《Anya》Poll and Stuff.


Main purpose of the post:

Stuff that doesn't really matter but I just feel like mentioning:

If your reading itch still needs to be scratched but you can't find that novel or web novel, I'm here to offer a recommendation. I've been binging on "Release that Witch." It's a translated light novel that falls under the category of reincarnation which everyone on this website seems to be crazy about. In my opinion, it's really REALLY enjoyable to read, so check it out if nothing else sates your addiction.

A little bit of nonsense (you don't need to read this):

Unlike last year, I couldn't bring my dog with me this year (btw I'm a college student if you were curious) which makes me sort of depressed (excuses for slow posting). I mean, it does free up my time but now I get really lonely even though I have roommates. Somehow it makes me sad that I don't have to wrestle for my spot back after I get up to use the restroom in the mornings (she always takes my pillow). Anyway, I'm blabbering on wayy too much but I felt like I needed to get that off my chest. Thank you guys for continuing to read my work and leaving the kind/funny comments I love to read.

Let's end this on a lighter note! Sit around kids and let me tell you a story about that one time I got food poisoning from eating a black sausage I found in the back of the oven.

(True story!)

So it was back when I was in middle school, my parents were busy so they weren't home on that night. I was doing my usual thing, keeping myself busy to avoid doing my homework. After a while, I got really hungry (procrastination is hard work!) so I decided to just search around and see what we had available. We always had cooked white rice ready because Asians love their cooked white rice. If need be, I can eat a whole bowl of plain white rice on its own, but on that night I felt like I needed more. So I went around the living room searching for "something" when I spotted it in the corner of my eye. In the oven was this weird looking sausage. It was black, like not "a few parts burnt" black but an unnerving and unnatural black. That should have been a big sign that I should not be eating that. But the middle school me thought, "I... think it's a sausage!" and then grabbed it and began to eat it. I remember after taking the first bite and thinking "Hey, this tastes kind of weird, must be a different type of sausage?" I quickly finished the "sausage" and my bowl of rice and later that night... I was DYING. I mean, everything hurts and I didn't know why. Well... actually I kind of knew why because every time I was forced to burp, the taste of the death sausage melted my tongue. Annnnnyway, the moral of this story is that if doesn't look editable or tastes editable, don't eat it!


So yea, as you can tell, I was kind of an idiot.

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