《Haven in a Dangerous World (Old)》Game plan


K, here's what's up.

First off, it want to apologize for the last chapter. It's definitely generating a lot of mixed feelings from what I'm seeing. I apologize that you have to see me go through this hugely messy writing process.

I've already started working on the rewrite. It's slow but it's going. You probably won't be able to see it until much much later in the story though.

This chapter was drastic. It was on purpose for a few very specific reasons that are tied to each other. The haven in my head was slowly being backed into a corner and it had no way of resolving that without bathing her in blood. Because of this chapter, her hesitation that I've been having to deal with this whole time is gone. She can move forward with confidence. Two, it also brought back some of the dangerous world feel that it felt was lost just following her around creating stuff.

The worms themselves are important to the story line. They'll show up much more often now.

I agree with you that this chapter was terribly rushed and came much too soon though, but it's needed to get it out to have my ideas solidified. So here's a poll. You choose.

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