《Gemstone Goblins (LitRPG)》Scales 4


After around 2 days of work, the snake was completely butchered. The meat and blood were processed in time before they would rot. We had 10 deep mounds filled with pots of meat for fermentation. The mined out storeroom was filled with jugs of snake blood. We had countless drying and smoke racks, all serving to preserve the snake meat. The skeleton of the snake was curved around our encampment, acting as a sort of makeshift fence and its skull was hung over our cave entrance. Its skin was being dried and turned into leather, scales into armour and its fangs into weapons. Any other scraps of meat were used for bait for traps and fish.

Several goblins even gained skills out of this. The butcher goblins gained dedicated skills to their craft: [Butchering], [Skinning], [Gutting]. Most goblins gained cuisine related skills like [Smoking] and [Fermenting] among others.

The snake alone would supply us for a month. However, we still lacked a consistent supply of food. Human civilisation began to flourish when they discovered agriculture, it should be no different in this world. However, instead of finding a wild plant and selectively breeding it for hundreds of years, shouldn’t there be suitable plants already out there?

With the last usable bit of snake extracted, it was finally time to collect our treasure. The snake's hoard was a far cry to that of a dragon, but it was still awe-inspiring to these impoverished goblins. The few gold and silver coins and bars were gathered into sacks, but the equipment such as weaponry and armour were rusted. It was not suitable for wear, it was made with a human in mind, and I was already anaemic. The last thing I needed was a loose piece of armour that could give me an infection.

There were 4 treasure chests, all of which were unlocked. The first chest contained more coins and some plain metal jewellery. The other chest contained much of the same, even some gems! I felt a euphoric rush run through my body as I picked up some gemstones. The other goblins were utterly elated by them, some were even brought to tears. Perhaps these rocks played a more important role for these goblins than I had previously thought? I quickly found out that these gems were not magical, and most likely made of chalcedony, but I still felt unwittingly satisfied.

“Voglo, are these gems truly that impressive, as to bring others to tears?” I asked him.

A goblin handed him a gem to look at, and quickly Voglo began to smile, satisfied wit. “Perhaps not. But for us Amber Skins, have a great love for gems, it is an appreciation bestowed to us by our god. Our tribe has spent a long time without any beauty to appreciate, as such we are overjoyed, even if it's not shining or brilliant,” he explained to me.

The other chest contained an oddity, a single red helmet. It seemed to be made of iron, but it was not rusty and coloured with a dark crimson hue. Its design was exceptionally simple as well, the top was shaped like a dome, the part protecting the neck was perfectly straight, and its front was completely open, except for the nose guard. Once I put it on, I received a notification.


Interface You have discovered an artefact, Johan’s Bloody Barbute. Johan's Bloody Barbute It is a normal magical artefact of some renown, once worn by the cruel and vicious mercenary, Johan of Concordia. This was a once normal helmet, but it has become stained a deep red through endless bloodshed. Item skill This skill can only be activated while wearing the item. Crimson Arrow Conjure a single enchanted arrow that will magically fly towards a selected target, on its own. It will follow the target if they try to flee. Any target can be selected if it can be seen, the arrow can only fly for a radius of 150 metres, if the target is not within 150 metres, then the spell will be cancelled. Only a single arrow can be conjured at a time. Cast time: 1 second, Consumption: 5 mana and 5hp. Recharge rate: 2 minutes.

The helmet had come with a nice spell, the only issue is that it did not have holes for goblin ears thus it was extremely uncomfortable for me to wear. I quickly used a rope, and tied the helmet around my shoulders, carrying the helmet like a handbag. I activated the spell, and an arrow covered in a violent red glow appeared at my fingertips. I supposed this also counted as having the item equipped.

Finally, the last chest contained once more a pile of coins, and this time some magical gems. There were 5 of them, each one different in colour and shape. I was unknowing hopping up and down like a child as I basked in the sunlight that was refracted through the gems. But I quickly became disappointed once I couldn’t see their effects.

“Great Chief, I have the [Gem Appraisal] skill, I could analyse the effects of these gems,” Voglo said.

I handed them over to him, and he spent around half an hour going through each gem, inspecting them closely, facing them against the sun, putting them up to his ear, licking, sniffing, tasting them, and so on. After he was finished, he handed them over to me.

Live Hissing Serpentine Summon a 15-metre long snake made of verdant serpentine. The snake has a venomous bite that can slightly paralyze its victim. The snake will follow the orders of the summoner perfectly. This snake also can follow scent tracks to find prey. The snake does not need to sustain itself, nor does it produce waste. The snake will last for 24 hours, afterwards, it will vanish. The snake will also vanish if its body is broken. The snake can travel on its own within a radius of 500 metres around its user, it cannot go past this range. Cast time: 10 minutes, Consumption: 150 mana, Recharge rate: 12 hours. Removal cost: Your arm and leg will become completely paralysed for 2 months. Bombarding Cannon Beryl Conjure and launch a sphere of pure, clear beryl, of a radius of 2 centimetres and at a speed of 50 metres per second. Upon landing, the sphere will explode with a radius of 1 metre, as well as releasing small shards of Beryl. The range of the projectile is 300 metres, and it can only be cast directly from the user. Cast time: 1 second, Consumption, 175 mana, Recharge rate: 5 seconds. Removal cost: Entire body will become deeply embedded with beryl shrapnel. Dread Inducing Amethyst Upon activating, your eyes turn into purple amethyst, and those who gaze upon you shall momentarily succumb to fear for 15 seconds. This ability will only work upon those whose [Willpower] is lower than yours. People with slightly higher [Willpower] will only be affected for 5 seconds, and people with significantly higher [Willpower] will not be affected at all. Cast time: Instant, Consumption: 10 mana, Recharge rate: 10 minutes. Removal cost: You will experience nightmares for 1 month. Healing Glow Heliodor Channel healing light through the bright yellow heliodor. This light can provide minor healing to those who make contact with it. The light is shone from above the caster’s head and can travel within a radius of 10 metres around the user. This light fades away after 3 minutes, once cancelled or once the user runs out of mana. Cast time: 5 seconds, Consumption: 10 mana per second, Recharge rate: 2 Days Removal cost: You will receive [Curse of Heliodor], any healing received through magical means will only be half as effective. The curse will last for 3 months. Spiral Jaws Jasper Conjure a set of canine jaws made of jasper, with the fangs of the jaws having a spiral shape. These jaws will bite anyone the caster wills them to, as long as they are within 5 metres of the caster. The bite of this spell can pierce through iron and will leave wounds that are harder to recover from, even with magic. Once a target is selected, they will fly towards the victim on their own. The jaws cannot go any further than 5 metres away from the user but will chase the enemy once one has been chosen. They can last up to 30 minutes but disappear after 10 seconds upon biting someone. Cast time: Instant, Consumption: 30 mana, Recharge rate: 1 minute Removal cost: The same jaws will appear, and bite your arms, legs and neck


The [Live Hissing Serpentine] seemed like an excellent choice for a hunter, so I gifted it to Rugum, for his valiant performance in the raid and to raise his spirits. The [Healing Glow Heliodor] was a natural fit for Voglo. That left me with a choice of 3, [Bombarding Cannon Beryl], [Dread Inducing Amethyst] and [Spiral Jaws Jasper].

The beryl seemed like a powerful choice and simple to use. But what if I were to use it within close range? Would I be pierced by the shrapnel as well? And the cost was severe, this world had healing magic and potions, but I was doubtful about the surgical skills of these goblins. The amethyst seemed interesting, but one could never know how a person will act under the effects of fear, they could either freeze... Or turn mad. Thus it was unreliable, not to mention the horrifying drawback. It is easier to physically survive a month of nightmares, but what the mental repercussions? Everyone knew it was best to keep your wits about you, so no one wanted to use the Amethyst. It would remain in storage for now. That left me with the jasper, a simple powerful bite, not to mention that the teeth could be coated in my poison.

I took the jasper and absorbed it. I felt my teeth transforming, my canines twisting, and yet it was painless. I looked at my reflection in a puddle of water. My canines had become slightly sharper and elongated, and they seemed to be made of jasper too. They did not feel any different to normal teeth. This change seemed to be largely aesthetic.

Voglo’s hair had changed to a shining gemlike yellow, and Rugum’s right arm had a long greenish strip spiralling around it. The goblin who picked the Beryl, Gatrom, had his fingernails turn into transparent crystals.

Afterwards, it was time for the funerals. The casualties were large, and it was important to show the tribe that their lives were valued. All of the goblins gathered around the graves, demarcated with piles of stones, their faces sombre, some on the verge of crying.

Voglo stood in front of all of us. “Fret not my fellows, for these goblins were excellent beings, their bravery shone brighter than the most beautiful gem in the battlefield. Their souls will be at rest with The Great Gemmed One.” He continued, the sermon, some eventually gave in to their tears.

Rugum approached the graves, he knelt to them and placed a beautifully carved bow upon them. "Take this bow to Yantago, and offer this bow as a gift, to save us from weakness," he whispered, and then rushed back to the cave, not saying a word to anyone else.

Each goblin left a small craft that they had made upon the graves, a twig figurine, a stone dagger, a feather necklace. Olma offered a small piece of carved snake bone, and Voglo left a wreath of healing herbs. As each goblin laid down their item, they whispered a small prayer and returned into the cave.

Slowly everyone left, but I remained behind, standing above the grave of the goblin who had saved me. When he pushed me out of the way, he was relieved to have saved me, but why? Who could be so mindless as to sacrifice themselves? Am I that great of a being? I hadn’t even known his name. In my previous life, the number of people who wanted to stab me in the back was immeasurable, I had grown to accept that. It was natural in my line of work. But there never was anyone, who would be willing to give their life... for me.

I stood longer, staring down at the dirt, a deep scowl forming on my face. I couldn't help but ask if such a sacrifice was worth it, the death of several individuals for a few coins and some gems. I had also caused the weak to sacrifice themselves for me when I’m supposed to be strong. How am I supposed to save this tribe, when I was the one needing to be saved? I buried one of the gems I got from the hoard alongside them and quietly left, gritting my teeth.

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