《The Girl in the Abyss》Chapter 6


The Girl in the Abyss

Chapter 6

I awoke to something biting my leg. When I looked down three black fawns covered in red stripes were chewing on my shin. Behind them was a buck covered in antlers with peeling skin, from the looks of it they acted as armor. When it noticed me moving it showed its razor sharp teeth and started walking towards me.

“Touch of the Abyss!” I yelled out my go-to skill, but nothing happened. Hearing my attempted defense, the Buck increased its speed and dove for my neck.

“Aura of Divinity!”

-Congratulations! Aura of Divinity has increased to 5/10!-

My mana ran out immediately but it was enough to save me. The buck stopped and sprinted off into the forest leaving behind its children who were now passed or maybe dead, I couldn’t tell. I sat up trying to remember what happened and why I was here, then, like a flood, memories entered my mind. I sat in silence reviewing everything that happened.

‘I killed so many people, why do I feel nothing for them?’

I wanted to lie to myself and blame Nightmare but I understood whose fault it was. The skill didn’t force me to do those things; it just allowed the hatred inside of me to surface. I remembered the joy of killing, the warmth of their blood, and my desire to slaughter. I wanted more of it.

‘What have I become?’

While rubbing a few tears away I hit something very hard… ‘Horns?’ They were on both sides of my head and felt the same. I followed one with my fingers. It grew downwards becoming a single spiral that ended in a point just above my head reminding me of ram horns. They were large however the single spiral was compacted, so they felt like two big earmuffs. Examining myself further I found many more changes, my ears below now ended in a point but were not long like Aurora’s, my skin and hair became snow white, and I even grew taller. The final change was the most alarming. I had two wings on my back which I could move like I would my arm or legs! They were very large and each one was the length of my arm if I pointed it straight out to the side. My feathers were very soft and I was even able to use them as a way to keep warm by wrapping them around myself. The pattern on them was also beautiful, they were white in the middle and faded to black as it neared the edges. I stood up looking over the new me. Overall, I felt indifferent about it. I willingly gave up my humanity so there was no one to blame but myself. Well, I did have one complaint… My gown no longer fit and I looked like a pervert.

‘I’ll have to worry about it later. I need to go over my status and skills.’

HP: 75/75 (0.75/H) STM: 75/75 (0.75/M) MP: 10/10 (0.20/M) DP: 3/?? (??)

Active Level: 32

Total Level: 32

Title: N/A

Name: Ellie Noir

Race: Nightmare/Seraph

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Mana Affinity:

[Abyssal: 200%], [Serenity: 200%], [Electricity: 11%], [Fire: 14%], [Unaspected: 75%],

Origin Classes:

[Nightmare Lvl: 2], [Seraph Lvl: 1], [Hero of Twilight Lvl: 1]


[~L~ Starlight Chef Lvl: 23/50], [~V~ Slave Lvl: 5/5]

Sub Classes:

Attribute Points: 3

Skill Points: 549

Companions: [X - Artel Noir Lvl: 1],


Strength: 1 Dexterity: 3 Constitution: 10 Endurance: 10 Perception: 1 Intelligence: 2 Wisdom: 4 Charisma: 1 Luck: 3 Craftsmanship: 5 Control: 5


Attribute Enhancements:

[Enhanced Constitution], [Enhanced Endurance],

EXP Bonus: 9000% (91x)

EXP Bonus to Skill level 0-5: 129,000% (1291x)

[Origin ?? 3/3] [Origin Divine 10/10], [Origin Mythical 5/5], [Power of the Fallen Abyss 5/5], [Power of the Fallen Abyss 5/5], [Power of the Radiant Sky 5/5],


[Nightmare], [Seraph], [Divinity], [Legend Slayer],

?? Skills:

[Nightmare 1/1], [Seraph 1/1], [Brilliant Dawn 1/1]

Combat Skills:

[Combat Medic 2/10],

Passive Combat Skills:

[Dagger Mastery 2/10],

Passive Combat Defence Skills:

[Pain Immunity 8/10], [Fear Immunity 7/10], [Blunt Damage Resistance III 6/10], [Slashing Damage Resistance III 3/10], [Piercing Damage Resistance II 9/10],

Magic Skills:

[Aura of Divinity 5/10], [Abyssal Infusion 6/10], [Unaspected Infusion 5/10]

Passive Magic Skills:

[Soul Link 5/10], [Eyes of the Abyss 5/10], [Abyssal Manipulation 5/10], [Serenity Manipulation 1/10],

Passive Magic Defence Skills:

[Abyssal Immunity 5/10], [Serenity Immunity 2/10], [Mind Immunity 1/10], [Electricity Resistance II 2/10], [Fire Resistance II 6/10], [Draconic Resistance 3/10],

Survival Skills:

[Climb 9/10], [Sprint 5/10] [Jump 5/10], [Swim 5/10],

Passive Survival Skills:

[Hunger Nullification 5/10], [Emotion Suppression 7/10], [Survivalist 2/10], [Pathfinding 5/10], [Stealth 2/10],

Life Skills:

Passive Life Skills:

[English 5/10], [Reading 5/10], [Noble Etiquette 5/10], [Housekeeping 4/10], [Singing 5/10],

Crafting Skills:

[Starlight Kitchen 1/10], [Hasty Touch 3/10],

Passive Crafting Skills:

[Starlight Cooking 5/10], [First Aid 5/10],

‘There is a lot to go over. I guess my races and then ?? skills are the best place to start.’

Nightmare – Grants “Nightmare” Title. Grants the ?? Class Nightmare. Grants divine power resource. 1 free attribute every 10 class levels. Grants Nightmare skill. Grants Power of the Fallen Abyss skill. Average lifespan: Immortal. Birth Rate: Infertile

Seraph – Grants “Seraph” Title. Grants the ?? Class Seraph. Grants divine power resource. 1 free attribute every 10 class levels. Grants Seraph skill. Grants Power of the Radiant Sky skill. Average lifespan: Immortal. Birth Rate: Infertile

‘I wonder what the Radiant Sky is, maybe somewhere like the Fallen Abyss?’

[??] Nightmare – Allow the Abyss to consume you. Abyssal damage done to anything that touches your body or weapons. Abyssal Claws granted. 100% increased melee damage. 100% increased speed. Every kill restores 10% of health and stamina.

WARNING: Overuse of Abyssal/Dark skills will forcefully activate Nightmare. When forcefully activated your inner desires are set free.

Cost: N/A

Source: Free skill of the Nightmare class.

Skill levels: 1/1

[??] Seraph – Surpass the highest light. Serenity damage done to anything that touches your body or weapons. Staff of Serenity granted. 100% increase to magic damage. 100% increase to mana regeneration.

WARNING: Overuse of Serenity/Light skills will forcefully activate Seraph. When forcefully activated your inner desires are set free.

Cost: N/A

Source: Free skill of the Seraph class.

Skill levels: 1/1

[??] Brilliant Dawn – After balancing a sufficient number of Light and Dark skills unleash a powerful area of effect Twilight attack.

Cost: N/A

Source: Free skill of the Hero of Twilight class.

Skill levels: 1/1

[??] Origin ?? - ??. Completes all other EXP skills and multiplies the combined total by 10 per level of this skill. Current Total: 30x


Source: ??

Skill level: 3/3

‘I need to learn how to use Hero of Twilight so I don’t have to activate Nightmare or Seraph.’

Shattered Light and Consuming Darkness from the Hero of Twilight class were skills that could be used as a ranged attack or to enhance my melee fighting. Strangely the cost was also N/A.

“Shattered Light!”

-Congratulations! Shattered Light has increased to 5/10!-

Glowing shards of glass shredded the tree I aimed at but my attention switched to my arm. Just below my shoulder all the way to my hand became a shining white light with occasional waves of darkness flowing through it.


‘I-it feels amazing! I need more! This power, why should I deny it? Its only natural that people know their place when standing before me!’

I struggled to overcome my desire for power and a pride I never knew I had. After a couple of seconds I activated the second skill.

“Consuming Darkness!”

-Congratulations! Consuming Darkness has increased to 5/10!-

Another tree met a gruesome fate, this time being devoured by smog like darkness. Just like before my arm was transformed, this time it was in Nightmare form.

‘That buck thinks it can just attack me and run?!’ I looked down at the fawns and felt myself reaching for them. With everything I had I forced myself to sit down and waited for Nightmare to fade.

-Congratulations! Emotion Suppression has increased to 8/10!-

‘How was a single light or dark skill overuse?! Each time I switch its a fresh assault on my mind…’

My options were to fully use Nightmare or Seraph, learn to control myself during the partial transformations, or begin studying a new fighting style. I had no other combat classes, so I was left with Hero of Twilight and partial transformations.

‘Maybe I have something that won’t activate them in my class shops.’

Nightmare and Seraph said abilities were granted based on level however the Fallen class store was still present.

‘I won’t be getting cooking skills, so I’ll skip that one for now.’

-Fallen Class Store-

[Divine] Grasp of the Abyss – 50 SP

[Divine] Passage – 50 SP

[Divine] Summon Abyssal – 50 SP

[Divine] Reality Shift – 50 SP

[Divine] Extinguish Life – 50 SP

[Divine] Requiem of the Fallen – 100 SP

[Divine] Land of Death, Sky of Darkness – 100 SP

[Title] Ruler of the Fallen Abyss – Store Completion Bonus

Available Skill Points: 549

-Hero of Twilight Class Store-

[Mythical] Shadow Fade – 40 SP

[Divine] Darkness Unending – 40 SP

[Mythical] Shimmer – 40 SP

[Divine] Light Eternal – 40 SP

[Divine] Barrier of Twilight – 40 SP

[??] Dusk of a Thousand Shifting Rays – 80 SP

[Legendary] Hero’s Refuge – 20 SP

[Legendary] Analyze – 20 SP

[Legendary] Limit Break – 40 SP

[Companion] – 40 SP

[Weapon] – 100 SP

[Title] Hero of Twilight – Store Completion Bonus

Available Skill Points: 549

-Slave Class Store-

[Very Common] Labourer – 2 SP

[Title] Slave – Store Completion Bonus

Available Skill Points: 549

-Attribute Store-

~ Store Updates based on Attributes ~

Available Skill Points: 549

-Affinity Store-

[Rare] Generate Random Dark Skill – 10 SP

[Rare] Generate Random Death Skill – 10 SP

[Rare] Generate Random Light Skill – 10 SP

[Rare] Generate Random Life Skill – 10 SP

[Rare] Generate Random Unaspected Skill – 10 SP

~ Store Updates based on Attributes ~

Available Skill Points: 549

Checking the notification log I learned my absurd amount of skill points were from a lot of skills evolving and completing during the ten years I was held captive. In the end, I picked Passage, Reality Shift, Barrier of Twilight, Dusk of a Thousand Shifting Rays, Hero’s Refuge, Analyze, Limit Break, and Labourer. It was a grand total of 302 skill points. After purchasing I was met with a flood of notifications.

[Divine] Passage – Create a passage through the Abyss to a marked location. This skill is channeled and takes time to open. One location per skill level.

Location #1: None

Mana Cost: 100

Source: Fallen Class Store.

Skill levels: 1/10

‘I can’t use this to get back to the Fallen Abyss until I mark it...’ My hopes fell considerably, it was the only skill that sounded like a way back.

[Divine] Reality Shift – Swap locations with another living creature within eyesight.

Mana Cost: 25

Source: Fallen Class Store.

Skill levels: 1/10

[Divine] Barrier of Twilight – Alternating between Light and Dark attacks generates a barrier of twilight around you.


Source: Hero of Twilight Class Store.

Skill levels: 1/10

[??] Dusk of a Thousand Shifting Rays – After balancing a sufficient number of Light and Dark skills unleash a powerful single target Twilight attack.

Cost: N/A

Source: Hero of Twilight Class Store.

Skill levels: 1/1

[Legendary] Hero’s Refuge – This skill will generate a portable home which you may summon and dismiss. This skill is channeled and takes time to activate. One house upgrade per skill level.

Mana Cost: 100

Source: Hero of Twilight Class Store.

Skill levels: 1/10

[Legendary] Analyze – You may touch items or creatures to analyze them.

Mana Cost: 10

Source: Hero of Twilight Class Store.

Skill levels: 1/10

-Analyze has merged with Eyes of the Abyss granting one skill level and 10 skill points.-

[Legendary] Limit Break – Go beyond your limits while causing severe damage to your body. Increases Attributes by 100%.

Cost: Damage & Exhaustion.

Source: Hero of Twilight Class Store.

Skill levels: 1/10

[Very Common] Labourer – Carrying heavy items is slightly easier.


Source: Slave Class Store.

Skill levels: 1/10

-Congratulations! You have completed the Slave Class Store! Title “Slave” has been granted!-

-Congratulations! “Slave” has granted the skill Exhaust Suppression!-

I unfortunately lacked the mana to use most of my new skills however Analyze was free thanks to the merge and only required me to look at the target. Before closing my status I set my title to Divinity. I stood up and changed focus to my new wings. I was able to jump higher with their help but I couldn’t get anywhere near flying.

‘I’ll have to jump from somewhere high like one of these trees.’ I climbed one of the nearby trees and jumped out landing face first in the dirt below.

-Congratulations! You have earned the skill Flight!-

-Congratulations! Flight has increased to 5/10!-

The skill made flying no different from moving my arm or walking. With the next jump I took off into the sky. Once high up I looked down at the world below and then forward into the endless sky in front me.

‘I’m truly free.’

I flew up above the clouds, it started to get colder, but I didn’t mind. I was finally having a bit of fun for the first time in ten years, the only thing that would make this better was Arty being with me. As I was flying through the sky a large creature exited the cloud next to me. It was white and blue with feathers all over its body.

When it passed a magic wind picked me up and placed me on its back. “This is unexpected. It's not often I find someone else dancing in the clouds.” A feminine voice rumbled from the creature below me.

“You speak English?”

“Dragons speak a magic tongue which is easy to manipulate so you can understand. I shall take a turn asking a question now. You speak the main tongue of humanity, fly with the wings of an angel, and wear the horns of a demon, yet you are none of these races. What race joins me in the unending skies?”

“Do you have the analyze skill? You’re free to look.”

“You speak as though the skill of heroes is common child. Is it perhaps a skill you possess?”

I wouldn’t hide my power from those who asked. It only helped people who wished to harm me anyway.

“Yes, could I try it on you?” I was curious what dragon’s status looked like but I wouldn’t check unless I had to or they permitted me. I knew what it felt like to be watched with that skill. It left you feeling violated.

“To inspect the soul of someone else requires an advanced form of Analyze. For seeing basic information that should not be an issue. You are free to try in exchange for naming your race.”

I didn’t need to say the skill name since Eyes of the Abyss was passive.

Active Level: 100

Total Level: 130

Title: Wind Dragon

Name: Aella

Race: Wind Dragon

Age: 1654

Gender: Female

“I can feel you inspecting me but I did not hear you cast the skill. Do you posses silent casting as well?”

“No, it just merged with another skill that’s passive. I have two races Nightmare and Seraph.”

“You are a powerful deceiver or something very unique. Either way, I look forward to sharing this with other wandering dragons.”

‘I think Hysa was a wandering Dragon, maybe Aella knows her?’

“Do you know a Dragon named Hysa Ash?”

Aella stopped and hovered in the air. “Where did you hear that name child? It is forbidden to speak it. Not even an Aspect would go against this rule. If you know something…” Her tone changed drastically and was now serious.

“She’s my friend.” I would never deny knowing one of the few people that were kind to me.

A gust of wind picked me up and brought me in front of the dragon. “The Cursed Aspect is your “friend”!? Tell me everything and I may spare your life!”

“I won’t be doing anything unless I choose to nor will I betray a friend. Let me go.” I spoke firmly while anger began to rise inside me.

I didn’t want to use Nightmare or Seraph but to save my freedom I will gladly do so. No one would imprison me again.

“That is unfortunate. It pains me to not only to kill a unique race but have to ask a Death Dragon to interrogate your soul. As thanks your corpse will be buried in the ash of the Draconic Mountains, that is an honor mortals rarely receive.”

The air jail I was stuck in started to crush me. I had once again been too carefree and trusting. ‘I should have killed this dragon the moment it forced me on its back.’



‘My first E rank adventurer mission from Camp Freedom has finally begun! They’re paying a hefty sum of 5 bronze for every pair of blood deer eyes I hand in, with a few well-placed arrows I could bring back a fortune!’

I had just finished crossing the old-world Richmond Highway bridge that passes over the 495 when I spotted a group of Blood deer on the left side of the highway.

‘Three adults… Not bad! If my luck keeps up, I’ll make it all the way to George Washington’s Port Vernon with at least 40 eyes. I’m definitely stopping at the Culinary Guild’s restaurant after crossing over!’

I took out my bow and aimed the shot. ‘A Steady Shot will get me one. The last two will put my Bow Mastery to the te-‘

The sky rumbled causing the deer to flee and my arrow to fly off into the forested ruins. I was about to start complaining but a bright light covered the area around me. When I looked up I saw a sight you would only hear of in tall tales at adventurer bars. The clouds were circling above the old-world residential area and in the middle was a wind dragon next to something that could only be a Light Elemental Lord with giant wings.

“Far Sight!” My vision greatly enhanced and I zoomed in to get a better look.

The creature was hard to look at but what I saw was unexplainable. Its eyes glowed like a beautiful blue sky while rays of darkness would occasionally ripple through its body of light, and floating above its head was a halo of darkness. I changed to the dragon who was… ‘It's attempting to flee… A Dragon is attempting to flee!?’ Dragons were known for their pride and greed. It’s said they never run from battle, hell, they even come back with an army and wipe out your country for even trying to fight them. I zoomed back out expecting it to be the end but the sky itself shattered into thousands of glowing white shards and flew towards the dragon’s wings. The Dragon attempted to go faster but the glowing shards caught up and shredded the wings leaving nothing but two stomps.

“I-It cut the wings off a dragon…” I couldn’t help but say those words out loud. This wasn’t something that should be possible.

The dragon began falling yet this creature still wasn’t done and slowly flew above it. The Dragon didn’t have a chance. It was like watching a noble beating the shit out of a street rat. When it arrived over the location that the dragon crash landed it summoned a staff made of bright light with two black wings at the top of it. At the bottom blue light started to gather forming what appeared to be a spear tip. Once it was as bright as the sun, it threw it towards the ground. When it hit the earth shook and an explosion of light began consuming everything in the surroundings. I ran the fastest I’d ever run. ‘That was a divine class nothing else could have that power! God, please spare me!’ I didn’t care much for the church, but in that moment, I prayed to whatever was listening.


-Congratulations! You have earned the skill Serenity Infusion!-

-Congratulations! Serenity Infusion has increased to 5/10!-

-Congratulations! Serenity Manipulation has increased to 5/10!-

-Congratulations! You have earned the skill Wind Resistance!-

-Congratulations! Wind Resistance has increased to 5/10!-

-Congratulations! Shattered Light has increased to 6/10!-

-Congratulations! Draconic Resistance has increased to 5/10!-

-Congratulations! Seraph has leveled up to 3/??!-

-Congratulations! You have earned the title “Dragon Slayer”!-

-Congratulations! “Dragon Slayer” has granted 3 free attributes!-

A massive crater was all that was left of the land below me.

“Pathetic! That was an all-powerful dragon? How am I supposed to become stronger when trash like this only granted me two Seraph levels?!”

The use of Limit break and pulling Serenity magic from the Radiant Sky had taken its toll on me. As much as I wanted to head to Safe Haven or wherever that human was going, I needed to recover first.

‘Hopefully when the skill deactivates I remember the importance of what I did here. They will all know their place.’ I was able to make it to the highway before passing out and falling to the ground.


“—what exactly is this creature, a half breed?”

I awoke to the sound of footsteps and voices around me. My body was severely damaged from Limit Break but I was able to sit up. As I took in my surroundings I loudly sighed causing the group of adventurers to stop and stare. There were six in total, one was in the cart with my cage, another was at the front leading the horse, and the rest were guarding the cart.

‘How many times must I deal with this? I’ve been free for one day and there have already been two attempts to take it away. Where is the kindness my luck stat was supposed to provide?’

-Please confirm free attribute placement: 6 Luck Attributes (Y/N)-

After clicking Yes, my luck stat became 9.

‘The perk for 10 luck better be a direct apology from God.’

I turned my attention back to the adventurers who were still quiet.

“Look at her eyes! They glow like a sunset! If they put her to death do you think I could buy them?” The fat man next to me was giving me perverted stares.

“We hired you for your cage. Anything else needs to be discussed with the guild.”

‘My eyes changed as well? Did sunset mean they were a dark yellowish orange?’

“I’m not a creature you can sell for parts. I’m a member of an intelligent race. I assume this is still the territory of Safe Haven so may I ask why I’m in a cage?”

After another moment of awkward silence the older man on the right side of the cart spoke up. “There was an incident in the area so we are bringing you to Camp Freedom for questioning. You match the description from a witness. He said it had wings and we found you right next to the crater.”

“The incident was a dragon trying to kill me. I defended myself.”

“Y-You made that crater?” The fat man next to my cage spoke with a panicked voice.

“Yes, so let me out of this cage or I will force my way out.”

My demand caused the other group members to laugh.

“This cage is made to absorb mana and hold the most powerful monsters. You’re not going anywhere. As for whatever you have to say save it for when we get to Camp Freedom. Our job was only to scout and bring back whatever we could find.” The old man spoke again however unlike his companions his tone was still serious.

It was true. The cage was absorbing my mana which would be troublesome if my attack spells weren’t free. I touched the blue bars of the cage and activated consuming darkness causing them to vanish in seconds and my arm turned to Nightmare form. As I stood up but my damaged body was telling me not to continue.

“I gave you all a chance and you chose to laugh.” No one will take my freedom, never again.

“I-It destroyed an anti-magic cage!” The fat man next to me yelled while jumping off the cart and running.

“Shattered Light.” He was shredded into a pile of flesh causing the rest of the party to stare in fear.

“W-What level are you?” A girl holding a bow asked as she backed away.

“34 but most of those are cooking levels. Consuming Darkness.”

The girl vanished in a black cloud leaving nothing but the bow she dropped. A man in a robe screamed out her name as he threw a fireball at me. I was expecting to take damage however a twilight barrier blocked it.

-Congratulations! Barrier of Twilight has increased to 5/10!-

“Run! It's too powerful! We need to warn Camp Freedom!” The old man yelled out his order, and everyone began running.

‘I need enough shards of light to kill them all at once.’ “Serenity Infusion, Shattered Light!”

The spell was the same but it now included many more shards than normal. With ease it shredded the three who were running down the highway. All that remained was the angry magic caster. He fell to his knees and began crying while calling out the girl’s name. I stood on the cart and watched, a sense of guilt rose up inside me.

“Starly! Oh God why… Why!”

‘Did I take away the person he cared for?’

Since my escape, I’ve killed quite a few people however this was the first time I felt anything for one of them. ‘I took away someone important to this man like Morfran took Arty away from me.’ I raised my hand towards him and spoke a few final words.

“I’m sorry for what I’ve done. I forgot that those I kill are all people with their own lives and loved ones. I will try to kill groups at the same time from now on. Consuming Darkness.”

The man vanished in a cloud of darkness just like the girl.

-Congratulations! Hero of Twilight has leveled up to 2/??!-

‘I never would have felt guilty if I didn’t see him crying out her name… They’re the ones that put me in a cage so why should I have to feel bad anyway?!’

I pushed the cage off the cart in anger and laid down staring at the sky. I used my wings to hug myself as I started crying.

“Arty what should I do? This group and all the others deserved it, I know they did, but why do I feel like this?” I waited for a reply inside my head, of course none came.

The sadness I had been bottled up poured out. The guilt from this situation seemed to be the last crack that caused it to shatter. After some time, the horse began walking forward. I didn’t have a destination, so I just let it take me to wherever it was heading.


The sky was beautiful, watching it pass as I traveled into the unknown calmed me down. With a clear mind, I went over everything that happened.

‘At what point did the life of others stop meaning anything to me?’

I was unable to tell if it was my time with Morfran or Nightmare and Seraph, maybe it was both.

I lifted my hand into the air and looked at my new snow-white skin. ‘I won't stop killing those who attempt to take away my freedom but what if I tried to be a little less noticeable so people leave me alone? I could also try to help if I come across someone in need to make up for all the death.’

I smiled to myself and put my arm back down. ‘This could work.’ The bloodlust of Nightmare and the pride of Seraph would still be there but found a little peace with who I was now.

Feeling better I got up and looked around the wooden cart. There was food, clothing, various travel supplies, hay for the horse, and some weapons. I quickly ate the various preserved foods until I was full, I wasn’t hungry thanks to Hunger Nullification, but I wanted comfort food. Next was clothing, my gown was way to small and made me look like a pervert, so I was excited to be rid of it. I found leather boots, pants, a shirt, long gloves, and a hooded cloak that were all common rarity. ‘The clothing is for a woman so it probably belonged to the archer I killed…’ The outfit and cloak were all black. ‘With the hood up no one should bother me.’ I soon realized how much more difficult it was to dress myself with wings, just to get it on I had to put two holes in the shirt and cloak. Once finished I put a common one-handed sword on my right hip and a common short staff on my left.

‘I’m happy it all fits well, now, where am I?’

I was on an old-world highway titled “1”, to my left were forested ruins and to my right was a large concrete field with old vehicles and large old-world stores.

-Congratulations! Path Finding has increased to 6/10!-

I looked over at the horse who was pulling the cart. ‘I don’t need to get anywhere fast maybe I could travel by cart for now? I’d get to watch the sky and lay around which is nice.’

I moved to the front and watched her walking along the old highway. She was black with a small white patch on her forehead. ‘I wonder if you’ve already picked our destination.’

“Do you like the name Luna? Your little patch reminds me of a moon. I don’t know when to feed you, I’ve never had a horse before.”

I went over to the hay to see if there was maybe a note.

-Congratulations! You have earned the skill Animal Husbandry!-

-Congratulations! Animal Husbandry has increased to 5/10!-

-Congratulations! You have earned the skill Taming!-

-Congratulations! Taming has increased to 5/10!-

“Oh, it appears I know now. Let’s stop at these ruins where there is lots of shade.”

I set out hay and water for Luna and then looked around while I waited for her to rest. It was a large ruin like the many of the others we passed and the only interesting part was a road leading underground from the parking lot. When I walked towards it to peek in I heard an infant crying in the distance.

‘A baby?’

I moved forward into the dark, thanks to Eyes of the Abyss I could see everything perfectly. After a couple of minutes the smell of rusted metal and stagnant water were all I ended up finding in the flooded parking lot. I turned to leave but just then the crying returned right behind me. I turned again preparing to cast a spell but the only thing there was a baby on top of a rusted car crying. I slowly approached looking for whatever placed it there, when I arrived next to the vehicle nothing happened so I picked him up and did my best to comfort him.

“Its okay now, did you lose your family?”

As I rocked him back and forth I heard crying behind me again. On a vehicle I passed earlier was another ba— Before I could react I was pierced with sharp claws and teeth, the baby’s fingers had become like needles, and it was biting into my arm.

Active Level: 17

Total Level: 17

Title: Tiyanak

Name: N/A

Race: Tiyanak

Age: 14

“It was a monster!’ I attempted to throw it, but it clung to me.

“Consuming Darkness!”

I shot the dark cloud at the second Tiyanak that was now crawling towards me and killed it instantly. My arm turned to Nightmare form causing the one clinging to me to scream and lose most of its flesh. I waved my arm and its dead body fell to the ground. In its normal form the arms and legs were longer with needle-like claws, its mouth had spikey teeth, and its eyes were black. If I were able to feel fear I would probably be shaking but the only thing I felt was Nightmare urging me to travel deeper and slaughter them all. I held back my desires and returned to the exit.

“Luna it was some monsters but I took—Luna!”

She was surrounded by Blood Deer but she was thankfully still alive.

Active Level: 12

Total Level: 12

Title: Blood Deer

Name: N/A

Race: Blood Deer

Age: 4

“Serenity Infusion, Shattered Light!” I manipulated the shards to fly around Luna and take out the Blood Deer but just as I finished a roar was heard from a distant ruin scaring her.

“Luna stop!” She galloped down an unkept old-world side street and as she passed a pile of debris a massive trapdoor spider popped out and dragged her into a hole.

Active Level: 40

Total Level: 40

Title: Trapdoor Tunneler

Name: N/A

Race: Trapdoor Tunneler

Age: 34

I cried out to my new friend who I failed to protect.

“I’m sorry Luna. Please forgive me, I’m so sorry…”

‘No, I failed her like I failed Arty and nothing can change that.’ I wiped away my tears. “I will kill them all Luna. I will make them pay. Nightmare.”

A slaughter began and nothing I came across would survive. I started with the spider, then the Tiyanak, and then whatever else I could find. I crawled through ruins and went deep underground, nothing was going to live. It wasn’t until late into the night that my rampage finished.

-Congratulations! Nightmare has leveled up to 4/??!-

Nightmare faded and I fell over next to an old-world mall that was now void of life. I was extremely tired, but I forced myself to stay awake. I was lucky the first few times I passed out but I wouldn’t risk it anymore. Not after what happened to Luna. I flew to the top of the mall and laid down on a part that was still intact before falling asleep.

-Congratulations! Exhaust Suppression has increased to 5/10!-


The morning arrived uneventfully which I was grateful for. I looked at the wide world around me before flying north, the same direction Luna was going. Not long after taking flight I noticed many people and buildings in the parking lot of a pentagon-shaped old-world ruin. I planned on ignoring the settlement but an unexpected notification altered my plans.

-You have entered the dungeon: [Legendary] Remnants of a Fallen Nation.-

-You must enter from the dungeon portal! Teleporting to entrance area…-

I appeared in the parking lot town outside the ruin, in front of me was a regular looking old-world door.

“Hey! How did you get past the gua— Wait are you an angel?” A young man in a set of brown leather armor called out.

“Sorry, I was flying over when it said I entered a dungeon. I’ll just be on my way…”

“Wait! Please! I have never seen a traveling angel! I was even told your race never leaves the Seven Heavens! If you’d be willing to answer some questions for the Adventurers Guild, we will definitely repay you! Little is known about Angels after all.”

‘I could see if they have any information on the visitor Morfran mentioned but for that I would have to rejoin the guild… I could also learn about this dungeon.’

I knew about dungeons from my adventurer training. The rules were unchanging however the theme and dungeon style could vary greatly. What didn’t change were the rarity tiers which told you their general difficulty, monsters and boss monsters were continuously born due to the dungeon core, there was a final boss who always guarded the core, and you obtained loot from God for killing boss monsters. If you beat a dungeon, you are given a reward alongside the dungeon core. Once it has been beaten the dungeon vanishes and the area it was in returns to normal. What changed was the theme and style. For example, a water dungeon would have water-related loot and monsters or a puzzle-focused dungeon would have fewer monsters and more traps.

“In exchange for information and money, I will agree.”

“Consider it done! We don’t have a guild branch here in Dungeon Town but Camp Freedom is just across Memorial Bridge! I will tell you all about it! My shift is done in 20 minutes, the dungeon checkpoint where you can wait is just ahead. If any other guards try to scoop you up tell them you’re with Derik!” Derik was not even attempting to hide his excitement.

I had concerns about going to Camp Freedom after what I did but information on Arty was more important than my comfort or safety. I walked past a stone wall and gate into a large plaza filled with adventurer parties. In the surroundings were various stores and an inn. I walked to the fountain and took a seat waiting for Derik.

“Is that an angel? What happened to her arm?”

“Wow her wings look soft!”

“Do you think she would let me touch them?”

Various whispers spread around the plaza. I didn’t care if people were staring however one rude muscle head crossed the line and grabbed my wing. He was bald, covered in muscle, wasn’t wearing a shirt, and had brass knuckles on.

“Hey there, miss. Interested in joining my party? I enjoy demi humans quite a bit if you know what I mean.” He was laughing alongside his party members.

“Let go of me or I will kill you.”

“HAHAHA, the little angel that’s missing an arm is going to kill a rare class holder?! Your lucky we’re in Safe Haven otherwise I would already have a collar around your neck.” He was still holding my left wing.

“Aron let go of her! Why are you always harassing the demi-humans that appear here!? We only see one every few months!”

“Shove it Derik. This one insulted a B rank adventurer. I’ll be teaching her a little respect.” I felt him pull on my feathers.

“This is your final warning. Unhand me.”

“How about you come say that to my face!” He pulled my wing causing me to fall towards him.

As I stood up he still didn’t let go. I wanted to kill him but I would probably be chased out of Safe Haven for it.

‘I guess this is a good chance to work on my mercy.’

“Aura of Divinity.” I used an area of effect skill however focused it on him.

His face changed to fear and he fell into the fountain while crying. His party and the surrounding adventurers were rendered speechless by the pathetic display.

“If I ever see you again, you will die. Get out of my sight.”

“T-thank you!” He ran out of the plaza leaving everyone’s attention on me.

-Congratulations! You have earned the skill Intimidation!-

-Congratulations! Intimidation has increased to 5/10!-

“Is there a problem Derik or can we be going?”

“OH, umm, yea that’s probably best.”

No one made a sound as we left the plaza, even Derik had become quiet. After some walking things returned to normal and the regular stares and whispers resumed. Derik had changed out of his leather armor and was now wearing cloth gear with a sword on his waist. He appeared to be in his early twenties and had a toned body. His head was covered in dark brown curls, his skin was very tanned, and he had brown eyes.

“You’re a rare class holder then?” He spoke in a much more formal tone when asking that question.

“My main classes don’t have ranks. Otherwise I have a legendary and very common class.”

“No rank? They didn’t teach me anything about that but it's not my job to worry about it. Based on whatever you did back there I’ll believe you about the legendary class, that man may be an asshole, but he has the power to back it up. He has a rare melee class alongside an uncommon class that heavily compliments it. I never expected to see him like that but I’m sure it made quite a few people happy. I won’t ask about the specific skill details, adventurers code and all.”

The Adventurers code was a set of loose rules everyone in the Guild followed. Generally, people liked to keep their skills secret. The only reason they would share is if you were close allies, the situation required it, or you wanted to brag.

We continued in silence for a while so I took the time to enjoy the lively surroundings. It was very similar to the residential district in Safe Haven. The houses were no higher than two stories and looked like they were a mix between old-world and medieval however the ground was all concrete since it was a parking lot.

“Miss, can we touch your wings?”

Two children who looked to be an older brother and younger sister asked as we passed by. I was surprised that they were brave enough considering I was wearing an all-black outfit with my hood up. I knelt and told them it was fine as long as they didn’t pull my feathers. Derik looked like he wanted to say something but kept quiet.

“They're so soft! Can my friend pet them too?”


I became a petting zoo attraction for all the nearby children. I didn’t mind since I asked Poko something similar when I was younger. After a few minutes, the children began thanking me and parents pulled the more determined ones away while apologizing for the trouble. I smiled and waved goodbye. The interaction made me wish for a world where everyone could remain kind and innocent like those children.

“Are Angels okay with people touching their wings? I could have chased them off for you.”

Derek was super formal now. ‘I’d rather fly if he’s going to be like that.’

“I grew up alongside humans so I wouldn’t know the normal customs of an Angel. What happened to the excitement from earlier? You seem more like a hired guard now.”

“If you have a legendary class that would make you an S rank adventurer. People with S, A, B, and C rank are shown great respect, and can get away with a lot, its why I was unable to do anything about Aron. If you made a single complaint I could lose more then my job, especially since you’re the first of your kind to visit the Guild.”

“I’d rather you be casual. I don’t require a guard since I could just fly to Camp Freedom.”

“That’s a relief! I was getting all stressed out; I suck at being formal! Feel free to ask any questions and I will tell you about Dungeon Town.” His excited attitude quickly returned. “Outside of the plaza is mostly residential buildings for Camp Freedom. They planned on extending the city here but it turns out Dungeons prevent cities from expanding their borders near them. As a result, people started calling it Dungeon Town.”

“I know harder dungeons can take a long time to clear but this seems a bit extensive. Is it that hard to beat?”

Derik started laughing before he continued.

“We get that every time a traveler gets here. Old Remy is an unbeatable dungeon and no one has ever found the core or final boss. The 25 Heroes, Teller Kingdom’s Hero King, and even a Demon Lord tried, but all of them could not beat it.

‘A Demon Lord? That may be who I’m looking for.’

“People travel from all over to try their luck or train inside. Its become a source of income for many families and is a major part of Safe Haven’s economy. My Dad sold roasted meat as a vendor outside that dungeon every night until he could afford a sword for me. Our family was quite poor, but I was a greedy little bastard who had big dreams of traveling the world. He’s was lot better then I deserved.” He finished while tapping the sword on his waist.

‘I guess every family is different. Some love their children and others sell them for drug money.’

“Speaking of family, you said humans raised you? How did that happen? It must have been trouble for your step parents when you started flying!”

“My mother sold me, I was bought and kept in a cage, escaped for a month, and then I was captured by a new owner for ten more years.”

“I’m… um… sorry to hear that. We get escaped slaves a lot, so you’re not alone. The good news is nothing like that will ever happen to you within Safe Haven’s borders! I was going to ask about the whole emotionless voice thing you have going on but I will give you a pass on it now.” He patted my back shoulder to comfort me. I decided to keep the part about it happening in Safe Haven to myself.

“My voice is not emotionless!” I did my best to sound pouty but even I realized it didn’t work out.

“That was pathetic but at least you tried!” He laughed as we continued forward.

After crossing a highway that had become part of the town and then a smaller parking lot we made it to the front gates. Derik waved and the guards let us through without any issues.

“The road along the river here will bring us to Memorial Highway and not long after that we will pass through Liberty Wall.”

Along the river was a large wall similar to Safe Haven’s.

“A lot of Camp Freedom is around the Potomac so very early on this wall was constructed to keep the river monsters out. It keeps everyone safe but it unfortunately means wherever there is coast there is a wall blocking the view. The only places you will see water is Independence Basin which the Water Guild keeps clear for us and from the bridges.”

Derik flashed his Adventurers Card and we were let through.

-You have entered the Country: 'Safe Haven,' City: 'Camp Freedom.'-

Before the bridge went over the water it passed over a forested old-world road with lots of workers going along it.

“The area below is all forest and the road passing through is an old coastal road. We maintain the parts within Camp Freedom however it is unused otherwise. Coastal roads are very dangerous and hard to keep safe due to the water monsters but thankfully most weaker monsters will avoid city borders. All the workers on it are heading south to an area the old world called an “Airport.” It sounds a bit crazy, but supposedly Humans used to have giant metal machines that could fly across the world. They want to expand the city limits and wall to make it the next Residential area of Camp Freedom.”

After making our way onto the bridge, a beautiful view came into sight. ‘When you’re not swimming in it the Potomac is very pretty.’ Large walls lined the coast as far as I could see and collapsed bridges gave it an interesting look.

“Ms. Angel could you step aside with me? It looks like they're already sending out some of the Army.”

Derik pulled my arm and we stood at the side of the bridge. Many armored and robed soldiers were passing us.

“An adventurer came back raving about seeing a divine class Elemental kill a Dragon. People took it like a drunk’s tale until the scouting party never reported back. After that a C rank beast tamer who owns a griffin was sent and reported a massive crater alongside hundreds of monster corpses in the ruins south of Dungeon Town. Everyone is saying it’s a new world boss so we can’t risk sending out a small force.”


After waiting for the army to pass we finished crossing the bridge and entered the wall.

“Welcome to downtown Camp Freedom formerly known as Washington DC!”

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