《The Legendary Hoarder (VRMMORPG)》Chapter 12 Sprinkle Of Parmesan Cheese


Chapter 12 Sprinkle Of Parmesan Cheese

Axel dumped every single attribute point into Greed; now he had 23 points put into it, and it was at 1.33. Every designated coin income was multiplied by 1.33. It was good. On top of that, his intelligence had gotten a huge boost. He didn’t know the ins and outs of what each stat did yet, but any attribute increases were welcomed.


Race: Loot Goblin

Level: 23

Experience: 247,443/261,000

Titles: Thief, Salesman, Entrepreneur,


Attribute Points:







Coin Increase Rate: 1.33x

100 Gold in Wallet=1 Intelligence














Wallet: 1323 Gold 3 Silver 5 Copper

I See Coins (Passive) Rank 1 Upgrade Cost: 1 Skill Point Blood Money (Sacrifice) Rank 1 Not available for upgrade Dark Seer (Sacrifice) Rank 1 Upgrade Cost: 1 Skill Point Tax For Thee But Not For Me (Active) Rank 1 Upgrade Cost: 3 Skill Points

0 Active Quests

“Hey, Jack,” Axel said. “Guess who’s got 23 Intelligence?”

“What? How? That seems broken.”

“For every 100 gold coins I have on me, I get +1 Intelligence. That does seem kinda broken, right?”

“Yeah. Shit, imagine if you had 10,000 gold; you’d be unstoppable.”

“What does intelligence do then?” Axel asked.

“Multiplies your damage with spells. Also increase your max mana pool. So it would be 1.23 times whatever the spell damage is.”

It seemed the class built for business, wasn’t just a business class. In the long run, Axel thought he could be a powerful mage. Then again, he wished he was an elf or something of the like. Or at least an attractive race.

“Right,” Axel chuffed, rubbing his hands. “Now for the skills. Oh Jack, how much was the alchemy skill?”

“Only one,” he replied.

With that in mind, he opened up the skills for the loot goblin.

Skills/Race Skills/Loot Goblin Skills: [12 Skill points available]

Rain Gold (Active) (3 Skill Points to acquire) I See Coins (Passive) (Acquired) (1 Skill Point to increase rank) Dweller In The Dark (Passive) (5 Skill Points to acquire) Tax For Thee But Not For Me (Active) (Acquired) (3 Skill Points to increase rank) Blood Money (Active) (Acquired) (Cannot increase rank) Dark Seer (Active) (Acquired) (1 Skill Point to increase rank) Gluttonus Gold Bomb (Active) (3 Skill Points to acquire)🔓 Deep Pockets (Buff) (2 Skill Points to acquire)🔓 Unlock after level 25 🔒 Unknown Unknown Unknown

Axel thought the names were always the best part; far better than ice spear or fire wall. He brought up the two new ones he had unlocked.

Gluttonous Gold Bomb (Active)

Spell Description: This spell allows you to place three hidden bombs on the ground. When stepped over by an enemy, or triggered by you, they will explode. You can set the settings after the spell has been cast. The explosion shoots out gold coins that are on fire. For every enemy hit with this attack, you will gain 1 gold. It has a very large blast radius, and can coat dozens of enemies if clumped.

Lore: One of the most devious spells a Loot Goblin can acquire. Not only is it a deadly spell, and used to prevent thieves, but it is able line the pockets of the Loot Goblin with gold. It is a favourite amongst the Loot Goblins and a must-have.

Charges: 3

Cast time: 15s

Base Damage Upon Impact: 75x(1)

Fire Damage: 1 DMG/s for 5s

Mana Cost: 100 per charge set (Charge has no expiry time)


Magic Type: Unorthodox, Fire

“Fuckin’ cool,” Axel remarked. Not only would it be good to protect his warehouse, but could make him coin. He looked at the other one before he made any decisions.

Deep Pockets (Buff)

Buff Description: Once activated, will buff the skills Rain Gold and Gluttonous Gold Bomb. Rain Gold’s projectile speed and distance are doubled. Damage is also doubled. The buff will last for an hour. During this hour, the buf will remove the max charge count for Gluttonous Gold Bomb. However, when the buff’s timer runs out, the last three of your charges will be kept, and the others will be discarded. Note, discarded charges do not trigger.

Lore: When a Loot Goblins labyrinth is being invaded, this buff can help protect their precious loot. It can trigger massive explosions of gold, which deters invaders while lining the pockets of a greedy Loot Goblin. Warning, can have devastating consequences when placed together.

Buff Duration: 1 Hour

Cooldown: 3 Hours

Mana/Stamina Cost: Null

“Nice,” he muttered. All the new skills were combat based. They weren’t for making a tonne of money, but could be useful if he ever was to get involved in an altercation. He was hesitating at what to get with his 12 skill points. First however, he bought the Alchemy skill.

{You have acquired the Alchemy skill}

“Hey, Jack, can you set up everything we need?” Axel asked him.

“Now doing it,” he replied, pulling a large box onto the table.

Axel was hesitant to ask Jack for his input. He knew he’d say, “Spells never hurt. The more damage the better.” It was true, but Axel was making money. With that being said, he was still struggling at what to get.

“Fuck,” he said under his breath. He had the same problem when he was younger. Axel could see the pros and cons of every spell or skill. He knew it would better to get them as soon as possible, but save a few incase for emergency. He groaned; he was going to have to ask Jack.

“Jack, I need some help.”

“Fire away.”

Axel brought all the skills he had available to him and willed Jack to see them. Jack glossed over them, considering what would be the best for him.

“Get the gold bomb, rain gold, the buff- how much points do you have?”


“Yeah . . . Three-three-two . . . Have you thought about increasing the rank of any skills you have?”

“No,” Axel replied honestly. He had just wanted to acquire as many as he could.

“Maybe the bomb actually, since we are joining the event.”

“Are we?” Axel questioned. “C’mon, it’ll be shitty.”

“Oh no man, have you not watched the trailer? The events are fucking cool. We’re doing it, even if you get your legs broken. Plus, you should make some coin with the gold bomb. Just get it, and then look at the upgrade.”

Axel wasn’t even thinking about taking part in the event. Now that Jack had mentioned, he wanted too badly. But he couldn’t, he needed to focus on making money.

“You gotta have fun once in a while, right?” Jack said. He knew exactly what Axel was thinking. “Listen Axel, if it’s not fun, and you don’t make money, then you can punch me in the face.”

“Balls,” Axel said, meeting his eyes.

Jack squinted his. “And if you do have fun, I get to keep an armour set.”

“That’s a shit deal. Aright fuck it, let’s do it. We need to make the potions first.”


“That’s the Axel I remember!” Jack shouted. “I still got no idea. Let me ask him again.”

While Jack spoke to Jason at the front of the stall, Axel got Rain Gold, Gluttonous Gold Bomb and Deep Pockets. After the menu closed out, he quickly ran to the corner of the stall in hopes it wouldn’t hurt him.

Runes formed above him, and opened out into a circle. Gold coins were formed in the centre, and rained down onto him. Once they stopped, he got a notification.

{You have acquired the Rain Gold skill}

{Please say and will the spell to active}

“Ok, ok,” Axel murmured, his eyes darting around everywhere. “C’mon you bastard skills. I’m ready for ya!”

“Take cover!” a voice shouted from everywhere.

In a panic, Axel dropped to the floor. Small miniature bombs fell from thin air; once they hit the ground, they exploded into gold coins. It last for a few seconds, and then it all disappeared.

{You have acquired the Gluttonous Gold Bomb skill}

{Please say and will the spell to active}

“That wasn’t so bad-” Suddenly, his pockets felt heavy. He reached into them, finding gold coins. They were duplicating inside, and soon Axel couldn’t move. He tried to empty them, but it only made it worse. However, like the others, it only lasted a few more seconds.

It annoyed him that the skills tried to injure him every time. There was nothing he could do about it except brace.

{You have acquired the Gluttonous Gold Bomb skill}

{Please say and will the spell to active}

“You alright?” Jack asked, coming into the back of the shop.

“Yeah, fine,” Axel said, getting to his feet,

“Helloo!” Jason said, behind him. “Is there really a uhyre hoard coming?”

“Why aren’t you at the stall?” Axel asked. “And yes, there is.”

“I’m taking a break,” Jason replied. “Plus, you guys would be hopeless without me.”

“Well, show us then,” Axel insisted.

“Ok, first things first, you’ll need water,” Jason explained.

“Got it,” Jack said, pointing to two large buckets.

“Then you’ll need the blue flowers. They’re called Mana Flower. Kinda hard to fuck that up right? Some idiot probably-”

“Jason,” Axel cut off. “Just show us.”

Jason rolled his eyes. He grabbed a vial and scooped up some of the water. It was roughly half full. “Now you transfer your mana into it to create mana water. It’s like a base. You can get better ones, but water is always best for quantity. Then-” Jason grabbed a mortar and pestle, and went to work grinding up some blue flowers. “When it looks like diarrhoea, then you’ll know when its ready.”

Axel peered into the mortar and pestle. “What do your shits look like?”

“Like this, actually,” Jason said. “It’s the booze. Actually, I haven’t drank for half a day. I feel great.”

“Yeah, congrats, Jason,” Axel said, folding his arms. “Then what?”

“Slowly, and I mean slowly, tip roughly a teaspoon of the blue diarrhoea into the mana water. Let it sit for 10 seconds, then give it a stir.” Jason did as he explained. He stirred it after 10 seconds, and the vial glowed and filled up to the top.

“It expanded?” Jack asked.

Jason hushed him. “Now for the best part.” He took off his shoes, revealing his ingrown toenails. He grabbed a cheese grater of all things and put his foot over the vial.

“No,” Axel said in disbelief.

Jason started shaving the dead skin on his heel off, right into the vial. Jack covered his mouth and turned around. He blurted, “What the fuck, Jason.”

After some more flaky skin had gone into the vial, it glowed softly again. “This part is crucial. It makes the potion work faster.” Jason said. He said it so casually it alarmed Axel.

“I don’t care about that,” Axel declared, bulging his eyes. “You just fucking shaved your foot into the vial?”

“Problem?” Jason asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well- it’s just fucking rank. Do you do that for all potions? Did you do that for mine?!”

“Easy easy,” Jason said, showing his palms. “No. I didn’t do it for the blender or the other ones. I had to stir the blender with my toes. Hence the wiggle toes effect.”

Axel breathed in deeply as he tried to control himself.

“Hold on, hold on,” Jason protested. He did the entire process again. However this time, he didn’t shave his feet. “Now look.”

Axel picked up both vials with a cloth and examined them.

Mana Potion

Tier: Common

Regeneration. 30MP/40s

I See Coins: 9 Copper

Mana Potion

Tier: Common

Regeneration. 30MP/25s

I See Coins: 1.7 Silver

“For fuck sake,” Axel spat. “He’s right.”


Axel handed the potions to Jack who too examined them. “Jason. It’s gross, but smart.”

“I am a prodigy,” Jason declared. “You have to make do when you all your income goes to alcohol.”

“Fair play,” Axel said. “Still. It’s fucking gross.”

“Gross or innovative?” Jason questioned. “Both actually. But trust me, they’ll sell far better . . . You guys try, there’s a line building.”

“Fine fine,” Axel grunted. Jason scurried off to the front of the shop after.

“It is innovative,” Jack chimed with a grin.

“Shut up,” Axel said, smirking. Axel followed the same process as Jason did, but hesitated at the foot shaving part. “You like parmesan cheese?”

“Oh no,” Jack said, holding his throat. “I can’t eat bolognese again.”

Axel kept eye contact as he brought his bare foot out and shaved it.

{You have crafted your first ever potion!}

Rewards: 5 Experience

{You have earned the title: Alchemist}

“You get 5 exp,” Axel said. “Is that for every time?”

“Do it again,” Jack offered.

Axel did.

{You have crafted a Common Mana Potion}

Rewards: 1 Experience

“Now it’s down to one,” Axel said. “Still. It’ll be good. The base potions are worth 9 copper. We could easily push that up to 2 silver on the terminal.”

“It’s not bad. Alright. If you start, you know- shaving your feet into it. I’ll keep grinding the blue flowers and making the mana water. Then we switch when you start bleeding.”

“Alright, fine with me.”

And so, for the next two hours, the two made mana potions. They started slow, but got into the groove of it fairly fast. Jason said the price for the mana flowers were fairly cheap, so it wasn’t costing them anything. Once Axel’s feet started to bleed, they switched over. Since Jack was an orc, he had far more dead skin than Axel.

It was hard work, but the two were determined to switch up the market. They made batches upon batches; putting in hard graph. The two were reduced to nothing but their underwear as the sweat got the better of them. Jason came in every 30 minutes to check up.

Eventually, after six hours, they had made well over 600 mana potions. They had designed an easier way to do it. It felt wrong to them, but they had managed to create a tub of shaved foot skin. They could knock a tub over dozens of vials, making the process time shorter and shorter.

The time they had spent making them was inefficient money-wise, but it was what he planned to do with them after was the real money maker.

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