《Gemstone Goblins (LitRPG)》Church 4


The sound of running water was interrupted by the loud splash of a spear piercing through the river surface, and stabbing a fish. "Another one," a goblin said to himself. He removed his catch from his trident and placed it in a woven basket, filled with various other fish. "Hey Froblo, we got enough. Let's go back," another goblin further away called out to him. Froblo nodded, and trudged through the water, making his way to the river bank. He laid on the stony shore, basking in the light to dry himself off. As he got up he felt something unusual on the ground, feeling around he picked up a white, glass-like rock. His friend whistled in awe. "You're a lucky bastard, first you get the chief's attention, now you found a piece of river quartz. Do you have Yantago's favour or something?" "I wouldn't call getting the chief's attention something good. That guy terrifies me," Froblo whimpered. The other goblin lifted him, and they gradually made their way back home. "But I heard what happened in the mine, Chief said he's going to do a proper ritual, and he's been running around madly getting things ready. You're going to be the first to receive a gem from him!" Froblo shrugged. "Being first isn't always the best. I prefer praying to the statue every day. This Chief is scary, the old one was nicer." The other fisher goblin scoffed. "The other chief? Sure he was nice, but he didn't have magic did he? At least this one has strength. Anyway, you have an offering ready?" "Yeah, I left it in the dorm, I'll show it to you, tell me what you think." On the way to their room, they left their baskets with a human woman, who was an expert fish cleaner. They had a brief lunch of baked fish with some of their guard friends and girls from the crafting section. One of the girls had given Froblo a necklace with a wooden crayfish on it. He liked the girl, so he gifted her a fishbone crown. She really liked it, so now their relationship was official. Not that it mattered since she was a mother of 3 already. Upon returning to their dorm, a few goblins greeted them. They were taking a break from work by crafting and painting and lounging on their makeshift cots. Froblo opened the communal chest and retrieved a large stone carving of a vicious pike. It was a carving of the same pike that bit his leg once. He killed it later but found the fish to be brave, thus he memorialised it. "I call this one, Scales of Victory." he presented the statuette to his friend. "What do you think?" He looked to his friend expectantly. But his fishing mate did not seem impressed. "It's missing something. It's just a fish, do you think that'll be enough for the chief?" Froblo frowned. He prepared the offering for the upcoming special event that the chief was making a big deal about. Gild didn't care about the crafts he received, but their leader was doing something big. Froblo shuddered at the thought of angering the chief. He was far too trigger happy with his [Sapphire Spear] spell. "What do I do?" He squealed. "I don't want to die!" A goblin who was painting on the corner of the wall scoffed. "How'd a coward like you get a girl?" "It's because the girls like the taste of his carp!" Another cackled, all the goblins let out a low chuckle, much to Froblo's dismay. He sat down dejectedly on his wolf fur mattress. "Come on! My work is even [Competent], why won't the chief like it?" Froblo's friend's face shined with inspiration. He snatched the river quartz from Froblo's pocket and deftly whittled away at it, carving a smaller, crystalline fish. He placed the cut quartz into the mouth of the stone pike, making it seem as if the pike was swelling the tiny quartz fish. "Now it 10 times better!" He yelled. Froblo did not like having his work tampered with, but he did reluctantly admit that his small sculpture was now improved. He thanked his friend, before going to sleep. The following day was the day of the ceremony. Everyone got up at the same time and had their usual radish and cabbage breakfast, but the Chief was nowhere to be found. The mad shaman entered the room, with a weird metal bowl on a chain, that was releasing smoke. "Everybody, line up in single file!" Everyone slowly did as told, and at the very back of the line, Froblo noted that were even some humans. Voglo led everyone down to the lowest level of the mine, chanting something in a language that did not belong to the goblin or man. Usually, goblins would rowdy and chatty, but everyone remained quiet, as they did not want to disrupt the shaman. Slowly they arrived at the bottom level. In front of them was a dark stone door, carved with the most ornate symbols Froblo had ever seen. He fell to his knees when the door slowly raised on its own. As the door lifted itself into the ceiling, a warm and radiant light flooded the mineshaft. They saw their chief in silver robes adorned with burning jewels, standing atop a detailed podium, surrounded by opulent tiles. "Enter." He beckoned. The goblins and humans entered the room, admiring the magnificent chapel. On the ceiling was carved the image of Yantago, with Torchite gems embedded in his eyes. His hand extended down to the ground as if he was holding the weight of the mountain on his back. Detailed tiles depicted heroic scenes of battle, of the goblins against wolves, snakes, bandits and so on. Lacquered and cushioned wooden pews were arranged in inviting rows. The goblins and humans sat down while gazing at their marvellous surroundings. "In the beginning, there was nothing." Their chief spoke. "The Great Jewelled One, Yantago, created lustrous jewels and gemstones to fill and illuminated the darkness. And from the divine confluence of crystal and magic, the Amber Skins were born in the image of their creator." The words of their Divine Emissary rung in the ears of every being that stood before him. His holy appearance and language leaving a deep impression on everyone's soul. Froblo's eyes widened as he internalised every word spoken, not noticing how the prayer was going on for hours. "Thus, it came to me, Gild Domov, the physical lustre and will of The Mighty Gem, to lead his people to eternal prosperity and eternal glory. Yield yourselves onto me, for I will deliver salvation onto you, in the name of Yantago." "I yield," Froblo spoke out loud unwittingly, and all others followed him. Their leader smiled. "Yantago is pleased." From a silver box, Gild Domov retrieved a rectangular gem that glowed with power. "Froblo, come forth and receive your blessing." Without a trace of fear or suspicion, Froblo stood up and knelt in front of Gild. "Do you Froblo, accept Yantago's eternal shimmer and my guidance?" "Yes!" Froblo proclaimed. "Then take this as a sign of your loyalty and Yantago's love!" He handed the gem to Froblo, which he absorbed. Froblo felt a searing power pulse within him. He marvelled as the tips of his fingers became coloured with a vibrant orange. He raised his hands into the air, to show to the crowd, and everyone cheered! "How glorious!" He thought to himself. "Our tribe is glorious!"

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