《Re: Pokemon Red》Chapter 3 Making a friend


Seven years have passed and I'm now seven years old. Not a lot has happened that's worthy of note other than learning to walk and talk. I've also completed a few more quests and have a nice stache of skill points I have saved up. A few were... questionable. I still think someone is screwing with me. Mom has been quite doting on me ever since I learned to talk. She broke a plate when I called her "momma" for the first time. She spent the rest of the day trying to get me to continue to say "momma". She even saved it to her phone... I've caught her a few times listening to the recording in her room...

I've learned a few things about this world since being born. Mainly that not everything revolves around Pokemon. The technology level is all over the place. I've seen cell phones from the early 2000s and smartphones that have features that look like they haven't even been invented yet back in my old world. I've seen computers that look ancient while at the same time I've seen those new ultra-thin laptops. Cars even back in the old world were a mixed bag but cars here look like they are more futuristic compared to my old world. And they are all-electric as well. I looked into it and it turns out this world has no fossil fuels to speak of. Which leads me to believe this world is much much younger than my previous world.

I also started school last year. Much of school remains the same.

I also found this douchebag.

Name: Blue Oak


Sex: Male

Trainer Type: None

Titles: Grandson of the Professor, Troublemaker, Bully


Cooking 1

Running 2

Pokemon Knowledge 4

Trap setting 2

Charisma 1

Not even ten years old and he's already being the asshat he's known to be. He's already the class bully and has a small group of followers and kissasses. I've seen him a few times bulling kids out of lunch money and other things. Truly an asshat.


On the way home one day I saw asshat and his groupies crowding around something on the road to making a ruckus so I got a little closer to see what there crowding around.

As I get closer I hear them yelling "Giant" several times. I'm finally a few feet away and I can finally see what there crowding around.

It's a girl. She's on her knees with her hands on her head and shaking. Poor girl must be scared out of her mind with all these guys around her yelling at her.

Quest Received: Save the bullied girl! Seriously. NO ONE likes bullies. Doesn't matter what world you're in. Save the poor girl from these clowns. Maybe you'll finally make a friend. Reward: 5 skill points

Now, this is a quest I can get behind. But that reward... looks like the System Admin REALLY doesn't like bullies. Welp lets get the show on the road.

"Now this is a new low even for you " (Red)

Hearing the new voice the kids turn around scared at first but probably realizing I'm not an adult the kids visibly relax but then look annoyed.

"What did you say punk? Come over here and say that." (Blue)

Walking over I passed a couple of his flunkies and I get right up into blue's face. He obviously wasn't expecting me to actually do it as he looks unnerved but he can't show weakness in front of his flunkies.

"I said. This is a new low even for you." (Red)

New Skill Gained: Intimidation

Blue start getting... well... blue in the face and takes a step back. Perfect timing to get that skill. It's only at the first but Blue is just a 7 year old like me so it shouldn't really take much.

"Tch. Let's go, boys, this just stopped being fun. Smell ya later loser! Have fun with the giant!" (Blue)

I watched them run off and noticed blue was slightly faster than the rest. Smirking a little to my self I hear a soft voice.


"Thank you" (???)

Looking over I see where the voice came from. The girl still on her knee's on the ground was looking up at me with her hands still on her head.

Quest Completed! You saved the adorable girl! She's been through a lot so please take good care of her. You both need friends and yall should be just great friends!! Reward received: 5 skill points

I just smile and offer her a hand to help her up.

"Come on let's get you off the dirt." (Red)

She looks at my hand and nervously takes it and I pull her up. I was wondering why they were calling her a giant and only now that she is standing up to her full height do I understand why. She's a full head and a half taller than me. I'm pretty darn average when it comes to height at my age but she must have had a growth spurt early. Wonder how much taller she is going to get before she stops growing. I can imagine she has issues with her height at her age. The state she was in when they were bullying her kinda confirms it. I should be careful to not mention her height.

"Wow you are pretty tall" (Red)

Damn you brain!!

She starts getting teary-eyed and starts sniffing like she's about to cry. Quick defuse the bomb!!

"Wait don't cry! I think it's cool your so tall!" (Red)

"R-really?" (???)

"Yea. I wish I was as tall as you! Being tall is great!" (Red)

"T-there's nothing great being t-tall." (???)

"Of course there is. You can reach higher places. You can see over others. And you can easily intimidate others. Though that last one doesn't seem to work on those guys. Strength in numbers and all." (Red)

The tall girl just stares at me unblinkingly. She opens and closes her mouth likely she's trying to say something but she can't get it out. Guess it's up to me to move the ball forward.

"My name is Red. What's yours?" (Red)

"Ah, m-my name? I-it's Copper." (Copper)

"It's good to meet you, Copper." (Red)

I hold my hand out for a handshake and she slowly and nervously takes my hand and we shake hands. I noticed when I helped her up before but her hand's are not as smooth as I was expecting them to be. Her hands feel slightly rough like she uses them a lot.

Let's take a look-see at her status.

Name: Copper Tesla


Sex: Female

Trainer Type: None

Titles: Tinkerer, Mechanic, Daughter of the great Engineer


Cooking 2

Running 1

Pokemon Knowledge 1

Tinkering 3

Engineering 3

Dismantling 3

Wow. Gear head much? Looks like her family has an engineering background.

It was only after I got a good look at her that I see that her dress was ripped. Getting a better look at her she has dirty blonde short hair. She has a bit of a pale complexion like she's indoors all day. She has bright green eyes and is wearing a green sundress.

"Oh no. It looks like those jerks ripped your dress somehow." (Red)

"Huh" (Copper)

She looks at the rip in her dress and starts to cry a little.

"D-don't worry my mom can fix it no problem! So we can run by my house real quick and get her to fix it." (Red)

"R-really? Is it fine to get your mom to fix it?" (Copper)

"Sure is let's go get it fixed." (Red)

I hold my hand out for her and again she nervously takes it and now we're off to my house.

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