《The Legendary Hoarder (VRMMORPG)》Chapter 7 Corpse Snatcher’s Hideout
Chapter 7 Corpse Snatcher’s Hideout
It was the most hopeful he had been since he started playing the game. He always felt hopeless, in the sense that the debt could never be paid off. The plan he had in mind was going to take a lengthy set up period, along with a pricey investment. But he knew he could pull it off. And with Jasmine, who he had met earlier, it was going to be much easier.
In truth, he never felt he needed anyone after his family fell into despair. He knew that he pushed everyone away because of embarrassment and his pride. For he was The Legendary Harder; money didn’t matter to him. But it really didn’t at that time. He was happy that Jasmine was joining him, not only because of the coin involved, but she was someone. She was annoying, and he may have called her a cunt, but she wanted to help him. Even if she was just wanting to play the villain.
Axel wasn’t playing the villain. He understood that he came across as that, but there was no other way to make money legitimately. He had to be ruthless- cutthroat- take no shit; like his bosses. Speaking of which.
Axel’s phone buzzed in real life, and a screen flashed up. He winced. “Fuck.” He clicked the answer button.
“Axel, where are you? You’re five minutes late,” Mr Johnson whined.
“I-uh, have been having some family problems,” he half-lied.
“I know you’re in debt Axel, but that’s no excuse to skip work. If you’re not here within the next 30 minutes I’m letting you go.”
Axel breathed in deeply, hesitating to respond. He remembered leaving the briefcase on the underground the previous night. There was no going back now. He also couldn’t believe he had been playing the entire night.
“Are you going to respond then?”
Axel let out a short breath as he stopped in the middle of the street. “You know, Mr Johnson. I’ve met people like you before.”
“Uh huh, and what’s that supposed to mean, Axel?
Axel grinned. He was going to finally let loose. “You’re a fat tub of lard that’s too fucking lazy to do any job yourself. You sit in that large office every day, and watch the receptionist walk up and down the hall getting your fucking copies. Not only are you a pervert, but you’re a no-good cunt that hassles hard-working people. You only got that job because your brother is a large share holder in the company. Maybe, if you weren’t such a complete and utter tool you might be able to find a woman to have sex with you, instead of visiting that massage parlour every break. Oh, and did I mention you’re only allowed half and hour for your break. I mean, I do, but yours are at least an hour and a half. So, it’s eithers your dick can’t get hard due to all the hardcore gay porn you’ve been watching- yes, I looked through your history, or your sitting at McDonalds stuffing your face full of shit that’ll kill you in five years. I’ve met plenty of people like you, and if I could take a shit on your desk, I would.”
Mr Johnson couldn’t even speak.
“Cat got your tongue, Mr Johnson?”
“Don’t say anything actually. I don’t want to waste anymore of my time with people like you. Oh, and you know all those really important proposals I had? Yeah, they’re on the underground, covered in piss and herpes. Good luck, Mr Johnson, I hope some day you’ll get off your fat arse and actually work for once.”
He ended it after that; a huge weight was lifted off his chest. He hadn’t even rehearsed it, and he said like he was reading off a script. He hated every single second when working for Mr Johnson. He always worked over the clock, and covered for the man countless times whenever the big bosses came and checked up. It felt good, so damn good. Axel was proud of himself for finally saying what he was thinking to the man that made the last four years of his life hell.
Reality hit him, and realised he was standing in the middle of the street with an audience.
“Bosses, right?” he asked them.
They all just subtly nodded. A devilish grin stretched across his face, and he headed towards Bandits Hideaway.
He arrived there a few minutes later, and headed to the central area. It was nice being in the shadows once again. He walked trough the rundown area, past a dried up fountain, and then towards Barb’s stall.
“Back again so soon, Hoarder?” the man questioned, polishing a blade.
Axel smiled. “Yes, and I’ve come to you for some information.”
“Go on. I must warn you, some information comes with a cost.”
“Oh, it’s not that. I need a warehouse; large, good storage, well hidden.”
“Storage, you say.” Barb gently put down the blade as he thought. “There is a recently vacated warehouse you might like. It’s part owned by me and the alchemist I talked about.”
“Can I have a look?” Axel asked. “How much for the rent?”
He clicked his teeth. “It’s a shabby old place; near the sewers at the back of Bandits Hideaway. Does the smell bother you?”
“As long as it doesn’t smell like my old boss, then no.”
“Sweat, lard and shit?” Barb joked.
“We may have a problem,” Axel returned, grinning at him. “So, can I have a look?”
“Of course, we may discuss the price once you’ve had a look.”
Barb emerged from around his stall; he instructed Axel to follow him. Axel noted that Barb was very lanky, and he looked like most kids’ nightmare with his withering appearance. There were scars all over his body; made from either monsters or weapons. Axel couldn’t quite pinpoint any definitive answers. He did however, notice an unusual mark on the man’s hand he hadn’t seen before. It was of a crow with three eyes. There was some runic language surrounding it. Axel didn’t want to ask him as he knew it wasn’t his place, even if he was an NPC.
They turned down a dark alleyway, and then into a darker one. They emerged on the sidelines of a deep sewer which Axel hadn’t seen yet. It looked modern which puzzled him.
“Interested in the sewer?” Barb asked, not looking back.
“Yeah,” Axel replied.
“Tresluna was once a dwarven city. They say the jagged rocks formed during a battle between giants. After the dwarven kingdom fell, the now king flattened the great city. They left this part alone as it was deemed to dangerous to try and remove.”
“Cool lore,” he noted.
“Lore indeed. The dwarves knew things that the new king doesn’t. He set back technology a hundred years. Now, this sewer has turned into a playground for children and rats.”
Axel absorbed the information. Barb was more intelligent than he let on. The man was smart in the ways of selling, but he hadn’t imagined he would be outspoken of the city and its history.
“I know, I know,” explained Barb. “I know I don’t look like the type.”
“You can read minds, huh?”
“If you’ve been around for as long as I have, you can tell what almost anyone is thinking.”
“And how long’s that?”
“126 years.”
“What the fuck, Barb, you’re 126 years old. How?”
Barb grinned, but still didn’t look back. “That information will cost you.”
“Always a vendor, huh.”
“Always, Hoarder, always.”
They arrived at an old warehouse. It was more than rundown, but it was still standing.
“What was it used for previously?” Axel asked as he looked at the building.
Barb cleared his throat. “Corpse snatcher’s hideout. They were robbing the graves of the nobles in the upper part of Tresluna. They disappeared a few weeks ago.”
“What if they come back?”
“They’re dead,” put Barb, calmly. “Someone hired a bounty hunter to kill them; it’s a risky business.”
“Not surprised some nobles got pissed,” Axel commented.
“I would be. Want to have a look inside?” Barb asked.
Barb whisked a set of keys from his pocket, and found the right one. He jammed it in the lock, and rummaged the key aroundt. However, Barb found it already unlocked. He scowled, then turned to Axel. “I’ll be no use,” Axel whispered. Still, he brought out his starter sword, while Barb put on the pair of knuckles dusters Axel had sold him.
Barb’s fists clenched, and then he shoulder barged the door open. He ran in, but instantly dropped the hostile aura. “For fuck sake!” Barb yelled.
“What?!” Axel came in a second later, to find a naked man passed out on the floor with a bottle of whiskey next to him. “Who is it?”
Barb pressed his palm to his forehead. “You know that alchemist I talked about . . . Well, here he is. Drunk and naked.”
The naked NPC on the ground popped an eye open. The other tried to open, but it gave up. When the good eye re-adjusted, it locked on the big leaning of Barb; and his pissed off expression.
“B-barb?” the naked guy said in a panic, trying to clamber up. He was getting there- slowly. He leaned on a few empty crates, and eventually stood tall. That lasted an entire second as the man fell backwards. He tried to get up again, but his body wouldn’t physically let him.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Barb angrily asked.
“Mum kicked me out,” the naked NPC replied. “She said her new boyfriend didn’t like me. Fourth one this week.”
“And?” Barb asked. It appeared to be a regular occurrence.
“I turned his dog into a cat. He hates cats.”
Axel couldn’t help but be amused. It was rare to find these sorts of NPCs in the game. Even more rare to find them naked.
“Who-who-” he slurred, “who’s that? The ugly goblin.”
“Hoarder. And you?”
The man’s eyes looked to the top of his forehead as he tried to remember.
“His name’s Jason,” Barb answered instead. “If he wasn’t the best alchemist I know, then I would have kicked him out already.”
“Kick me out?” Jason questioned. “We own this place- together.”
“Not anymore. We have a tenant,” Barb explained.
“What? The ugly goblin?”
“His name’s Hoarder.”
“I got no place else to go,” Jason slurred, while still trying to remember his own name.
Barb sighed. He then looked to Axel and said, “Half rent if this drunk lives with you.”
“Is he gonna be a problem?” Axel questioned.
“Are you gonna be a problem, Jason?” Barb questioned.
Jason blinked a few times, then offered his hands up into the air.
“He’ll be fine,” Barb explained. “Leave him a corner and some rags.”
Axel pouted his concern. Barb said that he was the best alchemist he knows, that means he could of be of use to Axel. He liked to watch drunks do stupid things, but the persistency of Jason’s antics would annoy him eventually.
“How much is the rent?” Axel questioned.
“Ten silver for a month, 5 for you,” Barb replied.
It was shockingly cheap; it was almost too good to pass up. Axel didn’t care about where it was, so it was perfect. He took in the warehouse. It was reasonably large, with a catwalk above. There was what seemed to be an office space with one wall torn down. There were some empty crates, a few mattresses, a collection of empty whiskey bottles, and what appeared to be a cellar.
“What’s that?” Axel asked, motioning to a metal hatch.
“That’s where they kept the bodies. Smell proof.”
“Anymore bodies down there?”
“No,” Jason replied, now getting up. “I checked.”
“I don’t trust the word of a drunk man,” Axel spat.
“Good,” slurred Jason, “cause I didn’t.”
Barb clicked his teeth again as he looked at the drunk man. “Axel, look after him for me.”
“I know you don’t want to, but he’s a good lad,” Barb explained. “I’m asking you for a favour.”
{You have befriended Barb _____}
{Your reputation rank with Barb_____ is Friendly}
{If you accept Barb’s favour, then he will do one for you}
“Deal,” Axel said, extending his hand out.
Barb shook it, and almost crushed Axel’s hand without realising. “Ah, sorry, old habits.”
Axel shook the pain out of his hand. “Don’t mention it.” He took 5 silver out of his wallet, and handed it to Barb.
“Here are the keys. Pleasure doing business with you, Hoarder.”
Barb left shortly after, and that left Axel with the drunk Jason.
“So,” Jason said, trying to hold the vomit in his throat. “Why here?”
“Why anywhere?” Axel diverted. He realised that keeping secrets from Jason was going to impossible. They were practically roomates after all.
“You don’t see many goblins round here. Definitely not loot goblins. And not just anyone would want to rent in Bandits Hideaway, so-”
“What do you want to know, Jason . . . Put some clothes on, first.” Axel brought out the starter gear from his inventory, and chucked it over to him.
“A traveller’s clothes,” Jason commented. “Did you kill one?”
“No, I am a traveller.”
Jason cocked his head. “Oh, right.” He stumbled around as he tried to put the clothes on.
Axel thought Jason was fairly interesting. He examined the man. He was medium height, with a puffy head of hair that was cut into a terrible mullet. He had furry ears on the top of his head, and his teeth looked sharpened. Axel knew he was an animal type race. He was just as skinny as he was, and also looked like a stressed drug addict.
“Barb said you’re a good alchemist,” Axel repeated.
Jason bowed overdramatically. “My services are quite expensive.”
“No they’re not,” Axel challenged. “I’ve used some of your potions.”
“Yes, they’re not. My potions are good, they’re just cheap.”
“That’s a good way to put it. Anyway, I’m gonna be using this place as a hideout and storage. They’ll be people coming.”
“Traveller friends?”
“Fuck, you’re annoying.”
“Fuck you’re annoying is my middle name. If you need me for anything, I’ll be in the corner.” Jason then stumbled over to a piss stained matress, and then fell onto it. He passed out not long after.
Axel rubbed his chin. “Always a catch.” He didn’t mind looking after the drunk alchemist, he just hoped he wouldn’t get in his way. It also seemed Barb wasn’t just an ordinary vendor; there was more to him than met the eye. Axel had to admit, the game was amazing. Almost all of the time, the NPCs felt real. Jason was a great example; a drunk, genius teenager who got kicked out of his mother’s place. Now he was bunking with him. If that wasn’t realistic then he didn’t know what was.
He yawned. He hadn’t been to sleep in over 24 hours. He could survive longer, only his thinking wouldn’t be as sharp. He needed to sleep where he wanted to or not. However, the only other mattress that wasn’t occupied in the warehouse, was stained beyond belief. “Fuck, it’ll do.”
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