《Avalon》Chapter 12- Way of Pestilence


Hey Guysss,

New chapter is done.....Anyway onto more pressing matters, i was always not gonna do a harem, at the beginning i thought many females admiring the mc would be called a harem but i didnt think that all of them would need to be his love interest. I definitely am gonna stick to my original story which definitely does not include a harem, i apologise personally to people who think they have been cheated, but this is where i want the story to go and i will stick to my story. Special apology goes to Abyssdarkfire and lourdiemar who i feel as though i have mislead.

I am extremely sorry guys.

I finally found an awesome PR, he is a former rewriter for Reborn: Wolf Man, so he is definitely a really good one. He and i are going to be helping each other and are going discuss various ideas together. Cheers Thernn for mging me...

Anyway dont forget to comment, review, rate and favourite


Check out my fics:

http://www.royalroadl.com/fiction/1658 - Avalon

http://www.royalroadl.com/fiction/1556 - Heroes of Jorg


Balthazar’s POV:

I followed the capering Blight rat slowly through the mist-shrouded cemetery; I was forced to move cautiously, lurking behind tombstones, using magic to completely blend in with the shadows of the night. I was following a lone Blighrat that was scurrying to its master, scared out of its mind.

I was about to come out of position after seeing that Deimos had securely scared off the Blightrat, which was attacking him but, When I was going down to greet him I sensed with my spiritual sense that more than 2000 Blightrats were scurrying towards his location continually, they were all coming for him, this wasn't a normal attack, it was organized and efficiently acted out to destroy the boy. They had the compound of my wife’s grave completely surrounded.

“Tenebrae Caveam” I whispered

Quickly using one of my stronger spells and completely decimating almost all of the rats in my radius of about 2 km. This spell leaked an extremely thick black fog from my body, enveloping all of the whitey mist in the Graveyard and engulfed everything in a radius of 2km around me. I now could sense any and all things that were in this radius and with a flick of my hand; I crushed all the rats into mince meat with nothing but their innards laying where their bodies should have been. This darkness spell caused my magical reserves to drastically decrease but it decimated the oncoming attack and should save the boy for the time being. Even though I was am Emperor rank combatant decimating and completely liquefying more than 2000 knight ranked beasts was no easy thing, and for it to be done instantly I had to expend a sizeable amount of my energy. I needed to find the source of this attack and destroy it as soon as possible, I thought to myself. I was following this Blightrat for precisely that reason.

The Blightrat at last made its way towards a vast mausoleum deep in the noble quarter of the Graveyard. I was creeping along paved pathways, between well-tended gardens. Here and there statues loomed over the sundials that were useless at this hour. I could see more and more of the Blight rats gathered around the place, but I could not waste my spiritual energy dealing with such things in case the perpetrator was a cardinal level beast or even a monarch level beast. I hid myself within the arched entrances to the tomb of some noble house. The mausoleum was built almost like a temple, as if housing a deity of some kind. In the moonlight hiding in the shadows I could see that the mausoleum was in a state of great disrepair. The stonework had crumbled, friezes had been eaten away by the effects of centuries of wind and rain, the faces had crumbled off the statues replaced by lichen. It looked like the stone itself was suffering from some terrible disease. The gardens around it were wild and overgrown. I could not be sure but I guessed that the family that built this place had fallen, or died out, whichever way they seemed not care for their ancestors. The place had a desolate look as if no had come here for centuries.


I bounded up the stairs as fast as I could, at incredible speeds, making sure none of the Blightrats outside could notice my presence. I grinned at the prospect of confronting the Blightrat leader in his lair, and it brought a smile to my face, after joining the Circle of Magi, it has been a long time since I engaged in slaughter. The stench was worse within. The walls were thoroughly caked with filth. I could feel it squelch under my feet as I blended in with the shadows. With practicing and learning darkness magic for more than 800 years, I have fundamentally become able to blend in with the darkness as it were my home, and my eyes can see through darkness better than light.

From somewhere from the distance I hears a faint scratching sound. I slowly moved making sure to not warn the Blightrats of my presence. Ahead of me now I could hear a loud chattering. It sounded like the Blightrats were invoved in some sort of obscene ritual. A faint slow of greenish, sickly light illuminated the corridor ahead. I swiftly walked and peeked through the shadows. What I saw was unbelievable, I saw Deimos his eyes were releasing an incredible green misty hue, dressed in nothing but his black pants which was littered with blood and innards making for a very disturbing sight. He was holding a crude club, which was caked in red abstract strokes of blood, with one hand and holding the head of a Green Bograt in the other…

What in the world happened?

Green Bograt POV (Before annihilation):

I cackled as one of my leprous claw broke off and fell into the bubbling cauldron. It was a good sign. My own plague eaten flesh would help feed the power, which lurked there and strengthened the brew that would soon bring death to my enemies. The God Poxes potion was at once the sacred relic and a weapon for the Rat Clan of Pestilence, and I intended that it would fulfill both purposes at once. From my pouch I took out a thick handful of Gastoad core dust and threw it into the great vat. My remaining fingers tingled from the Gastoad core’s touch and I licked them clean, feeling the tingling transfer itself to my tongue as I did so. I licked my gums so that some of the dust would contaminate the abscesses and ulcers there and perhaps make their contents even more contagious.

I hawked a huge glob of phlegm into my mouth and then spat it into the thick soupy mixture for good measure, al the while stirring with the great ladle carved from a thighbone of a Cardinal level beast. I could feel the pestilential power rising from the cauldron, the way ordinary Blightrats might feel heat from a fire. It was as if I stood in front of a mighty conflagration of toxic energies. I breathed deeply, pulling the heady vapors that rose from the mixture into his lungs, and instantly was rewarded with a thick, rough cough. I could almost feel my lungs clogging with fluid as the corruption brewed there. It was a just reward, I thought. My plans were going well. The test was almost complete.

The new plague was as virulent as could be hoped, but most importantly it was mine. I had used an old recipe but had added the new secret ingredient myself. I will from now call this Vile Bograt Pox, from the Pestilence clan. Everyone would know our name and the great Twin Horned Godrat would bless us with his infinite power. I would be long remembered as the originator of a new disease, one that would ravage the furless ones like a ferocious beast of prey.


With every night, the brew grew thicker. With every new plague corpse added to the mix, the disease grew stronger. Soon, I judged, it would be ready. I gave humble thanks to the Twin Horned Godrat the ruler of all the rat clans, one of the strongest immortals of the continent, for the inspiration which made me seek out a hiding place where I could observe a rich a source of contaminated bodies to drop into the brew!

Tomorrow night I will dispatch these Blightrats to drop contaminated Plaguerats into the wells, and through the roofs of the great abattoirs where the humans slaughtered their meat. After that, the plague would spread very swiftly.

I added more of the corpse roses to the mixture. These were my final secret ingredients to the brew; They grew on plants whose roots dug deep through the flesh of corpses. They were ripe and strong with accumulated death energies. I breathed deeply of the sent of corruption and peered out with my filmed eyes at the Blightrats. They lay sprawled across this ancient human death-chamber, twitching and scratching, coughing and hawking like true members of the Clan of Pestilence they were. I knew that each and every one of them was dedicated to our clans cause. They were filled with a sort of brotherhood, which few other rat type magical beast clans could understand. They had sought and found abnegation of self in true worship of the Twin Horned Godrat in his most concrete form: the bringer of disease, the spreader of plague.

For each and every member of the clan knew that their body was a temple, which harbored the countless blessing of our God. Their rotted nerve endings no longer felt the pain. I knew that other Rat type magical beast clans thought us mad and avoided us, that was because the other Rat magical beats, lacked their purity of purpose, their total commitment to serving our God. Each and every Green Bograt present in this continent was prepared to pay any price, make any sacrifice to reach the goals of our Pestilence Clan. It was this commitment that made us the most worthy of all of the Twin Horned Godrat’s descendent clans, and the most suitable leaders for all the Rat clans under our Gods’ influence.

Soon all the other clans would realize this. Soon this new plague will bring this Asgard City, located so close to our home in the forest, to its knees, even before the other Rat magical beast clans entered its precincts. Soon all would bear witness that the triumph belonged to the Pestilence Clan, and us Green Bograts, the humblest of our Gods chosen servants. Soon our clan will be the only vessel worthy of carrying our lords, blessings and words.

I slowly opened the cage, which lay close at hand, reached in and pulled out one of the large grey rats. It bit me viciously, drawing some of my black blood, but I hardly felt the sharp teeth cleave my flesh. Pain was near-meaningless concept to me. I closed the cage and left the other rats scrabbling within. I took the rat by the tail and ignoring it frantic struggling, lowered it into the brew, The creature struggled as its head entered the foul liquid, Its eyes gleaned madly and it scrabbled frantically with its small claws to try to keep itself above the surface. I used my other hand and pushed it down until the liquid entering its mouth drowned its squeals out. I held it under for so long that its struggles almost ceased and then I drew it up again, still dripping and set it down on the floor. The rat sat there for a moment, blinking in the light, as if unable to believe that it had been reprieved. I scooped it up and threw it into the second cage where the newly treated rats were. It sniffed and vomited. I scooped some of the small rats vomit and threw it back in the cauldron. Soon the cage would be full and I will dispatch one of follower Blightrats to release them into the cemetery and use them to drive out strangers.

Suddenly I heard our calling call, our emergency noise. “Screeeeeeeeee”. My brother!. I knew it was serious, someone strong was there. I quickly dispatched the surrounding 2000 Blight rats, already on patrol in this large Graveyard straight to the location telepathically. We Green Bograts, were Peak Stage Bishop level magical beasts, eventhough our physical powers were limited compared to other peak stage Bishop magical beasts, but we had great intelligence and telepathic abilities. We were born with hereditary knowledge on how to spread our Way of Pastilence to appease our God.

I continued my work dreaming colorful and wonderful dreams of being blessed by our lord…

Deimos POV:

I felt in that small split second lying on the ground; my body, slightly red from the minor burns I was receiving from these green slime attacks, my soul was once again undergoing some type of change. It wasn't powering me or changing my Tattoos, but it was as if my souls energy had finally managed to turn the minute amount of god consciousness into some kind of primal energy. I felt it the influx of the energy in my soul, as if this energy was too powerful to contain, and as if a dam broke in my soul . The energy came out of the confines of my soul and traveled straight to my brain, as if it were looking for a host. I felt all feeling go away, as if I was dead from the neck down. I felt nothing. After a split second I suddenly saw everything, felt everything, heard everything. I could hear the crow cawing off approximately 12.3 meters away from me in the north east direction. I could see the various calluses and warts present in this Bog rats jaw, squirting out pus continuously, in the pitch-black darkness. I felt like my brain was sensing and feeling at an extremely high level. I could sense the direction of the wind however small it was, I felt the rough sand against my back and could identify every grain from it.

My mind was working overdrive comprehending and hypothesizing what had happened to my brain. In my previous world Consciousness is something we all believed we possess. Since the mid 80’s on earth, scientists have found ways to probe brain activity, and linking it to traits we believe are vital for consciousness, such as free will and responding to stimuli. Study suggests that consciousness is a very small part of brain activity, as we are consciously unable to control or sense everything around us, scientist have done experiments to find out the extent of what normal consciousness does. The result is a conscious mind with a model of reality that allows us to do more than merely react to stimuli or the bidding of our unconscious instincts- turns us into incredible beings. The principle behind the practitioner of Buddhist meditation is virtually to understand the profound mysteries of consciousness. The Indian Philosopher Siddhartha Gautama, better known as Buddha, aimed to use this to turn the conscious mind in on itself and to watch it in action.

I understood that my brain had transcended the normality, and reached a stage where it feels and senses everything, I could predict the movement of the oncoming rat chomping down on me, I could sense the slight variation in the air pressure as the other Blightrats sucked air into to shoot me again with one of their green slime balls. I could sense the movement of their muscle and heat that was released as various pustules were breaking on their body. I could hear the small pitter, patter of the Plaguerats as they were dying continuously, but could also feel slight movements in their muscles, to predict which one would die next. I knew that the God consciousness energy had done something incredible to my brain.

I immediately used my two arms and vaulted up with my two feet pointing upwards kicking the Blightrat’s mouth close and breaking its jaw at the same time. I immediately, giving the filthy creature no chance as it was bleeding profusely from its mouth; using the winding snake form of the Silat martial arts, turning my hand into a spear, and piercing straight through its temple, dodging its futile attempt at survival, and ripping its brain out. I held the black sludgy sponge like brain in my hand, as the other Plaguerats and Blightrats, stared at me with its filmic beady eyes unable to comprehend what just happened.

I rushed out dodging all of the projectile green slimes that were coming towards me and, stepped on the 1st of the four remaining Blightrats paws restricting its movement and used the tiger claw movement to rip its heart out straight from its body. I forgot to control my power forgetting that I had a Bishop ranked body, and just went straight through its body bursting its tiny heart in on itself. It was amusing to watch as I executed another one of these bastards.

I sensed that there was another projectile coming right behind my head, and ducked down dodging it and dodging the Blightrat which was coming at me in pursuit behind my back. The rat lunged at me, not predicting my sudden duck and was flying over me. I swiftly plunged my hand straight into the air, skewering the Blight rat right ints heart. I stood and with a swift movement peeled its body of me and flung it away. I knew that I couldn't have done this without my newfound brainpower, and would have again, been constricted by projectiles I wouldn't have been able to dodge. I saw that there were now only some of the Plaguerats left, and one Blightrat, I recognized this one. It was the one who called for its friends. I jumped determined to kill it with the same technique as before; plummeting downn on it like a comet. I pushed straight through its body drilling straight underground. With my leg skewered into its body.

I looked around; I was utterly surprised as I found myself in an underground tunnel similar to the Paris catacombs. The tunnel was illuminated by the golden and silver light my tattoo was giving, which helped me see all the small skeletons lodged into walls of the tunnel. I had drilled a hole straight through the ground with the Blightrat skewered to my leg, I laughed, satisfied at my knew found perceptive powers which were simply amazing. I kicked into the air, sliding the dead rats body off my foot, and smashing its body into the roof of the underground tunnel. I was furious at Balthazar, and furious at these Blightrats, I could feel the small amount of poison coursing through my innards, but the regenerative powers of my Bishop ranked body was expelling it out slowly in the form of sweat.

I did not expect that simple run and a bit of exploration would turn into such an exciting night. I was no doubt furious at Balthazar, but the mundane life I lead for the past 12 years was getting to me and I could feel that my body was prodding and teasing at me to see where this night would take me. I could feel the adrenalin coursing though my veins, finally finding some sort of entertainment. I ran down into the Underground catacomb like tunnel, to see where it leads…

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