《Avalon》Chapter 9- Noble Children




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Deimos’ POV:

The next few weeks were a blur, starting from the Affinity Dome all the way to the private quarters of Alexius Asgard in the inner city hotel. People of all classes surrounded us. Thousand’s of nobles from the city flocked around us, as if a moth attracted to a bright flame. Without the power of Alexius I was sure the mobs of people would trample me. Everyone as the Titan of Kislev knew me. Hundreds of emissaries from all across the continent came to seek audience with me and confirm that I was a Tri-Elemental Titan, but Alexius barred the whole of the hotel to keep outsiders away. There was an instance where a man managed to make a small hole in Alexius’ barrier and tried to sneak in, but he was shown the worst of hell by Alexius tight in the courtyard which made sure none of the others attempted to go overboard. I saw what he did to the man and that sent shivers down my spine…

I spent the next week in the inn with Alexius, discussing the terms of my stay in Agardian Academy. I knew all about the academy. It was one of the top 5 academies in the West, but was soon perceived as the best after the Graduation of Gotrek as the youngest ever knight only at the age of 18. The story of how an 18 year old knight level combatant has appeared and he was also from the Beherit clan made the academy all the more awe-inspiring. With the recent enrollment of the 2 prodigies of the Beherit house, the princes; the academy’s reputation skyrocketed. Everyone at the academy was known to be the cream of the crop. Out of the hundreds of academies in the west, there were the 5 founding schools or the 5 Great schools, one of which was the Asgardian academy run by Alexius Asgard. He himself erected the school apparently 800 years ago. It never seized to amaze me how an Emperor could live almost indefinitely, being able to train for years and not succeed in breaking through to an immortal. I kept that to myself so as to not anger him.

The academies to the west took up almost the entirety of the western continent on the border of the great forest of the West. The most common schools were situated at the outermost sector being the furthest away from the Great Forest, and the 5 founding schools, were pressed against the Great Forest. The closer the school was to the Forest the more powerful it was. Many schools’ average graduating age is around the age of 35 but Gotrek proved himself to be a genius reaching at an extremely young age. During that time it was documented that only one other Genius reached at a young age but he became a knight at 20 years old. I was somewhat excited to arrive at the academy to learn more of the fundamentals of power here but I was sad to find that the arrogant girl from before had also been enrolled to the academy. The five academies were known to be extremely selective in choosing their candidates but apparently she passed.

I paid her no heed throughout the ordeal of smuggling myself out of the country and heading towards Asgardian Academy. I would often catch her looking at me with a contemptuous look on her, she clearly disapproved of my presence but she never voiced her opinion. I was less than bothered by her, I had singular goal and I will fulfill it, and get my vengeance. One of the primary reasons why I joined this school was to see if the kings children were worthy of their lives. I had vowed to decimate any and all lives associated with her, but I am a Godsman, and a Godsman does not bully the weak or kill the innocent. I would not hold children responsible to the mistakes of their parents.


After escaping the city we soon arrived at the edge of the academy and we were hovering over the huge monstrosity of a school. I was utterly shocked. The school was enormous, with training grounds spanning hundreds of kilometers, the school had an almost Victorian Palace ambience to it with children dressed in sharp uniforms. I looked at the children most had their Tattoo glowing continuously and were walking around with it. I saw not a single orange or vermillion coloured tattoo all were at the minimum a green tattoo, and even that child had somewhat unique feel to him. I saw that many were training running around, but halted and gave greetings when they saw the Lord Dean Alexius.

I saw pupils from the age of 12 all the way to the age of 30. I quietly observed while Siri the detestable girl rambled to the Lord Dean begging him to see where Gunther Beherit is. He was the elder son of the King and seemed to have been engaged to this little girl. I saw that she was maniacally crazy about the boy and chose to ignore her juvenile rants. I saw that a large number of students were staring at me. I knew that with my distinct appearance coupled with the fact that I was a Tri Elemental Titan, I was the object of everyone’s fascination and envy. I ignored the gazes and continued following the Lord Dean.

We were seated in his large office and he looked over at us and quickly called over someone. He then went onto explain to us what would happen during our stay here.

“Children you are the last to arrive to the academy due to unprecedented circumstances and only have tonight to accustom yourself to the lifestyle here in Asgardian Academy. You will during the course of your stay, be going to the classes referring to each of your elements everyday followed by combat training, which lasts for the rest of the school day. Every school day starts whenever your element lessons start for you and ends after the sun sets. The food will be provided by the school, and you will have to go to the blacksmith tonight and ask for a weapon of your choice. Show him this coin, and he will know you are a student of the Academy.” He informed.

“That is about the crux of your stay here, and the minor more intricate details will be explained by your teacher so don't fret. For now here are your room keys and you each will have a roommate to share your room with,” he said.

I was somewhat reluctant at the idea of someone always at my room. I didn't need further complications from incalculable outliers like another person to share my sstay here with.

“Lord Dean, I would prefer to have a room for myself, “ I said.

“Child just because you are a Titan does not mean you will be treated definitely, a Divine Tattoo is just an indication of your potential not your power. I have seen God level students be beaten by Beast level as they did not work hard,” he replied somewhat curiously. He must questioning my backstory due to the fact that I fabricated a false image of me being from an orphanage.

“It is a good thing child, it induces competition, and provides motivation. I have paired you up with an Olympian level wielder so I am sure you will not be disappointed. Although from what I hear Titans are at a league of their own, but I am sure he will put up a good fight,” The dean replied.


I instantly knew that I would paired up with Polos Beherit. This was good for my plans. I could understand his psyche sooner and deduce if they will be part of the destruction I will create. I gave a slight nod and sat down.

There was a knock on the door and a girl of an age of around 15 walked in with her head held high. She was an attractive girl, with cascading red hair and black eyes.

“Dean Alexius, you called for me,” she asked

“Ahh, Mariana you have arrived I would like you to escort these two to their respective dorms and explain to them of how things are in Asgardian, I want them to know of the ways from a students perspective.” He asked.

“Okay follow me, “ she replied gesturing us to follow her with her hand.

We quietly followed her, as she went on to explain to us the various ways in which this place works. It seems that there are a group of 12 students who are the most powerful and govern the school of any of its affairs. They are basically the elite of the school and are awe-inspiring powers. She gave us a small tour of the marketplace, the various inn’s, the Temple, and also the entrance to the forest. In general this place seemed to be similar to a small city but all of its affairs revolved around the school. We finally separated our ways, Siri and Mariana heading towards the female dorms.

Not before Siri made snide comment saying, “I cannot stand to be with this commoner dog any longer, let us go sister Mariana,” she tooted. Mariana gave a small chuckle and a sympathetic look before leaving with Siri.

I didn't care for them, I understand the psychological condition of a spoilt brat better than anyone, and my daughter was the incarnation of arrogance. I went towards one of the inns that Mariana listed in her best dinner meals. I wanted to have a small meal before heading to the blacksmith and making an order from my weapon. I had one in mind, the same one that I used to decimate many mafia gangs in Europe and Russia. I entered the inn intoxicated by the fragrant aroma wafting from the place; I sat down on a table on the northern end of the bustling inn. I waited till a young waitress came over to me and took my order. I ordered a small meal showing the coin, that Alexius gave me.

Suddenly a tall boy of around 16 walked in with an entourage of boys and girls in tow. He had black hair and bright red eyes. He had his head held high and looked down his nose as if he owned this establishment. My heart tugged I knew who this boy was Gunther Beherit, I could recognize those red eyes anywhere. He paced towards my table with no consideration towards any of the people there. They were silenced by his gaze alone and would quiver when he glared at them. He nocked down the waiter that was about to bring my hot tomato soup over, almost spilling it completely on her. At the last minute, I stood up and moved my hand towards the woman and without activating my tattoo, I intercepted the soup and let it fall on me, my skin was unblemished as if the burn healed itself completely and my shirt seemed to repel anything that came towards me, so the projectile spat back at Gunthers face. Making for a comedic sight of this sizable boy being burned by hot soup. Some of the children in the tavern muffled laughter before being silenced by his angry gaze.

I gave a small bow, “I apologize on behalf of the Asgardian Academy, it seems my fellow pupil does not know decency,”

“No need boy we get a lot of arrogant children come, I will personally inform my master of this oaf’s behavior,” she said before fixing her dress and walking away.

The boy was still infuriated by what had happened to him, and was seething with rage. He asked a yet another beautiful girl next to him with long blue hair to use her magic on him, she made a small wave with her hand and said an incantation. A small ball of water formed and creeped its way at all the soup on his face washing it off. I carefully observed her actions trying to deduce how magic worked.

“Boy are you the Titan,” Gunther said.

I gave slight nod and sat down in my chair. Still standing up he continued saying, “You are also an orphaned slum dog it seems,” he said snickering at the comment.

I was starting to see a common retardation in noble children as of late, and was slowly skewing towards killing him with his bitch of a mother.

“I am curious Titan, how did a slum born like you get such high potential even the legendary tattoo that only my ancestor was said to have in the entire continent,” he said with a snide look on his face.

I didn't give him a reply, and just emulated and perceived that they were non-existent. This seemed to have gotten this prick angry as he suddenly flicked the table up with his hands before grabbing on to my throat and pushing me up against the wall of the inn. Everyone gasped. I still looked at him, he must have noticed too, however hard he squeezed my neck I wouldn't budge. I had the body of a Bishop; of course he cannot hurt me.

“Your mother must have been a whore, and bedded thousands of nobles to make a magically potent child like you. Must been hard for she gave birth to you and died, and didn't teach you proper manners, when addressed by your better,” he said turning around to see laughter that echoed in his entourage.

My mind went blank, I no longer needed a reason not to hurt him, I am Godsman I will not let anyone who belittles my mother do as they pleased. I grabbed his wrist, and just from the intensity of my movement his wrist cracked and bent in a twisted and unnatural way. I kept twisting his wrist he howled and cried in pain, but the sound of his little bones cracking and distorting were music to my ears. Small gaps came from his skin that was stretched too much, and blood trickled and spurted from it. I completely dissolved, powdered the bones in his hand, snapped the various tendons and cut the little nerves into strands just from the strength of my body. I looked at him viciously.

“If you want to preserve your life, do not provoke me, as next time, I will slaughter you,” I whispered. His face was pale beyond reason; his body’s tattoo had activated already, the red hue emanating from his frightened face. His hand was now purple I had cut off all the nerves in his hand and it had bloated to a size of a basketball. I gave him no further glance as I walked out of the inn, with astounded gazes following me.

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