《Strange Aeons》Chapter 12: Ambush PART 2


“One down,” he sneered.

“Zed, LOOK OUT!”

He turned toward Emi's scream, instinctively raising his katana.


Disarmed from the initial blow, the reptilian fighter recovered and leapt at him, claws first. Much to Zed's dismay, the armored scales barely cracked as the monstrosity gripped the blade tightly with both clawed hands. The steel blade shrieked in protest against the scales as the two struggled. A single bead of blood ran down the length of the blade.


Zed grunted heavily, sweat stinging his eyes. Mr. Big and Ugly was strong. Maybe stronger.

They grappled back and forth, both fighting desperately for control. The reptilian leaned over him menacingly, hot, rank breath filling his nostrils. Yellow pointed teeth snapped inches from Zed's exposed neck, seeking blood. Strings of bloody saliva flew from his vicious maw as he thrashed closer.

Droplets struck Zed's neck and face. And sizzled.

Acid? It can spit acid?!

Nerves alight with pain, he let out a guttural roar and twisted out of the reptilian's hold. He dropped the katana once again and backpedaled quickly, his hands flying to his face. Mistake. With a flick of his forked tongue, the reptilian gave chase. He closed the distance between them impossibly fast, claws out and teeth bared.

Out of the corner of his vision, Zed saw the archer pull back the bowstring and take aim. Blood thumped in his ears as he turned and launched himself to one side. He hit the floor hard and rolled away, sending pins and needles through his body from the impact. He scrabbled for cover behind a nearby bench.

Bizarrely, his assailant suddenly howled in pain from behind.


The fighter staggered into another bench, hands flying to his back as he twisted around.

What the hell?

An arrow. There was an arrow embedded deep in the reptilian's shoulder.


The remaining archer had loosed his arrow into the fray only for it to hit his compatriot from behind. The fighter roared in indignation, gesticulating aggressively at the archer. Even from here Zed could see the scales on the archer's face visibly pale. He hissed back, but without conviction.

The fighter grabbed the shaft and pulled hard. It held fast, blood leaking slowly from between his ridged scales. Undeterred, he continued to twist and pull on the shaft, hissing and spitting all the while. The air was heavy with the stench of copper and raw sewage. Black blood ran down his battered scales in earnest as he proceeded to turn his shoulder into mincemeat. His tail thumped on the stone floor in agony as he worked. Zed's stomach clenched at the brutal display.

Fuck, that arrow could have hit me! And that smell – it's putrid!

Finally, Mr. Big and Ugly snapped the shaft off at the entry point and threw it bodily at the archer. The archer dropped his weapon and took a tentative step backward. Then another. Suddenly, he froze, head raised awkwardly and eyes bulging.

Sneak has increased to LVL. 3.

Surprise Attack has increased to LVL. 2.

“That's right... surprise, motherfucker!” A harsh laugh escaped Zed's mouth.

Garrote Thread glinted around the archer's throat. A line of blood ran down his pale scales. Un-Zed stepped out from the shadows behind the archer, mimicking Zed's own laugh. The fighter whipped his head back and forth repeatedly from un-Zed, to the spot where Zed had been, and back again.

Got you. Now, let's move!

Unseen, Zed began the treacherous crawl toward the discarded katana. Mr. Big and Ugly struck his breast and roared, spitting vitriol. He took a step toward the unraveling hostage situation. The clone simply grinned in response, pulling the threads just a little tighter. Blood streamed. The fighter hesitated. The archer began shrieking, an unholy keening cry. Zed tensed, forcing himself not to cover his ears. Stalemate. He felt the corners of his mouth turn up.


Almost there. Keep moving.

So close. He jumped to his feet and made a mad dash for the weapon. The noise finally caught the fighter's attention and he stared at Zed in bewilderment as he re-armed himself.

“Neat trick, isn't it?” He gestured with the katana, grinning.

If the stupid bastard can even understand me...

Mr. Big and Ugly turned jerkily back to his compatriot. Zed drew the reversed blade aross his own neck, ordering the archer's execution.


The next few moments played out almost in slow motion. The inhuman screaming was abruptly cut off. Un-Zed nudged the archer's body forward and blood sprayed outward in a torrent. The body crumpled forward; the severed head thudded wetly to the floor. It rolled forward a few meters, a ghoulish wobble, then stopped.

A wretched wail ripped from the lone fighter's mouth. He sprang forward toward the clone assassin.

“NOW!” Zed yelled.

Un-Zed hurled his katana overhead and vanished.

Shadow Silk.

Bandages flew from Zed's wrist. They whipped and whistled through the air, past the charging reptilian. The blade flashed silver overhead.

“THIS,” he yelled, catching the duped katana midair with his skill, “is how you play the long game!”

Zed pulled the katana in, blade first. Lightning fast, the weapon ran the fighter through and lodged in his spine. He dropped to his knees, panting.

“You know,” he spat, waltzing up behind the reptilian, “I was just starting to enjoy myself here. And here you are, trying to fuck it all up.”

A memory floated to the surface, unbidden.

Young Zed sat crosslegged before a flashing TV screen, leaning side to side as he mashed buttons on his controller. His father burst into the room, redfaced.

“What the fuck do you think you're doing, you little shit? Where the fuck is my dinner?”

He crossed the room in two steps and grabbed Zed by his hair, wrenching him out from in front of the TV. Zed screamed, clawing at his scalp. Tears streamed from his eyes.

“Don't open your fucking mouth, just do it!”

His father's other hand shot out, cracking Zed across his face. His head snapped back. Blood and snot gushed from his crooked nose and he wailed.

“You disgust me!” His father tossed him roughly aside. “Now clean this shit up! And I expect dinner on the table in thirty minutes!”

He shook his head vehemently. Another time. Another life.

“Not again. Never again.”

Mr. Big and Ugly looked up at Zed, his mouth tinged with blood. His claws fell away from his chest wound, utterly defeated.

“In Edall's name, you son of a bitch.”

Zed drove the second katana into the fighter, mirroring the first strike. The reptilian jerked and spasmed violently, then went still. His upper body sagged backward, held up only by the twin katanas. His empty eyes glared at the ruined ceiling in an obscene caricature of prayer.

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