《Freelance Saga》Chapter 18.2: Love Fist


They entered a dark alleyway well outside of casual public view. The only inhabitants of the area were a few surprised rodents and the refuse that littered the area.

The tamer of monster girls looked around for a moment then nodded. “Hell, yeah... Classy.”

Rowan shook her head. What was his intent? Did he plan to do what she hope- What she thought he might do? The centaur wanted to get to know him a little better. She wanted to know if staying with him long-term would be a good idea since he gave her a choice. Mostly, however, she wanted to know why Deanna had walked strangely each morning for the last few days.

Scott casually places his hand on her lower-side and ran his palm gently along her equine ribcage. “If you want to know whether or not I can see you as a woman... Lower yourself to the ground.”

He was not normally so demanding, but Scott also normally did not try to have special relations with a woman who had a horse for an ass. Rowan was beautiful to him, but he had not really thought of her in a sexual way. At least he had not thought of her as such from the waist down. From the waist up she looked like the sort of woman who would inspire a perverted fan club. However, it took a certain level of resolve for him to remain focused on the task at hand due to the biology of the situation.

“I... Yes...” said the thoroughly intrigued centaur maiden. She slowly lowered her body to the ground then twisted her upper-half toward him. Rowan granted him a shy but curious smile.

Scott reached over and cupped one of her massive breasts in his hand. Rowan gasped in surprise and started to stand back up. However, her master swatted her softly on the side. “No.”

She looked at him in shock then nodded her head. What was he doing? This was so unseemly! More to the point, why was she enjoying it?

“Do you have any idea how much these tits of yours have tormented me?” asked Scott. They had featured prominently in a number of his daydreams, even if the rest of her did not make him feel one hundred percent confident in his manliness.


“Have they?” she asked curiously. Now that she had become calm, she could not help but feel intrigued by what he was doing. His hand felt wonderful as he gently kneaded her lonesome breast.

“Yes, and I will do everything in my power to make them obedient and proper members of society.... It is part of me being a tamer of sexy monsters and all that.”

“So, I’m a monster to you?” she asked, a soft sigh escaped from her sweet pink lips. She had known it was true all along.

Scott smiled at her. “Just enough to keep me happy. You’re a sexy sort of girl, did you know that?”

She snorted then looked to the ground. She had always thought so, but human men often disagreed. Unfortunately, centaur males were rare and the few she had ever seen had been quite brutal in appearance.

Her master shook his head. “Unfortunately, we don’t have time back here for me to properly treat you to all the sexy goodness that you deserve.”

“Yes, someone might arrive at any moment.” said Rowan, a slight note of anticipation in her voice.

Scott released her massive mammary and showed her his palm. He wiggled his fingers then made a fist.

“What?” asked Rowan. There had been some significance in his action, but it would take a brief moment to discover just what he had intended.

She watched him walk to her rear and then she gasped out in surprise when he casually lifted her tail to inspect his property. He had purchased her. Despite his proclamation she knew that she was his under law. Somehow, when he stared at her maidenhood with a calculating expression, she did not mind such trivialities. If he wanted to inspect what belonged to him, who was she to deny him his property rights?

She bit her lip when he slipped a finger experimentally between her folds. However, she could not help but cry out with a soft moan when he spread her open and looked into her deepest region.

“Yeah, there is only one way that I can think of to make this remotely fun for you.” said Scott. He was not sure about any of this, but he was sure that he had a responsibility to those under his command. If his duty and profession dictated that he give a beautiful centaur girl a moment of bliss, who was he to argue?


“What do you mea--Neyarrgk!” cried out Rowan in surprise and pleasure. What had he just done? She was suddenly glad that he had bidden her to lower herself to the ground. Her knees might have buckled otherwise.

Scott wiggled his fingers and nodded. His entire hand had slid into her vagina with only a little effort. It was a hard thing to accept, but his arm was more likely to show his willingness to keep her happy than what even his overly large manhood might be able to provide.

He curled his hand into a fist again and began to pump slowly into and out of her. He continued his strong, slow, pumps for quite some time while Rowan whimpered and cried out.

The centaur maiden gasped then reached out and pressed her upper body against the wall. Her soft supple breasts rubbed against the hard brick in sensual circles as she felt her master’s gentle caress.

Scott began to pump his fist harder, and then harder still. Soon he was nearly punching her womb with his fist while his free hand kept control of her pert posterior.

The lonely centaur girl loved every moment of it. She whimpered and bucked a little while her master commandeered her pussy for his purposes.

“Ahhhnn!” cried Rowan sweetly. She rolled her lower body to the side and her legs started to scissor and kick wildly. She began to pant heavily while she pressed herself against the wall.

Her master heard her adorable cries and sped up his thrusts. She bucked and writhed against his love fist. He took his free hand and lifted up her tail once more. This time he held it up high while he pummeled her pretty pussy with powerful pumping punches.

The scene was really quite adorable in its own way. It was hot and very wet. His fist made a suction noise at times that perfectly accentuated the moment.

“M-master...” cried out Rowan. She moaned loudly, and then nearly screamed out in bliss.

Scott started to twist his fist while he punished her for her earlier disbelief. The centaur maiden made a beautiful face as she became flush with arousal.

He slapped her on the ass and shouted, “Ya!”

Her eyes snapped wide. Her vagina clamped around his wrist. She cried out loudly and a heavy flood of sexual release gushed outward over his arm. The nerve of that man! How dare he do such a thing...?

Scott pulled out of her immediately then walked over to his gasping associate. He showed her his hand then grabbed a hunk of her hair. After pulling her head to the side he pressed his hand to her nose.

Rowan sniffed strongly at his drenched hand then experimentally slipped her tongue out to lick one of his fingers. She cutely caressed his digit with her tongue for a moment then wrapped her lips around it. As far as Scott was concerned her response was promising indeed.

He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. The centaur made a strange noise that seemed to be a cross between a sigh and a nicker.

Scott said, “Don’t tell me that I do not find you attractive. If you feel a burning desire to spend time with me, just tell me.”

She nodded slowly but could not look at him. There were many sensations flowing through her mind at the moment, and none of them made complete sense.

Scott took both of her breasts in his hands and started to massage them through her shirt. “How could you think that a girl with tits as beautiful as these would be an unpopular person?”

She giggled slightly at first, and then gasped a little when he kissed her on the ear. It flicked wildly for a moment in response.

“We’re new to each other. I will not always necessarily know what you want from me, but if you tell me, I’ll figure something out if I can.”

She nodded once again then made her little nicker-sigh once more. This time, however, it sounded like the nicker-sigh of a girl who had no worries in the world.

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