《Radioactive Evolution》Status Update - 7/10/18


Hi Everyone!

As promised, I wanted to give an update to those of you that have finished book one and are looking for the start of book two. I am going to start drafting the book tomorrow morning, but may hold on posting chapters until I have a bit of backlog saved up. In the meantime, Book #1 is with my beta reader team for another week before I go through addressing any comments, concerns, plotholes, etc.

Once I've done this, I have contracted professional editors to give it a big picture edit, development edit, and line/copy edit. It's still a journey before I publish the book. I'm still on the fence of going KU vs. Wide, but am leaning toward wide which would allow me to keep all of the book posted online here. (if you have thoughts one way or the other, please let me know).

I've been talking with the artist that did my cover and informed him that I'd like to start drafting up some ideas about Book #2 cover. I'm also going to commission some art for Jared, Scarlet, and a couple other key figures in the book that I think will be awesome to have as standalone art.

While I will try and publish updates here when I can, it will likely not happen often. If you'd like to follow along on progress and status updates, I implore you to join one of my groups, chats, or like my FB page to stay up to date (see pre-chapter notes).

Thank you for reading! You all are the best!

-- Balrog

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