《Gateway》Chapter 47 - Assaulting the Scrapper Camp (Part Three)


Chapter 47 - Assaulting the Scrapper Camp (Part Three)

Sehro quickly flipped the second dagger around, letting the blades of both daggers rest flat against his forearms. The [Scrapper Assassin IX] blurred into action with a swift double strike of her own. Sehro triggered [Hunter's Parry], which allowed him to evade both strikes. His blades deflected hers to the side, leaving an opening he decided not to take. The Scrapper assassin must have used a higher rank technique or something. Her blades crossed in a second, downward double-strike where his arms would have been if he'd taken the opening. She sneered at Sehro, but shouted in shock when he planted his foot into her chest and ripped downward with his talons. He didn't do much damage to the Scrapper assassin, but her armor ripped free and tumbled to the ground with a loud racket.

"Nicetricklizard," she hissed at him. Her words strung together with no pause between them. Whatever skill or technique she was using couldn't last much longer, Sehro hoped desperately. His parry technique was on cooldown for another eight seconds and it didn't look like she was going to give him enough time for it to be available again. The assassin in front of him dodged to the side and then Sehro felt, more than heard, the bullet that took the Scrapper raider behind him in the throat.

Sehro > Thanks Søren, I didn't even know that guy was there.

Søren > I didn't either. I was aiming at her. WATCH OUT!

Sehro grimaced and rolled to his left as soon as he saw the message. The assassin rushed forward and struck at his side with a dagger held low. The edge of the blade gleamed red with a destructive energy. Her other dagger was held back for defense. His armor parted beneath her blade, absorbing the entirety of the attack. Some kind of armor breaching technique, he guessed. He spun around to follower her movement, as she moved further away from the campfires. She lifted her arm and pointed it him, raised her hand up at the wrist and a dart fired at him from inside her sleeve. Sehro grunted as it struck him in the side, shaving off a few dozen hit points.


Behind him, he heard two more bodies drop to the ground. The notifications for clearing the camp were stacking up in the corner of his interface. No time to check them now. Neeka and Søren look like they're handling their part just fine, he thought. Sehro feinted towards a wooden crate off to his side when the assassin lifted her other armor to point at him. She quickly corrected her aim and fired a second dart at Sehro. He aborted his dodge into cover and triggered his racial leap ability instead. His legs flexed and hurled him up and over the assassin.

Sehro contorted his body into a spiral and twist, adding the [Serpent's Fang] technique to his attack as he landed behind her. Both daggers dug deep into her back. The assassin kicked out behind her and knocked Sehro to the ground a dozen feet away. The Scrapper assassin grunted as the damage-over-time from Sehro's attack began ticking upwards.

"Interesting," she said. "Haven't seen that technique in a long time." She sheathed her blades and focused on her interface. Sehro noticed a different notification pop up. The assassin stood there and waited. "Go ahead, read it."

Sehro narrowed his eyes at the assassin and then tapped the notification. One eye focused on the interface while his other kept watch on the Scrapper assassin. He quickly read the notification and turned both eyes on the assassin.

Alyssandra [Scrapper Assassin (Copper IX)] has offered to surrender to you, Sehro [Fuerven Assassin (Copper V)]. In exchange for being allowed to go free, she will grant to you a [Token of the Shadowblades]. Y/N?

"You won't threaten my home again, will you?" Sehro asked. The Scrapper assassin, Alyssandra rolled her eyes and huffed loudly. The notification dinged again and in exchange for being allowed to go free, Alyssandra would grant the token and vow not to attack Sehro's people unless attacked first. Sehro reluctantly tapped yes on the notification, but his curiosity had gotten the better of him. Alyssandra grinned and produced a copper token and flipped it to Sehro. Reflexively, he shot his tongue out at the token and caught it mid-air, before it had traveled more than halfway towards him from Alyssandra.


"Be seeing you," she said and vanished from sight. Sehro's interface dinged again. He removed the copper token from his mouth and examined it briefly. The token had a billowing cloak embossed on one side, with a pair of eyes engraved deep into the token inside the hood of the cloak. A pair of crossed short blades covered the bottom half of the cloak. The other side of the token bore symbols Sehro knew from his grandfather's stories. Copper coins minted out of Haven, had a laurel embossed around the edge and an Atlantean temple in the center. A half-dozen pillars atop of a thick foundation and a dozen steps leading up to the entrance. Sehro tucked the token away and opened the mission log.

Clear the Scrapper Raider's Camp

A raiding party of Scrapper's have set up a temporary camp at the Crossroads. Remove the Scrapper threat before they become a danger to Caisleán.

20 / 23 Scrapper Raider slain

1 / 1 Scrapper Raider Captain slain

0 / 1 Scrapper Captive rescued (mission fails if captive is slain)

1 / 1 Scrapper Assassin impressed (hidden mission objective completed)


• 1500 TEK

• 1 settlement build point

• [Uncommon] engram

• [Token of the Shadowblades]

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