《What Is It Like To Be Eternal? (Completed)》Chapter 114 - Y-Young Masters *twitch*


Y-Young Masters *twitch*

Alice’s POV:


Fresh air rushed through the opened windows, fluttering the curtain. The sun shone on my face, annoying my eyes. Why were there stars in the Abyss? But at least the sunlight felt good. I opened my eyes, only to see Hiro’s muscular arms, coiling around my head. There was only a little gap, exactly enough for the sun rays to enter.

My right leg was resting on Hiro’s belly, my breasts pressed against his side and my right hand around his big chest. “Ah~ This is so nice,” my husband mumbled in a low voice, sucking in a breath of fresh air. I moved my right leg downward, wishing to stretch my leg, but I was blocked by Hiro’s morning wood.

“This too is really nice,” I whispered into his right ear, my right hand coiling around his manhood. I felt it twitching in my hand, showing his excitement and willingness.

“Do you want to have some fun? Our daughter and her friends are still sleeping soundly in the forest, so we have all the time to indulge in pleasure. Do you want the heart and body of your wife?” I whispered in a sweet voice, licking his earhole. I felt his excitement rise through the skies. “I like your reply. It turns me on,” I added, jumping on him. We ended up having a few more rounds in the bathroom before feeling satisfied.

Five years passed by and the time for Aurora’s next birthday neared. Her body barely grew anything in the meantime, reaching a height of a hundred and twelve centimeters. Her horns were five centimeters long and they started to show signs of turning spiky. Her blonde hair had changed to a golden brown over the years, however, you could still see the old blonde on the lower half of her long hair.

Most of her long hair was braided before being placed into an elegant bun, leaving around half of her hair hanging loose to flutter in the wind. She looked like an angel, but she turned cleverer and trickier as she continued growing. I loved to cuddle her and hug her whenever she was nearby. In these five years, our city turned heavily populated. There were only a few hundred houses left empty, which was very few, considering the size of Sawolond.

Some couples remodeled their houses and opened restaurants and did other ‘strange’ things they were interested in when they had the time. At least, most of these hobbies were considered strange when it came to people without halves. They didn’t see the world the way people with halves did. All they saw was strength and superficial bonds, reputation, fame… Aurora spent quite a lot of her time with us, but she went out with Dre and Kana too.

Since we went out with her numerous times, everyone in our city knew that she was our daughter. Kana’s and Dre’s identity wasn’t a secret either and word got out about their purple eyes. People said that they hadn’t seen eyes with such colors, which was surprising, to say the least. There were red, blue, and green colored hairs, including even stranger mixes. The same with eye colors. Yet why is it that nobody had ever heard of purple eyes?

There were quite a lot of universes, so we didn’t believe that there were no such people. Thanks to being well-known, everyone was respectful with them, which was something we found detrimental. Such being the case, over the years, we left Sawolond numerous times to visit other places too. Places where people didn’t know who she was. Considering that we reached the tenth level over these years, it was no wonder that nobody dared to pick a fight with our daughter.


At least, not until knowing that we were her parents. We may or may not have taken her to a place infested with geniuses… She was quite surprised when the snotty brats of her age started behaving in a pompous way, showing off their Sect names. In fact, she was experiencing such a thing at the moment. We took a rest in a restaurant and had lunch with our friends.

Gaia and Anthony had their children too, who was three years old currently. They had a daughter, called Sophia Blackwood. She was silent most of the time and talked only when necessary. Quite like Hēi. She was nothing like her parents, who were looking for tricks at every corner. Sometimes they felt more troublesome than the kids… Meanwhile, Kana and Dre were chatting all the time.

I closed my eyes to focus on the matter at hand. We picked a universe where people had to train, just like in Elena’s and Hēi’s universe, though they didn’t have tables and windows… Unlike in our original universe, there were clear differences between social standings, such as A class and B class and other random classes these people deemed as geniuses and such.

None of us cared about any of this and we totally didn’t come here so that our children would meet these kinds of stupid people too… The training ground in the city had only a limited amount of training tools. Since we devoured the souls of a few people in Hēi’s universe, Aurora inherited the ability to train her body. She didn’t advance quicker, no matter which method she used. She just had the possibility to switch between training styles. Dre was the son of Hēi, so he too inherited the ability to gain strength by training.

Kana and Sophia were just sitting on the side, cultivating. But since the training equipment was limited, it just so happened that Aurora and Dre picked the last two pieces. They just used some simple Gravity controlling law. We could do however much we wanted of those.

It was also by chance, that a snotty brat, being about two hundred years old, went to the training grounds only to find out that he had nothing to use. But his body looked like someone at the age of twenty. He was considered a genius since he reached the Domain Space realm at such a young age. We were real monsters, the whole family…

I still found it strange how quickly humans matured in Hiro’s past life, while even two hundred years was considered young in the outside world. Opposing that, Divine Beasts and a few rare species were the same or even better than the Earthlings. Maybe this was the Abyss’ doing too. [Don’t you find it too convenient to dump everything on the Abyss?] Hiro laughed at me. I shrugged my shoulders as a smile formed on my face. In the embrace of my husband, I focused on the unfolding events.

“What do you mean?! You don’t have any training equipment left!? But I’m the son of the city lord!” the young master shouted, causing my brows to twitch, while Hiro facepalmed. [Aren’t you doing that too often nowadays?!] I asked, earning a chuckle from him.

[It’s because my life is getting more and more stupid as I get older…] he replied, while I focused on the continuation with another mind.

“I-I’m sorry, young master Prion, but we can’t do anything about it,” the owner of the training ground said with a meek voice. The city Lord had this place is his hands, so it was no wonder that even the owner felt afraid.


“Just take it away from someone who came last! I don’t want to wear some sweaty wristbands!” Prion replied in a commanding tone. My husband couldn’t help but smash his head into the table. I think it cracked. Be careful with your strength, I remarked, shaking my head.

“A-Alright, young master,” the owner replied, sweating buckets. He ran up to Dre and said upon stopping in front of him, “Were you called Dreydon? Could you please wait before you train? I am terribly sorry for this inconvenience, but the son of the city lord is here and we have no more equipment. I believe that you don’t want to have enmity with him.”

Dre stopped his punching exercise and looked at the owner, wiping his forehead. His sweat trickled down on his lean, muscular body. Even though he looked like a kid, he had a well-toned body. Brushing his hand through his red hair, which turned black towards the end, he replied, “My parents told me that if I’ve been paid for something, then I shouldn’t complain later. It’s the same the other way around. I’ve paid to use this set of equipment, so it should be this young master who has to wait, not me.”

Not bothering with the owner anymore, he turned towards Aurora to have a sparring match. We taught them our Martial Arts and how to fight. Just as they took up their positions, Prion walked over, his arms crossed in front of his chest. “What are you doing? Take off those-”

“Would you stay silent?” Dreydon interrupted him, leaving Prion with his eyes and mouth opened wide.

“How dare you?!” he shouted after getting himself together.

Our daughter’s lips quivered for some unknown reason when she heard those three words. It felt even weirder when I saw Hiro doing the same. You told her about too many tropes… I remarked, shaking my head. He told many things about his past life since Aurora always listened with interest.

[I might facepalm too often, but you shake your head even more,] he thought, laughing aloud.

Dreydon and Aurora were at the third stage of the Domain Space Realm. Being at the third level, they were able to fly without wings too. Unlike us, Aurora still couldn’t transform at the third level, which meant that she had an even more powerful bloodline. Considering that it was the addition of two True Divine Beasts, it wasn’t surprising.

In fact, she never told it to Dre and Kana, but she could have advanced even further, especially with our guiding. But she decided to go alongside them since she found it more fun. Standing with a straight back, Aurora closed her legs and looked at Prion with a frown. “What do you want?” Dre asked, not knowing about the position of this little mouse.

[I wonder how this will turn out… it will surely turn out in an interesting and unexpected way…] Hiro kept whining unhappily, feeling bad that he had to listen to such a conversation. Grumpy old man… I thought, stopping the reflexive movement of my head.

[You totally wanted to shake your head. Haha, old habits die hard, you know?] he said with a chuckle. Pouting, I waited for the flabbergasted young master to finally talk again.

“I-I’m the son of the city lord!?” he shouted, not saying anything else.

“And?” Dre asked, raising a brow, not really understanding the relevance. Even if they knew that there were people like Prion, they had difficulties understanding their behavior. People in Sawolond were so much different. They were much more mature… Seeing Prion closing and opening his mouth, Dre asked, “Are you a fish?”

Aurora’s quivering lips opened wide as she broke out in a fit of laughter. It’s good that Kana is cultivating in the corner. This poor boy would be destroyed otherwise… they are a fearsome couple of kids! I thought, remembering the verbal abuse they gave to the last young master.

“I’m not a fish! How dare you?!” Prion shouted, showing his obvious lack of advanced vocabulary.

“Even though you still keep opening and closing your mouth? Bo-Ba-Bo-Ba, repeat after me,” Dre replied, exaggerating Prion’s facial movements. Hearing him talking aloud, not only Kana and Sophie, but the other people nearby noticed the clamor too. Noticing that many people were looking at him, Prion’s face turned red for a moment when he was about to shout. But Kana interrupted him…

“What are-”

“Why are you not training? Is this guy the next idiot? Why do such people keep appearing? Are people outside of Sawolond idiots? Look at his stupid face!” her thin voice resounded as she pointed her finger at Prion. They didn’t bully others, which we were happy to see. But they did bully those who picked a fight with them.

You totally don’t meet these kinds of people because of your parents… I thought with a chuckle leaving my lips. It wasn’t just us. The others too wanted their children to meet other types of people.

“You will feel sorry for this!” Prion shouted, glaring at our children and the owner of the place, before turning around to leave.

“Oh, no. Young Master, wait! I’ll take it away from them, alright? Just a moment, please,” the owner said with a red face, his sweat covered forehead glistening in the sunlight. A smile formed on my face, seeing that things turned out as I expected. He was afraid of the wrath of this little mouse or more like his background. He and Prion too were humans and just like their nature dictated, survival over everything else.

“I’m glad that you understand,” Prion said as he turned around, wearing a boastful expression on his face.

Kana and Dre looked at the owner with flabbergasted faces, while Aurora’s and Sophia’s expression never changed. They were much more mature than they looked, which felt a little weird to Hiro.

“Please don’t make this hard on me,” the owner said with an apologetic face, holding out his hand to receive Dre’s wristbands.

Seeing that he was winning, Prion took a step forward, “Not just his. Since they dared to be rude to me, take away theirs too. Also, don’t be nice to them. Just help me beating them!” he shouted, taking up a stance.

We told our kids that we won’t interfere, but I felt like appearing and taking care of these people… We avoided them like the plague when we were younger, but we still met a few of them. They made a thoughtful face upon sensing that the owner was at the ninth stage of the Domain Space Realm, while Prion was only at the first stage. The difference in strength was overwhelming, but they have learned how to use their strength and our Martial Art only helped them in utilizing it.

Sophia could deal with Prion, while the three of them should be able to have a go against this nameless owner. I was lazy to look for information about him and this damned brat never said his name either… [It feels as if we gave him some title…] Hiro said through our bond, a chuckle leaving his lips.

“I wonder what they will do,” Hēi said as he leaned forward, raising a brow, his long black hair sprawling out on the table.

Looking at each other, the kids nodded their heads. This time, it was our daughter who talked, “Take them away. If you can,” she said as the corners of her lips raised into a smile. Raising her hand, she beckoned Prion to attack.

Without saying anything, he rushed forward and jumped at Aurora. Considering the difference in strength, she just stepped to the side, her hands behind her back. Prion was surprised to see the difference in strength. Our children had the bodies of ten years old kids. For a guy who looked to be the age of twenty to attack them… it was more than weird.

But this just made the difference between normal people and our family even more obvious. As Aurora disappeared from his sight, Sophia appeared in front of him and punched him in the stomach. Prion fell to his knees and spat out a mouthful of blood. “What the hell are you?!” he shouted, wiping the sides of his mouth. I was left flabbergasted upon seeing him turning serious and collected.

Unlike before, that pompous and stupid aura was nowhere to be seen. What now? Was he just faking his stupidity? I thought with a frown on my face, my hand on my chin.

Stomping on the ground, he spread his legs and held out his right hand, his fingers opened. Breathing out long, he looked at our children with a frown on his face. He must have realized that they weren’t just simple kids. Kana looked at him from the side. Raising a brow, she said, “Such a shameless old man! Do you really intend to attack a cute little girl such as Sophia? Look at her short, silky brown hair. That cute face with cherry lips. Do you really have the heart to hit her? You are disgusting.”

Aurora laughed upon her words, followed by Dre. “Huh?” Prion gave out a stupid sound as he stopped standing in a stance. He looked at Kana with a dumbfounded look, but before he could say anything, he felt a pair of tiny hands touch his chest. Not minding the conversation, Sophia attacked him. Her powerful Qi entered Prion’s body and broke a few ribs. He fell to his knees from the sudden pain.

Grabbing the sides of his head, Sophia muttered a few words before kneeing him in the face. “Look at your opponent next time.” Prion was knocked out in the next second.

“W-What have you done?! We will be killed when the city Lord hears words about this case! I really don’t want to hit you, but the least I can do is make you unconscious. Hopefully, the city Lord will forgive me and you won’t punish you, kids, too much either,” the owner explained with an apologetic face.

Should we go now? I asked Hiro, not knowing what to do.

[Mh, let’s wait a bit more. I want to see what their next move is. I’d gladly help them anytime, but I think that it would be bad if they relied on us every time. Not for us, but for them.] he replied, kissing the top of my head.

“You are in public…” Rose remarked, shaking her head.

“We don’t care. It’s not like seeing someone kissing is disturbing. Just think of Sawolond,” I replied as the corners of my lips raised.

“Don’t even mention that place. So many shameless people,” she said, furrowing her brows.

“Hēi, you should seduce her. She is too shy in front of others,” I said, looking at Hēi with a smirk. Her mouth opened wide, Rose looked at me without saying a word, “...”


“So you want to beat us up, huh?” Aurora said, breathing out long. Turning upward, she looked at the sky. Crossing her fingers, she pressured them until hearing short cracking sounds. “Ah~ My bones always feel refreshed after doing that” she mumbled in a low voice. Grabbing Prion’s right hand, Sophia dragged his body towards the wall.

The sight of a little girl dragging an unconscious and pompous young master was worth money. The onlookers had dumbfounded faces on, which only added to the joy we felt. Well, we too were looked at. People in the restaurant thought that we were idiots…

The owner frowned upon seeing them so calm, even though the difference in their strength was supposed to be huge. “Let’s get over with this. I’ll try to not hurt you and be quick,” he said, jumping forward.

His first target was Kana since she stood the closest to him. He tried punching Kana, but she ducked down, evading his quick movement. “How may I call you Old Man?” she asked, kicking his knee. Seeing that her attack had little to no reaction, she jumped back. “My name is Ela,” he said, his foot crushing the ground right at the point where Kana stood before.

Looking up, he was surprised to see six Qi attacks flying towards him. All of them had the shape of a mix between a dragon and a hydra. In fact, their Qi attacks looked the same as ours. Finding them dangerous, he raised his arms and formed a Qi shield in front of him. Knowing the counter attack for such shapes, Kana formed a spear out of her Qi and struck the energy shield a tiny bit before Aurora’s and Dre’s attack arrived.

With the shield weakened, Dre’s attack crushed it, while Aurora’s struck Ela’s upheld arms. His flesh was torn on his left hand, showing his bone at a tiny spot. His fresh blood trickled down on his arm and splashed on the ground. “Guh. You are monsters! Where are you from?” Ela shouted, probably feeling that something was wrong. Our children were way too strong, even for Divine Beasts. They were like educated True Divine Beasts, who didn’t have to learn everything from inborn memories. They were trained properly.

He surely noticed that their background must be just as good as Prion’s unless he was an idiot. “Can we talk this over?” he asked with a red face, earning a sudden kick from behind. Dre was trained by his parents, so he was more of an assassin type. His attacks were quick and point on. But with his bloodline, fighting like an assassin was pointless. His body was tough and strong.

He fell forward upon receiving Dre’s kick. Seeing our daughter’s attack incoming, he used his full strength to defend himself. “You attacked us before and now you want to be the peacemaker!? That’s quite interesting!” Kana laughed at him, as she attacked his right flank.

Feeling a little annoyed, he used his right arm to release a Qi attack towards Kana. Knowing that the difference in strength was too big, she jumped to the side, barely escaping his attack. If not for dealing with Aurora at the same time, she would have been struck.

“ARGH! You are so annoying! You, tiny people, keep attacking me!” Ela shouted, grabbing the sides of his head. Collecting his Qi into a huge ball, he shot it towards our daughter. She seemed to be surprised by the sudden change of style. We taught her that big attacks had weak points. Using her senses, she looked for the spot with the least amount of Qi in it and then shot a powerful piercing Qi attack towards it.

Ela’s attack turned much weaker. But Aurora probably thought that it would be destroyed. Seeing the impending danger, she jumped to the side, only to see a fist in front of her face. Ela was about to punch our daughter. She raised her hand and closed her eyes, but didn’t feel anything, even after seconds. Opening one eye, she saw my smiling face.

Hiro was holding Ela’s fist, a few millimeters away from her face. “Mother? Father? Didn’t you say that you won’t interfere?” she asked, her head tilted to the side.

Scratching the back of my head, I replied with a stiff face, “We did. But would you just stand watching while someone was beating up one of your friends? Multiply that feeling by the biggest number you know and you would understand how we would feel. We can’t let something like that happen to you, can we?”

“Mhm. I love you, Mother, Father,” she mumbled, nodding her head.

“ARGH!” Ela shouted as Hiro crushed his fist. “Ah! Sorry. My hand twitched when I heard my daughter saying such a cute thing,” he exclaimed, turning around and hugging Aurora.

“This is…” Ela mumbled as the gears started moving in his head. Nobody below the eighth level was able to hide his or her aura completely. Considering that we had nothing of the sort, he probably realized the ‘problem’ of the situation.

“I’m terribly sorry!” he shouted, knocking his head against the ground. Waving our hand, we teleported to the restaurant nearby. He would be beaten up for his deeds by the city Lord either way. We could also kill him, but considering that we used them to give an important lesson to our children, we spared their lives. Well, we did feel bittersweet upon thinking that they would live, even after raising a hand to our daughter.

“Why can’t we just go and kill all of them?” Poirlion said with a grumpy face, hugging Kana into his chest.

“Father! You are squeezing me too tight!” she shouted, trying to push away his arms. We spent the rest of the day with having fun. While Aurora was in the bathroom, we were still thinking hard about her present. Her birthday was tomorrow yet we still couldn’t decide what we wanted to give her!

I sat on the side of the bed, while Hiro kept walking back and forth, his brows furrowed. In the next moment, he stomped on the ground. His body stopped on the spot, twitching upon thinking of an idea. I think that my eyes had stars in them too…

“Let’s go!” he said, grabbing my hand and teleporting to another location. It was a high-class clothing factory.

A grin spread on my face upon seeing the owner of the place. This will be fun! For us, at least~

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