《Gemstone Goblins (LitRPG)》Church 3


The crystal was magical, but it did not give me a magical spell or description like all the other gems I had absorbed. Thinking back, they were all cut and refined. I suspected that I needed to transform these raw gems into something useful. I had essentially struck oil, but it would lead to severe problems if it were not controlled. "Everyone! Go back and don't touch the crystals!" I yelled. The greedy goblins turned their heads to me as if I spoke nonsense. "What why?!" A few cried out. My face twitched in irritation, but I forced myself to remain calm. "These gems are unrefined, if you absorb them now, they'll kill you." I didn't know if that was the case, but the result would surely be terrible either way. Most of the goblins reluctantly dropped their gems and skulked away. One sat on his kneed on the crystalline floor clutching a small piece of Torchite. I rode towards him and stood imposingly upon my mount. "What are you doing?" "I- I d-don't... I want to k-keep this." The goblin stuttered. I gripped the handle of the [Vorpal Voided Dagger], one could hear the sound of my teeth grinding. But seeing the pathetic and whimpering face of the young goblin abated my rage. "Why? That gem is unsafe in that state. Why do you want to keep it?" I growled. The goblin put the gem down with an apologetic look on its face. "I wanted to carve it, to honour the Great Gemmed One." A wave of clarity and inspiration crashed against me. Apart from the statue I had built, I had neglected these goblins' faith. And a way to control these resources had presented itself to me. "Oh, how devout and honourable of you!" I smiled. The scared goblin looked up at me confusedly. "Your intentions are pure but misguided. The Great Gemmed One needs to veneration through the proper rituals." The goblin's mouth grew agape with realisation. "Indeed! You are right!" He prostrated himself before me. "What is your name?" I asked. "I'm one of the fishermen, Froblo," he whispered. Using the hilt of my dagger, I poked him, indicating to him to stand up. "Worry not Froblo, I will conduct a ceremony soon. Everyone return! And prepare offerings for the Great Gemmed One!" All the miners rejoiced, waving their pickaxes, before skipping back to the surface. As they retreated, I explored the crystal cave more. It was a small pocket of crystals inside of a mountain. The gems grew haphazardly out of every single possible space. As I rode past through the precious pillars, distorted reflections rode alongside me. The cave was beautiful, and it was mine. I sealed the entrance of the cave with magic, making sure no one could sneak in and steal some crystals. I issued an immediate order to begin the production of necessary materials for a church. The carpenters worked on goblin sized pews, the smiths were crafting chandeliers and candle holders, the masons were chiselling statues and stone bricks, while the artisans and tailors were preparing robes and cushions. I set up a small room next to the crystal cave, so I wouldn't have to travel between the floors of the mine. I sat in the far end of the cave, illuminated by goat fat candles. I carved tiles with images depicting Yantago, myself and other generic religious imagery. I kept producing [Crude] Pietra Duras but with every attempt, I felt my skills improve. Interface You have crafted an Amateurish Pietra Dura You have received 30 experience You have raised your Cutting (Beginner) to Cutting (Novice) You have raised your Faceting (Beginner) to Faceting (Novice) You have raised your Polishing (Beginner) to Polishing (Novice) You have raised your Inlaying (Beginner) to Inlaying (Novice)


Seeing my skills raise pleased me and I took it as a sign to move onto gem cutting. The Torchite was not a gem I ever heard of on Earth, thus it must have been a unique element of this world. I felt my eyes sizzle as I kept staring at the pulsating light being emitted from the crystal.

My skills were not good enough to carve it into something exquisite, thus I had to aim for simplicity. A simple design, such as a rectangle with slanted and tapered edges would be best. I took a small piece of Torchite, about half the length of my finger, and began to work. I managed to get a foot-powered grinding wheel, which made it easier to grind and cut the gem down. But it was uncomfortable as I only had one leg.

I had traded with the humans for a gem cutter's eyeglass, which allowed me to see the stone in more detail. I precisely ground and cut away at the gem. The crystal was being formed according to my mental image. But in the final steps, my missing leg ached, making me flinch and ruining the gem. The unfinished Torchite fell to the ground and cracked like glass. In my anger I flipped over my working table, breaking more equipment. I embarrassedly paused my work, while waiting for new tools to be made.

On my following attempt, I focused even harder, and I had cut the gem accordingly, but it gave no ability. This perplexed me. It was still magical, but there was still a missing element. It forced me to think about how these magical gems worked on a fundamental level, but I had no clue. Consulting with Voglo revealed that it had something to do with the "mixing of mana," which did not help.

In a desperate attempt, I checked my skills to see if they had clues for what to do, and my eyes grew wide with realisation. [Mana-Control] was the key. I had long neglected this skill, I would like to say due to the circumstances, but it was due to personal ignorance.


I collected all the mana in my stomach and channelled it to the gem that was resting in my hand. As my mana touched the gem, I felt an unbelievable wave of heat, flood through my body as if I were being burnt inside out. I lost consciousness and fell to the ground. Luckily, I had secluded myself in my workshop, so I was not disturbed by anyone. When I woke up, I picked up the gem once more.

Scorching Shine Torchite Summon a sphere made of swirling bright flames in the palm of your hand and launch it at your enemies to blind them. The sphere weighs 0.5 kg, and the distance it can travel depends on how far the user can throw it. Upon making contact with anything but the user, the sphere will detonate, resulting in a large explosion of blinding light. The explosion has a radius of 3 metres, and anyone standing within that radius will be temporarily blinded for 15 seconds. The explosion itself does no damage but may injure the opponent's eyes. Cast time: 20 seconds, Cost: 20 mana, Recharge rate: 10 minutes. Removal Cost: Blindness in the dominant eye for 3 weeks.

It wasn't a particularly powerful gem, but it was useful and thus would go to one of the goblins. But the fact that I had created one filled me with great confidence and power. The underground chapel was in its final steps of completion, and it would be soon time for the ceremony.

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