《Haven in a Dangerous World (Old)》Update


Sorry, guys for the hiatus. It might continue for a bit longer. The second half of this semester has been more work intensive than I thought it would be and I haven't had much time to write, which is bugging me, but it makes sense since I'm doing 17 credits and working. bleh. I'll try and get one out, but it may not happen in the next three weeks. So, at the very least, updates will occur after three weeks (that third week is finals week, which means I might be able to get one out sooner, maybe the week of the eleventh (my b-day ^^) since I usually have no class)

Reasons are I have a major paper coming up that's going to be like my whole grade. And most of my time recently was spent making up a language for one of my linguistics classes, which has been the bomb, let me tell you. I can translate stuff into it now! I'm so excited! Nihi. Comment, cause I'd love to spill my guts about it.

Here's a sample: Sika ithi sum ithben t’aikbeni a roben won las maq ithi!

I love you guys, and really, thanks so much for keeping up with my story. I'll see you around hopefully. Sorry this isn't an update.

On a side note, how was your thanksgiving? If you had one. The US is the only one that really does that, right? Mine was too short in my opinion.

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