall above a fireplace was an old-world family portrait.
“It's from our house…”
It was Kenneth, his wife, his son, and his daughter. In the photo Kenneth was much younger, his son looked three, and his daughter was a baby. His wife was very pretty and had light blonde hair and blue eyes. His son had the same dirty blond hair as Kenneth but was wearing glasses.
“Father?” A boy who was about sixteen years old walked in.
He looked like a younger more well-kept version of Kenneth. His hair was in a professional business cut and he wore a student’s uniform with glasses.
“Liam!” He ran over and hugged his son.
“How are you still alive? I thought…”
“So much has happened…. I will explain everything. Where is Sophia?”
“About her, there are some things you shou—"
“Dad’s back from the dead!”
A girl about thirteen years of age who looked like the woman in the photo joined Kenneth and Liam in the hug. She was wearing a red Victorian style dress and had her hair done up in pigtails.
“Sophia, Liam, you're both alright! Thank God, I was so worried!”
“You’ve managed to keep your appearance the same! Are the two girls over our new blood banks? I’ve never tasted an Angel before, I’ve had a few demons though. Wait why does she have horns too?” Sophia spoke in a high-pitched excited tone all the time.
“According to God’s Guidance that’s not possible. You’ve found some interesting food or perhaps slaves, love slaves even? Hmmm both their armors are peculiar too, we have magic armor, but these are definitely unique.” His son on the other hand was calm and collected.
“You stand before an Empr--” I put my hand on Valora’s shoulder and told her it was fine.
“Valora is right, the girl with horns and wings is Ellie Noir. She is an Empress who I am willingly bound to and serve. The one in armor is Valora, a noble from the Demon continent who also serves Ellie.”
At an alarming speed, Sophia appeared in front of me and licked my neck.
“No taste? I can’t even smell your flavor, how about a teensy tiny nibble?”
“Sophia!” Kenneth yelled at his daughter who was about to bite me, and I had already put my hand out to stop Valora.
“What, you don’t want me to offend your new Empress? Is she more important than your kids?”
“We just got back together, let’s not fight, alright?”
Sophia crossed her arms and pouted. “I have an idea, how about a duel with the all-powerful Empress? If I win, both of you will be my blood slaves.”
“Kenneth?” I didn’t care if she wanted to fight however it was Kenneth’s daughter so I would leave the choice to him.
“Sophi—” Before Kenneth could finish Liam cut in.
“It's probably best to let it happen and get this over with.”
“…I’m sorry for the trouble Ellie.”
“It's okay.”
We moved to the backyard where there was a small arena not far from the door. It was made of normal grey stone and filled with dried blood. I stood on one side and Sophia was on the other, spectating was Kenneth, Liam, Valora, and a bunch of people Sophia’s age.
“Since I am the lady of the house I will let you attack first.” She gave an exaggerated bow.
“The duel will be over instantly, are you sure?”
“So full of yourself, I love it!” She rushed towards me with multiple daggers in hand. The cuts were extremely fast, clearly someone who passed ten dexterity, but it didn’t matter how fast the cuts were since I was immune to the damage.
‘Something that won’t kill her instantly...’
“Your strong but every defense breaks eventually! Blood Dance!” She shot forward for another round of slashes.
She froze in place, but I allowed her face to move.
“What the hell is this!? I can’t use any skills or move!?”
“Its one of my crafting skills. I use it to make food faster.” I summoned the broken scythe and walked towards her.
“This isn’t a crafting skill! Are you insane?!”
“I’d agree but it's under crafting in my status.”
I lifted the scythe.
“If you kill me my Dad will never forgive you.”
“I never intended to kill you, only to show you the difference between us.”
I cut the palm of my hand allowing blood to flow and with Dominion, I opened her mouth allowing a few drops to fall in. Her face went blank, enthralled by taste. I canceled the skill so she could sit in silence.
“I won’t interfere in your Family’s problems, but if you continue insulting your father because of me, I’ll have someone make it so you can only compliment him for the rest of eternity.”
She nodded, still taken aback by the blood.
“The duel is over, E-Ellie Noir has won!” One of the 13-year-old kids called out.
I left the arena and met up with Valora who had a smug look on her face.
“You should receive proper respect from now on.”
“I doesn't matter. I don’t care about respect from people I don’t know.”
A few minutes later Liam came over to talk to us.
“Sophia ran off to her room. She has not faced a loss this severe in some time so I will go speak to her. For now, please allow one of Sophia’s friends to escort you inside.”
“Kenneth won’t be going with you?”
“No… I think it's better that I handle this.”
A boy about Sophia’s age lead us inside to the same living room from earlier and shortly after Kenneth joined us as well.
“They wouldn’t let me in…”
“Sir Porter was your daughter always so…”
“Stubborn and hotheaded? Absolutely, but she was never that aggressive. The thirst for blood changes you and causes you to become violent and uncaring so it may have taken its toll on her.
“I’ve only known you for a short time but that surely can’t be the case for you?”
“I have Ellie to thank for that. After drinking her blood, I have not felt an ounce of thirst or bloodlust.”
“Y-You drank her blood?” She was blushing and getting weird ideas.
“It was from my arm Valora.”
“Of course! I wasn’t thinking otherwise…” She wasn’t making eye contact.
Kenneth was staring at the ground with a defeated face.
“It might have been better for me not to come here. I’ve only caused them trouble. I have to remember that it's been over 100 years, they’ve moved on.”
“Mr. Porter, I can assure you that’s not the case.”
He looked up surprised. “Sorry Jackie, I didn’t mean for any of Sophia’s friends to hear that.”
She ignored him and sat in one of the chairs. “When the world ended our class was on the school camping trip. It was the one that ended up on the same date as your family trip.”
“That’s right I completely forgot, did Sophia go and find you?”
“She did, we were living together in the camp fighting off monsters. At first, we were waiting for help to come but when our teachers didn’t return, we realized the world had truly ended. We were doing our best to survive and become strong but we were losing hope. One day when a massive wave of monsters was about to break our makeshift wall, someone said a blood covered girl holding knives was clearing a path through them. We thought she was another monster but it turned out to be Sophia who came to save us. If it weren’t for her, we all would have died. She likes to fight and gets angry a lot, but she’s still Sophia and I know she misses you more than anything. I saw her hand out the photos to each guard station and she sometimes cries while looking at a photo of you and Ms. Porter when she's alone.”
Tears were in Kenneth’s eyes. It was the second time I’d seen him cry. “Thank you, Jackie. I’ll do my best to work everything out with her.”
“Oh, one last thing.” She looked over to me. “Ms. Noir, be wary of the other Pure Vampires, I doubt they’ll allow such a… potent source of blood to go free.”
We were surprised by the warning, especially since they were Kenneth’s friends.
“It's better that you see for yourself tonight. There is a dinner meeting with King Abaddon’s Overseer in the cathedral regarding the blood farms and city status. If you would excuse me, I will be off to eat dinner myself. It was good seeing you again Mr. Porter.”
“Jackie wait, did your parents make it?”
“Liam helped me look for them, but their car was gone.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, your Father was a great man. He was always making something on the barbeque to share with everyone.”
She smiled. “I hated that stupid barbeque… I’d give anything to have it again.”
After Jackie left, Kenneth returned to staring at the ground. “My friends were very good people. We fought together countless times and I know they wouldn’t do anything like that.”
“They would, and I fully expect them to act against all three of you.”
Liam returned with an angry Sophia. When she saw me sitting, she rushed over and stood right in front of me.
“I’ll never accept you as my new mother!”
“Sophia will warm up to you with time Ellie. I am grateful someone strong is looking after my Father.”
“…I think you are both mistaken.”
“That’s what this has all been about? I swear to both of you that I am just serving her.” He pulled a locket out from his bag and opened it revealing the same family photo that was on the wall. “Nothing will ever replace your mother or both of you.”
“You’re in such a healthy state, I just assumed…”
“He drank from her arm!” Valora spoke in Kenneth’s defense with a red face.
Upon seeing the pendant, Sophia started crying and leaped at Kenneth. “I-I was angry that you were with two random girls instead of being with us. T-Then when Liam said love slaves, I-I thought you were trying to replace mom. I-I’m sorry!” She continued crying in his arms.
Liam came over and joined them in a second group hug. Kenneth held them both as tightly as he could a while all three cried.
The afternoon passed as Kenneth and his children happily reconnected. At one point Sophia and Liam both came over and apologized to me as well. I was glad everything worked out even if it started as a bumpy reunion.
While we were waiting to head to dinner, Sophia made her choice.
“Liam lets go with Dad and his Empress. We’d never have to worry about blood again and I’m already feeling much calmer thanks to the blood she gave me.”
“Have you forgotten the contract, Sophia? I was a fool to have us sign it… There were just no other options to keep you all safe… I’ll head to the meeting early, and I’ll try to get you and your friends out of it at least.”
“Liam, wait!” Before Kenneth could stop him, he rushed out the door.
“He’s been looking after all of us this entire time. I do the killing because its fun but all the politics are handled by him. He changed when you didn’t come back and then when Gram and Gramps passed away he started trying to handle everything himself. Your friends don’t make it easier, they treat him like garbage, and I had to kill 97 assassins in the last 100 years.”
‘Liam is not much different from his father then.’
“They send assassins after you two!?”
“They're mad because the King gave us 50% of the San Francisco blood farms.”
“Those bastards… I’ll never forgive them.” Kenneth looked over to me. “Ellie, can I ask a favor of you for my family? I know its not part of our deal—"
“I’ll always help you. It doesn’t matter if it was in the deal.”
“Thank you. Please find a way to remove the contracts binding them.”
“Sophia where is this King?”
“The capital of Demise called Ruin. It's in the middle of Los Angeles along the coast to the south.”
“Kenneth attend the meeting with Liam and Sophia. Valora I’m counting on you to keep them safe.”
She gave a demon salute.
“Empress, the King and some of his guards are the only ones who have ever beaten me beside you. You better not lose to them!”
I marked the current location and left for Ruin.
- In Serial48 Chapters
The Dog at the End of the World
Lucky Lachlan is just your average mutt. He's been living with his Girl for as long as he can remember and he'd do anything for her. He might have to do more than he bargained for. One day when he awakened from his mid-day nap, he saw a box. It had no scent and floated calmly in the air. Greetings Lucky Lachlan! You have been chosen. The End is coming in three days. Prepare yourself! Thanks to Kieran Pierce for the lovely cover! Dog at the End of the World is a participant in writathon.
8 208 - In Serial30 Chapters
Contract Summoner
Earth. The planet many of us call home. Here we live our lives as normal as possible. For one human known as Mathew McGonald, he too, calls this place home. Specifially in the great state of Virginia. He currenly lives life as a divorce attorney, and is content with his life. One day, Mathew was leaving his office, a successful squabble ended, and his client kept most of his possessions from his ex-wife. When he went to step into the hallway, instead he ended up in a grey void with a blue box hovering in front of him. Earth now converted by an entity known as 'The System' must now defend its self from portals that lead to other wordly areas known as 'Dungeons'. As of 08OCT2020, this story is put on Hiatus due to lack of motivation to keep writting. I plan to write a new story, and the future might hold a continuation of this one, Thank you all to my readers, commenters, and reviewers for allowing me this oppurtinity. I have learned a lot from this story, and plan to apply it all to my next one. Update: 31MAR2022, I am a huge doofas, never said to check out the REVISED version here in the description. Just in case anyone doesn't see that one...for some reason...yea. It's way past this one. Go TO MY OTHER STORY. Just click on my profile and go to my stories, you can find it there.- GlacialDawn
8 96 - In Serial9 Chapters
Cosmic Bulldozing Team
"Welcome to the Cosmic Bulldozing Team! CBT for short... references to any other acronyms are purely coincidental." Breve has one exceptional gift: an inborn potential for Resurrection magic. The cost? Every other healing spell she casts is absolutely paltry in comparison to the rest of her race, making her family outcasts within her society. That potential alone, however, classes Breve as a Rank A Healer. By what metric? Well, by the crazy elf lady who’s about to destroy her planet. Wait, what? Here's the low-down: her planet has been targeted by the Cosmic Bulldozing Team, which, as their name suggests, operates in the apparently lucrative business of destroying planets. This comes with the unfortunate side-effect of also murdering everyone who lives there. And Breve would’ve been killed, too, if she hasn’t unintentionally passed their audition for a new healer. Unwillingly saved by the people who just annihilated everything Breve ever knew and loved, she’s dragged into a massive spaceship before, without a moment’s reprieve, being assigned missions to sally forth and commit the same atrocities on other planets. And with Breve's home lying in a pile of celestial bedrock, it seems that cooperating is the only option. And she will cooperate, or so help her, they'll send her back whence she came: into the void of space, where the smashed rubble of her planet now drifts along. "Buckle in, rookie: you've got some planetary destruction ahead of you." (Updates every 2 days.)
8 89 - In Serial6 Chapters
Xeno Slayer
Gee is an Immortal Legionnaire. His cause is just, his might without question, and any xeno who steps in his path ends up dead. In Eden's name he prays. A hidden foe, unscrupulous traders, and nefarious aliens bring the feared monster of humanity out of retirement. The Xeno Slayer will vanquish Eden's foes to continue humankind's aggressive expansion. Note: This is a MC killing aliens story, not an erotica book. There will be 0 graphic sex scenes in this version.
8 90 - In Serial376 Chapters
Weight of Worlds
The Tethered wield many talents, which they each develop into a hundred unique paths. After Ranvir awakens the ability to control space, he discovers he is the sole Tethered to hold this power. His only chance is to attend the Royal Academy and become his own Master. He will turn his burden, into a blessing. ---------------------------- If you like slow paced progression fantasy that takes its time exploring the magic system in-depth, then Weight of Worlds might be the story for you. Release Schedule: 3 chapters a week.
8 332 - In Serial10 Chapters
clementine - a rising tiktoker - is offered quite the challenge. she's pulled into a competition that can change her career for better or worse. all she's ever wanted is to rise to fame and inspire people all over. she wants to be the person she needed in life. now what better place to do that than a beach mansion in miami with her best friend and seven other teenagers?*for the sake of the book, covid-19 and major scripting don't exist for the most part*disclaimer: yes, i know awesomenesstv's show "next influencer" is crap. that's why i decided to add a little ✨spice✨ of homosexuality :D
8 135