《Gateway》Chapter 49 - Looting the Scrapper Camp


Chapter 49 - Looting the Scrapper Camp

Søren, Neeka, and Sehro converged in the center of the camp after verifying that all the Scrappers were eliminated or dealt with, according to the mission log. Søren once again shook his head at the log itself.

"This mission log is cheating. There's no way you could have this information normally."

Neeka just shrugged and looked down at the unconscious Human at her feet. The former captive of the Scrappers had briefly woken up, but passed out again after seeing Neeka tearing apart the bindings on their cage.

"Forget the mission log, we just took out the entire camp! That was amazing," Sehro said animatedly. His eyes kept flicking this way and that, taking in the entire battlefield.

"Yeah, we did pretty well," Søren conceded. "I honestly didn't expect our thrown together plan to work out as well as it did."

"It was a good plan, Dirt," Neeka chided him. She reached into her inventory and pulled out the [Uncommon] engram, a slightly glowing eight sided polyhedron. "You should [Analyze] these and let us know what they are. It'll be good training for your skill."

Søren nodded and took the engram from Neeka and another produced by Sehro from his inventory. He took out his own engram and sat down, cross-legged, next to the campfire in the center of the Scrapper's former camp. He laid the three engrams out in front of him and picked up the first once, preferring to use analyze instead of [Mass Analyze].

"No idea if it would work anyway," he muttered to himself. "Plenty of time to test it later."

Søren triggered his analyze skill on the loot engram and the small context menu for them appeared: Analyze, Trade, Upgrade, Discard. He tapped on the Upgrade option and a blue window appeared.


Would you like to spend 10,000 Atlantean credits to upgrade the [Uncommon] engram to a [Rare] engram? Y/N

He tapped yes and did the same for the other two. May as well see how much it costs to go further, he figured. He brought up the context menu for the engrams again and tried upgrading them from [Rare] to [Epic]. Only a hundred thousand Atlantean credits each. Doin' it, he said to himself. Apparently he had billions of unspent credits thanks to a distant relation that had traveled from Earth before Atlantis sunk beneath the waves.

"Let's see if we can upgrade to Legendary!" Søren said with a bit of disbelief in his eyes. He brought up the context menus again and tapped Upgrade.

ERROR! You may not upgrade loot drops beyond [Epic] tier.

"Eh, would have been too easy I suppose," he muttered. He brought up the context menus one more time and selected analyze on each of the engrams. The first one brightened considerably and unfolded. The golden fuzzy ball appeared in the center of the unfolded shape, which then suddenly expanded and resolved into a set of armored leggings that matched the style and color of the Guardian armor pieces he had already collected.

Congratulations Traveler! You have won [Guardian Greaves (Copper IX)]. Congratulations Traveler! You have won [5000 TEK Block x3]. Congratulations Traveler! You have won [Guardian Pauldrons (Copper X)].

"Decent haul I guess." He added the two armor pieces to his inventory and then mentally equipped them after binding them to himself. He knew neither Neeka nor Sehro would want them. He took one of the TEK blocks for himself and set aside one of each for his traveling companions.

Guardian Greaves (Copper IX)

+4 STR

+4 STA

+120 HP

+35% melee defense


+35% ranged defense

+10% to movement speed

Guardian Pauldrons (Copper X)

+4 STR

+4 STA

+120 HP

+35% melee defense

+35% ranged defense

+10% to ranged attacks while aiming

Søren looked over his stats and felt like he was finally getting to a point he felt comfortable getting into a fight if needed. He stood up as Neeka and Sehro returned from looting the camp. They dumped a pile of goods onto the ground next to the campfire and Neeka handed Søren a satchel.

"This holds scrip used by the Scrappers and has a journal you should look at," she said.

Sehro flicked one eye at the captive on the ground next to the loot pile. The captive was stirring slightly.

"I think that'll have to wait. Our guest is waking up," he said.

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