《Strange Aeons》Chapter 7 – Sword Training


Chapter 7 – Sword Training

Should one person wrong another,

follow the law of retaliation.

Let vengeance be repaid in kind.

An eye for an eye, blood for blood.

Tyranny shall be met with Divine Wrath.

Coexist, my children, lest ye forget

My name is Edall, and I am your Final Judgement.

-The Divine Guidance of Edall

Zed Thorne

Level 2

Soul Marionette

53/53 HP -- ∞ MP

Constitution: 5 Strength: 6

Intellect: 9 (UP) Wisdom: 4 (UP)

Dexterity: 4 Charisma: 5 (+4)

Luck: ?

Affinities: ALL

Title(s): Dark Traveller

Boon(s): Dark Divinity -- 'Protection of the World'


Shadow Puppet -- Active: Materialize the shadow of a living entity. Will follow master's command for 5 minutes or until destroyed. Cooldown is increased if Shadow Puppet is destroyed. Cooldown is decreased if dismissed naturally.

String of Fate -- Passive: Available once per day. If attacked while outside, wind will reflect attack or push character from danger.

Garrote Thread -- Active: Creates deadly bladed melee weapon from ethereal strings. Variation(s): Flaming Garrote LVL. 1.

Appraisal LVL. 7. Throw LVL. 1. Swagger LVL. 4. (+4 Charisma)

Sneak LVL. 2. Surprise Attack LVL. 1. Fear Resistance LVL. 3.

[Dragon's Hoard] [Immortality] [Classy]

Dark Vision LVL. 1. Vision + LVL. 1. Mana Control LVL. 2.

Language Comprehension: High Human LVL. 10. (MAX); Elven LVL. 10 (MAX); Goblin LVL. 4.

Magic Manipulation LVL. 1. Fire Magic LVL. 1. Fireball LVL. 1.

Thread Control LVL. 1.


No. No. Absolutely not. You have got to be kidding me.

Zed was flabbergasted. After levelling up he immediately opened his Status and Skills menu and was greeted with a flood of new information. Sure enough, he was finally able to confirm what he'd been suspecting for a while: His mana pool was truly infinite. Additionally, the abilities he'd gained from eating the Legendary Elemental Fruits, along with [Classy], had been catalogued as special skills. Luck was still an unknown, branded with the ever-mysterious question mark. Hm.

The class level up caused a couple of minor attribute skill ups, but from what he'd noticed so far, most skill ups seemed to come from actual work and effort. That was... different. Not bad, necessarily, just different. Also, from what he'd observed during the goblin fight, there didn't seem to be an experience system. He hadn't thought to loot the goblin corpse at the time, so it was still unknown if it was possible to receive item drops from looting.

Okay, so, the usual exploits won't work here. But that doesn't mean the system can't be exploited...

“Oh, Zed?”

He quickly dismissed his Status menu and looked back to Emi. She was standing next to the decimated Affinity Stone and staring at him rather intensely, hands on her hips and lips pressed together in a thin, hard line.

Aha. I... am in deep shit.

Zed smiled sheepishly back at her.

“I... ah... sorry about that,” he said, nervously rubbing the back of his head. “It was an experiment... imbuing my Garrote Thread with fire magic.”

“I see.”

“In my defense, you gave me explicit verbal consent to dabble in destructive spellcasting. As an added bonus, I learned a fair handful of new skills and levelled up my class. So, it's demise wasn't all for nothing.”

Stony silence.

“...It can be repaired, right?” he asked gingerly.

“Hmm, I'm not sure. I'll have a couple of the fellows take a look at it after lunch. For now, I think it's best if we shifted our focus to more... shall we say... practical, physical training.” Emi paused. “Well? Come on, we don't have all day and I would be negligent in my duties if I didn't train you to be a well-rounded swordsman, yes?”


Her eyes gleamed and Zed felt himself compelled to nod. He slid down from the rock and trotted across the sand to join Emi without argument. From there, they began their short trek to the martial training yard, passing just behind the dining hall.

“Zeddy-boy!” A great voice boomed from the dwindling buffet. “Mid-morning snack for ya, lad?”

Edgar appeared seemingly out of nowhere, holding what looked to be an actual piece of fruit, the first Zed had seen since he arrived at the temple. It looked like something akin to a Granny Smith apple.


Chartreuse Earth Apple

Uncommon Bush Fruit

Aspect: Earth

Grown from the Eastern Dwarf Apple Bush. These bushes are cultivated in the East Jita bonsai tradition. While this type of bush requires a great deal of care, they flower and bear fruit thrice annually, making them an attractive option for growers.

Its fruit is described as both tart and sweet, with buttery soft flesh protected by its thin, crisp skin.

Yes, and please, and thank you! In that order, sir!

Zed's face lit up in delight and he moved to extend his hands to catch the fruit. Emi, however, was quicker on the draw and snatched the apple away one-handed as it passed in front of his face.

“Sorry, Eddy,” she called back. “He's on his way to martial training. Best to not put anything else in his stomach until afterward. I'll hold on to it 'til then.”

“Ma'am,” he answered in solemn reply, bowing his head. “Zeddy, best take care.”

But... but...

Visibly deflated, Zed fell back into step behind Emi. He was beaten.


The martial training ground was a vast green expanse bordered with the same flagstones and divided into three equal parts: a spacious archery range complete with a row of straw target dummies, their chests daubed with glaring red bullseyes; a weapons training yard, its grass clipped with meticulous care; and a martial arts ring with multiple sparring circles on one side, and wooden training dummies for solo trainees on the other.

By contrast, the martial training ground was densely populated with multiple groups training together. On the far side, it appeared that a guided meditation session of some sort was being taught by another priestess to a small mixed group. As the priestess flowed, so did the group, all moving together as a singular wave.

There was a lone archer setting up in the range. As they approached, it became evident that the archer was inspecting their bowstring before practice.

Emi guided Zed past the archery range to the middle weapons training yard. There were two groups sparring with simple wooden swords and staves in the middle, and two individuals practicing with dummies off to the side. There was an intense air of concentration here; no speaking within the training yard whatsoever. Zed heard only the cracks and slaps of the wooden weapons connecting in midair and the occasional grunt of exertion from the fellows. Of the monks present, Zed recognized only two, Yusai and Tatan.

Emi pressed two fingers to her mouth and whistled. All activity immediately ceased and the fellows stood at attention. She drew herself up in an authoritative stance, making her presence known.

“Brethren! Allow me to personally thank you for your cooperation regarding this morning's training interruption. Unfortunately,” she paused, shooting a pointed glance toward Zed, who sheepishly wiggled his fingers at the group. “We've had to cut our morning practice short and the magic circle will be out of commission for at least two days. I'm afraid I must intrude upon your routines once again and ask you to clear the central combat area. However, all present are cordially invited to witness a lesson in progress, or move on to singles practice.”


A lesson? Doesn't she mean training?

The fellows nodded and cleared the area, milling around the edges of the designated combat zone. Yusai passed off his training sword to Emi and vacated the center. Tatan, measured and impassive as ever, offered his sword to Zed. He grasped the hilt, but Tatan made no move to relenquish the weapon. Instead, he pulled Zed in closer and spoke quickly and quietly.

“Have you any talent with a blade?”

“Never even held one before in my life,” Zed replied, moving his lips as little as possible.

The man exhaled an inhumanly long breath through his nostrils.

“I see. You are in deep trouble. Both hands on the hilt, knees slightly bent, and face her straight on. Keep your blade extended to keep distance. Try to meet her strikes. Don't watch where she is, watch where she's going.” He released the blade and stepped back.

Zed's mind was racing, trying to take in and retain this new information. He attempted to mimic the stance Tatan suggested and the monk raised both eyebrows and tightened his mouth in response. Not very reassuring.

“This is going to hurt, isn't it...”

Tatan nodded.

“This is going to hurt.” He turned and raised a hand in farewell. “Good luck”.

Shit. Well, I could always try this...

“Change Class.”

For just a moment, time seemed to stop entirely. Tatan froze mid-step, hand still raised. Emi glared at him, unmoving, from her position across the combat area. He took a quick look around. Sure enough, no one moved, no one breathed. There wasn't even a breath of wind through the nearby trees. Zed instinctively understood that this effect was very temporary and any significant action he took now would break the time-stop.

Quickly now, quickly!

A translucent menu materialized before him, displaying each available class. He cycled through the available options and quickly selected one of the original starting classes, Crystal Blade.

Class Chosen: Crystal Blade [Y/N?]


New Skills Available:

1. Forge Blade

2. Elemental Strike

3. Crystalline Defense

For additional information, please refer to your Skills Menu.

Yep, on it.

Zed was flying through menus and options as quickly as possible.

Forge Blade – Active: Creates a sword with durability and attack power directly corresponding to user's Constitution and Strength, respectively.

Elemental Strike – Active: A vicious slashing attack which inflicts bleeding and one Elemental Effect (predetermined by user) on target.

Crystalline Defense – Passive: Available once per day. Summons an unbreakable crystal shield to protect an ally from an otherwise fatal blow.


Skills from Soul Marionette Class are able to be used, but are not able to be levelled up while utilizing another Class.

Okay, this is... workable. Not ideal, but workable.

As the class change took effect, Zed stepped toward the combat area and time shifted smoothly back into place with none the wiser of what he'd just done. Tatan's hand fell back to his side and he joined Yusai and the other fellows in the audience. Emi ground her heel into the dirt and readied her stance. She could clearly see the inexperience in both his stance and his grip. Her first move, logically, would be to charge. He grimaced.

Immediately he understood why Tatan had made a face at his attempted defensive stance; he had poor form and left himself wide open. However, his current skillset didn't give him any particular insight regarding battle stances. He might be able to get a swing in with Elemental Strike, but even that was dubious at best. He shifted back slightly on his left foot and redoubled his grip.

At least offer her a smaller target to hit.

“I... ah... so how should we begin this lesson? Do you want to have me practice stances? Or... try a few swings?”

For the love of all that's holy, placate her.

From across the combat area, Emi smirked. Not good. He wasn't going to get through this without some degree of injury, of that he was certain now. Every face around the circle was silent and stoic.

Wordlessly, Emi launched herself at Zed with righteous fury, wooden sword howling as it cut through the mid-morning air. Too fast! He had no time to react to her assault.

This is the part where everything moves in slow motion and my life flashes before my eyes, right? Pfft, some life.

The moment before she made contact with his sword, an intense, unnatural gust of wind lifted and swept Emi back and away from Zed, leaving her sprawling in the dirt some thirty feet away with a bodily thud. He felt, rather than heard the audience gasp in shock.

Her wooden sword clattered harmlessly away. Emi appeared to be stunned, but was otherwise unhurt. She struggled to right herself again from the knockback. Simultaneously, a notification box pinged urgently into the corner of his vision.

[WARNING: String of Fate has been activated.

Beware! You are under attack!]

For the first time, Zed experienced his Soul Marionette's passive ability firsthand. However, now was not the time to celebrate. Too soon, Emi recovered from his inadvertent magical defense and was back on her feet. She stomped over to the discarded weapon and snatched it up in a huff. Emi was clearly seeing red, in fact, the tips of her ears were stiff and burning. If he wasn't a little frightened of her, Zed would be chuckling at her reaction. It was almost cute.

Don't hurt me. Please don't hurt me.

“It was involuntary, I swear!”

Emi's nostrils flared and, with a guttural yell, she charged again. She raised her blade up to strike and Zed, with all the confidence of the ubiquitous villiage idiot, locked his elbows and attempted to meet her attack.


Their swords clashed violently in midair and the impact shuddered through his arms, very nearly staggering him. The vibration stung both his palms and fingers and he dropped his weapon. The force of the impact caused him to slide backward in the dirt, leaving visible clouds of dust in his wake.


Before he was able to recover, he lost sight of Emi. His eyes wildly searched the area. Where had she gone? He strained his senses searching for her.

Sudden nimble footfalls approached. But where?

There! Behind him.


“Forge Blade!”

Zed turned his head, pulling his hand up behind his back and over his right shoulder. The blade quickly materialized from hilt to tip, and he grasped his new sword tightly. Darkness pooled faster than light, giving the sword the appearance of shiny, opaque black glass.

Gasps of shock and surprise could be heard from the monks around the circle at the fantastic sight.

Her next strike was aimed horizontally across his back, clearly meant to disable him. He moved to block her attack; however, the blade shattered like so much glass nearly as quickly as it was formed as her blade struck his. The slivers of the blade dematerialized, vanishing into nothing more than dust.

Zed unbalanced and was sent tumbling forward from the heavy impact, rolling face first across the ground. Dirt and pebbles bit into his cheek. He looked up. His heart, already pounding heavily with exertion, suddenly dropped to the pit of his stomach.

Oh, fuck, she's going to kill me. Double-fuck. She can't kill me. Which is worse? Which is worse?!

Emi smirked, clearly having gotten her revenge. Seamlessly, her face reverted to its normal stoic expression. She backed off, allowing him to recover his footing. Zed struggled to his feet and grabbed up his abandoned wooden sword. Clearly it was more substantial than his conjured blade. He ground his teeth together and tried to better regulate his breathing.

In, two, three...


Out, two, three...

Skill Acquired: Combat Meditation LVL. 1.

Emi raised her hand in a sort of 'come on' gesture.

My turn now? Alright, then.

Shadow Puppet.

Zed conjured a copy of himself, identical down to the wooden sword and scraped cheek. Emi's eyes widened momentarily and Zed took this opportunity to lead a charge of his own.

He and his clone moved as one, weaving in and out in a serpentine charge. Both Zeds raised their blades. Both Zeds yelled.

The real Zed attempted a token swing at Emi. As he swung, he barely heard her hissed, “Haste!”

She disappeared from sight. Not again.

Zed and his clone looked at each other in a brief moment of mutual confusion before--


Zed's clone vanished to smoke and he felt a strange sense of warmth and comfort as his vision went black.

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