《Avalon》Chapter 8- Prophecy


Hey GUysss,

So todays chapter was little late cuase i had to study for a test tmrw. But i finally got it done. Anyway hope you guys like it..

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Check out my fics:

http://www.royalroadl.com/fiction/1658 - Avalon

http://www.royalroadl.com/fiction/1556 - Heroes of Jorg


Alexius’ POV:

I came to the ritual of the capital of Kislev this time. As the Dean and the head of the greatest school in the continent, Asgardian Academy. I usually would send one of my teachers, but this time I want to personally watch over the recruitment. This place was truly marvelous, not only is the city a nice, and bustling full of people. But produced one of the strongest and most accomplished combatants in the continent, the king of this country Gotrek. He is my pride, the pride of the Asgardian Academy, the genius of the continent. His son’s the two crown price of this country, are also marvelous talents, albeit a little arrogant but still, Cataclysm and Olympian level Tattoo wielders. They will be extremely powerful in the near future, maybe their rate of improvement may not be on par with their father, but they still have a great future ahead of them, and will make the academy even more proud.

I have spent more than 600 years building the academy; it has rich background being one of the founding 5 academies of the West. I reached the level of an Emperor than and decided to take a break. Although I am an Emperor I was miles below that of my master who could be called to be at the pinnacle of an Emperor. His power would completely envelop mine. My academy has been the top academy for the last 50 years, since Gotrek joined. He graduated only at the age of 18 being the youngest to ever reach the Knight rank. I personally came this time after the last year’s appearance of an Olympian level Tattoo. I knew the probability of finding another great child was less than none, but I already found a small beautiful white-haired girl from one of the great Mage houses of Kislev, the House of Dawn. She was a God level wielder, although miles below Cataclysm, she was still going to become extremely powerful.

I sat with the small girl and her parents, at the Affinity dome and was chatting to the family. The father was extremely proud to have a God Level in his family and kept boasting of his daughter. She blushed and looked at her father pouting and sticking her tongue out embarrassed.

“Thank you Lord Dean Alexius, for my daughter to be accepted to a prestigious academy such as yours, the House of Dawn thanks you, for your benevolence,” The father urged, with a face full of pride.

“Not needed, Lord Dawn, your daughter is a capable young lady. I rarely see a dual element affinity, with a God level Tattoo. Although I have seen a number of God level Tattoo’s throughout the continent. None have been a dual elemental. So your daughter may yet be the cream of the crop for this year.” I expressed.

“My family is proud of her, she will become someone worthy, and be attending the prestigious academy. I am extremely proud of her.” Lord Dawn giggled giving his small daughter a tight hug.

“I have yet to see all the children from Kislev, Lord Dawn if you excuse me I will continue with my observations,” I said

“No need Lord Dean all that are left now are the commoners, and orphans, I only know of one noble boy who is left, and I am sure he may have the talent similar to my daughter. I will inform you when he comes out, although he is quite easy to find with his bright red hair,” Lord Dawn interjected.


“Is that so, nevertheless let us watch to see if any more students come,” I replied, a little bit annoyed at this man’s arrogance now. I knew in this world all that matters is power, and wealth but it did not in the least agree with me. I remembered the time 600 years ago; Balthazar and I travelled the continent looking for new exciting places to go to. Of course I was only a child and Balthazar was my master but it still was probably the most exciting part of my life. I myself was just a small slum boy from Averheim, the magical capital of the continent; I was at deaths bed due to the arrogance of noble’s then, until master picked me up and I learned that I had a Celestial level Divine Tattoo.

I ignored his words, gave him a slight bow and returned to my front seat. I was looking out at the dome when a boy dressed in a black shirt, black pant and a black scarf came he looked stoic, his head held high. I looked at his eyes, and to my surprise they were emerald green completely green. I had never seen such bright eyes. Those eyes seemed to contain deep, sorrow and sadness. I carefully noticed his body and to my surprise and utter chock found that he had the body of a Bishop level combatant. His body was immeasurably stronger than any of the children I have seen in the continent. With his body alone he would be able to take the blows of Knight level combatant without any need to invoke his magic. This boy was already beyond my imagination, such small child with such power, it truly astounded me.

I looked at him and then he activated his Tattoo. His right and left hand simultaneously had the tattoo appear and in a split second a Brilliant Golden Hue started form around him, dancing and blending together. My heart stopped, a Titan, a TITAN has appeared…

Siri’s POV:

I had made my father proud. YAY, I was finally able to make him proud. All my childhood I have been told that the House of Dawn is one of the most powerful families in Kislev. I had to succeed in becoming a great combatant. My father always pampered me since I was little. I was taught by the best in magic, and I already started purifying my soul when I was 10 years old. I was a prodigy, and have been told that when I grow up I will wed the elder prince of Kislev, Gunther Beherit. I was ecstatic, Gunther was extremely, handsome and powerful, and he always looked at me lovingly and always said I was beautiful. I was told that I would become the mot beautiful woman in Kislev, and will wed the King when I grew.

I had visited many balls and many dances in my life, and I always was the center of attention. I was the bell and Gunther was the beau. I couldn't wait to get to the Academy and spend more time with him. We were in love and nothing will separate us.

I was in line waiting for my turn in the ritual when a boy wearing neat but cheap clothes came behind and waited in line. I looked at his face too see that he was an extremely handsome young boy. His green eyes coupled with his almost copper skin and medium length brown hair made for a exotic look. He was carrying his bags in his arms, and gave me short glance before going back to observing his surroundings. He didn't even look at me twice. I was dissatisfied to say the least. How dare a lowborn commoner like him not give me any notice at all. My beauty didn’t bewitch him or was he transfixed by my high status. To him I seemed to be nothing more than any other mundane person. I kept giving him glances hoping to see if he would notice me. He didn't even look at me.


I was infuriated and I started making gestures of disgust at him, how dare he not even acknowledge my presence. Luckily my cousin of the House of Tully noticed me, and carried on with the jig, he even went further by spitting on his back. I was satidfied then this dog needs to know his place. I smiled, my father looked at me and laughed.

I was surprised when the boy suddenly took off his shirt fished out a new one and put it on. I was truly pissed now, how dare he fix himself in my presence. I am noble daughter of Lord Dawn, Siri Dawn. Adrian Tully noticed my anger and went to punch the boy when a Ritual Guard suddenly stopped his hand, the guard gave him a stern warning before going back to his work.

The boy behind me looked at me and stifled a laugh before going back to his observing. I looked at him and was truly angry, how dare he. I was soon called up to the Ritual and went away. I decided that a lowborn is not worthy of my attention, I should just forget about a commoner like him.

I passed the Ritual with flying colors and was extremely happy until I saw the boy again. He walked up to the circular crystal ball and placed his hand on it. He invoked his Divine Tattoo and then I saw it. He was a Titan…

Deimos POV:

I looked out at the Affinity Dome, as they call it. It was quite the structure shaped almost like a colloseum with a stage in the front and a small crystal resting on a mahogany desk on the stage. I walked over to the crystal ball; it was small and quite clear with not a single blemish on it. I placed my hand over it and invoked my Tattoo. My arms were instantly covered in the tattoos and thick golden hue oozed from the Tattoo. I again felt a surge of energy and I was connected to my mana chamber and my soul.

The crowd of people seated there erupted into madness, clamoring their way to the stage, I was truly surprised, hadn’t yet even found out my affinity yet the people are so intent on me joining their academy. Suddenly before they could even reach the stage, a man with long golden hair and brilliant blue eyes rose. He looked to be about 30 years old. He waved his hand and instantly a purple tattoo appeared on his face. He then with a wave of his hand erupted a clear white wall from the ground around the stage.

“My name is Alexius Asgard, and I will not let you interrupt the boy’s affinity test. Go back to your seat NOW!!!” he yelled.

Everyone quieted and with his sheer oppressive nature, he pushed everyone back to his or her seat. I gave him nod and went to the crystal. I looked out at the crystal and placed my hands gently on it. Suddenly all my mana channeled to the center of the crystal and in the air above mine I could feel the atmosphere changing. An extremely large ball of flames erupted in the air, spitting and dancing about, it was not like the purple flames of my soul but similar to the traditional fire. A ball of swirling wind then followed it, collapsing onto itself, making the wind even more turbulent, and finally a thick blanket of darkness enveloped into the atmosphere, almost 10 times larger than the fire and wind. I knew my affinities now, as long as I am not an immortal I will have no access to the complexities and the mysteries of the universe but for now, my power completely relied on the profundities of these elements.

The blazing inferno, that leaves nothing behind, fire. The air, the infinite and endless atmosphere of the continent. The darkness the black oblivion, the infinite nothing that sucks and destroys everything in its wake. I read about the affinities of this world. The affnity of a person shapes his personality and influences his soul, it also gives them immense power over those elements. I read that most mages have an affinity to one element and the train that element for the entirety of their lives, very few have 2 elements, but only about 10 in the entire continent have 3 elemental affinities. All of them are on the circle of magi, and have been watching over the world for centuries. They sometimes preside over Rituals such as this but mostly send their subordinates to do their bidding.

I looked out at the audience all of them had their mouths wide open intently staring at me. I didn't pay them any attention and walked over to the man with long golden hair, who also looked at me flabbergasted.

“Sir I would like to become a student of the Asgardian Academy,” I said looking at him sternly straight into his eyes.

“Of course child, it will be an honor to have a tri elemental Titan in our academy,” he said.

I gave small bow nodded and sat down next to him. Instantly the audience erupted they quickly sent messages to the people around them, coerced and talked to each other. A Titan, a Titan had appeared. Soon word that a Titan had emerged spread across the entire continent.

In the Hall of King of Kislev: Gotrek’s POV

I was intently reading the documents in my own study. It has been 12 years since I saw Ariana. My heart wrenched and curled at my thought of what I had done to her. My love had destroyed her. I slowly took a small painting of her out, looked at it intently. These years I have become numb to love, numb to pain. My wife had destroyed my love, she had cursed me an eternity into damnation.

I never see her anymore, unless it is mandatory functions that require a public hearing. Most of the time I stay trapped in my office, envisioning the time where my son Deimos, my love Ariana were here. I looked at the empty space where his cot was, he was so young yet so interested in books. He would continually look at them with his green eyes similar to his mothers sparkling.

I never see my wife anymore, she was something I could not bare to look at. She had destroyed something I hold dear, something close to my heart more than anything in this world. She would come everyday and bang on the study door, maniacally calling out to me. I never see her, I never give her the pleasure of her entertaining that what she had done brought me closer to her. Ever since my sons have left she would come more often, but I did not care any longer, Melisandre was dead to me.

Suddenly there was a frantic beating on the door.

“SIRE, SIRE URGENT NEWS!!!!” my messenger cried.

“Come in,” I replied

He looked at me huffing and puffing, as if he must have run a a lot.


“WHAT!” I rose from my chair. I couldn't believe it a Titan. How has a Titan emerged now of all times. I sat down intently thinking of what happened. I didn't understand the. The prophecy I thought…


In a decrepit old room right on the cusp of the inner sanctum of the Forest of the West. A young man with brilliant red eyes was intently looking at a decrepit figure of an old lady. She looked withering almost ethereal as if a small gust of wind would blow her to dust. She looked at the young man, and from her mouth thick green smoke oozed.

“Young man, why have you come here, I have not had visitors for almost 10000 years,” she said, her head cocking a little and the green smoke kept drifting from her mouth.

“I would like to know my prophecy,” He said, offering her a small bag.

“Hmmm, you have procured the necessary, beast cores, lets see,” she said and in an instant appeared right at hairs width from the man. Looking at him face to face. Instead of eyes she had small silver glasses lodged in her cornea. Her face had various holes in it and small worms were travelling from one to the other. She looked at him for what seemed like an eternity, holding his head in place in case he gets frightened. Sweat trickled down the young man’s brow, as he looked at her glass eyes.

“AHAHAHAH, she cried. You young man will lead an interesting life,” she called.

"Blessed you are with power and might

A wife you have bearing sons of fright

Love above the divine you will face

A false prince you will embrace

With Titans breath you will share

A fate worse that death with the one you bare."


I trembled, before sitting down.

“Do we know what the child looks like,” I called. This child is the one prophesied to destroy me. I need to annihilate him before anything could happen.

“The child seemed to have an unusual appearance, he seemed to have a distinct green eyes sire, and coppery skin.” The messenger called.

I fell to the floor. Ariana, my son. I knew straight away it was the boy who was my son. The boy who due to my love has to watch his mother suffer everyday.

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