《The Girl in the Abyss》Chapter 12
The Girl in the Abyss
Chapter 12
I awoke to a weird feeling on my body, looking down I saw I was wearing a new outfit. It was a twilight colored ball dress and shoes.
“Good morning! I hope you like my dress and shoes! I thought it matched your eyes so consider it a gift. The hairpin was actually something Artel bought, I think it was a gift for a girl, but it only seems right that you should get it now.”
The voice sounded like it was coming from all around the room and then near the door, Arty’s sister appeared. I summoned my sword, and with a single flash step, I stabbed her right through the chest.
As her head fell on my shoulder, she laughed. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” After those words, she vanished, and I could no longer find her.
I sat back down on the bed and examined who I was. I felt nothing but misery and despair, but it was apart of me, my natural state. Thinking about others, I could divide the world into two groups, those I promised to protect and those that didn’t matter. As I stood up, I saw the photo of Arty now laying on the ground. I felt sadness build up inside me, but my face didn’t change, this world had already taken every tear I had.
Near the balcony was a mirror and through it, I could see the hairpin shaped like a rising sun on the right side of my head. ‘He wouldn’t want me to have this.’ I took it off and put it into my bag alongside my old outfit, the broken scythe, and the painting of Arty. Once packed up I walked out onto the balcony. The sun was rising, and the city was still in a panic, so I had only been dreaming for one night. My reason for living was clear to me now, I would exist for those I love and grant them every happiness, but to do that I needed to create somewhere larger than my pocket dimension to call home.
I removed the Dungeon Core from my bag and held it in front of me. ‘A country like Safe Haven? …No, why should I protect anyone who wouldn’t do the same for me? When I make a country, it will be for those I love, and anyone else who wants to live in it will personally explain to me why they should be welcomed.’
I used Analyze on the core to see if it would show anything.
Name: Dungeon Core
Rarity: Legendary
Consumption Effect: +5 Free Attributes +50 Skill Points
Country/Dungeon Consumption: +1 Country Perk and City Perk
Founder Options:
Country/City City
Unique Owner Options:
?? Dungeon
Core Bonus: If a Country/City is founded over the ruins of an Ancient Human City multiple unique bonuses are granted. This bonus is applied for free to the second city within a country founded by this core.
Description: The Dungeon Core from [Legendary] Remnants of a Fallen Nation.
‘I will have to discuss the best locations with Kenneth…’
“Mark, Passage.”
-Congratulations! Passage has increased to 6/10!-
-Location #2 has now been marked and titled “Deminicous.”-
A tunnel of darkness opened in the sky above me and after a short flight, I was back. Through the door a calm snowy night welcomed me until I was home.
“Welcome home Radiant Night!”
“Welcome back Ellie.”
Divina, the Pixies, and Kenneth were all waiting for me despite how long I took. I could tell Kenneth was surprised by the elegant dress, but he didn’t say anything.
“Thank you, everyone. How was Elsie?”
“She waited as long as she could, but the lack of sleep caught up with her.”
In the living room, Elsie fell asleep waiting for me in the bay window. I walked over and picked her up.
“I’m going to lay Elsie down in my bed. In the meantime, I recommend resting up. There will be a meeting in the dining room at noon.”
I carried Elsie upstairs and tucked her into my bed next to the marshmallow ghost plushie that looked like Arty. I was about to put it aside with the other plushies, but Elsie grabbed onto it in her sleep and hugged it.
“Goodnight Elsie.”
I made my way to the outdoor seating area of the restaurant and sat down. The cold air and snow calmed me, and I had a lot I needed to review before the meeting. In terms of combat I learned many things from this encounter, the most important was that there were beings like Death who ignored my resistances completely.
‘If Undying did not activate when the three avatars attacked I would have died. More importantly, I would have broken my promise to Elsie and failed everyone who relies on me.’
The other was that Perfect Resurrection wasn’t so perfect. My Extinguish Life skill didn’t just kill the target, it destroyed their soul, and nothing could bring you back after that. The same went for anything that seals or takes the soul. With no soul, I could not resurrect them. The peace the skill brought me completely faded, the risk of losing those I cared for was still very much there.
As for skills, many leveled up. Death’s attacks capped out all my physical resistance skills and killing the Avatar not only granted me a new title but also completed Scars of Despair and leveled Nightmare all the way to 24. My newest derived skill was called Darkest Depths and was essentially the opposite of Absolute Judgement. A hole in the ground is torn open and it sucked everything into the Abyss.
The next skill was Eyes of the Abyss. Previously this skill stated it had multiple evolution paths
Eyes of the Abyss evolution options:
Hero’s Gaze Eyes of Twilight Glare of the Light Elemental Eyes of the Abyssal Lord
All merged bonuses are retained. Unselected routes are granted at random each time the selected route is completed.
I wanted Hero of Twilight to be my strongest class, so the option with twilight was the obvious pick.
“Eyes of Twilight.”
[Divine] Eyes of Twilight – You are Radiant Night, a power beyond mortal comprehension. Twilight power increases twice as fast. Those who serve you are refreshed by your twilight gaze and those who stand against you are burned.
Sub Abilities:
Dark Vision Immune to Vision impairing effects Analyze Inspect
Source: Evolved from Eyes of the Abyss
Skill level: 1/10
-Congratulations! Eyes of Twilight has increased to 5/10!-
Moving onto my attributes, I gained 5 Free Attributes from Avatar Slayer and 6 Free Attributes from my racial level bonuses. I put two into Strength and four into Dexterity to reach the ten point mark and then I put the remaining five into Constitution. I was ignoring health due to my immunities and Barrier of Twilight, but the recent battle showed it was foolish.
‘Now class shops.’
-Fallen Class Store-
[Divine] Summon Abyssal – 50 SP
[Divine] Requiem of the Fallen – 100 SP
[Title] Ruler of the Fallen Abyss – Store Completion Bonus
Available Skill Points: 516
-Radiant Class Store-
[Divine] Radiant Light – 50 SP
[Divine] Summon Radiant – 50 SP
[Divine] Dominion – 50 SP
[Divine] The Book of Revelation – 100 SP
[Divine] Land of Life, Sky of Light – 100 SP
[Title] Ruler of the Radiant Sky – Store Completion Bonus
Available Skill Points: 516
-Hero of Twilight Class Store-
[Divine] Darkness Unending – 40 SP
[Divine] Light Eternal – 40 SP
[Companion] – 40 SP
[Title] Hero of Twilight – Store Completion Bonus
Available Skill Points: 516
-Attribute Store-
[A] Enhanced Strength – 20 SP
[A] Enhanced Dexterity – 20 SP
~ Store Updates based on Attributes ~
Available Skill Points: 516
-Affinity Store-
[Rare] Generate Random Dark Skill – 10 SP
[Rare] Generate Random Death Skill – 10 SP
[Rare] Generate Random Light Skill – 10 SP
[Rare] Generate Random Life Skill – 10 SP
[Rare] Generate Random Unaspected Skill – 10 SP
~ Store Updates based on Affinities ~
Available Skill Points: 516
I started with the two Attribute Enhancing skills. Like usual they were a 50% increase.
‘I’ll complete Hero of Twilight and then Fallen.’
[Divine] Darkness Unending – Send an explosion of darkness in the targeted direction. This skill can be sent forth in a wave from bladed weapons or used directly.
Mana Cost: N/A
Source: Hero of Twilight Class Store.
Skill levels: 1/10
[Divine] Light Eternal – Send an explosion of light in the targeted direction. This skill can be sent forth in a wave from bladed weapons or used directly.
Mana Cost: N/A
Source: Hero of Twilight Class Shop.
Skill levels: 1/10
The final thing in the Hero of Twilight class store was a companion. I had no desire for one but to complete the store I had little choice.
-Congratulations! You have completed the Hero of Twilight Class Store! Title “Hero of Twilight” has been granted!-
-Congratulations! “Hero of Twilight” has granted 5 Free Attributes and Hero’s Soul Armour!-
The dress I was wearing was sent to the storage area and a dark cloud covered me. When it cleared, I was wearing a new hooded outfit. My boots were black leather with grey outlines, fit much better, and went just below my knee. The top part of my left boot had a black rune with a white outline, and the top part of my right boot had a white rune with a black outline. Above the boots were well fitting pants with the same patterns and colors but instead of leather, they were made of thick cloth. Around my waist was a small belt and in the center was a belt buckle with a twilight colored rune.
My new upper wear consisted of two cloth layers. The first layer was a grey sleeveless shirt that zipped up at the front and the second layer was a thin black half sleeveless jacket. Like the other parts so far it was black, outlined in grey, and the inside of it was also grey. My left arm had nothing on it except for a small fingerless glove that covered my hand and on the top part of that glove was another white rune outlined in black. My right arm had a sleeve that went inside a long glove. The glove ended just below my elbow, and it followed the same pattern of black with gray outlines. Like the other glove it had a rune on the top of my hand, but this time it was black with a white outline. Finally, over top of my head was a hood. It was short enough that my face could be seen, but it cast a dark shadow over it. Unlike the previous hood it was more fitting and both my horns were outside of it. The front of the hood came to a point instead of being the regular circle and just above the point I could feel a rune similar to the one on the belt.
“RaDiaNt… NigHt…” The face appeared on my left arm before traveling onto my new outfit. It seemed my soul worm was able to move around freely on it.
“I’ll just call you Worm from now on.”
Speaking of companions, I still had a second one I needed to meet.
-Generating Hero of Twilight companion…-
-Congratulations! [??] Typhoeus Lvl: 999+ has been granted.-
My pocket dimension started to tremble as I fell to my knees holding my head in pain.
“Abyssal Infusion, Passage!”
I opened a massive passage beneath us pulling in both myself and the forming companion.
-Congratulations! Passage has increased to 8/10!-
I was thrown into the Dawn Wastes and landed on the shaking ground. I could barely open my eyes let alone stand however the longer I didn’t move the faster my health points dropped. I slowly stood as blood fell from my eyes and nose. When I finally looked up, a saw a monster unlike anything I had ever seen before. Its legs, if you could call them that, were two snake bodies no less then the size of a skyscraper each. Its torso was that of a giant, but it was covered in dark scales that reflected sunlight. The muscled arms, also covered in dark scales, could each be called mountains and every one of its fingers were the maw of a dragon spitting out a different element. On its back, it had two different black wings, one of feathers and one of flesh that blocked out the sun. Where a head should be were thousands upon thousands of monster and animal heads with twilight eyes. Looking into them I felt my body burn, fire resistance started rising rapidly, but it did nothing to prevent the pain or damage. I stood, refusing to fall, I would not fail everyone again.
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
“Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night” “Radiant Night”
The voices pierced my ears causing blood to flow from them. It was whispers, screams, cries, yelling, and roaring, all being sent directly at me while still being burned by the eyes. A new resistance called sonic resistance started rising alongside Fire resistance. I stood enduring the pain and torment. ‘I will not fall to my own companion after everything I’ve been through!’ When my health hit one health point, it became quiet, and the pain stopped. I stayed standing never looking away, and after ten minutes a monstrous voice appeared just outside my left ear and whispered one word.
When I turned, there was nothing, and during that moment the monster vanished.
“Radiant Heal.”
I was brought back to full health, and my new outfit was restored.
‘Its still listed as my companion but I doubt it would follow my orders. I can’t risk angering it right now.’
I stared off into the morning sky. ‘I almost died again…’ I was angry at myself. It hadn’t even been a day, yet I ran into two existences who treated me like I was nothing. ‘I couldn’t lift a finger against them… How weak and useless am I?’
I slapped my expressionless face with both hands. “The answer is simple. I have to stop being so pathetic. There are people who rely on me, and I can not fail them.”
I returned to my Class Shops and status. During the encounter, my Fire Resistance and Sonic Resistance both reached Immunity and Sonic, Fear, and Pain Immunity merged into Sensory Damage Immunity. I found it a bit strange something related to my eyes was not required, but then I remembered Eyes of the Abyss had always included immunity to that. Next, I spent 150 Skill Points on the last two skills of the Fallen Class Store.
[Divine] Summon Abyssal – Call forth monsters of the Fallen Abyss.
Mana Cost: N/A
Source: Fallen Class Store.
Skill levels: 1/10
[??] Requiem of the Fallen – Grant ‘Touch of the Abyss’ and ‘Abyssal Empowerment’ to your army for one hour.
Mana Cost: N/A
Restrictions: Can only be used once a day.
Source: Fallen Class Store
Source: Adjusted by Nightmare.
Skill levels: 1/1
-Congratulations! You have completed the Fallen Class Store! Title “Ruler of the Fallen Abyss” has been granted!-
-Congratulations! “Ruler of the Fallen Abyss” has granted Nightmare’s 10 level Attribute bonus and the skill Darkness of the Abyss!-
Ruler of the Fallen Abyss – The highest power within the Fallen Abyss.
Grants: 20% increase to Fallen class skills. Grants divine skill Darkness of the Abyss. Grants 10 level Attribute bonus once for free. Grants full control over the Fallen Abyss.
Source: Complete Fallen Class Shop. Have ?? Nightmare class.
[Divine] Darkness of the Abyss – Status is always concealed unless you will otherwise. Those who attempt to peer into the Abyss are trapped within it.
Source: Ruler of the Fallen Abyss Title.
Skill levels: 1/10
‘Let’s finish Radiant next…’
[Divine] Radiant Light – Light shines down upon the targeted area healing any allies within it.
Mana Cost: N/A
Source: Radiant Class Store.
Skill levels: 1/10
[Divine] Summon Radiant – Call forth monsters of the Radiant Sky.
Mana Cost: N/A
Source: Radiant Class Store.
Skill levels: 1/10
[Divine] Dominion – Control everything in the surrounding area.
Mana Cost: 100/M
Source: Radiant Class Store.
Skill levels: 1/10
[??] The Book of Revelation – Summon the Book of Revelation causing it to open to a random page. Your enemies experience the randomly selected apocalypse.
Mana Cost: N/A
Restrictions: Can only be used once a day.
Source: Radiant Class Store
Source: Adjusted by Seraph.
Skill levels: 1/1
[??] Land of Life, Sky of Light – Remove the border between this world and the Radiant Sky.
Mana Cost: N/A
Restrictions: Can only be used once a day.
Source: Radiant Class Store
Source: Adjusted by Seraph.
Skill levels: 1/1
-Congratulations! You have completed the Radiant Class Store! Title “Ruler of the Radiant Sky” has been granted!-
-Congratulations! “Ruler of the Radiant Sky” has granted Seraph’s 10 level Attribute bonus and the skill Elemental Release!-
-Congratulations! Limit Break has merged with Elemental Release granting 10 skill points!-
[??] Elemental Release – Increase attributes, magic damage, and melee damage by 100%. In dire situations, Elemental Release is forcefully activated. Overuse of Elemental Release will activate Seraph.
Mana Cost: N/A
Source: Ruler of the Radiant Sky Title. Elemental Soul.
Skill levels: 1/1
Ruler of the Radiant Sky – The highest power within the Radiant Sky.
Grants: 20% increase to Radiant class skills. Grants divine skill Elemental Release. Grants 10 level Attribute bonus once for free. Grants full control over the Radiant Sky.
Source: Complete Radiant Class Shop. Have ?? Seraph class. Elemental Soul.
To end my status update, I added the five new free attributes to Constitution leaving it at 24 and changed my title to Radiant Night.
‘After I get Constitution to 25 I will focus on Intelligence and Wisdom again.’
HP: 180/180 (2.6/H) STM: 180/180 (2.6/M) MP: 320/320 (2.7/M) DP: 3/?? (??)
Active Level: 92
Total Level: 119
Title: [Radiant Night]
Name: Ellie Noir
Race: Nightmare/Seraph
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Mana Affinity:
[Abyssal: 200%], [Serenity: 200%], [Electricity: 18%], [Fire: 26%], [Unaspected: 93%],
Origin Classes:
[Nightmare Lvl: 24], [Seraph Lvl: 12], [Hero of Twilight Lvl: 31]
[~U~ Electricity Mage 20/20], [~V~ Slave Lvl: 5/5]
Crafting Classes:
[~L~ Starlight Chef Lvl: 26/50], [~L~ Ancient Engineer Lvl: 1/50]
Sub Classes:
Attribute Points: 0
Skill Points: 131
Companions: [Soul Worm Lvl: ??], [Typhoeus Lvl: 999+],
Strength: 11 Dexterity: 11 Constitution: 24 Endurance: 26 Perception: 11 Intelligence: 32 Wisdom: 27 Charisma: 3 Luck: 12 Craftsmanship: 11 Control: 10
Attribute Enhancements:
[Enhanced Strength], [Enhanced Dexterity], [Enhanced Constitution], [Enhanced Endurance II], [Enhanced Perception I], [Enhanced Intelligence II], [Enhanced Wisdom II], [Enhanced Craftsmanship I], [Enhanced Control I],
EXP Bonus: 9000% (91x)
EXP Bonus to Skill level 0-5: 129,000% (1291x)
[Origin ?? 3/3] [Origin Divine 10/10], [Origin Mythical 5/5], [Power of the Fallen Abyss 5/5], [Power of the Fallen Abyss 5/5], [Power of the Radiant Sky 5/5],
[Nightmare], [Seraph], [Divinity], [Calamity of Legends], [Slave], [Calamity of Dragons], [Undead Slayer], [The Undying], [Dungeoneer], [Soloer], [Divine Crafter], [Avatar Slayer], [Radiant Night], [Hero of Twilight], [Ruler of the Fallen Abyss], [Ruler of the Radiant Sky],
?? Skills:
[Nightmare 1/1], [Seraph 1/1], [Brilliant Dawn 1/1], [Dusk of a Thousand Shifting Rays 1/1], [Land of Death, Sky of Darkness 1/1], [Requiem of the Fallen], [Land of Life, Sky of Light 1/1], [The Book of Revelation 1/1], [Nightmare’s Rage 1/1], [Elemental Release 1/1],
Combat Skills:
[Combat Medic 5/10], [Hallowed Ground 10/10], [Scars of Despair 10/10], [Darkness Unending 1/10], [Light Eternal 1/10],
Passive Combat Skills:
[Dagger Mastery 2/10], [Short Sword Mastery 10/10], [Throwing Mastery 5/10], [Prediction 8/10], [Scythe Mastery 10/10],
Passive Combat Defence Skills:
[Sensory Damage Immunity 10/10], [Physical Damage Immunity 10/10], [Undying 5/10],
Magic Skills:
[Aura of Divinity 8/10], [Abyssal Infusion 6/10], [Unaspected Infusion 5/10], [Shattered Light 10/10], [Consuming Darkness 10/10], [Passage 8/10], [Reality Shift 5/10], [Serenity Infusion 9/10], [Grasp of the Abyss 1/10], [Extinguish Life 5/10], [Static Shock 1/10], [Shock Armour 1/10], [Lightning Bolt 1/10], [Greater Electrify 5/10], [Absolute Judgement 5/10], [Radiant Heal 5/10 ], [Perfect Resurrection 10/10], [Electricity Infusion 6/10], [Darkest Depths 1/10], [Summon Abyssal 1/10], [Radiant Light 1/10], [Summon Radiant 1/10],
Passive Magic Skills:
[Eyes of Twilight 10/10], [Abyssal Manipulation 8/10], [Serenity Manipulation 8/10], [Electricity Manipulation 6/10], [Darkness of the Abyss 1/10],
Passive Magic Defence Skills:
[Abyssal Immunity 10/10], [Serenity Immunity 2/10], [Mind Immunity 5/10], [Electricity Resistance II 2/10], [Fire Immunity 10/10], [Draconic Resistance II 8/10], [Barrier of Twilight 10/10], [Wind Resistance 8/10], [Poison Resistance III 8/10],
Survival Skills:
[Climb 9/10], [Flash Steps 7/10], [Jump 8/10], [Swim 5/10], [Heavenly Arrival 9/10], [Shimmer 2/10], [Shadow Fade 1/10],
Passive Survival Skills:
[Elemental Core 8/10], [Dragon Heart 8/10], [Survivalist 2/10], [Pathfinding 9/10], [Taming 5/10], [Stealth 8/10],
Life Skills:
[Snowy Nights 6/10], [Terrifying Presence 6/10],
Passive Life Skills:
[English 10/10], [Angelic 9/10], [Demonic 5/10], [Reading 5/10], [Noble Etiquette 8/10], [Housekeeping 5/10], [Singing 5/10], [Labourer 1/10], [Bartering 6/10],
Crafting Skills:
[Starlight Kitchen 5/10], [Hasty Touch 6/10], [Dominion 1/10],
Passive Crafting Skills:
[Starlight Cooking 6/10], [First Aid 6/10], [Animal Husbandry 5/10], [Ancient Engineering 1/10],
I got up and made my way to the door since it was almost noon. ‘I shouldn’t be late for a meeting I called.’
When I arrived in the dining room, everyone was present and standing behind their seats except Valora who was standing off to the side. Upon noticing me, she bowed and began speaking.
“Ellie Noir, you saved my life and did your best to protect Artel. I am all that remains of House Noir, but I will work day and night to repay the great debt my house owes you.” She was very serious in all her movements and speaking.
“My best resulted in the death of Artel. I failed him and you, there is nothing to repay.”
I explained how I lost Arty and ended up in the Death Guild’s basement for ten years.
“You were ten! There was nothing you or Artel could have done to change that. I will not accept such an answer.”
“Isn’t there? Arty was forced along with my greed. If I focused on powering up my skills and classes instead of trying to live a life I was never supposed to have he would be present right now.”
“That’s…” She clenched her fist and looked down at the ground.
“Ellie!” Elsie ran into the room from upstairs and gestured for me to pick her up.
“Hello Elsie, how did you sleep?”
“Good. Ellie, you look sad, you’re not sad right?”
“Are you happy?”
She nodded.
“Then I am very happy.” It was a half-truth. While I didn’t actually feel happy, her being happy was everything I desired.
She wasn’t pleased with my answer, so I hugged her before placing her in the seat nearest to me.
“Valora, please join us.”
She bowed before standing behind an open seat, and after I sat down at the head of the table, everyone else did. Cloudy already prepared food for everyone to pick at but no one besides the three pixies were eating. I knew Elsie was nervous to eat when I wasn’t so I handed her a new raspberry every time she finished one.
“There is a lot we need to discuss. Divina did my new companion cause any damage to the pocket dimension? I’d also like to know why there are no language barriers within Snowy Nights.”
She stood before speaking. “Your quick actions avoided any trouble. As for the lack of language barriers, there are two reasons. Fallen and Radiant can communicate regardless of language and the Snowy Night’s Restaurant perk also allows you to hear any spoken language as your main tongue within its borders.”
“I see… Returning to the companion, if any of you come across Typhoeus let me deal with him. His active level is above 999.”
“A level above 1000?! Something like that is your companion?” Valora spoke up in surprise.
“He is a companion only in status. It is a dangerous monster off doing whatever it likes.”
“Ellie Noir may I ask your active level?”
“It is only 92. I am unfortunately very weak.”
“Only…” She looked depressed now.
I returned to Divina who was still standing. “I am also the ruler of the Radiant Sky and Fallen Abyss. It states I have full control over them although it didn’t specify what that entailed.”
“I am a lord of the Radiant Sky and have partial control. It allows me to open passages to the Radiant sky and grants me the power to create and control Radiant Monsters. As the ruler, I can only assume it is that and much more. This also resolves the issue of you returning to the Fallen Abyss.”
I nodded and thanked her. ‘I failed Arty, and even if they hate me for it, I will ensure they are at least free.’
“The next is an announcement. I will be creating a country. It will be ruled by me, and it will be a place strictly for those I welcome personally. That will, of course, includes all of you should you wish to join. The dungeon core I will be using grants bonuses for creating the first and second city within Human Ruins, as such, I want cities with status. Kenneth any suggestions?”
“I wouldn’t recommend anything on the west coast, and we know Washington’s occupied. Hmmm… Will the cities need to be close to each other?”
“No, using Passage we can all move between them without worrying about distance. I would prefer every city we create to provide an actual benefit.”
“In that case, I recommend New York for the capital. If we can occupy Manhattan, we will be surrounded by water and rivers making it easily defendable. It was also a very famous human city before the world ended. As for the second city, I have a slightly outlandish idea that depends heavily on what the bonuses from the core are. In the case that they help fix the place up, I think it should be Las Vegas. It is in the desert, but if we can control the strip and restore it to working order, we could get all the income we would ever need. I doubt there would be any place like it in the world today.”
“A money-making city… That would be very good. For now, we will focus on New York then. The final thing I would like to address is, do any of you desire anything?”
“To serve you forever and all we can eat berries!” The Pixies were the first to speak up.
“You all have full access to the kitchen. You can take as many as you like already…”
“Yea!!!” They all started high fiving each other.
Divina stood up next. “I wish to serve you and make your name reach every corner of the world. The day the world bows before you will be when I feel fulfilled.”
Her gentle and kind voice was saying scary things again.
“I have no intention of ruling the world. I’m sorry Divina.”
She chuckled. “We don’t need to rule them to make them bow in fear.”
“…We’ll start with making the country.”
Kenneth followed after. “Just the deal we already agreed on.”
“We will head there before starting the country.”
Valora was next. “It is unprofessional of me to make requests after being saved however there are two things I desire. The first is power. I want to bring justice upon my older sister and the Demon Lord. I want them to pay for what they did to my house and Artel!”
“I can give you a Divine origin class but it will bound you to me for eternity.”
“D-Divine and Origin!? I graciously accept!”
Valora was quiet for a little bit before continuing. “My second request is to serve you directly as Artel did.” She got out of her chair and went down on one knee. “I beg you to accept me as your shield. I am good with a sword, and I also work fast in armor. I won’t be a burden!”
“Traveling with me will put you in danger.”
“I still want to! Like Artel did…”
“Then I accept. Kenneth, you will oversee the group so please help her prepare.”
“They used to call me the rookie breaker, so I hope you’re ready Valora!”
I’m pretty sure Kenneth was making a joke, but Valora took it seriously.
“I will accept any test and prove my worth!”
“Elsie is there anything you want?”
She nodded her head.
“Its okay to tell me what it is.”
“A hug.”
I gave her a big hug.
“That covers everything. I can grant one of two Divine classes so, please choose wisely. Fallen is Death and Darkness oriented and Radiant is Light and life, come to me when you have decided.”
‘As ruler, I should be able to grant those classes.’
“Divina, Icy, I need to speak with both of you. Everyone else is dismissed.”
The other two pixies bowed alongside Valora. Kenneth waved while saying he would be in the living room.
“Icy I should have one more perk for Snowy Nights.”
“T-That’s right! I completely forgot!”
“Its okay, show me the available options.”
-Snowy Nights-
Restaurant and Bar Pocket portals Door Upgrade. Power Pixies Crafter’s Cathedral
Hot Springs Sacred Greenhouse Ancient Human Necessities. Winter Wonderland Frozen Mage Tower
“Frozen Mage tower seems like it will be most useful right now.”
“R-Right away!” Icy began tapping the invisible screen and then froze in place. “I… I’m so sorry!!!” She started crying.
“Icy calm down, tell me what’s wrong.”
“I clicked the wrong one!”
“…Which one did you click?”
“T-The one a little above it… Ancient Human Necessities.” She spoke while sniffling.
Elsie ran over from my side and put her hands out for Icy to land on.
“It's alright Icy, Ellie won’t be mad.”
Divina cut in before I could reply. “Icy just remember if you ever mess up Radiant Nights order again I will ensure you only get sour berries for a week.” Every word was said with a gentle smile.
“Its really not an issue…” I’d get all ten ranks at some point, so I truly didn’t care.
“When did we get a working flat screen!? Its got everything on demand!!!” Kenneth was yelling from the living room now.
‘…’ The silly turn of events should have made me happy, but I didn’t feel anything. ‘As long as they’re able to smile that’s all that matters.’
“Elsie take Icy to the living room and stay with Kenneth. I have something important to attend to with Divina.”
“Mm.” She was sad, but in such a short time she was able to be without me.
“Divina I’d like you to join me in the Fallen Abyss. While we are there see if you can get into contact with the Abyssal Lord.”
“Of course.” She bowed.
I focused on the Fallen Abyss and a black void opened in front of us. Inside the familiar calming darkness soothed me and in the center of the island was the same table from over 22 years ago. I approached and sat in my chair silently. Before they could speak, I said what I needed to. “I’m sorry I took so long to return. Events that were my fault resulted in not only the delay but Arty’s death. I know you all must hate me or see me as a monster, I would not blame any of you for that judgment, Arty thought the same. Regardless, I will still ensure you can leave this place.”
Aurora stood, I was expecting words similar to Arty’s, but instead she hit me on the head. “You stupid girl, we would never hate you!” She was looking down at me with tears in her eyes. “Welcome back.”
‘…She scolded me again.’
Zurik spoke up next. “Everyone at this table has lived a life of pain and suffering and has done things they regret. We will always help a fellow member.”
“Sorry… A lot has changed… I’ve changed… I didn’t expect to be welcomed back.”
“You’ve grown up and been through many hardships, of course a lot has changed.” Hysa said.
“Then you already knew about Arty?”
“The Abyssal lord provided us with updates on you and Artel every so often. Although he is elusive and hard to understand he was always worried about both of you. After Artel’s death, his updates became much less frequent. We all spent a lot of time grieving.”
I explained that Divina would be searching for the Abyssal Lord and allowed her to introduce herself.
“I am Divina, a Radiant lord and loyal servant of Radiant Night. The Radiant Sky is a domain similar to the Fallen Abyss however it is made up of Life and Light mana. I look forward to exploring and understanding this realm more.” She turned to Aurora. “…Aurora, was it? I politely request that you refrain from hitting Radiant Night in the future.”
“If she is misbehaving, I’m going to scold her, that’s never going to change.” They started glaring at each other.
Hysa clapped her hands causing an extremely loud noise.
“Let’s not ruin the reunion. Should we call you Radiant Night now or treat you differently?”
“Please treat me the same way you always have.”
“In that case Ellie, please tell us everything that happened.”
Divina stood at my side while I told them everything. How Arty did his best to protect me, my time locked away, my revival taking 12 years, and the final farewell. After the past was covered, I told them about my plans to make a country.
“Ruling a country is not easy, so it’s a good thing you have me.” Aurora crossed her arms and had a proud look on her face.
“You’ve led a country before?” I realized just how little I knew about all of them.
“I was the Empress who united the Elves, so I know a thing or two about ruling.”
“Then how’d you end up here?” Old man Snaps mocked before laughing.
“Shut up you tiny geezer!”
They still joked around just like I remembered.
“Radiant Night, they are likely bound to this realm in a similar fashion to me. With your grace, they should be able to travel to Snowy Nights and eventually your Country. In the meantime, I would like your permission to explore the Abyss.”
“When you find the Abyssal Lord contact me right away.”
“Leave it to me.” She bowed before flying off into the darkness.
After Divina was gone, I changed focus to the table which kept them all here. A short time later, I understood exactly what the Abyssal Lord created. This table pulled in damaged and sealed souls that could not return to the sea of mana and stabilized them. I focused on the energy inside and transferred it to me.
“She did it! I knew you were something special the moment I first laid eyes on ya!” Old Man Snapp’s exclaimed.
They all got up and stretched. “It looks like we’re bound to you now Ellie.” Hysa said with a smile.
I told them where the portal was and started leading them there, but when I turned back around, they were all kneeling.
“You’ve kept the promise you made us 22 years ago, granted us a second chance at life, and became a budding ruler worthy of following. I, Zurik, first of the Earth Ogres pledge my allegiance to Radiant Night.”
“I, Hysa Ash, the Dragon of Knowledge and Aspect of Fire pledge my allegiance to Radiant Night.”
“I, Aurora Silverleaf, first Empress of the United Eleven Empire and High Priestess of the Silver Tree pledge my allegiance to Radiant Night.”
“I, Snaps Magee, Omni Crafter of the Gnomes pledge my allegiance to Radiant Night.”
I stood silently surprised by their unending kindness before finally replying. “Thank you, everyone.” Their support caused my resolve to grow stronger. ‘All of you will never have to suffer again.’
-Location: Snowy Nights-
After 132 years we were free. The first thing I did was enter my true form and stretch my wings while exploring the beautiful dimension Ellie created. When my flight concluded I joined Zurik who was meditating in the snowy forest.
“The cold air reminds me of home. I hope my people are well.”
“You could always ask Ellie, we both know she would take you there without hesitation.”
“The young girl has enough to worry about. Could you feel it Hysa Ash?”
I clenched my side in anger and regret. “Yes… I can’t tell whether her fate or Artel’s is worse.”
“Is life even worth living if your soul becomes nothing but hatred and despair?”
“She’s found a reason to keep going. It amazes me that her kindness can still shine through.”
“She deserved every happiness.”
I looked off into the snowy night sky picturing the little girl hugging her marshmallow ghost. “They both did.”
‘No matter the path you walk Ellie we will always be there.’
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