《Gateway》Chapter 46 - Assaulting the Scrapper Camp (Part Two)


Chapter 46 - Assaulting the Scrapper Camp (Part Two)

*ding* Your party has defeated a Scrapper Raider (Copper III).

You have earned 100 TEK. (940 / 3350)

You have gained 50 reputation with Water Finders.

You have lost 200 reputation with Blightspire Clan of the Junkyard Kingdom.

You have lost 100 reputation with the Junkyard Kingdom.

Søren dismissed the notification and four more like it, that followed shortly after the first. Threat icons on the drone feed were replaced with greyed out skulls next to the already cooling bodies of the Scrappers Sehro had eliminated. Neeka moved steadily closer to the rank six brawler, her spear clutched tight to her chest. Her form on the drone feed was far more easy to follow than Sehro's. If it weren't for the party icon and Sehro's name next to the icon, Søren might not have noticed his traveling companion via the drone feed. His new path had provided several new stealth techniques and abilities that helped them avoid notice from a variety of sources, like creatures or technology that sensed heat.

A pair of Scrappers headed towards one of the tents Sehro had already infiltrated and cleared of threats. Søren watched the pair on the drone feed out of the corner of his eye and kept the main threat of the camp in his sights, and sent a warning over party chat to Neeka and Sehro. The bigger, taller Scrapper had their arm around the shoulders of the smaller one. Together they stumbled up to the tent and gestured animatedly. Søren presumed they were trying to wake up someone inside the tent. After a few tense moments, the bigger Scrapper moved to open the tent, but then was dragged at by the other towards an empty tent. The first Scrapper waved their arm in disgust at the tent with the "sleeping" Scrappers and allowed themselves to be pulled away.


Søren relaxed a fraction and checked the perimeter of the camp using the drone feed and then the hilltops surrounding the hollow the Scrappers had set up their camp within. Nothing. Empty wilderness. He turned his gaze back to the camp just as a flurry of notifications appeared in the combat log of the interface. Another four Scrappers eliminated by Sehro.

Neeka > Take the shot Søren. We're going to lose the initiative here.

Søren > Taking the shot.

Søren rested the barrel of the [Artemis Scout Rifle (Silver I)] on a small boulder next to him, made a quick adjustment as he tightened up his arms to tuck the stock of the rifle tight against his shoulder. The reticule over the presumed leader of the camp shifted colors several times before settling on a light green. Søren gently squeezed the trigger with his index finger. The rifle bucked lightly against his shoulder. The *phut* sound from the end of the barrel was lost in the sounds of celebration in the camp below.

*ding* Your party has defeated a Scrapper Captain (Copper X).

Inside the tent, the reaction was immediate. The Unknown (Copper IX) jerked away from the falling body of the slain captain, turning the motion into a backwards tumble. They turned and slit the back of the tent open with a curved dagger before pushing through. Søren tried to track them with the rifle and took another shot. The bullet struck a pillar of the tent and shattered it. Splinters exploded and shredded the canvas around the wooden pillar. The sub-captain dove behind a rock and began shouting orders. Scrappers throughout the camp dropped drinks and food and scrambled for their weapons. Søren shifted his aim to one of the slower Scrappers and took a third shot. The Scrapper dropped bonelessly to the ground.


*ding* Your party has defeated a Scrapper Raider (Copper III).

Several of the Scrappers pointed in Søren's direction, some skill or good perception pointing them towards his position. The sub-captain shouted again and five charged towards Søren's position. Neeka rose from the underbrush at the edge of the camp and struck at the lead Scrapper. Their momentum left them with no time to dodge. She used the body as a shield as two others opened up with chattering slug-throwers that spit flame and smoke in a cone in front of them. Søren took out the left one with a pair of shots as Neeka shoved the body at the other, knocking them down.

Across the camp, Sehro prowled towards the sub-captain, using the chaos to get within striking range. The curved blades of his daggers gleamed in the firelight, a small trail of blood from his previous victims dripping off the edge of one. Sehro triggered a slew of Assassin skills, empowering his strikes with swiftness, piercing, and a deadly poison. He lunged forward and brought both daggers down towards the Scrapper's back. The sub-captain of the Scrapper's twisted to the side at the last moment, causing one blade to grind against a resilient armor beneath their clothing. The other blade slashed through a vulnerable opening created by the sudden dodge and left a shallow wound in their shoulder. The sub-captain spun around, slashing through the air where Sehro's throat would have been had he not thrown himself backwards into a tumbling dodge.

"You're pretty good for a lizard," she said. Her bright green eyes flashed with a pale white light as she activated an unknown Skill. Sparks of electricity danced across her body. "Letsseeifyoucankeepup." Her words were fired off rapidly, little to no space between them, as her body began to move faster. Sehro flipped one of his daggers around in his grip, in an effort to tighten up his defenses.

"I'll do my best, slaver."

Clear the Scrapper Raider's Camp

A raiding party of Scrapper's have set up a temporary camp at the Crossroads. Remove the Scrapper threat before they become a danger to Caisleán.

13 / 24 Scrapper Raider slain

1 / 1 Scrapper Raider Captain slain

0 / 1 Scrapper Captive rescued (mission fails if captive is slain)


• 1500 TEK

• 1 settlement build point

• [Uncommon] engram

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